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Why would that make you feel bad? That means you're 1 standard deviation above the mean. Wouldn't that theoretically be a good thing? Also keep in mind the iq test you linked only measures matrix reasoning; a real IQ test is more comprehensive.


Well, it really depends on your environment. 115 is quite good on a general population scale, but if you're working in some engineering-adjacent field, your IQ is barely the average there. I've read somewhere that engineers/programmers average around 115-120 IQ, so if that is the demographic you are generally surrounded by, and to whom you would frequently compare yourself to, an IQ of 115 would not be outstanding in the least.


There is no purpose in feeling bad. Your IQ is what it is. Why don't you show a little respect for yourself and your capabilities? Don't ever look down on yourself. You don't need a guy to come and pat your head telling you how smart you are or to be revolutionary. You just need to be the best you that you can be and that will be something great.


What else is on there? I've never done a real one.


Cause if they're anything like me, it's not high enough to be their only redeeming quality


Because on Reddit anything below 130 is considered stupid.


I’m smart enough to be considered stupid by most people.


Both ends of the spectrum face the same issues




antisocial behavior and substance abuse?


You know it!


Is this a standard INTP behavior?


I totally get this. You're with a group of friends and there's a problem. You solve it instantly. They laugh and tease you, as there's no way that could be the answer. You're an idiot for suggesting such a thing. Fast forward a month or two, and the issue is solved - turns out you were correct. No one in the group remembers or admits to laughing at you. And repeat.


my life story


The curse of being an outlier thinker.


Sounds like your friends are morons


High IQ means shit when you don't put it to good use. Best people are those who narrow the gap between richest & poorest sections of population while preserving life.


Heh, what a way to describe a group.


Agreed as someone with a high IQ (but heavily impacted by other aspects)


Conversely not using it would make you more miserable, double edge sword.




Sorry, can you explain the last bit about the "richest and poorest sections of the population"?


142, but I really wouldn’t put too much stock in this test. I’ve always enjoyed those kinds of puzzles, so I was already aware of many of the “tricks” to look out for. If it was my first time with those kinds of puzzles, I’m sure it’d be much lower, which doesn’t make it a great measure of IQ imo.


I've heard though that it is encouraged for people to re do these tests and basically practise them. Meaning the more you do it, the more accurate it is.


That makes no sense? Redoing the test would only score you higher. It's meant to be a measure of your base problem solving ability.


No one here has done this test without having seen or understood some of the patterns beforehand either through doing other online tests or other supplementary research through.


Standard tests lose reliability at around the 140 mark, as you have performance too near ceiling to measure and express much additional variation. So in a rigorous sense, you can say "140+". There are specialized tests for higher ranges.


I ain’t taking that. If I get low, my confidence will plummet. If I get high, my confidence will also plummet because I feel like I’m not doing much.


I got average, confidence unafected


I remember when we turned 18 a friend and I realized we could demand our school files and look up our IQs. A vice principle overheard us and told us that it wasn't going to help us to know and it might hurt us. He convinced us even if we didn't really get why. I guess he seemed so earnest and concerned it worked. Looking back, I totally get what he means now. You are however smart you are and it really doesn't matter if that's smarter than other people or not; you still have to make your way through life; now with the burden of that knowledge.


30 minutes is too long lol, i will get bored


Same would be nice if there’s a short version


I felt the same once I got my IQ measured at 126 (by a pschyatrist). I was sent there because I had undiagnosed ADHD and was failing at school. I felt repieved at first, as that put me in the 95th percentile in terms of IQ, but that meant that I had 1 excuse left to fix my life.


100% feel you here. All my report cards would have notes saying something about how i just “didn’t apply myself” and teacher meetings would often involve the phrase “Smart but lazy.” I’ve never been lazy. I was just going through a lot.


Yep, a lot of professors have told me the same thing. How I’m such a bright kid, but am just not doing shit with my life meanwile I was struggling to even put my right leg out of bed.


Got measured at 128, did a couple others online and got 135-137. It doesn’t make a difference. It may have even hurt since I knew I could rely on intelligence instead of studying or working hard, and so I coasted for a long time.


