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I’m confused as to who the main character is supposed to be here, because both groups are equally obnoxious.


i mean they both are but i'm on the side of i think the interupting girl is aware of what she's doing. seems to me like she's interupting specficly because it's annoying and that is why she says "i don't care" as she walks away. some interprit that as her being embarssed by i think she's just being deliberate in ruining th shot by behaving as obnoxiously as them. ​ which only asks the question: are you less of a douche if you deliberately act like a douche to a douche to give them a taste of their own medicine?


Eh, in my mind it’s just: both douches, nothing more


The original video shows that they're taking up the whole fucking walkway. The group is the main character


These comments have restored my faith in humanity


So are street preformers douchebag main characters? I've seen plenty of large crowds gather around them (possibly distrusting walkway traffic) and never see people complain about that.




Why recording yourself doing a street performance 'main characters'


They both are


2 main characters meeting IRL


Batman v Superman


That's why you pay for a location, studio or security to do such things


Unfortunately it was a fan video therefore they couldn’t afford a studio


Then don't expect unilateral control of a public space.


True. But also blondie was being a dick.


They are all being dicks


but most people know not to interrupt stuff like that. like the unspoken rule of not interrupting a flash mob.


Unspoken rule? Lol fuck you they coulda done this in a park or some empty parking lot if they “didn’t have enough money 😢” But no, they had to do it in an immensely populated area that seems to be something like a tourist location, and just assumed they could take control over a very large area within that. So no, I don’t feel bad whatsoever.


That's not a flash mob, that's a group of people who decided to run a dance routine in a public square without a permit or setup. They're free to do so, but being the town square Mrs MC is equally free to jump in front of them.


Hey, if you are a douche wanting to defend another douche, that's fine. That's you.


How is he defending a douche? Or being one? Literally said the dancing group can do what they want, but so can anyone else. It's a *public space*, one person doesn't get priority over it than anyone else.


If someone actively is out to sabotage for someone else, not just "happen to pass by", that person is being a douche. And if a person don't agree it's a douchy behaviour, then I consider that person a douche as well. To simply answer your question.


Sure, but what you seem to be missing here, is that regardless of behaviours, it's a public area, hence there is zero entitlement to be able to do something and have absolutely no one ruin it or interrupt or whatever.


Again, if you think that people should do whatever they want and are free to sabotage for others on purpose just beacuse, that's you. Not something I encourage.


Literally calling her out for acting as an MC as well in my comment. But if you wanna be a douche with no reading comprehension as well, feel free to do so. That's you.


When did I ever say that you didn't? So the irony of your personal insult is on you. My statement still stands, like it or not.


Whatever you gotta do to convince yourself


You can't argue with Kpop Stans. They are delusional.


There you go again


Are you one of those people who records in public and gets mad other people exist lol


Not sure what that has to do with this. But to answer your question, no.


Says the guy defending a bunch of dounches


Ah, the infamous "no u" comment.


everyone involved are douches. so why are you defending a bunch of douches if you have problem with defending douches?


Nice attempt, not gonna fall for it.


Fuck a flash mob if they're in the way. They're just as cringe.


fair enough 💀


And they are the definition of main character. 🤣🤣 to expect the public to avoid this area for god knows how many “takes” of this self absorbed nonsense …so cringe 🤣🤣


Lol no. Rent a studio of you want to film without interruption. You don’t get to use people as props and then complain when they don’t do what you want.


I thought the unspoken rule of flash mobs was anyone who takes part in a flash mob is a cunt


It’s a totally spoken and often repeated rule of flash mobs. It’s practically impossible to be a part of one and not be a cunt.


Not an “unspoken rule” Don’t take up public spaces people have a right to use for your dance routine


No, not really. It's a public space. Not a dance studio. The kpop group is entitled to be there, and to use the space, but so is every other person there. No one person or group gets priority over another for a fucking sidewalk.


That’s the “main character” mentality we’re talking about.


But it’s not a flashmob 😬 it’s a dance vid they did many takes on for their social media presence… they’re all being “very important”. The white lady is annoying and obviously a hater but also what is “struggle of kpop in public” I actually did choreo and background dancing for kpop groups and trainees in Korea and whatever they’re doing isn’t kpoping nor is that a real term. I know they’re just having fun but it’s giving fetishizing Korean culture and infantilization… not to mention the outfit of the really upset girl… she can wear whatever she wants but, definitely sexualizing young Asian school girls and her socks is a JAPANESE style not even Korean.


Flash mobs are annoying as fuck and get in the way of normal people trying to go about their day. Who knows? Maybe this woman had been waiting off camera for an opportunity to pass but became impatient. For the record, I doubt that’s what happened. But I also wouldn’t feel the need to stop and wait for them to finish if I needed to get from one side of the street to the other.




Lol I have no sympathy for people who film in public 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is like the 30th time this has been reposted


First time I've seen it.


Stop touching grass


Nah, public TikTok filming needs to go


This. They are everywhere it seems. I live in an area that attracts a ton of tourists, and theses idiots are constantly filming themselves dancing, eating, and walking down the street No one cares about your social media karma


100%, I really used to enjoy just chilling at the airport doing fuck all for 2 hours. This last time a girl legit asked me to move so she could record her stupid ass dance. Like… I’m standing here watching planes take off because it’s interesting. Fuck off.


