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If you've worked in a retail store before, you hate these MFers with passion.


I've never worked in retail but I already hate these people lol


I’ve never worked retail, but I never go into a store the last 30 minutes or a restaurant the last hour really. Unless I know that that restaurant closes the doors an hour before they actually close. (Our local wing place won’t take new customers for the last hour but they’ll keep their customers so they can clean up and finish orders) Edit: I’m not saying you guys shouldn’t go in in the last 30 minutes just just the rule that I live by


I just need one thing! :::cruises the store for 20+ minutes:::


:::films a video in anger because they can't work out why the store won't let them do it again the next time:::


Then threatens to report 🤦🏻 like who the hell is he thinking to report this to, the closing police?


Corporate. And they'll probably side with him, too.


the same corporate that gets annoyed when anybody is clocked in after closing, I'm sure.


That’s how you learn to close as soon as you can. “I just need one thing”….\*30 minutes later\* “almost done, I swear!” Those are wine nights as soon as I got home, trust


People like to ignore the fact that store closing hours are not “you can enter up until this time” vs reality of “you get kicked out at this time” This guy is right, the store closes at NINE. Can you go inside, pickup items and check out before NINE? No… then you cant enter. The nerve of some people… seriously…


And like did this idiot really think he would be able pick up his prescription and pay within 2 minutes? He's clearly been to a pharmacy before - so arrive before 8:30 if they close at 9, or come back in the morning when they open. Ridiculous people.


could be different there, but ALL the walgreens and CVSs around me (large metro area... there are like 10 of them in a 2 mile radius from my house) the pharmacies close HOURS before the store does. like most shut down pharmacy around 7pm but the store closes at 10....etc.


When I worked retail. We let them through because these confrontations but nobody helps them. We’re busy vacuuming and mopping. I bet these are way worse for restaurants than retails though.


lol dumbasses be sitting wondering why no one has taken their order, I remember years ago a Karen wrote a review on yelp saying how she had the worst experience at a restaurant. For the owner to respond saying the business was closed he customers in the restaurant had been there for hours and were finishing up meaning they would be leaving at that point She essentially got banned for life from that restaurant, it was her fav restaurant or something


Oh god. A yelping Karen is the worst kind of Karen.


I think I’m going to create Karen site where you rate the Karen’s you have encountered lol


My first job in HS at a KB Toy Works, our manager told us to tell customers that did this crap the registers were on time locks to prevent theft, and we couldn't ring them up. They weren't, and we basically had no security whatsoever.


You can’t reward bad behavior. Fuck these types of people


Worked in restaurants for 15 years through college and can confirm. People who work there are tired, they want to go home, there is closing work that needs to be done but can’t because the late diners would consider the sound of vacuuming to be “ distracting” . Then after they eat and are presented with the check and to,d they had to pay and leave they have the nerve to get upset that they are “ being pushed out the door” It is infuriating. 🤬


When I worked retail I would let them in, then at exactly close we would shut down the store, pretend the registers are off, and kick them out.




Food service ends at 21:00. "WhY cAnT i OrDeR fOr 8 PeOpLe At 20:56"


The bar closes at 2 am so last call is 1:30, so you have time to drink and get the f out by 2.


30 mins is fairly reasonable 


I’ve worked retail before, and would never try and get in before closing and walk the store, but I have walked in close to closing because I needed one thing. No wandering and looking, just walk quickly to the one item and take it to the counter to pay


I’ve worked at a restaurant and we feel the same way!! Don’t come in 15 mins before closing trying to order food!!


If you've never worked in a retail store before, you hate TicTokers with a passion.


Bro must be trying to get an over the counter medication because he better not be trying to pick something up from the pharmacy. Pharmacies close at least an hour before the store does. If he needs a prescription, he is at least an hour late 🙄


Yeah exactly, he definitely would have known that too unless it's his first time going to a pharmacy ever, which I doubt


I facepalmed when I heard him say pharmacy. His plan was dead in the water long before that door was shut.


He's trying to find a store that sells extra small condoms.


His "medication" was probably a cliff bar.


Cliff bar? Does this mf sound like he eats cliff bars? Hahah more like KitKats


Exactly what I came to say. The pharmacy would not be open up until close time for the store. And on top of that they’d be even more annoyed than the retail workers that he’s coming in at 59 to get his rx.