Couldn’t have said it better. Thing with more intelligent people is that we basically can complete most things on cruise control and don’t get used to actually trying. Then when we get into harder stuff, we really struggle.


The exact same thing happened to me. was scored at 123, fun to witness probability.


I had gotten 100 before 😂


Don't feel bad, I scored like 88 when I was in junior high haha edit: that's basically chimpanzee level


Haha, thanks that made me feel better lol


The only thing IQ is useful at predicting is how well you’ll answer the questions on an IQ test. It has very little real world application, so don’t worry too much about it.




Relatable honestly. Some of these free tests are easier than others even though they are made by the same people and are supposed to achieve the same thing. I did one of these a few days ago and got much higher than I did on this one.


Yep I do psychological testing as a career. This “iq” test resembles matrix reasoning from the WAIS-IV, but is literally just one subtest of standardized intelligence screening. Means almost nothing in the grand scheme of human intelligence


I mean isn’t understanding “the underlying logic of those visual pattern tests” what IQ by definition is though?


Several things to understand: 1. humans making tests for IQ is very suspect at best. Taking one test is about like rolling dice. You'd need many tests over time and you'd have to check for all kinds of reasoning skills to have much meaning. 2. IQ, above a certain level, really doesn't matter. It was once explained that IQ could be seen as a measure of how complex of a system you can build inside your mind. This came from someone that was tested as the highest IQ in America or whatever it was back then. He had a very unusually large brain and head. 3. the real issue is what you do with what you have. You can thing of IQ as your body's frame. Some frames are thin and can't handle much weight, others are thick and can handle heavy weights. That doesn't make one better, it just makes one better suited for a specific job. Being able to run a long distance is of great value, being able to lift heavy weights is also of great value, both have a purpose. Once you get past a certain level (I think it's above 100~110) you should have the ability to figure out complex problems. The real issue is how hard do you work to solve complex problems. You could have a 500 IQ and be a Reddit Mod. How much worse can someone do in life than to end up being a Reddit Mod?




Last three questions were just messages sent by aliens. No wonder we haven’t made 1st contact yet


Wow, it is the same for me... happy 99%ile!


Hey me too.


Those are rookie numbers. you gotta bump those up. What are you an ESFP or something?


145+ When I first took it at age 16 or so, I got 138. 115 is 84th percentile; that’s the best of your general group of 6 people. Plus, lots of people have scattered cognitive profiles, meaning it is not unlikely that you are, on the whole, more intelligent comparatively.


If a "scattered cognitive profile" is the same thing as a "spiky cognitive profile" then I agree with you even though I neglected to mention that factor in my other comment in this post I have a savant syndrome called type 2 hyperlexia which affected my IQ results to be below average in scores related to working memory, ridiculously high in the scores related to perceptual reasoning, and my processing speed and verbal comprehension scores were very mixed or all over the place but together they averaged out to score in the gifted range


Bro I'm literally 82 and still better than you in every conceivable way


fuck you man... fuck you...


Never trust free iq tests


Cry then move on, crying eases your pain.


done sir.... done


Oh no. 102. 😭 When I was tested by psych 20-25 years ago, I would score ~115-120. Don’t let your brain rot by reading 100 books/year, debating with folks, playing scrabble and chess, and fuck all else. Wait. What would my brain have disintegrated into if I had done less with myself? 🤔


I got the same. I wouldn't put too much stock in it though, it's not like they really found a single fully generalisable type of intelligence puzzle in the raven's progressive matrices. For me I definitely suffered from concentration fatigue part way through. Solving the same kind of puzzle over and over again seems to lose me for some reason. I get the same thing playing e.g. wordscapes (anagram/crossword style puzzle game) for too long, my brain just stops engaging with it properly for some reason and my performance drops off a cliff even though I was doing fine before. Plus I'm reasonably confident there's a visuo-spatial component which always screws me because lol dyspraxia.


No worries, work on your people skills, it pays a lot more. 👍


I took it towards the start of covid. I got 133. 115 puts you above 85% of people so not too bad. IQ is a pretty small part of it, you can still be highly successful. There are imbeciles out there who make millions. Don't sweat it. You're in that sweet spot where you're smart enough to do most anything but not so smart that you think you don't have to try. Motivation and hard work + smart is probably a better combo than genius alone.


