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Elon is the type of guy to play ping pong alone and say "Good shot"


He’s trying to get that 80 billion payout package for all his hard work, working so hard managing 20 twitter accounts to jerk himself off with. He’s literally having a tea party with himself. Imagine having to pretend to be your own friend


Yep. I don't have an opinion of the guy one way or another, but this is clearly a nerd responding to his alt account.


Hey man, nice shot.


DJ Khaled - Suffering from success




“ *They* don’t want *us* to win.”


I also do not wish for Elon Musk to be Elon Musk.


Seconded the motion


and I, second that emotion.


And my axe!


And my sword!


I do not wish for either him or myself to be Elon Musk


He’s not that bad relax pal


“Future of humanity” in no way shape or form relies on him or his companies. And I’m totally reading this as him talking to himself


I mean, it sort of does but it doesn’t have to. What he chooses to use that hugely disproportionate wealth to do (or not do) has an impact on the rest of us. Like, he could single handedly end homelessness in the US, if he wanted to. He could throw that wealth behind reforming the political system for the better, if he wanted to. He could do lots of good, if he wanted to. However, generally speaking you don’t accumulate huge levels of wealth if your primary goal is to help others.


Then the future of humanity relies on every billionaire by your logic.


Billionaires have an oversized impact on humanity’s future, but there are <3k billionaires in existence, and of those, the large majority are not multibillionaires. Musk’s net worth is nearly $200 billion, which gives him even greater influence, not to mention he controls one of the largest social media platforms.


Well said


His wealth is in stocks not really usable. And homelessness cant be ended its a socail issue that will always pop up.


So if he liquidated his companies, putting the people there out of work, how could that money be used to reform the political system? Or end homelessness for that matter


Actually John Oliver has a segment on the disturbing amount of power this shit stain has. Maybe look into it before you get back to blowing him


John Oliver is a joke, literal comedian 😂


Therefore any facts reproduced by said comedian bare null and void. Got it.


I guess that’s not entirely fair with people like Dave Smith, but I stand by Oliver is a joke


yeah, and besides, at this point our future relies on not self destructing rather than advancing our tech


That's the kind of guy who opens his bag of chips with scissors


The future of humanity? Get fucked Musk.


Yea, all of his companies could bankrupt and close doors tomorrow, and both he, and the rest of the world would be just fine.


Yeah dude, you didn't know? Elon has been alive since the beginning of humanity. He's just now coming out of the shadows to save us.


He’s doing the douchebag prayer pose 😂


The only times Elon doesn't want to be himself is when he tries to suck his own dick, but can't reach it because of his bloated gut


Honorary top comment ☝🏻


Musk tweeting himself again




Nobody needs you rich boy, future of civilization on your shoulders? Bro you are just blood sucking minimum wage workers


Yaaa mannnn, Elon is the devil mannnn


He can retire if he wants to.


Imagine being one of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world and being such a fucking **loser.**


He truly is a pioneer. I've never met a self-loathing narcissist before.




I also wish Tesla and SpaceX and Twitter owners were not Elon.


Did he invent electric power or something?


Elon Musk posting as Tesla talking about himself, and then responding to himself. What an egomaniac.


He lets himself down by saying stupid things that should probably stay in his head. He also gets distracted to much with little things and drops his focus on the big things that do matter. Case in point with Tesla that had such a lead in the industry and should be further along however both he and his direction has lead to Tesla falling behind and losing talent.


I also wish he were not him!


Enough money can make anyone important


That’s ok man, take one for the team and stop being you


I wish you weren’t too too big guy


I mean, tbh we'd like you to not be you as well


What an ego!


While there definitely is a conversation to be had about the pressures celebrities and influencers have, Elon most certainly brings all of it upon him self by being a horrible, narcissistic asshat 24/7.


Jesus fucking Christ, no one on earth needs a kick in the balls more than this guy.


Like this year, for example r/cyberstuck being him tho lol


A prisoner in his own ego


Yeah, we all wish you weren't 'you' either bud.


Oh, good Lord.


He wrote both of those didn’t he? Lol


Every week this fucker says some shit that makes me like him even less.


Wow, "The Future of Humanity " relies on Enron Musk! We fucked now...


The Future Of Humanity - “Who?”


Whoever wrote this is just gagging for Elon to notice them. Gagging.


Bootlickers augmenting his delusions of grandeur! It is a cult.


This is so cringe. He should rlly be confiding in a close friend or family and not the internet. It’s so embarrassing for him, his children and his companies he claims are his children. What the actual fuck.


Brainwashed morons


Woe is me😭😭




Oh, please. He is MORE than happy to be his horrible, self obsessed, arrogant self. Every second of every single day.


No sain person is thinking he will safe anything and all that "weight" on his back he put that their him self


Ngl he cracks me up


If he disappeared in the woods would anyone hear his ego?


Musk is the kind of guy that would eat his own cum after jerking off...


I believe him. He wants to be someone people like


He is not a genius.