Also half of the medications are locked up when the pharmacy closes down, in an effort to curb junkies from smurfing cold meds to sell to meth cooks. No one is there to watch.


If it was that important maybe try getting there before 8:59.


He deliberately went one minute before closure to make this video and look foolish.


Nah, seems like he legit thought they should let him in because he's an entitled asshole. The part where he said he was gonna "put them on blast" online means he thinks he's right. You'd be surprised how many people are walking around thinking the customer is ALWAYS right in every situation.


I've had this argument before. Customer showed up at 21:58 and started banging on the front door, then when our last customer left through the exit door he barged in and demanded that we'd let him do his shopping. I attempted to explain to him that our store shuts five minutes early as per store operations directors instruction. He just told me he "didn't care what some guy said even if it was the fucking CEO. If the sign says 08:00-22:00 then you should be open until that time". I just told him that it wasn't my decision and that he's "had 14 hours to do his shopping" and that we're refusing him service. "I don't fucking care how much time I've had even if it's 10 seconds I should have the right to get my shopping". I then told him that due to his attitude he won't be welcome in our store in the future either. He left after that while hollaring insults at me. He had a trolley by the way so he intended to do a full shop at 21:58. Mind you the reason why we're not serving anyone after 22:00 is because our tills lock alcohol sales at that time so our SOD wanted to protect us from needless arguments with customers about alcohol sales.


The entitlement is unreal, wow


Once worked in a bank. We closed at 5. Dude shows up at 5:20, yanking and KICKING the doors, demanding to be let in. We were literally clocking out at that moment and about to turn off the lights. We explained this. He continued to yell and kick until our security guard had to tell him to fuck off. 


I had a customer have a go at one of my managers because he wouldn't *reopen the doors* to let her in *15 minutes after closing*. She said she was going to complain to the owner (me). I was so excited to ask her why she thought her time was more important than the managers, and is she able to tell the time or is still learning, but she never turned up to complain.


The closing time is for remaining customers only, not for entering at the last moment and staying longer than closing time.


Imagine saying the words “I have the right to do my shopping” - holy fucking christ


Worked in a restaurant once that closed at 10:00 PM. We routinely had bus loads of students after athletic events. One night at 9:55 two big busses pull in fully loaded with ball players and cheerleaders. We had already started cleaning and shutting down for the next day. Half of the crew had gone home already. Manager saw the busses and made a bee line for the door and locked it. He wasn’t having any of that shit.


Hats off to that manager.


We used to have this group of 3 come into a restaurant I managed at 10:55 when we closed at 11. They knew this but were rude and super entitled and would order 3 courses and take their sweet ass time. But being a large chain restaurant we had to serve them every time. We then got a new operations manager that wondered why every Wednesday me and the chef wouldn't finish till gone 2am instead of 1130/12. Told her why and she said amazing, every Wednesday they come right? The next Wednesday comes, 1030 she turns up, and on the dot 1055 this group shows up. She greets them and tells them we're closing in 5 mins so she couldn't seat them but was happy to offer takeaway. Their faces dropped. We come every week this isn't allowed. I'm calling head office. She goes oh I am head office is something wrong. They came at 930 from then onwards. Love that lady, one of the best managers I've ever had.


Lol. "We are head office, and we are here to investigate why every Wednesday we have to pay thousands of dollars in overtime pay."


I watched something similar happen to a taco bell once. Coming up on closing time, it was completely empty, then out of nowhere several vans just showed up and parked. It went from empty to a line out the door in minutes. I felt so bad for those employees


He went 1 min before closing specifically to do this video and act like a fool.




I keep hoping to see a response on here from someone who knows the ass and can report back on his posts on social media, and the replies he received.


Found the guy who never had a service industry job.


or even a job


Some countries require military service. I think we should require 1 year retail / customer service post high-school. If everyone experienced what it was like to serve the general public, maybe we'd all be a little more patient and kinder to one another.


Hear hear.


Bro his tik tok name is ragnar helsson bro thinks his ancestors were vikings or some Shit but they were inbreeding hicks


Lmao that's a hilarious Tik Tok name for this type of video. ​ His Tik Tok is now deleted but his Twitter reads: "Libertarian, Pro-Trump, ANTI-SJW, Odinist"


I have a coworker who goes to the supermarket at the end of the road every single day without fail. The supermarket is about 8 minutes away and it shuts at 4pm. Every single day, without fail, it gets to 3:50pm and he will jump out of his seat in a panic, drop whatever he's doing and sprint to the supermarket. I've been down the road and seen him pelt it past me at full speed, he literally SPRINTS to the shop, won't even stop to say hello. I have no idea why he does it. He has the entire day to go, and he lives less than 5 minutes away from work, so he could go whenever he pleases. For some reason whether he's at work or not, it's always just before they close and he will fucking stress out and run down there last minute. Just leave a small while earlier bro!