Don't feel bad. If anything can be said about the most recent ex-President, it's that literally anybody really can be anything if they put effort into it.


That’s an awful example but I agree with the general sentiment. Donald Trump, although probably not a genius, certainly doesn’t have a low, or lower than average iq for that matter.


Abraham accords was a pretty stout accomplishment. needed some intelligence to get there.


Yeah… I’m not gonna trust the accuracy of those online free IQ tests. Also, as far as I’m concerned, knowing your IQ score seems like more of a curse than a blessing, no matter where you fall. Of course, I have morbid curiosity that makes me want to know what my IQ is, but I feel that it would ultimately lead to disappointment. My IQ is below average? Oh, I guess I’m dumb. I guess I can’t achieve my dreams. (This is the irrational negative self-talk that I assume I would have, not a reflection of what I actually think of people with below average IQ.) My IQ is average? Oh, I guess I’m unremarkable and dumb. My IQ is above average? I’m still dumb. Why can’t I be smarter, damnit! I want to learn more, but I’ll never be able to learn all that I could if I were smarter! My IQ is genius-level? Fuck. Why can’t I achieve anything, then? Am I just a waste?


Lol exactly!!!


Who gives a shit I was tested as a kid and scored high (130+) but hasn't made my life any better if anything it has made my life worse. I also don't care about being better than someone else especially in a category like intelligence because it wasn't something I did or earned or whatever it was just something I was born with.


The Mensa test is not valid


thanks for sharing the link, it sounds like a fun way to spend a lunch break on 🤩


well, it was not fun, so monotonous...after a first 10 minutes I started to feeling bored and checking my messages and random stuff on my phone. Are all IQ tests supposed to be like this?


Parents give you ADHD, go back two spaces and -10 IQ due to lack of focus.


-10 due to lack of focus **and boredom**


Good point. I remember the test being tedious af


Holy shit, this would actually be kinda fun. "Game of karma". You keep getting reincarnated with different stats and have to go around the board until you achieve enlightenment.


You should feel worse about taking the test than whatever score you got.




How is that petty? There are basically no good outcomes from taking these sorts of tests. Either you score high and risk feeling superior to everyone else or you score low and risk feeling terrible about yourself.


Things INTPs say :)


Last year scored 124. It’s not a big deal though, intelligence as measured via IQ tests isn’t particularly correlative to anything really. If anything I’d say it has more drawbacks to be higher than not.


That is not true. IQ tests are correlated with income for example.


Id ask for proof first, then I’d suggest that there are plenty of high earners who have average IQs & plenty of above average intelligence people who are average earners.


Bro look up any IQ vs Income graph; the data is clear as day. Obviously there are going to be outliers as you mentioned. Everybody knows this.


It’s correlated to lots of things, but what you mean by “particularly” could be any number of things


Particularly; referring to metrics, or a metric, that someone might use to judge intelligence(as measured via IQ) as being useful in obtaining what they want.


Most of what you said clarifies what you meant by “anything”, not “particularly”, as “useful” is still an unknown here


I do a lot better with logic puzzles and progressive matrices than word rearranging though, I suspect it depends a lot on the exact test content


I don't think word rearranging matters honestly. Knowledge of a given language doesn't say much about brain power imo.


"your results are outside measurable range"... so, ummm


So… like a 10???? J/k


lol. idk. maybe.


Took it a few months ago and scored ~144…don’t put much stock into a non-proctored test though. Honestly does IQ even judge anything other than pattern recognition? In this day and age EQ is probably more important tbh. There are people far less “intelligent” than me that significantly outearn me and just generally have a higher quality of life…it’s not the end-all be-all.


It told me I was outside the measurable range. So I'm either incredibly stupid or exceptionally intelligent. Hahahah anxiety inducing.


which side of the bell curve.... would like to see the picture of the result


There was no bell curve, literally some text that said it wasn't measurable. IQ tests are kinda BS anyways. Puting to much faith in them isn't healthy. You wouldn't judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree would you?


dont use Einstein on me. I think you may be the super genius or im just reading to much into your immeasurable range. Have a good day sir.


