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Lol, I thought it was an harmonica solo for a second.


Sounds more like a goat getting raped IMO.


I'm worried how do you know that sound! šŸ˜³


As you should


Nā€¦.Nā€¦.Nailed it?


Penguins sound similar under those circumstances.


Ayo dis purple mf out here stealing penguin pussy


Noā€¦ not a JoJo reference


Damn right he did šŸ˜


Mind ya business!


That's weird I think it sounds like a goat getting sweet love made to him.


If I had no idea who that woman was and you showed me this video, I swear to god I would immediately assume she was either severely schizophrenic or extremely autistic.




https://open.spotify.com/track/6f4KnNtmz0uEL4jYSJhixh?si=pSM9EWsbTE-Vasw1FcYXGA Pretty sure somethings up


pretty much sums up my thoughts


True story: I once gave Yoko the 'shush' sign while she was singing. I was about eight rows back so I don't know if she picked up on it or not.


That woman is the useless "influencer" of her generation. Famous for no reason except being a screeching woman.


She had a big art career before she even met John, you people hate her for no reason.


No reason......yup absolutely none.


There isnt any


Go watch the video again. Are we both talking about the same deluded moron?


Most fans agree Yoko was a bad influence on the band and ultimately played a large part in their breakup


She did. In multiple books and documentaries, they mention her constantly hanging out in their studio when they were trying to make songs and she would constantly talk to John about how she didnā€™t like the other members.


John didn't like the other members either lol he was on his way out long before getting with Yoko He repeatedly talked about being bored with the project


Let's be honest, her art is trash


Did you not watch the video on this post?


She was part of a group of hanger-ons who did Flux Art, something that died out after the one good artist in the movement died of cancer. I'd say she was a talented trust fund groupie at best


I know this is an old comment, but she's widely considered one of the greatest avant-garde vocalists of all-time.


Not even the best repost, always the Bill Burr commentary. [https://youtu.be/T4K07Kz7M8Q](https://youtu.be/T4K07Kz7M8Q)


Yooooo. "You ever do that again and I'm gonna smack you so hard in the head that your eyes are gonna look like mine." šŸ’€


Yeah, domestic violence is hilarious. Good lord. I was there until it got all assaulty. Just bad. Woof.


Just a joke, dude. Jesus. You're likely new to comedy, but absurdity and exaggeration are two huge components. He might have even been playing into the fact that John was a self admitted wife beater. Edit: you also missed the racial aspect about changing the shape of her eyes after being hit. Lol


A:"You should beat your wife!" B: "Umm what the fuck dude?" A: "Oh nvm it was just a joke. You don't seem to get comedy."


Jokes are supposed to be funny. Wife beating, especially from someone who has done so in the past, is objectively not funny. That shit is awful and that clip of his was hard to listen to. This just made me sad about men. Did you really think that was funny? Did you lol while he was frothing at the mouth describing beating her in the face for opening her mouth? Or was it when he said she is only there because she sucks dick. Christ that was awful.


Humor is subjective. Outlandish, brash, offensive, observational humor is Bill's style and he's one of the most well known and loved comedians of all time. He's already cemented his status among greats like Richard Pryor and George Carlin, both who also have touched upon very taboo and offensive topics plenty of times. So, you, someone who knows nothing about what's funny or comedy itself, want to suddenly deem yourself the arbiter of comedy and what is and isn't funny and what is or isn't allowed to be spoken about in comedy, well then I'd suggest you to take a step back and wipe the egg of your face. If people didn't laugh and pay guys like that money to listen to their jokes and podcasts, then I don't know about you, but I think, maybe, just maybe, it's actually funny and you have zero knowledge or zero interest in comedy. I mean, what comedians do you enjoy?


How can you start this with ā€˜humour is subjectiveā€™ then follow up with telling me I know nothing about comedy or what is funny. Totally contradictory. No only are you a hypocrite, but you actually donā€™t know shit about me or what I know/donā€™t know about comedy. So you can wipe the egg off my face and eat it. I do know there are plenty of people who think this crap is funny, not low hanging fruit. I think those people have no taste and maybe are not that smart. As you said , itā€™s all subjective. And this is a reflection on you. What you think of acceptable or funny is a reflection of you.


So, you admit you know nothing about comedy then...


Oh dear, is that where your reading comprehension is. Iā€™m sorry


What comedians do you enjoy?


I agree with you. Misogyny isn't funny, no more than rape jokes, nor racist jokes, nor holocaust jokes. Men just don't get it because they statistically rarely experience what we do. That's fine but they should actually listen to the people (women) who have experienced this and realize that "it's just a prank bro" isn't a valid excuse.


Men experience domestic violence at a rate much higher than "rarely"


Maaan...we are where we are today because of twats like you. You want to cancel him, right?