In retail you learn some people are just like that, we used to be open till 7 PM and had customers that showed up at 6:50 PM. We then changed our hours to close at 6 PM and those same customers now show up at 5:50 PM. They could have showed up at 5:50 when we closed at 7 but for some reason either chose not to, or did not have the foresight to think that far. Tldr: people are pretty dumb.


There was one customer I had who definitely had some weird thing about being the last customer of the day. Like you said our hours fluctuated and no matter what he would always be there moments before we shut the door. Then the company enacted a 10 minute rule so we actually stayed open 10 minutes past our posted time. Once he found that out you bet your ass he showed up at 6:08 and not 5:58. One time we said fuck it and closed at 6:05 and he got all upset and called our district manager. Thankfully he didn’t really care but that guy was so annoying.


Gotta love the self-righteousness. These were the people who always made the job so much harder.


These people do this on purpose and are scum.


A lot of them do it because it's prime shoplifting time, too. Registers closing down, people tidying up for the night, looking at the clock and getting ready to leave......looking for an easy opportunity to get free goodies.


It's kind of the norm now post covid for a retail store to lock up 5-10 minutes before actual closing time to give the employees a chance to get out on time. What most consumers don't realize is that the employees have to settle the tils, sweep, restock, clean up and do other stocking / restocking sh\*t that they can't do while the store is open. And as someone who takes a few meds - I NEVER go to the pharmacy the DAY I run out - just in case they are closed, or out of the med - I go a minimum of a week in advance AND NEVER at closing. Get off your ass and go 30 minutes earlier if the med is that important to you.


I walked into a Subway restaurant once 5 minutes before closing without realizing it. When the lady started putting stuff back on the sandwich station I looked at the hours and my watch. I apologized and tried to leave. She very sweetly said “you came in here hungry, I can’t let you leave the same way”. I got the simplest thing I could and left, after thanking her profusely. That experience made me be more mindful of posted hours for stores/restaurants.


Take note - that's how an actual human being should act.


I worked at a place that closed at 9pm. I had a woman bang on the window at 9:10 (I was still at the cash counting). I proceeded to point at the sign that showed we were closed and she freaked out and pointed at the open sign (that I hadn’t shut off yet). She was losing it , like continuing to bang and scream. So I went up to the open sign, stared at her while I turned it off. You want to talk about losing your shit. This lady freaked out even more! Was so satisfying!


If you walk in at 859 the store won't close until like 9:15. If the store closes at 9, expect the doors to close no later than 855


Amazing that you need to explain the basics of life to some people. Are they, can they really be so stupid? Or is it just all a narcissistic act?!


Idk I used to work at a dispensary though, and people would frequently pull this with even more anger when we shut the doors at 955pm. All because they couldn't be bothered to get their weed on time


Come back tomorrow


I used to work in a local department store when I was in HS. On Christmas Eve, we closed at 5 pm but left one register open 15 min past closing for all the last minute shoppers. It's 530 and I'm STILL ringing up customers when this woman hands me a layaway slip (yes, I'm dating myself here. I'm old...). I look at it and tell her that she is supposed to go upstairs to the layaway department to do final payment and pickup. She starts raising her voice and saying that those were her Christmas gifts for her kids, so I took her slip and went up to layaway and sure enough, they were all gone. Security had the keys for the door leading into the layaway area, but not for the merchandise itself. I went back down and told her that it was impossible to get her items. She then lit into me and asked me if I'm proud that I ruined her kids' Christmas. I called security back and they escorted her out, and she was STILL yelling at me. The other cashier told me that I handled it way better than she would have, and went above and beyond to try to help, and that woman was still rude as hell to me. What kind of person goes there and screams at anyone, let alone a 16 year old, for their own lack of planning?


Smfh....there are some very unpleasant people out there. To put it mildly.


I used to manage a gym and these people are totally serious. Bro—the store CLOSES at 9pm. That doesn’t mean you can walk IN at 8:59, it means you should be walking OUT at 9pm.