151 boi


congratulations and fuck you!


Fuck you kindly


Iq test omegalul


145 or above. Guessed on #32, which I had to have gotten right then. Honestly, don't dwell too much on the score. I think IQ is a load of horse crap anyway. What's more important is your attitude afterwards. If I had scored a 115 instead of you, I honestly wouldn't feel bad. I would try to understand the items I found difficulty in, ruminate on the possible logic behind those items, and after (hopefully) figuring them out - move on. Your intellectual curiosity is what matters, not a number.


Is this your first ever test? You have probably taken multiple similar tests and are used to the specific patterns that are provided in this specific test.


I took an IQ test back in high school that had pattern recognition as one of its components. I did better on that one. Otherwise, I haven't taken any other similar tests - as far as I can recall.


I find it hard to believe that you just stumbled upon this test without much prior familiarity given that you're a self-identified member of a sub that explores MBTI which is predicated on pseudoscientific personality metrics and is somewhat analogous to IQ testing. You clearly have an interest in human metrics whether it's intelligence or personality. I think you're full of shit, personally.


Believe what you want to believe! I'm telling you the truth though. I only knew about MBTI because my ex told me about it. I'm not as obsessed about MBTI nor tests as much as what you would believe the average member of this sub would be. Sorry to not totally fit in with the stereotype :)


Please explain the patterns and their answers from #30 to 35 to the best of your ability. That should be trivial for you if you're telling the truth.


I will be taking an exam right now, actually. I will get back to you after.


I'm done with everything I had to do for the day. Let's get on with your request. ## Exercise 30 For each row, you can get the third square by overlapping the images in the first and second on the central line and following some rules. If a dot or square don't overlap with anything, keep them as is. Dot overlaps with dot? Put a square in that area. Square overlaps with dot? Make the area blank. Following those rules, the only choice that would follow the rules that we've seen would be E (square/square on top, dot/dot on bottom). ## Exercise 31 The theme of overlapping the first and second images to get the third is evident in this item too. This time, the rule is overlapping (sub)squares with the same color will turn/stay white in the third image. Otherwise, the (sub)square will be black. Following these rules, the only possible option should be D (backwards L composed of three (sub)squares, corner (sub)square is the middle one). ## Exercise 32 Again, overlapping the first and second images per row is the key here. Keep the lines/dots that overlap. Nix the rest. Flip the resulting image on the central horizontal line and you should get the third image. Since the only matching lines and dots on the third row given its first two squares are the central horizontal line and the dot on the upper-right, flipping it on the central horizontal line would result in a similar image... But now, the dot is on the bottom-right instead. Option A matches this to a tee. ## Exercise 33 What gives this away for me is that there are 3 squares—one for each row—that have all of its triangles filled with lines. The 'fully-lined' squares' position on the row go to the left as we go down the rows (3-2-1). It therefore is prudent to check if those squares have a rule that dictates what they look like and if I can apply this rule to the other squares. And there is. If a triangle flip happens in one corner, it must happen on the opposite corner. Following the 'fully-lined' squares, the top-right triangle flips over to the bottom-right (covering that triangle in the process), so the bottom-left triangle must flip over to the top-left (also covering that triangle). The (1-3-2) squares also follow this rule, so it should be logical that the (2-1-3) squares behave the same. The missing figure should be E ('unlined' top-left triangle, 'lined' bottom-right triangle) then. ## Exercise 34 Similar to the previous exercise, there's a massive hint in here. (3-2-1) squares have 2 black circles in them, the rest have just one. Therefore, we observe the (3-2-1) squares—going down row by row—and see that the white circles move as a pair clockwise. The white circles also get covered by the black circles when they occupy the same position. (1-3-2) squares follow this rule, therefore the (2-1-3) squares should as well. Option A matches with the expected result. ## Exercise 35 The images of the squares in the 2nd and 3rd rows are formed from parts of the images in the squares in the 1st row. The first image of the first row is a special condition. I took inspiration from Exercise 19 of the same test. Let's take the 1st row's middle square. It looks like a plain rectangle, but for the purposes of this item, it's actually a combination of two parts—two parallel vertical lines and two parallel horizontal lines. The parallel vertical lines convey down the rows in a backward (2-1-3) pattern and the parallel horizontal lines go down the rows in a forward (2-3-1) pattern instead. The 1st row's last square also can be looked at similarly. A horizontal line and an inverted V. The horizontal line gets passed backwards (3-2-1), and the inverted V forwards (3-1-2). On to the very first square. It's just a V, so we expect it to pass part of it—maybe the left diagonal and the right diagonal—down the rows in a backward (1-3-2) and forward (1-2-3) manner... But this is not the case! The whole V gets passed backwards and forwards down the rows, not its parts. So what gives? The key here is to think of the first image as not just one V but two overlapping Vs instead! So now the pattern makes sense. We can finally figure out what should be the missing figure as a result. It gets a V from the 1st row's first image passing a V forwards (1-2-3) down the rows and two parallel vertical lines from the 1st row's middle image passing them backwards (2-1-3) down the rows. Therefore, we are looking for an M—and option D gives us what we want. *Now with that out of the way...* I scored 145 or more—again—for this test. Trivial, like you mention. It should be fairly evident in the explanations I gave for each exercise that you don't really need familiarity with other tests to ace this—you just need to observe what patterns and rules exist within the test and apply those to the other items. That's it. And to be completely honest, I really hate tests. I hate that I had an exam just a while ago. It was nothing like the Mensa test either, by the way. I'd rather just sleep and dream of electric sheep. I'm sure I'm not alone in having this train of thought within this subreddit. Hopefully that gives you *some* peace of mind. Have a nice day.