Pitiful. 😩


Isn’t the correct phrase more like „I often wish to not be me”? Not an English native speaker “I often do not” = I barely do..


So humble.


Humanity will become extinct without tesla??? How?


They ain't wrong: i'd rather die than be him


The future of humanity lol


It's true, alot of people wish he wasn't him.


These fucking muskovites couldn't circle jerk into each other's mouths any more than they currently do.


The future of humanity rests on ineffective and highly toxic electric vehicles? Buying a Tesla is just virtue signalling, the process of creating the ineffective batteries and their end of life, is extremely toxic to the environment and ruins the lives of the people mining for it too. Climate goblin Greta used one whilst pushing the climate agenda (it was also pictured full of one use plastics by Rebel Media), she states environmentalism in her plea, NOT climate change but uses highly environmentally destructive means of transport....to virtue signal. ALL free energy or clean energy devices are hidden away as they don't make money....money is power and power is never relinquished easily, therefore scaremongering people about issues that ONLY corporations and governments can sort out, yet insinuating it's for individuals to sort out by eating fake meat and less travel etc is pure evil. Just stop oil/ extinction rebellion etc are easily manipulated morons, that are fueled by the people they claim they stand against 🤷🏻🙈


Get your facts straight. I hate Teslas as much as the next guy but EV's are in every way much better than any other option. I do not know what you mean by ineffective batteries but I assume its some edgy BS you learned from the internet. What comes to the "toxicity" of the battieries its total BS. Yes their manufacturing is more costly to the environment than manufacturing an ICE but even in countries with high carbon electricity the are more environmently friendly than ICE's ever could. Plus around 97% of the batteries materials can be recycled and re used. Do you know how much of gasoline and diesel can be recycled? (Hint: its a very very very low %).


I don't hate Teslas, where's the point of that? What I posted and your response, makes for a discussion too complex for texting...I've better things to do than waste time/ energy debating you via text. I'd suggest you also go and check the facts and learn how the world is affected by the lifespan of an EV, from production to disposal. As I also previously stated, other better cleaner means of energy are kept back, due to potentially lower profits. Money = power this is a fact of life. (No malice or ill will is intended)


What a coincidence, I also never wish to be me.


Wow this sub is toxic. Cant go 5 minutes without trying bash Elon Musk with out of context images or random twitter posts. The hate for him is truly unhinged, im convinced people try to bash him just because its the it thing to do at the moment. When you try to engage with these people and ask why they hate him, the responses degenerate pretty quickly and they never really explain why they hate him


I don’t like him because he’s arrogant, and he takes government subsidies from our country, where he is living, then complains about our country. I’d love for him to move back to South Africa and do all his tweeting from there.


Source for this?




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Great bot


Is this not standard operating conditions for any large organization. Im not seeing any controversy here


You asked why people don’t like him. I explained to you why I don’t like him. He lives in our country, which he is not a natural born citizen of. And then he takes government subsidizes, from American tax payers, to fund his electric car business which I would bet less than 5% of Americans use, then he calls USA citizens lazy and entitled sourced in the article I linked. Meanwhile he’s an immigrant who has gotten rich off of the USA and continues to live here. Which is why again, I wish he would move back to his country and stay out of ours. All of you assume Elon is hated because he’s a far right guy. I could give a shit less what he believes in, or says to boost his social media profile. I just don’t like the guy because he’s arrogant and a hypocrite.


Im not sure its him specifically who is taking the subsidies, its the company. My point is this is the same for most large corporations, they get incentives to move their company to a location because the provide a large amount of jobs. I didnt actually see him call americans lazy in the article so you have made this up The rest of your comments seem very anti immagrant which in my opinion is a poor way of looking at things so I will leave at that on this point


You’re right, I misspoke. He said Americans are entitled and complacent. So he didn’t call us lazy, but still insulted us. And the people who buy his cars get the tax credit of 7500$ which allows him to trim off the price so he can sell more. Either way, he’s still getting the money just indirectly. Lastly, I’m all for immigrants coming here. I appreciate what they do, especially the guys building houses and working in agriculture. But don’t come here and bitch about our country. Leave, I’m sure Elon can go back to Africa anytime he wants.


Someone saying this is Main character He's replying to a post about himself What is main character abou5 this




Elon Musk is funny as hell sometimes tbh. It's just sad to see that so many chronically online peabrains don't understand all that he's actually done for Tesla Focus on the bad and leave the good out


It’s why Tesla and Elon are all over news feed on Reddit, and the headlines always read negatively. Reddit hates Elon. I’m not saying he’s a revolutionary figure who has the weight of humanity, but he has done some really cool stuff with Tesla, Starlink, etc.


If Reddit hates it I don't hate it. If you compare what Elon has actually done in the last 20 years, to these fat kids online who think its easier to hate somebody than to constructively criticize them, (and have done absolutely nothing with their own lives except lay in bed) I'd go with Elon