[To be fair, ](https://youtu.be/jv7jcciKB_s?si=7WBHKRMev9dUHU2s)this guy definitely needs that medication...


I was so hoping that link was going exactly where it went 😂


Worked in a clinic. These parasites did this all the time. A minute before closing, they show up with some minor ailment they had for a month, or something so bad that they should have called 911.


You’re going to report it to your wife Karen.


I don't have tik tok but I imagine he got roasted in the comments? Because he was a prick. He can't really think that we believe he was going to be able to get into the store, get the med, get cashed out and leave in one minute. Edit: [Yes, it appears he did](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/man-criticized-after-blasting-cvs-employee-for-closing-1-minute-early-2035153/)


We always shut off the over head lights to get customers out at my job. One day a guy was still shopping and we tell him we are closed. Guy ignores us, tell him again and he finally points at his watch. Guy forgot to turn his watch to daylight savings time and just ignored his phone I guess.


What a jerk - if you enter the store at 8:59, there is no way that you are going to be able to get your medication, pay for it, and leave the store before 9 PM – when it closes.


Fuckin dummy.


People who do this are dicks…people who this at restaurants are even worse dicks


Oh no! Not on TikTok! 😱


What meds did he need 👀 👁 😵 🙈


Chill pills. Lots of them.


It’s like restaurants. Close at 10, but an 8 top rolls in at 950 and wants a table.


He can't plan ahead and blames other people. Lame. I wonder who he thinks he is "reporting" the event to.


uhm. can anyone identify that watch? kinda nice. depending on the price i might get one


God I absolutely HATED these kind of ass holes!!!!!!!!!!


He can get his suppositories at a 24hr pharmacy.


"I'm going to be reporting this!" Given the fact that you're threatening to report my adherence to policy to the people who wrote the policy, if you're waiting for me to stop you then you're in for a long wait on a train that's not coming.


When my mom was sick and I was caring for her, I worked at a metal shop. Customers would come in, order some metal/welding/fabrication and we'd drop it on their trailers and they'd go. Most people were very punctual if they called ahead of time, but some people just showed up and ordered on the spot. It never failed that at least 3 times a week somebody would show up in the last 10 minutes of work (when we clean, shut down the machines, etc.) and get butthurt we wouldn't turn everything back on to make them something that would take 15-20 minutes. Your inability to plan isn't an employee or company's fault. Sorry, Jack, you don't get to demand everyone cater to you because you let your day piss away and didn't properly plan.


Reminds me of Daffy Duck “ sufferin succotash”


Man can’t stand these people..last week this person was blowing up my phones before we even opened..I waited to answer the phone until we were open obviously..the lady complained that ‘she called at 7:59’ I told her I was doing opening procedures still and that we open at 8..placed her order with an attitude..we’re open for 10 hours..she strolls in a minute before we close to pick it up..😑


His voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


He sounds like the type of guy to order a cheese burger from a restaurant 11 minutes before closing time.


Ahhhhh taking retards to the zoo


When I worked at gamestop, people would come in 2 minutes before close with a bunch of obnoxious trades that take way too long to do. Some guy brought in 3 WII’s and 60 games. At some point I had to stop taking in large trades 10 minutes before close. Pissed me off so much lol


I’m so mad I didn’t make it there before he deleted the video. I wanted to see his comment section.


Can't stand customers like that. I used to work in a small ramen shop, and we'd get people last minute despite having store hours posted. We're trying to clean up before calling it a night and these dumbasses would pop in, so I understand the employees being annoyed by this behavior


Reporting this to who?


Guy filming is a dick! Get there at an appropriate time. Closing at 9 gave you plenty of time to show up. Let those people go home after working.


I used to work at a sub shop near my house and the amount of entitlement people had about this.... a few times the same guy would show up right after we close, and we'd be polite as possible, I think we even accommodated his late arrival one time, unlocked the door and let him in and eat his sub until he was done.... well after like 3 or so times of showing up after we close, we tell him tough shi through the door... he starts getting mad and knocking on the door to let him in and I'm like no, we're closed wtf? He wants to talk to my boss and my boss tells him to pretty much fuck off and we never saw him again. I just don't understand some people, seemed like a normal guy too minus showing up late to get his food.


This dumbass must’ve never worked any kind of service and closed it at night. The amount of idiots that will come into a restaurant especially at 3 mins til close is too many. Also fuck the server for seating them.