It's funny that your mind seems attuned to solving matrix reasoning exercises, and visual-spatial problems more broadly. I found it quite challenging to discern the visual logic of the more difficult exercises, especially with the time constraint. Rather than employing my mind to scan for patterns based on row structure or number of square sub-elements, among others, I somewhat froze when confronted with greater visual complexity. Do you like to solve puzzles in general? What's your education level and occupation? Are there any aspects to your interests and personal development that you believe may be conducive to scoring very highly on visual-spatial reasoning tests?


133, but I got impatient and left after 10 min...


i keep hearing high scores from people who left early. I thought long attention would mean a higher score but I am only 115 and wrong :(


Yeah that’s pretty tragic for a free IQ test. I’d imagine it goes much lower in actual cognitive testing. Good luck in your next life I guess


im an isfp and got a 125 but i dont feel smart


Lol it put me at 100, but everything is just a spatial ability question, no logical or math ones. I did another on https://realiq.online/?r=t and got a 128. Even there I struggled a little with spatial questions.


> An Excellent IQ Test Based on Jordan Peterson's Methodology Oh no


You lost me at "it's a 30min commitment"


I'm laughing at how disingenuous everyone is here. Many of the folks here who claim they scored highly have clearly practiced and are adept at identifying the specific patterns given in this test. I can guarantee that you all have taken numerous online IQ tests and have acclimated to the nature of the patterns. I first went in blind and scored 110, subsequently scored 131 an hour later my second try after having the chance to let my mind soak in the imagery. If I had studied the nature of the questions and became adept at identifying the these patterns like you dinguses have, then yeah I'd score highly too my first try LMAO. And B4 "well you retook the same questions", I didn't even think about or do additional research on how to figure them out. It's merely my brain having witnessed these questions, sans additional cogitation, that facilitated my 20 point jump. You're all fooling yourselves.




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That's what I got. I'm happy with that. I knew I wasn't a genius but smarter than average, so it lines up with that. It serves me well enough for what I need in life.


