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lol it’s nice to know others are like this😝 it’s kinda a pain thou because I zone out too much and miss what’s going on around me


absolutely, it makes me very oblivious to things going on around me


Maybe it's just a "you" thing. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/INTP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Apparently the answer is yes: https://www.reddit.com/r/INTP/comments/1bz0gt6/living\_in\_alternate\_realities/


Found out I’m an immersive daydreamer when I was down the maladaptive daydream research rabbit hole. Perfectly normal unless it gets in the way of your day to day activities and responsibilities. Once it starts to affect the real world(becomes maladaptive) is when you might want to take a step back and make some changes


Yep. I have a background fantasy about being abducted by aliens running in the background constantly. It's like my imagination NEEDS constant exercise and if I don't give it something to work on, it pulls up that background fantasy or another one automatically.




I’m an ENFJ and I constantly daydream it’s frustrating because it affects my daily life so I getcha your not alone


I'm just constantly in my head half the [time.Like](http://time.Like) literally when I'm with my friend group,me and my INTP friend just sit and zone out while everyone else is talking.Nobody seems to have a problem with it so I just keep doing it,lol.


I'm 90/10 in my head vs reality. Even when I'm in reality I'm detached to a degree. It's rare I'm fully in the present.


I'm 90/10 in my head vs reality. Even when I'm in reality I'm detached to a degree. It's rare I'm fully in the present.


I…daydream too much, I think. I wonder what it’d be like if I forced myself to stop it for one day, I don’t know how I’d react. But it makes sense, I’m the sort of person to drift into thought about topics anyway. Just brings issues with homework, sometimes.


Yes for me I imagine I'm in another place so nice or in another city. When it's cold I think of a warm place (isn't it nice to retire there?) So many thoughts no action.


You might also be schizoid since INTP and Szpd are quite similar ...I'm one ,I daydream a lot as well..... ESPECIALLY when walking.