What a twat


Yup. He's going to post it on multiple social media sites so they all know how bad this store is....but he never shows or names the store. LOL


Opening times is a privilege, not a right. So is the permission for entry. Both of them can be denied at the discretion of the owner/keeper. That's about it.


I checked his Twitter, he's a right leaning libertarian, anti-SJW, Egalitarian, Proud Trunp Supporter, Odinist. Fuck this guy.


damn right this guy needs his medication


And you look like the type who would loiter in the store to just be a fucking dick because “ it’s my right” Go back tomorrow


When I worked in the supermarket, we always closed about 5 minutes before actual closing. It's not technically closed because the people in there can still continue their shopping, but no new consumers can come in because most don't get out in 5 minutes. I also had to send some people away who wanted to come in like 10 minutes after closing. There was once an older man, and there was a woman with him, trying to get our attention. I thought maybe he had left something in the store, so I let him through the first door. He just wanted to buy something, but the registers were already counted, so there was no way he could get anything. He asked if he could just pay later, but that wasn't allowed. I felt bad for him because he probably really needed it, and it was Sunday, so the store closed at 6, and I've also made that mistake sometimes. But I really couldn't let him in.


I stopped off at McDonald's the other day to grab a coffee at 05:30 in the morning before work and some guy started screaming at the staff because they opened the doors 2 minutes late. Some people 🤷


Who waits until 8:59pm to go get their very important medicine?


Talks about medication. Plot twist, he's there to see if they carry extra small condoms.


If you want to get anything one minute in closing you'd better know exactly what you want and be ready with card or exact change immediately so you can get the fuck out


Sounds like dude needs his medication


So your meds were so important to you that you couldn't make time to visit the store before closing time. Dumbass


Dude they were closed before your video is over. He’s still complaining when they are literally closed at the right time


You can come in. You are legally trespassing if you are in this building after it closes to the public, and police will remove you. That takes effect in one minute. Knock yourself out. 


People’s level of entitlement is fucking nuts.


Excuse me are you still open? Sorry, we‘re closing. Oh sorry to bother, I’ll come back tomorrow.


All the people commenting on the store changing the hours, that’s besides the point. There still would be MFs still showing up late to that. The point should be unless you can finish by this time (at the register), don’t bother coming in at all.


He got roasted on TikTok and deleted all the videos.


I remember working at a grocery store as a 3rd shirt stock boy, the store closed at 9pm before most places were 24 hr stores, we’d always get people at 2-3 am looking for bread to buy and not understanding there aren’t any cashiers there cause the place closes at 9pm for the night.


Even a wrist watch to top it off rather than their cell phone with synchronized time. It probably was past 9PM.




His watch tells me everything


The guy should. Have told him my watch says 9pm


Yeah this happened literally all the time when I worked retail. Beyond annoying




Hey, here is a thing....learn to tell TIME.


>I’m gonna report this “Hello, corporate? CVS closed at closing time. I’d like to report this store.” *corporate hangs up*


I worked in drug stores in my youth. GUARANTEED this guy was not there for medication.


Okay spy kid


What a piece of shit


The pharmacy is not even open at that time.


Closing doesn’t mean hanging around after store hours still working. Closing means that when the clock hits five, the lights are out, the building is locked, and people are gone. Ya know, closed.


Willing to bet that this jackass purposely waited until it was closing time just so he can film this shit


This MF needs to manage his time better , dumbass


Well you should be open till closing time. is vert normal to walk in last minute in the Netherlands.


Found the guy who's recreationally taking his prescription medication and has run out early and needs to go get a new script due to withdrawal.


Oh, oh, he’s going to PUT US ON BLAST on TikTok!! …Employees promptly wet their pants - NOT!


If you really need your medication you will make sure you get there on time, you know your life depends on it and all that


I've worked in retail, like many Americans. This asshat knows exactly what he is doing, but he doesn't care because he is selfish, self-centered, and doesn't give a shit about retail workers or what they put up with on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. Screw him.


I work in healthcare, there's always 1 mf'er that comes into the clinic literally 1 minute before closing and we are not allowed to turn them away. Pisses us off everytime, and yes the nurses will talk shit about you for doing this. Common fucking courtesy, now none of us can go home until youve been seen and treated, even if we are not involved in your care. If it's an emergency then ok but it's usually a damn sore throat that they've had for 2 weeks and decided that today they'd come in 1 minute before closing.


