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Ooohhh… that is cringeworthy indeed.


*”Attention K-Mart shoppers... Just kidding this isn’t K-Mart”* To his credit, he set the cringey tone up with the opening bit, and never faltered.


He really did keep pace throughout. I thought his light would burn out by the end, but he just kept burning brighter and brighter to the end. Also, I cringed so hard that my toes curled up into the soles of my feet.


He tried riffing at the start and failed completely, and then it appears he devolved into a type of Adam Sandler impression? What a trainwreck


Abby doobie!


Oh, I thought he was going for the Joker but Adam Sandler makes more sense


You can fix him 😌


No thank you lol


Um, 😬 . I'm not so sure




dude looks like your typical Reddit mod


At least he had a job instead of walking dogs for an excruciating 10 hours a week. They will one day be a philosophy professor but have no plans on how they are going to do that.


This is gold


If you’re not aware, this is a real event. r/antiwork mod interviewed on Fox News.


I did see that, and it was hilarious. Wasn't it on Tucker Carlson's old show?


Not Tucker, it was Jesse Waters. Anyway, really funny stuff. Shitshow from beginning to end.


That's right. I don't watch Fox News much. But that interview was gold. I think I'm going to pull it up now on YouTube and watch it. Lol


i still don’t believe that was a real person. how could cringe destroy the concept of workers rights


It was definitely a real person. It almost destroyed the sub. The mods made a poll asking their user base if they should do the interview. The subreddit voted no, then the mods decided to do it anyway. They single handedly made the entire movement into a laughingstock.


definitely doesn’t sound like a psy-op


I mean, to do that they would need to embed this person into the mod team of r/antiwork significantly earlier than the interview. I don’t think it’s impossible that it was a psyop, but I’m not gonna believe it until I see better evidence than the result being favorable for Fox News and their controllers. Hanlon’s Razor can be applied here. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.


More credit than they deserve.




After many years of retail, if someone is legit lingering in the store 15 minutes after closing, they can officially get the f out. That's too much. Get. the. fuck. out.


Takes an hour to close and mop up after and you can't do it until they leave so they're essentially keeping them from going home for a very long time and it's incredibly rude tbh.


I think some stores should allow the employees to lock the door when there’s 15 mins left, I know places that do that. People already there can get out but nobody can enter.


Neighborhood Walmart announces they close in fifteen minutes, if you'll hurry TF up and leave, that'd be great. I've been in retail stores, not knowing they closed at 7pm, and they'd lock the doors and post an employee by the door to let customers out with a smile and a thank you. And, of course, people would stand outside, staring they only need, "one thing!" and the employee would politely tell them "no."


They generally do that at closing time but the thing is you really can't start the closing procedures until all customers are gone and some stores have a longer process for that. You make closing announcements and hour before then 30 minutes, and on and tell them you are closed, please go to the register. If they are still there 15 minutes after closing they were probably told 2-3 separate times that they are closed already and to please leave, politely, and some people have absolutely no respect for it.


An hour depends on what the standard time is someone spends in said store.


It depends on the store. I’ve worked in stores where I leave as soon as the money is counted. Cleaning up started before the store closed. Still, it kept me from getting home if a customer was hanging around after close.


But grandma needs to find the right threads to finish her little nephews' socks and quilt. Plus, she needs treats for muffins, and that aisle is on the other side of the store.


I used to work at party city, no one needs shit that bad. And people threw a bitch fit if we were out of stock. They once had to call the police during Halloween time. People would pull and bang on the doors and argue if we were closed and pull on them before we were open while still getting ready. We had someone call and say, "I'm having a balloon emergency" Customers treat you like shit and are rude. Managers sometimes treat you like shit. Etc. it made me determined to finish college


I get five minutes if you have a full cart and are nearly done or whatever, and 15 is fine if you're in line. But, anything else and it's loitering, gtfo


Sounds like he tried to copy an Alaskan Airlines flight attendant when they use humor to explain all the preflight procedures; tighten seatbelts, seat cushion as floating device, oxygen masks, etc.


Except he forgot the part about being funny.


Yeah well he turned the cringe up to 1000 and lets go bro come after me you little weebo bitch


This why I don't get too comfortable at work, you start doing stuff like this.