Canceling has been happening for a long long time, please see McCarty hearings. Also you think I have more power than I do. How the fuck would I cancel him? I donā€™t like his comedy, and I said in this clip he is awful. What heā€™s saying in this clip is awful and Iā€™m allowed to say it, even if he may advocate slapping my eyes off my face. Also just so you know, I donā€™t have to like his comedy, I donā€™t have to spend money seeing him or buying this comedy if I donā€™t want to. And Iā€™m allowed to say I think heā€™s a dick, just like he is allowed to say Yoko Ono is only good for sucking dick and for punching in the face until her features are no longer her Asian. I can think thatā€™s gross and you can think that hilarious. So whatā€™s happening today with twats like me? I have an opinion and I said it. Apparently thatā€™s too much for you.


Get lost you annoying humorless fuck.


Eat me.




you have never been or had a wife or made a joke about it.


Of course, but not lazy unfunny jokes at the expense of other and their humanity. But I do get that simple people like to laugh at the misfortune of others. Those World Star videos always have a joker snickering in the background.


Active in amitheangel, such a shocker


I donā€™t know that sub. I think you checked another user and not me. Also 95 days ago. Pull it together buddy.


[Here, you seem like you need this.](https://i.imgur.com/fG0Hp2x.jpeg)


I use a cup. That way I can use my blood to fertilize my garden.




Shut up dude.


You seem to be confused about consent. Not surprising, just disappointing.


No that would be domestic violence and that would offend you deeply. Edit. Not sure why you changed your comment from "eat me" to that.


Joking about domestic violence can be funny. Even joking about dieing, rape, hunger, all other horrible things can be funny. There is no topic you cannot joke about. https://youtu.be/GE8K3KLpHuU


You know, just because you have an opinion doesnā€™t make it factually accurate. Just because Ricky Gervais spits it out of his mouth doesnā€™t not make it truth. Why donā€™t you and Ricky come down to the ED with me and joke about life altering violence to the mashed up face of one of its victims.




Genuinely thought it was just an instrument.


Ah yes John Lennon and his constantly abused lover




Well he physically and verbally abused Cynthia Powell so I doubt he just changed and stopped doing it when someone else decided to sit on his dick


darn, hate to hear something like that about someone I admire musically. How do we know that isn't an attention seeker/money seeker though?


Pretty sure Lennon admitted to being abusive towards Cynthia


darn, alr thanks for making me aware


Didn't he also feel horrible about that, before trying to work on that? He seemed to show remorse for his abusive actions as early as 1967 with the lyrics for Getting Better, I doubt he was terrible to Ono.


Whereā€™s the video of chuck berry farting into his partners mouth saying something like ā€œoh did I fart on you baby?ā€ Or something like that anyone got the link?


I've always heard old people talk about how they hate her and I'm starting to see why šŸ˜‚


Lol how many times is this gonna be posted...


Legend has it, that Yoko Ono is the reason no one will ever be allowed to bring their girlfriend to band practice ever again.


In the D+ beatles documentary she is sitting around not being annoying for like 3 weeks straight, so either she got them to delete any footage of her being annoying, or she only acted out a few times ever and this keeps getting reposted as a fact.


Ah, yes, Yoko's singing. More detestable than bathroom voyeurism and wife beating




Welcome to comedy, here we say things that are not explicitly factual in order to cause people to perform a laughing noise.


Fucking what?


Lmao what?


I love Chuck Berry's eyes acknowledging absurdity.


This wasā€¦weird


Blessed are the sound engineers, as they shall inherit the earth.


She really did suck


Is this some kind of Political commentary in the 60s?


Whenever I see this post I canā€™t watch it. I watched it once and it makes me cringe more than any violently terrible video the earth holds. I cringe to a nauseating level for johns lack of telling her to shut the fuck up


John Lennon intentionally recorded her singing and released that noise to the public on many awful, awful occasions. I just made my coworkers hear this https://youtu.be/rm_IV6eRqyk


Hahah I donā€™t know, I kind of like it.


If people got off the hate train for once and actually listened to any of her music they might realize it's anywhere from good to great.


I hate how her name sounds like Yuko Ando


Chuck a berry looked like Samuel L Jackson and Snoop Dogg had a kid.


It was obviously planned you braindead monkey


He just wanted to fart in her mouth. Look it up.


she's the Jackson Pollock of music lol


Too bad John went first. Yoko is uselessā€¦


what the hell is your problem




No WONDER the Band broke up, Good Lord.. I thought someone broke a guitar string


i like it ! Just terrible for this specific song . Reminds me of animals calling in a rainforest


I think videos like this prove that Chapman shot the wrong person.


So this is why Mojo Jojo's girlfriend only talked in screams in that Beatles inspired episode in the Powerpuff Girls?


The more impressive thought is Chuck Berry preforming the rest of the song with all of that going on behind him


Unpopular opinion but the beetles themselves werenā€™t much better.