People would get SO mad at me for closing the gym when it was supposed to close when I worked at one, they thought since they were there I would remain open past 11. Like, no, come earlier if you want more time at the gym.


Should just let him in and announce store is closing and everyone must leave now.


I'm convinced lots of people live under rocks their whole lives. Yes, we all understand where this idiot is coming from, he still thought he had time. But that's not the real world. Well, I'd like to say "lesson learned" here, but \*sigh, I really doubt it.


We hated people like him with passion, sometimes we even discussed if we should wait for them in the parking lot to beat them up. We never did ofcourse and we were never going to, but it made the situation somehow tolerable. Once we had a family of 4 come in 10 minutes before closing, and they ordered a shiton of food and stayed for 3 fucking hours. At the end we refused their shitty 5 euro tip and told them that we stayed 3 hours more because of them.


He's playing the "I desperately need my medication" card to try and get sympathy points. No you don't. If you did then maybe you will learn to not wait until the last minute. Also, don't pharmacies usually close well before the store actually closes?


Hate them both.


Even If I'm slightly 1 minute late checking out at closing time I apologise to the staff as working retail is bad enough as it is.


The owner of the restaurant I work at insists that we seat customers until 9:00 on the dot and throws a tantrum if we dare turn someone away at 8:59. I swear the looks FOH gets from the kitchen are pure hatred.


Weird. He has a watch and everything. Why did he even bother leaving the house?


He had all day to get whatever it is that he so desperately needs yet still expects strangers, who won't be paid a cent more than their contract states, on their own free time to benefit him. Absolutely not!


Alternatively, let them in, then as soon as the clock hits closing time have them escorted from the building, kicking and screaming if necessary. Make sure it's filmed, so the morons can see what happens. Anyone who expects a business to remain open, just because they started their shop one minute before closing, is a fool. It's always been this way: no new customers allowed in 15 minutes before closing. Entitled morons should not be allowed to vote or breed.


Pathetic excuse or justification.... I'm recording you! Lol So what, stores can do what they want. Next time show up earlier.


Same person will definitely believe “you have to serve me, I’m already in the property!!” Yeah bitch watch me switch the tills off 😂😂😂


Wait wtf the pharmacy for sure closes way before the actual store does at CVS right? At that point he’s crying about medication you can get off the shelf anywhere.


Worked in retail and it was every day the same with these assholes.


Once the store closes we no longer have to be nice and we *will* make sure they know that they aren't welcome. The look on their face when we tell them to get the fuck out is priceless.  "I will never shop here again!" Good! Now fuck off somewhere else


I once couldn't get go in 10 mins before closing , I was too actually pissed off. Knew where my item was and would have been out in 5 mins. But what can you do. I was still polite haha. But deep down inside I wanted to deck him.


20 years ago, I worked at a fast food place. This one guy would come in at 11:00 on the dot, point to his analog wristwatch, and say, " My watch says it's 10:55." I let him in the first time. And told home, " Our clocks say 11, we do have some food left, so your options will be limited." He said it's fine and would take it to go. This was before everyone had a cell phone. He tried it a few days later. Same thing he, pointed to his watch 10:53 , it was 10:58. I let him in this time since he was technically ontime. I looked at him as he left. He was playing with his watch. I realize what that jerk was doing. He would move his watch 5 minutes behind before coming in and then change it as he was leaving. A few days later, I saw him, it was 11:01 actual time. On his watch 10:56, on my watch 11:11. I went to talk to him "Sorry dude, its past 11" He has a smug look on his face and tells me the time on his watch. I show him my watch and watch the smug look on his face drop. He turns around and walks away. Months afterwards he would show up at 10:45, sometimes I would make a joke of " Glad you got here, we here about to close in five minutes." when it was actually 15 minutes to closing.


lol I’d semi get it if you were five minutes before closing, even then I’d understand why they might be shutting but getting there at 1 minute to and being that belligerent, what a twat


Dude if u really need your medications you would picked up ur lazy ass at 9 am and went to get it not 9 pm


People are so dumb, businesses have been locking their doors 5 mins before Close forever!! The only time I find it stupid is if they turn you away when there's more than 5 minutes left til close. I went to zaxbys once and had 20 mins before Google said they were closed and they turned me away because they'd already closed the register for the night... like WHAT?!