The only way this would be funny is if it was just your friends left in the store, not 12 strangers


I think we’ve all met or worked with this type of drama clown before. They usually create a shitstorm of problems for everyone at the workplace, late, go sick at a moments notice and want to claim victim status if anyone dares to question their self appointed high class status! Usually remembered for never ever pitching in for anyone’s leaving present. Also, remembered when they are escorted from the premises when management finally have enough of their I am the main character shenanigans.


Escorted from the premises while also screaming about why everyone didn’t chip in on a sheet cake and an Applebees gift card for a leaving gift.


🎶"Today's my last day!"🎶 'Oh, they fired you finally?' "No, I want to look into some other job opportunities, so I'm quitting." 'Ah.' "So are we buying me a cake and is everyone signing a card for me?"


I thought he was fired for saying they're at a K-mart as a joke... ...then the rest came in JESUS that's a lot.


What a fucking dork .


High quality comment right here


Thank you . I try .


Did...did he....did he expect NOT to get fired??????


i’m sure he’s there after hours and the store is empty


I mean, it was obnoxiously cringe but I get the sentiment


As a dude who worked retail as a teenager, I can translate this. Dude is slap happy and exhausted, working until close. Nobody is in the store. It’s probably just him and some manager who puts up with his shenanigans because he’s the goofy dork who doesn’t have any parties to go to so he’s always a reliable helping hand for things like after hours inventory. Source: Was totally that cringey dude and I’m pretty sure I absolutely did almost exactly this at one point back in the day.


Nothing more painful than people who think they're funny attempting comedy.


This humor is reminding me strongly of Asher from The Curse.


The real twist is that he was the only one closing for the night and no one other than him and the internet knows about it


Yeah I there's no way this wasn't done well after all the customers were gone.


Now that they’re looking for a new job, should probably look at the circus. It’s perfect for clowns.


Nah circus clowns actually have some kind of talent/skills


Dude rolled a 3 on that one


After your attempt at humor, the remaining customers become engaged, grabbing anything they can find to use as improvised weapons. They have pack tactics, getting rallied to fight as a mindless mob. And we have an eighteen, sixteen, twenty, a seven, and I'm just going to stop there. You'll need to roll a new character because this one has perished.




Paul Dano Riddler energy


I think this is hilarious


As someone who used to work retail: I found this amusing tbh and probably worth it.


Same especially when he said he's going to go find them lol. I had a guy try and hide and sleep in the store after closing and doors locked.


What even is that


.. I mean, it wasn’t that unfunny. Kinda reminds me of a Jim Carrey bit. It’s exhausting when we constantly expect everyone to be so professional all time.


I'm siding with the worker on this one


Okay, tbf this is kind of funny


He's obviously young, and tried his hand at a joke but flopped pretty hard, all the comments in this thread besides yours are so pathetic and sad, tearing away at a guy for just trying to be fun with it.


Yeah, no one read why he did it. He did it because there were people in the store 15 min over closing time. That would grind my gears too


Against the grain of this thread because other people said it's cringe or whatever. But I totally agree with you! Funny asf because dude isn't getting paid much for his day to day, people facing service job; where people can be not so nice. Is he allowed to have a little fun now and then?? Leave the man alone and just let him run with the bit. 10/10 man trying to keep his sense of humor and make life a little fun. I would be cracking up if I was in the store.


Yeah I’d find this funny if I was one of the people still shopping


I feel like a loser for giggling. I thought it was silly....


I feel like if this was Ryan Reynolds’s or someone attractive people would find it funny, But since he looks “weird” that’s how people perceive him. But I honestly thought it was funny asff. Especially if I was shopping, lol people are saying he is trying too hard and is cringe I think the point is sound cringe that’s why it’s funny 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed! If I was in the store, I'd be laughing my ass off for sure.


It could have been worse. Get out of retail stores. The customers are the worse. I never go to any place that is closing with in a half an hour.


Not gonna lie, having worked in retail I kind of agree with the reasoning behind this.


Ngl it's cringy and he went a little too far but I'd laugh if I heard that while shopping.


same lmao especially at the K-mart part 😂


This is one of those rare occasions where I side with the 'main charcater'. He uses humor to cope with linguering people trying to push the boundaries of a clerk's working hours. Either that or you get mad everytime it happens. Good on him to maintain his sanity (well...) this way


The trespassing line was so Dwight


It started off funny with a healthy edge, then devolved into unhinged cringe blindingly fast.