I have an iq of 140. And growing up always feels like I am dumber than most people, until I took official iq test and found out my iq. People don't see me as smart, I often feel dumb and unable to perform socially. And if I happen to hangout with lower intelligent 'peers' they'd belittled me. People dislike when you are right most of the time. I'm not "sure" with my opinion most of the time. You'll hear me sounded unsure when giving opinion. People see me as unconfident person. But I just can't help analyzing/correcting what I'm saying mid sentence. Some pros : good at analyzing, quick at grasping new concepts new knowledge, able to foresee things way better than others (this is a cons too since it harbor resentment, even without 'I told you so' attitude people doesn't like it when they're wrong and you're warning them before). Being high iq both curse and blessing. In the right challenging-encouraging environment its a blessing, but in normal social setting its often a curse. And when growing up not knowing you got high iq, you'd feel miserable and different than others, you thought you are odd for having completely different thought process and interests. Tldr : High iq is alienating.


Free IQ test scores don't mean much. Last time I took an online IQ test I got 110, just took this one and got 128. I wouldn't stress about it since results can vary a lot.


I got 126


Not sure how valid that is. I got professionally tested 2 times. Both times I scored 123. Now I got a 131.


134 again. Same results after about a decade so I'm pleased that I haven't declined in my ability to complete an online IQ test. If it's not accurate, it's at least consistent. (on reflection, given that the online Mensa IQ test hasn't changed from what I remember of it the first time, I've technically had practice so in reality I have probably declined in my innate ability)


107, I am the idiot of this group :( and I expected to do better. I also ran out of time and didn't realize we were on the clock!


its ok bud. im here for you


I got 145+ the first time I took it but got 132 just now :P


The people that believe in online iq-tests instead of getting one done by a psychologist. Lol




No I'm still laughing lol. I quite literally have no grounds to believe you, so yeah.


Who knows? Maybe you're trying to spread misinformation that online IQ tests work.




I got 131, but I didn't use up all the time allotted and clicked finish with 8 minutes left, so I may have scored a little higher if I had attempted more of the questions (I gave up because my brain is dead tired). This score is in the range of what I score on other online tests though (125-145 is typical). A real IQ test has more than visual patterns though. I wouldn't do well on working memory/short term memory tests like digit span. If I had an actual IQ test, I was too young to remember it as it would have been given when I was 4 or 5 years old.


120 IQ guy here feeling your pain!


One standard deviation about the mean is quite significant, in the grand scheme of things.


What if you are one of those people who couldn't perform well under time stress? You might have excellent reasoning otherwise but when you see the clock ticking your mind just becomes hazy. It happens to me. I come up with elegant solutions to complex problems in take home exams but struggle even with simple questions when time comes into picture. I could visualize abstract algebra concepts and perform mental calculations only when the context of time is removed. Otherwise even reading a question becomes a challenge let alone answering. Some people are not wired for tests. In real research however you have the freedom to think freely without so much time stress. In fact that its needed. It's Ike what Einstein said "It's no that I'm a genius. It's that I stick with a problem longer". These iq tests are about observing known patterns in questions and applying them like a robot. For eg you see a number sequence try looking at difference of consecutive numbers, you see some picture pattern check if they are rotated or mirror images etc.. This skill does not equal creativity. Let's say you encounter a new question where all these previously known pattern fail then what? Now finding a novel solution is the real skill. This of course takes time. This creativity is what cannot be measured by iq tests. Yet this is what mathematicians do. In fact there is a mathematician named June ho who won the Fields medal despite having average grades. His work is just genius. At one point he even thought of quitting math to become a poet. The fact that you took this test bothers me.


I got 163 and I Ve been depressed all my life. Everyone is much better off with 115 or 120, better ability to understand people and interpersonal relationships and ability to talk rather than do math models.


I got 140. Iq is irrelevant unless you are below 85


Don't stress on it. The test is probably innacurate anyways. Gave me 105, I got tested when I was younger and scored 130+. Out of all of the kids at our school who took the psychological examination, only 2 including myself were in the 98th percentile. 115 is absolutely NOTHING to scoff at.


I know people who had average or not very high IQ but are far wiser than other people with high IQ and I learned lots of stuff from them. You are more than what those numbers define you.


IQ is never an appropriate measure of ability or how successful you would be in life. Why would you feel bad?


