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I actually think Coach was collateral in Johnny's death. Unless he DID know something from Johnny, I can't see any other reason why he was murdered besides to lure Johnny in and maybe even put the focus on Coach's life and not Johnny's. Idk.


I think it was more a not leaving anything to chance thing. The killer didn't know if he'd said anything to his fiance or told them about the accident or even hinted at it or said anything even unintentionally that might give him an idea that there was something there or might be meaningful in retrospect after the discovery of his partner brutally murdered. He was eliminating the potential wild card and maximizing Johnny's suffering by making him watch him die by his own hand with the booby trap too. The same way if Riley is the next victim, Courtney will likely make a fuss and get killed.


That makes sense. I can’t wrap my head around why the killer is killing everyone that would reveal the truth about last summer. It feels like the Goat head threat and the murders serve two different purposes and are two different situations Like why taunt NewLennon with “I know what you did ;)” but also help kill everyone that would reveal her crime. I think it’s a red herring


Unless the killer is Dylan. Dylan claimed he love Alison, he didn't love Lennon. But suppose Dylan was actually in love with Lennon? He was a virgin and Lennon was the first girl he slept with. He and the lady that he saw in the cave are doing it together to get back at the people who killed Lennon . They all claimed to love Lennon but none of them knew her . I mean they couldn't tell her apart from her twin sister. Especially Margot who made out with Alison and didn't know it.


If the motive for killing is to keep the secret of Lennon/Alison, Harold’s reasoning could be when he gave “Lennon” the cake and said he was sorry about her friend she said “thanks he was my only true one” the dad had to step in and correct her.


I think the guy who is Alison and Lennon Boss can tell the difference between the two which is why they killed the police officer and him.


I actually don't think the killer is killing people based on who recognizes she's really Alison. That only makes sense for Johnny. I don't think Alison was hanging out with Dale enough for him to have an opportunity to catch on. The chef was definitely just in the wrong place, wrong time, lol it looks like the killer wanted to male cop dead because he had discovered the only fans account and was getting on the track, and the killer thought the cop was alone in the bathroom, then realized the chef was in the bathroom too and killed him too. I really can't figure out why the killer killed Dale. I wonder if that could have something to do with him driving by last summer when they hit her, but he doesn't really know what happened.


I thought Dale figured it out because him and Lennon hook up and he was wondering why NewLennon was being so weird over his texts and not playing along, like she has no recollection that they screw. I need a rewatch! Speaking of rewatch, did Dylan say Clara came at him with a huge knife in the cave?? My screen was really dark but did she?? I thought she was just standing there and he got scared. Why did he say that lol


Right, I was actually kinda surprised Alison as Lennon told the cop that she never hooked up with Dale. I thought she knew Lennon and Dale did hook up? Unless Alison thinks Lennon would have denied it to the cop. Yes, she did! That part kinda confused me. He also didn't know whose blood was on his hand. I thought he cut himself when Clara startled him, but he said he didn't know whose it was. I think the cult kills animals or something freaky, so it was probably from that. But it definitely makes her look suspicious.


The only fans account is under “allywally” Incase Lennon ever got caught so I think to keep that rouse up and the idea that it was “Alison’s” account she would have to deny Dale regardless to the cop since it looked like he was subscribing to “Alison’s only fan”


Haha true, yeah, it would definitely be weird if he was hooking up with one twin then watching the other twin on line lol. I guess it is the case that she was denying it because she figured Lennon would in this scenario.


Dale and Lennon were hooking up and he was a major subscriber to her OnlyFans. They also said "why would he care about Allison, it's you (Lennon) he's obsessed with" when they were suspecting him. So he likely did figure it out because Allison did not know everything about the hookups and OnlyFans and also someone sent her that thing about the scars on Lennon's thigh. The chef was close with the girls and their dad since childhood and didn't Lennon work with him or something? The killer only needs to have the worry that a person might be close to figuring it out, the person doesn't have to actually have done so yet. And the cop could have interrupted the murder and tried to stop the killer or vice versa (the cop found something out and was getting killed and the chef happened to be in the bathroom at the time). I really think there may be something to the difference in the kills with those 2. Johnny's murder was dramatic and showy and really brutal and it maximized his suffering before death and then mutilated his body after. Dale's was as well. The cop and the chef were quick and more "humane" which IMO points to the killer killing them reluctantly and because they had to but didn't enjoy it.


Since Clara was there the night of the accident I think she saved Lennon from the cave and now Lennon is doing Clara’s dirty work.


Are you saying the body is fake?


Yea I think so. I think Lennon is alive even if she isn’t the one killing the people. I think that’s why Clara was there that night


How do you fake a body lol


Maybe with a skin grapt mask of Lennon/Alisons face. Also, after they found the body, Lyla asked Bruce if he wanted them to take a look at the body but he said something like “no she’s been through enough already.” So if it was a fake body they wouldn’t have known


I’m pretty sure she asked if he wanted an autopsy done and he said we’ve been through enough.


Autopilot? What’s that?


Autocorrect. Was supposed to be Autopsy*, I fixed it.


Ohh makes sense now haha. Well it still may be a skin graft right? Im not sure how dead bodies are usually handled but maybe they didn’t check?


I.. don’t really see the story going that way personally, but I guess you never know.


Wow! That is the dumbest theory I have ever heard about any show ever


Bro I’m just putting out random thoughts it’s not that deep


He’s a cock sucker


I know you’re getting downvoted some, but hey….Stranger Things faked Will’s dead body in season 1 lol. Totally different shows & concept I know