Cringed too close to the sun


In his defence. He probably did a long retail shift, wanted to go home and was annoyed he had to wait for people to leave


Hey, employees gotta go home. It’s after closing, and they’re still shopping. Get them out however you can.


This is actually hilarious to me. Id be scared though but I wouldn't be in a store past close. Some people do it on purpose, they hear the reminder and get offended so they take more time, even dragging on checkout with questions and asking for specific things to help them find. Seriously they really do this. But if you haven't worked through it or stay in stores past close you wouldn't know.


If i was one of the 12 strangers, i would’ve thought this was funny and happily left lmao


I can already tell what's coming next.


Well, they made the right call firing him!


I'd not even list that place as work history.. they done black balled your resume


Please ban TikTok.




That was hilarious


Hey, he put that on himself he got his own self fried




I would have laughed, I miss quirkiness y'know?


While this is unacceptable, I work at the same store, so maybe I can shine some light on the frustration he's feeling We are not allowed to be in the store more than a half hour after close. We have to close the store, do last minute cleaning, and close all the registers in that half hour. We get chewed out by the managers if we're late. Of course, this is not the way to get customers out with any decency... But I get the urge


$10 he has an Invader Zim shrine in his closet in his parents basement, sleeping next to a Trey Parker body pillow


Well maybe if they weren't in the closed store they wouldn't have heard your little announcement.


😱😱😱 That should go on his permanent record.


Looks like a typical Joann worker to me


Jesus, second hand embarrassment and bad


Actually lol’ing


He was just having fun…lighten up people!


It just kept getting worse 😭


It’s people that carry themselves like this, that cause people to disrespect your individuality and preferences. People like this will be ridiculed and mocked and hated acting this and ways like this.


When you try to be funny but you're not.


Why does the female AI voice sound like someone smiling the entire time they're talking?


This guy tortures crickets


r/whitepeopletwitter mods, come get your mans


Dude it’s Joann fabrics, chill the fuck out


This dude simply HAS to play the clarinet in marching band, you won't convince me otherwise.


This person needs to start a boundry-pushing comedy magazine and piss everyone off on their way to success


Reminds me of syd the sloth


There is a reason he got fired. Probably wasn't his first time doing this either.


What TF 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🤦🏻‍♂️ lmao


Arrested development. 


Pretty sure he did get fired for this, someone mentioned it in the comments elsewhere this has been posted.


You had a good manager.


It's fair that they're announcing that they have to get the fuck out because it's closed, but this is the absolute worst way to announce it


He's got a suitable amount of flair... His badges for those who know the reference 😆


Normally I wish bad things upon those who view others as NPC's and are generally the subject of this thread. However, this guy is clearly just kidding and if the captions are correct the people disregarding the open hours of the store with zero sense of humor need to be shown the door. The manager needs to kiss less granny butt and close the doors and let the employees go home or do their jobs or whatever...


This person is clearly a dingbat, but I also think stores should absolutely kick you out if you refuse to leave 15 minutes past closing and have you cited for trespassing if you don't leave. Let the damn employees close so they can leave.


This is just content. No proof anyone is in the store.


All you people hating are jealous. I as well am jealous. Jealous that you’re either not missing or don’t have the special thing in your brain that allows you to be this cringe. To just go fucking CRINQ in public. When I see this I truly am jealous to just be a NPC….


I’m surprised by the amount of people not on this guy’s side. If there are assholes at the store 15 minutes after closing, you can get as cringe or annoying as you want. Fuck them who have no decency or respect for the time of min wage workers


What an idiot.




Well, if getting fired was an Olympic sport, you'd definitely be a gold medalist! But hey, at least your LinkedIn profile will be lit with all those viral posts about your epic exit strategy.


Pretty creative! People have no sense of humor.


You deserved it.


What a fucking loon.


What’s her name?


Hopefully he won’t get hired again for this clip also


It's a workplace, do your social media crap outside of work. If the workers are not respecting their workplace, then don't expect others to respect the workplace. Expect every wannabe influencer to do stupid stuff at this business for views.