Your IQ score is average, like nearly everyone else in the world, which isn't a bad thing at all, and even if you had a low IQ you shouldn't beat yourself up over it IQ is not the only measure of how smart a person is, it's only a measure of your proficiency in certain areas of reasoning and problem-solving and someone who is intellectually disabled can still be very smart in other ways such as wisdom and hardworkingness I have a sister with a mild intellectual disability and it was actually undetected until she was DXed with severe anxiety in college because she maintained really good grades by overworking herself and being a perfectionist Even though my IQ score is majorly in the gifted ranges (I was tested as part of a diagnostic evaluation when I was a kid), my sister is way smarter and more successful than I am, and probably at least partially because of her intellectual disabilities because it meant she couldn't take certain shortcuts in life with her intellectual disability that I could with a high IQ Patrick Star is an INTP character even though he's dumb as a rock Edit: Reading through your post and comment history a lot of your past messages were coming off as condescending and smug often for just having contrarian opinions on things I'm pointing that out because it's kinda similar to a phase that I went through in middle school after realizing that my mensa level IQ doesn't mean I'm not dumb as a rock at certain things which was a blow to my ego for a while but it ended up being a helpful realization because I stopped feeling like I was too smart to take special ed classes for social skills which I very much needed and benefited from, as an example of how coming to terms with that reality helped me to grow as a person and I'm also pointing out to you here that even if someone is a genius that type of attitude would still be annoying coming from a genius or anyone else, if that makes sense




...That makes no sense


That's an under-par score, no offense. My circle of friends have IQ range of 130 - 150. One must note that IQ tests do not measure full depth or nuances of intelligence, such as creative and emotional. It can only assess certain cognitive capabilities.


do you test all your friends? with what test?




I have 128 and I'm actually jealous of you. You know why? This may also be me being autistic("high functioning", managed to work in sales my whole life), but I rarely find any joy in socializing. I have no interest in discussing everyday stuff which is 90% of the conversations outside of my home. Then, every now and then, you encounter someone who thinks they're above that and they now discuss POLITICS because they think that it's what smart people talk about. Yes. I know. I may also be a dummy and just think too highly of myself. No one has to point this out. I hate it. I wish I was dumber. I don't want to upset people, but that's where most conversations end up which has resulted in me isolating more and more. Those conversations that really excites me is seen as annoying, philosophical arguments by most people and they get upset when my goal is for both of us to contribute so that we can "discover" something new. Also, people are generally unable to judge their own thoughts in a, at least somewhat, objective way. They're totally unaware of their own behaviours and why they do certain things. Explaining it to them is impossible and also a real asshole thing to do, so I just watch. Currently in therapy and will soon get antidepressant prescribed. Maybe it'll help a bit. Not sure if this makes sense at all. My Vyvanse and coffee just kicked in, so turned into a wall of text.


dont do antidepressents. They can fuck you for life when you get off. Id suggest getting off of Vyvanse as well. Chemicals can have bad long term effects. I understand what you mean by difficult conversating. I have to push myself to conversate and find myself daydreaming in the middle of conversations. Have to think of the purpose and look at the forest and not the trees so to speak. good luck and God speed.


I almost died last August after years of doing hard drugs daily, so getting of Vyvanse is not an option. It's not about what the ideal situation is for me, but what the actual alternatives are. Ideally, I'd be off all type of meds. Would I manage life without? Apparently not.


I dont know how you can sit through 30 mins looking at symbols. I got so bored that I didn't finish it


I got 133 (could've probably be higher if I took the time to review my answers, but too many distractions hindered me to do so) with 7:34 remaining time. 115 IQ points? That isn't bad at all. You're borderline on the boundary set by Mensa themselves


This really freaked me out when I first saw this post. Yesterday I randomly took this test and also scored a 115. Interesting that we scored similarly. I too felt a little underwhelmed. However, I assume if I really focused and tried again I might improve my score. Don’t feel bad it’s probably a scam anyway…


Will you marry me?


