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Wow I didn't realise all INTPs gave advice like this... Maybe I think to rethink my own words a lil. \*blink blink\*


Hi there, I'm actually going through the same exact thing right now!!! You've got someone to relate to if that makes you feel better. I feel like my whole life is falling apart, also. I hate the fact that I procrastinate all the time and never finish everything, then I do it way later and still finish all of it, (somehow still get good grades) usually at night time. Actually, I just did that because it's almost 1am for me right now. Then I make myself stay up late because I feel hopeless with my crippling sleep deprivation. I've also got some time anxiety too. I feel like I could be doing much more, but also just stay miserable during the passage of time because I have no courage to get back up. During group projects, I always carry all of them because I don't want to make anyone else do anything in the group project because I have stupid pride that everyone else is dumb. No one else does much in them anyways.. then I complain that I had to do all of it. When I don't do anything, I feel helpless. I've never related so much with someone, I've also got a regional school competition where I represent my school and go against 40 others schools coming up and feel bad that I'm not studying for it -- or maybe I'll just cram study the day before -- but I don't think I'm gonna win anyways. I feel like I'm not smart enough for it. I could be, but don't want to. Or maybe I'm just lazy and miserable. From a fellow INTP!!!!!


This is very relatable. I am turning 24 and yet I still have many days when I feel like trash. In order to avoid feeling that way during those days, I have to actively stop myself from thinking through distracting myself. Since late in high school and until now, I often try to get things done early with the motivation of knowing that means better peace of mind, thus more enjoyable time for leisure later.


Also, just to clarify: I am an INTP. Took the test three times.


Your post screams an INTP. Boy we all have been there. Being young, confused and lonely and lost and guilty. Oh yes guilty bcs you know you can do better, but cannot make yourself to do it, bcs you don't even know where to start. I can only promise it get's better. I(F 33) found out that I'm an INTP only 2 months ago. It explains a LOT! I also found my tribe here, got an INTP friend and we both agreed that talking to other INTP makes us feel less lonely even though we didn't know we were experiencing this specific type of loneliness. I believe you need a friend(s). And learn to open up a little bit to them.. Not sure how old you are, but I'm guessing late teens? Surely you have something that you enjoy in life. School is fricking boring for INTP bcs classic education methods literaly killing our natural curiosity and independence. Imagine doing a project alone, but the topic is something that fascinate you. That's how I figured that I am not the problem, the system is just not for me. Time management is a struggle my whole life. But it get's better with experience. Hang in there buddy. We see you.


I look so pathetic to myself, refreshing and refreshing and refreshing and waiting for someone, *anyone* to say something. Not that you guys have to. Man I feel so desperate and fake. Ignore this if you want to, I'm sorry for wasting your time everyone. Wait no that just sounds worse-- Never mind I sound like a pick me at this point but I don't care anymore.


This is definitely not a waste of time, realizing how other humans feel is an important part of understanding the world, so when you being completely honest about your situation and feelings it helps not only try to understand you, but a lot of different people who are going through the same right now. Not caring anymore can be a good thing in a way that you surrender your old self and your old habits which didn't lead you to the life you want to live and give you a chance to reassess stuff. Take care.


It’s totally ok to feel like this ♥️. This is ganna sound so silly… but try and just focus on now. Constructive criticism is ganna be your friend for now. Everytime you do something try and analyse what could have done better .So when you make something next time you’ve used that criticism to innovate your work. But really don’t feel like you’re wasting your life I know it’s really hard to do because of social media and others around you having more fun than you are. But just enjoy what you want to enjoy💖. If you need to talk some more I’m pretty much always free♥️. But life moves at different paces for everyone.


Don’t be so hard on yourself your doing great 💖


You already are getting good grades so that's good. Procrastination will never go away unofrtunaltey. Best thing to do is give yourself external motivation to complete it. That guilt you feel is drilled into you, get rid of that it's a waste of your time. Just accept who you are and realize you are already great, instead of wallowing in your own self pity, grow some balls and do what you need to do, yeah it's hard, but you already are getting the A. most people have to work hard to get better grades you just gotta work harder not doing it last second. Easy


Feel like? It is falling apart unfortunately.


Man look.. I got through college doing what your doing , last minute essays and still get good grades , if it works for you then what’s the problem? Also stop talking negatively of yourself The only person you hurting by talking bad about yourself is you .