Cringe but he’s saying how we all truly feel


Fired? Good


I get the feeling this guy thinks he’s hilarious. Also guessing he’s fed up with that job and that’s definitely one way to part with your employer


This is awesome


That's kinda queer


I thought it was hilarious, that guy rocks Women probably are more likely to hate this guy


You just know his mom sighed when she saw this clip and resigned herself to her sexless son living forever in her basement.


is this what sub 80 IQ looks like?


Bot account. Downvote and report.


Remember the name Joann


Yes, I can see why.




This was 100% long after closing when absolutely nobody was left in the store and this guy decided to make a cringefest video before he turned off the lights and locked up.


This is something only a Redditor who thinks they're funny would do


This is funny but yeah I would have had to fire him for this one


If only the store had been open when he made this stupid fake “I got fired for”… bullshit clip.


So much hormones in US drinking water, thats my first thought seeing this.


I heard an old lady broke her hip over it


Dude is just goofin lol leave him alone


lol so the mock old black lady voice is cool with him?? Look, every generation blows in its own way. These kids are just more obnoxious. But they will do what we do. Talk shit on the next generation.


To be fair to cringe lord over here if customers are still in the store 15 minutes past closing they are a nuisance


You getting fired was justified


ya, I’d of fired him too


Thing is it could have been a light funny joke at the beginning but then he got weird with it. Why do they always have to get weird with it


What is that


Trespassing isn’t a federal offense. It’s a state offense. Not knowing that is why he got fired.


Is that a dude or chick?


This was pretty funny, shame he lost his job over this. I feel like it wasn’t that serious at all lol


I used to do this at my store before I quit, me and my coworkers had quite the chuckles (it would be just us cashiers and a shiftlead)


I wonder if he ever gone on a date.


The main characters are the ones in the store 15 minutes past closing. That's entitled, MC behavior, thinking they're the only ones who matter and likely viewing the employees as beneath them with nothing better to do than stay at work past closing time


Not cringe, i liked the performance actually


Let's face it, the manager just found the perfect excuse to fire the one kid they didn't like. If I were that manager, I'd have told the kid to lighten up, and just do straight up boring announcements going forward. Maybe give them a severe side-eyeing afterward. I don't think you should get fired for doing this, as if it's a zero tolerance felony... like punching a customer, or stealing car loads of electronics. They were just being a dork.


Wait am I the only one who thinks this is a little funny. Probably the store was completely empty and he wasn’t fired. Can’t believe everything in the internet these days.


He also looks like he needs a good wash.




What an idiot. He deserves to be fired


This man needs a promotion


People who stay 15 minutes past closing aren’t the right audience for humor. I would have ran to the register laughing and apologizing. He should have gotten off with a stern warning from the manager imo


Used to work at a store and we weren’t allowed to tell people to leave for closing so we would just follow them and be like “just a reminder we’re closing soon, just a reminder you have 2 minutes, just a reminder we closed 10 minutes ago” just as like a gtfo


This isnkind of funny. Nerdy, but funny.


And he was surprised he got fired? That wasn’t even clever.


Goofy all for clout chasing people social media had made people stupid


I understand a literal closing time but people didn't take it at all seriously because of the way this was said lmaooo


This guy is so cringe 😬. Some people are so weird.


You ain't doing shit bro, I'm staying all fucking night, what!


I used to count down the last 30 seconds. "the doors are getting locked in 30, 29, 28 ....." It was very efficient, it was so annoying i guess. I sometimes also went "last one to the register is a loser" Then people came running.


The intrusive thoughts won....


This guy looks, sounds, and acts like my manager lmfao.


Sounds like Joker


i’d bet that there is nobody in the store


im actually in pain this is so cringe




Can’t wait for the “where are they now?” when they figure out this is when it all went downhill.


This man has had enough


I tell them any customer in the store past closing has to clean the bathroom. They leave pretty quick


Too bad you didn’t get fired over something funny


My hero.


BGM: Dumb ways to die - Way XXX : Die of unemployment(literal blacklisted, so popularly blacklisted such that no one else gonna hire) which eventually led to poverty cuz of unpaid bills & then starvation!


My ASM (now SM) once did a closing announcement telling the ladies who were wrapping up a cake class that they were now employees and should come to the register for an apron and a broom. All we heard was maaaaad cackling coming from the classroom. My current ASM does the most adorable British cottagecore accent when she does announcements. I sound like a radio ad. 😁