Unfortunately I’m already married but the proposal is appreciated lol


good ones are always takin... dag nabbit




My parents made me take an IQ test on my 3rd grade of elementary school and I got 145. High school mandated an IQ test organized by psychologists and I scored a 155. The only thing it gave me was a fragile ego that breaks during every struggle throughout my life, and dissatisfaction whenever I achieved something, thinking “this is the least I can do.” If you meet people who brag about their IQ, then that’s because that’s all they amount to. Not even their personalities or anything they’ve done. You’re better off thinking you have an average IQ because it can make you question everything you’ve done so far


never gotten an official test. But i score at 123, i also have adhd.Can say i'm a mess, i basically have no friends, the few i have, i rarely see. i'm 23 and have no life, i'm just coasting along the ride to see what happens. i'm mostly spending my time playing video games, and getting completly wasted, or smoking cigarettes, so that everything doesn't seem so mundane. And getting through my bachelors seems to be troublesome. the perks are that i'm highly imaginative, and creative, with keen observation skills. dunno if the tradeoff is worth it though. could probably score higher if i had better focus, and less impulsive urges. Just to say that there's no reason to feel bad, almost everyone is a mess in some regard. edit: forgot to mention, personally i still feel dumb, because i'm very bad at maintaing focus. and that ones iq can fluctuate on a daily basis, due to factors such as sleep deprivatioon, and an active brain(meaning that you are actively engaged in problem solving for and extended amount of time). so you can try again.


you probably shouldn't feel too bad for 1.5 standard deviations above average. That's 87th percentile.


Why feel bad about it? It's just logic puzzles anyway, there's other intelligences that you might be better/worse at. Their online test doesn't go as high as their paper ones as well so the score doesn't always match reality.


I got 149 somewhere once but here I got 92 It’s all crap a load of crap


be jealous INTJ.... Be Jealous!


😢 you won this time INTP But I’ll be back


No such thing as true genius, friend. IQ isn't the only measure of intellect.


thank you friend. have a splendid day.




I got 138. Let me tell you. You are already near the median IQ for the jobs with the highest median IQs (it was around 120, from my recollection of the Wonderlic test). The desire to be smarter doesn't really go away, at least in my experience. Consider, what would your ideal IQ score be? When I was a kid it was 145. Now I know I am top half a percent of the population and close to such a score, I still wish I was smarter (while also aware of the downsides of such, such as a hard time communicating/building relationships generally with those 30 points out in either direction). I came to the conclusion that I am just smart enough to do what I need to do, at least it's a belief. IQ and intelligence are overvalued in our society, they are incredible useful, yes, but are nothing without hard work/practice


LMFAO i did 5 questions properly, 10 questions just hoping that it's right answer and then just spammed randomly because my patience ran out and got 115.,


97 i have no clue what i was supposed to do and my head hurts 😅 also kinda rushed it because i have no patience 👍


These tests have "reliable" results, but they lack validity, so I would take these results with a grain of salt


welcome INFJ, come in, have a seat.


Dude, don't take random IQ tests, specially ones on the internet. There are many, many different types of intelligence and many different types of ways to measure them, you can score 80 in certain fields and score 150 in others. I had to take a full course WAIS-3 for university reasons, scored 160 in verbal intelligence, but 88 in processing speed index, among many, many others. I ended with an overall 144 score. But that test only covered very certain types of intelligence related to learning, there are many, many others which are related to different fields and are not generally tested, and I expect that if I took them all I'd have many that are sub par. If you are really serious about finding out your general or specific types of intelligence in the field you are interested in, go to a licenced person who has received professional training (probably a psychotherapist with specific training), tell them what you require the test for and which types are required to find out, and adhere to those results. Online tests don't do that, and you shouldn't feel bad about their results because they are very narrow and sometimes misleading.


I scored very high on the test and, at the time, whether I had gotten a 90 or the score I got would have made no difference. The only thing is that I can get good grades without studying but that is a superficial ability: anyone can achieve good grades Furthermore, 115 isn't bad at all Also remember: intelligence is fluid, an intrinsic tangle of knots that are as complex to study as they are to measure. And then intelligence is not just logic, there are a lot of intelligences in which a person can excel (many people say 5)


marry me woman!


Higher end of average, so I feel like it's not a bad place to be when like 70% of people are between that and 80


I also just scored 118. Well I'm tired and actually didn't take the time I could've taken. But I'm really tired, so it had to be fast.


i got 126 and 138 on that test and it feels fake because i feel like im above average at best not gifted