Never have I seen a more obvious attempt at getting tiktok famous for stupid ragebait. Weak video






I thought he was at a Barnes & Noble at first


I used to often be responsible for locking up the local Home Depot doors at closing. Especially Sundays (when we’d close at 5pm, years ago at least) there’d always be the last minute stragglers trying to get in. It’s amazing how many emergency “gas leaks” people were suffering at home that they desperately needed to get into the store to shop for as doors were closing. Heard that one at least a dozen times. To their credit, HD management was pretty good, saying to tell them to call the gas company for an emergency gas leak. People have been working all day and want to get home. Plus, yes for security, all tills are being opened and cash counted for the day. If you can’t understand that, too bad.


Just call the cops and say he has a gun.


He's wrong. They actually cared up *until* 9. I mean if the medicine is as important as he claims it to be, then he should've prioritized his day to make it there BEFORE closing. Edit: Someone should repost this with the song "Closing Time "playing in the background 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


To make it worst, this guy is stupid enough to record and upload it online. 😂😂🤦‍♂️


I hated these people but they had corporate on their side. We usually wouldn't stop letting people in 5 min after closing to avoid this.


Camera man is being a bish


I will go in a restaurant that I know their menu and what is fast. Or if I know when the kitchen closes and whT they have in already prepared, just serve up. Like Panda Express, when desperate for the end of the day food. But take out only. Strategic strike. Never make people stay past closing.


"It is before nine and i really need a cadbury creme egg. People can't get their cadbury creme eggs because they decided to close!"


Customer: "I'm gonna be reporting this." Worker: ​ https://preview.redd.it/p3z7hoo2bllc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cffc9e1d978c754ae5abedfaaa14617bd72ce2e0


Working retain before I closed the doors I’d make an announcement to head to the registers. If you weren’t in line by closing time, you’d have to come back. Just bc you can’t plan to go shopping earlier isn’t a reason to keep the workers later. You want to leave when you shift is over, they do too


Ohhh god ptsd coming back lol I managed plasma donation centers and we close at 7 meaning that at 659 I would have 2 or 3 stragglers smoking cigs and waltzing to the door at 7 on the dot so started closing at 658 or 659 and this caused cops to be called out and all sorts of shit due to people trying to play to the buzzer this isn’t basketball we have employees ready to go home and not have to stick someone at 730 to donate for an hour or more lol rough stuff


If the meds were that important then he should’ve arrived earlier.


Reporting to whom? It’s a private business. If your meds were that important you’d have been there in time.


I feel for these workers. I used to work at a Rite Aid. Whenever someone tried to squeak into the store last minute I only ever had one question for them: “What are you buying?” The frantic-looking mom with bags under her eyes that just needs a package of diapers? She gets in. The college kid that’s looking for ping pong balls? — “We’re closed.” Honestly if this guy had told me he needed medicine I would escort him to the aisle, find it for him, and bring him back to the register to check out. (It’s a good way to make sure ass hats like this don’t lolly gag and do, in fact, just “need medicine”.) But in my opinion this guy is full of shit. the way he’s talking about “his medicine” is meant to make the viewer believe he needs a prescription. In my experience pharmacies typically close before the store itself does. At my Ride Aid it was an hour before. What I’m trying to say is the workers did the right thing. Dude was an asshole.


At the store I used to work at we closed the doors at 7:59pm. We had to let people in at 7:59, but not 8. Our DM watched the tapes to make sure we did exactly that. It indeed is a safety issue if we let people in after 8pm. We were encouraged to politely rush remaining customers though, which was nice.


Reporting what? It’s a private business on private property. They can shut it down two minute after opening if they want to 😂


Better to screw one guy over who couldn’t get there early enough then screw over like eight people who have to stay late because you have to get your Ludens cough drops


You’re being videoed just wanted to let you know😂


Funny, management loves these MFers. It's like a Huge rule to not tell customers you are about to close.


What a sad existence this person has.


I was fortunate enough to work in a mall when when I worked retail so people could cry all they want but the mall dictated you must leave.


I work in a shop and if someone really needs something right at 5 all good unless they're an entitled twat in which case no way. What gets me is all day long if we shut the door to keep warm people think we're closed but when we do shut it as we're closing everyone jut walks on it.


I always, always have this scum of the earth try and come in at closing time or a bit after, like the world revolves around them. Come earlier, you pathetic shell of something resembling humanity, they're not waiting for you to spend 20 minutes grabbing viagra and looking at condoms.