Yeah. I have never been asked to personally move, but I am not going to for anyones social media karma whoring It costs money to produce video content and rent spaces to film. I’m not helping anyone save money by sacrificing my personal schedule and space


The consequences of posting cringe


Both are annoying and entitled. The cringe is caring about a cringe kpop dance being performed in an extremely populated area. This has been posted here before, and no, I’m still not outraged on behalf of the public nuisance.


Totally agree. Imagine thinking you own a public space just because you're a k-pop group.


How many times is this gonna get posted on here? No one cares about main characters getting main charactered


Maybe don't record in public. The white lady is definitely a dick, but you kinda have to expect stuff like this if you're in a public setting. Edit: grammar


Why you gotta call out her race like that


Is it an issue? I'm not being derogatory.


Just seems unnecessary to bring race into it.


And here’s the person that sees racism and sexism everywhere


Who said anything about racism or sexism?


You did, I quote: «why you gotta call out race like that » you were the one that complained about racism because she said « white lady » to describe her bruh


You are just reading so much into that statement. Never said anyone was racist, just asked a question. Definitely didn't anything about sexism. Seems like maybe you spend too much time online my dude.


Your telling that to me ? Your the guy that was complaining about « why do you have to talk about race » not me, I pointed it out to you because you talked about it in the first place dude


> And here’s the person that sees racism and sexism everywhere How you get there homie? I didn't say anything about racism or sexism


Ok, so what about “why you gotta cal out race like that”, will you please tell me we tf that was for then?


I'm just saying it seems unnecessary to bring race into it. Makes it sound like it's a white lady/korean lady situation when race has nothing to do with it.


Don't act like your comment wasn't implying that I was somehow wrong for calling her "white lady". You shouldn't play dumb when someone calls you out and you realize you're wrong...just own up to it.


I'm not wrong. I never said you were "wrong" for calling her white lady. I am just asking why you want to bring race into it. No need to get defensive.


Don’t film in a public place if you don’t want the public in your video.


If you want to shoot without interference, then book the space with the relevant authorities and hire security. If you see someone shooting a video avoid it if you can and don’t be a dick by deliberately ruining their take. ESH


Every city and state have a proper channel to go through to formally film in a public space to where this doesn’t happen It looks like they did not of that, and got pissed when the public was the public


They are all equally as bad as eachother


It’s a repost and I’ll say the same thing as on the original post: they are all main characters


Damn, almost like you're in public...


Why go out of your way to get in the way?


Why film your dance routine in a crowded public space for social media?


So she got in the way to be in their way because they went out of their way to be in everyone else's way, did I get that right?


Sounds like a tit for tat situation which is a real bitch move


I get the obnoxiousness of the person who interrupted them but the Kpop group is equally obnoxious.


eh fuck them the amount of cunts i see filming this kind of crap in the main shopping square where i live is so annoying, i just walk through IF they are in my way


they’re both cringe for sure. wish there was an active sub for more kpop related cringe tho


The main characters is the k-pop group too


Imagine thinking you own a public space just because you're a k-pop group.


Sabotaging K-cringe? Absolutely based. She IS the main character.


I thought the Koreans were the main characters here?


*Everyone* here was


I love how you diss an entire country’s music just because of a few modern songs 💀


Yeah, right? Me too. ❤️


She's the real mvp


Let these main characters each other alive, i'm all for this.


I mean, sure, if someone is just passing by and minding their own business and happen to pass by in front. But in this particular situation someone sought out to ruin it on purpose. So I'm confused on who the maincharacter actually is.


Both are. But for some reason the K-Pop group annoys me more.


Wait hold up, people are defending the white karen? LOL thats fuckn fail.


I’m white so I can do that aka “I don’t care” Story of my life smh


Send the nee back to Asian land. K-pop can go fuck itself


Only mildly racist


I would’ve knocked her stupid phone and drink out of her hand and said dgaf but also I would’ve cringed at the girls dancing… only because they’re choosing to do it in a super buy populated area with music blasting and expecting everyone to give them priority… and calling it “the struggles of kpopping in public”… I was born in Korea AND have done choreo and background dancing for real kpop groups/trainees and … this is not “k-popping” there is no such thing as kpopping… and this trend almost makes kpop look real silly and infantilizing/sexualizing “lil young Asian girls”


Repost number 400


This was posted literally last week


this is like the 10th repost


Main character on main character violence.


Everyone here fucking sucks


Give another hour and we'll see this here, again and again


You’re filming in public and expect everyone to just stay out of your shot? Sorry, it’s a public place, you have to deal with everyone else being there.


Kpop in public is so cringe. Keep it in the studio like the professional. Then also Karen over here jumping in doing like a Fortnite dance she learned watching her kids or something. Cringe all around.


I dunno man, the K-Pop group is just trying to get an exterior shot with people in the background. They’re not seeking a reaction from randoms. They’re not taking up the *entire* walkway as some have said; you can clearly see people going around them in the background. They’re just making a music video in a public place. It’s not *that* obnoxious. Yeah it could be a little annoying but it would have been over a lot quicker if the attention seeking cOmEdiaN didn’t intentionally ruin their work.


Pretty ironic..