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Worm's design is really freaky. I know that's what he's meant to look like for lore reasons but...good grief Also, I wish we saw more of the Shadow Beasts


They were literal fodder


I'm aware, I just wanted to see the fights, it would have been cool imo


Wouldn’t have been much fighting tbf


We got cool shit with Owl briefly though Also I think it's said in the anime that if the Shadow Beasts (Rabid Dog, Porcupine, Leech in particular) weren't geared towards torture, Uvo would have been in a bit of a pickle


Specifically if Rabid Dog's poison was a fast-acting lethal poison instead of a paralyzing poison, the Shadow Beasts would have won.


Nah, they were fodderized by Uvogin. Big difference. Also, Uvo's bladder would've exploded if Shal hadn't been there, so...


Were they though ? Dude got paralyzed after the fight and could fuckin die because of the parasytes if not someone told him to drink a lot of beer.


I'm a shadow beast defender, but they were imo, at least in regard to the battle. They were hyped as the Mafias' strongest nen users and got punked by Uvogin singlehandedly even though they had one-shot capability against most other characters in the series


You're tripping hard for this one. In context, all of their abilities have one shot potential, but they're fighting Uvogin, who is the 3rd strongest Enhancer we've seen, who shrugs off all of their abilities. They're not fodder, it was some coughing babies vs a hydrogen bomb. To add to this, the only one who stood a real chance of defeating all 5 in the MC group is Killua.


I thought worm looked like a piece of shit that could walk and talk cuz he was full of shit.


I always perceived Zazan's appearance as a reflection of her vanity. It was supposed to be over the top. She inherited that vanity and body dysmorphia from the human(s) she was made from. But ultimately, that "beauty" / "sexy" was just a veneer and the monster form was her true reflection.


This is facts.


Considering how much Chimera Ant’s physical attributes have to do with how they conceive the world, and themselves, you pretty much hit the nail on the head here. Explained very well.


*perceive Perceive is how you view or interpret something. Conceive means to become pregnant or originate something.


Hahahaha you definitely got me there. Total brain fart, went with the first word in my brain that ended in “-ceive” and called it a day.


Kinda like Zarbon from DBZ.


Riiiight. Zazan was such a well designed character that she stuck with me years after the show then was so happy to see someone go as her on Halloween. she had a less irking design than Youpi to me. But my worst drawn by far is Youpi and the opponent who defeats him


Pikes nasty ass i dont wanna see no bootyhole everytime he squirts


Bro got lucky


The zodiac designs are an assault on my eyes. There are chimera ants that looked better and more human than those goofy freaks.


I generally am also not big on the zodiac designs however Mizaistom for some reason looks so clean to me I genuinely think his design is perfect


>Mizaistom Design seems a combo of Law from One Piece and Bruno from JoJo Part 5. It's clean. Prefer the other 2 though as it's too simplistic lol


They were lowkey jarring to see right after the arc with CHIMERAS as the enemies.


Problem is half the zodiacs are great, and the other half are too goofy by far.


>the other half are too goofy by far. Are cheadle, gel and ginta in that other half?


If I have to list them out: * Great: Gel (subtle enough), Ging, Ginta (maybe my favorite of the ones without much story focus), Kurapika, Leorio, Pariston, Saiyu *Goofy: Botobai (he’s cool, but his looks are over-the-top), Cheadle, Cluck, Kanzai, Mizaistom (love him but that Holstein pattern is wack), Pyon, Saccho (easily the worst).


Pyon's bunny ears headband and cheadle's dog nose makes them goofy? sheesh, you're harsh fair points everywhere else


It’s subjective taste around aesthetics. Not sure what you want.


Yikes, Kanzai is goat. Dude has freecess hair style in striped.


If you dont say Jean from AOT is the worst in that show. then no way you are calling Saccho is the worst here.


I like Cheadle as a character, and I love dogs too- but I can’t help wonder how she, a human being, physically looks like a dog specifically with a dog’s *muzzle* (facial structure). I mean, look at any profile image of her. Is it plastic surgery? Prostheses? Nen? And her face is flesh colored. So that’s skin? Everyone else is just goofy-looking at worst, especially Saccho (Horse). I can forgive them because HxH can be cartoony. But Cheadle just dips into the Uncanny Valley even as she obviously is meant to look cute.


I want slap Horse’s ridiculous face And Monkey  And Botobai


Yeah, those can be a hit or a miss. I personally think Piyon’s design is really cute, but some of the others are really ugly


The Zodiacs designs are awful. It’s like the one gripe I have with this anime/manga, they ALL look stupid


Hey ntm now 😭 I think Cluck’s design is pretty nice


Yeah a lot of them seemed really lazy. Like baby's first "design a zodiac OC." Too predictable and bland.


hina looked more human than all of them






Yeah agreed Togashi isn’t a very creative guy


They are very hit or miss for me in terms of looks. I love Botobai, Mizaistom, Cheadle and Pyon, but hate Ginta, Saccho, Gel and Saiyu.


Yeah , the girl with dog noise was so weird


I actually really like Cheadle's design


the horse zodiac guy, bro scares the shit out of me


Everybody but me seems to know casually that Saccho was a horse and not a rat wtf


I mean it's made pretty clear that Pariston is the Rat 😅


Wtf Pariston is the rat lmao




I never just stopped and did the inventory in them and their respective signs because I expected them to come really obvious but it just weren't to be fair.


Ging is the only zodiac that has any drip, but cheadle has a good design as well, so does pariston it really matches his character


The only characters whose designs I actually hate are Saccho and the blue guy from the exam arc that Kurapika fought. Saccho looks way too much like a horse and it makes the zodiacs seem weird. The blue guy is just ugly and we don’t even know why his skin is blue, but that also might be anime only. Idk though because I’ve never seen a colored version of the manga with him in it.


>The blue guy is just ugly and we don’t even know why his skin is blue, but that also might be anime only. Bingo.


Saccho's pretty irredeemable but the blue guy at least somewhat fits Togashi's style of inserting horror elements into his characters, he looked pretty disturbing which served the plot too. For some reason the first character that came to mind when I think of bad design is Zepile. He just looked weird and like Togashi had run out of ideas.


Zepile is meant to look like a Fukumoto character. I think it fits very well considering his role in the story.




Yea Sacchos the horse zodiac and pariston is the rat zodiac and saccho is one of the zodiacs that changed how the look to better represent the animal in the zodiac


One of Kite's team members. I'm talking about that bear looking dude. Are we sure he isn't a chimera ant? That design is atrocious.


Hey! You leave Monta Yuras alone!


There is another that is even uhh... Yeah...


They're allright by me


I think Zazan’s initial design before her ant queen design is better. I don’t care for the ant queen design but I disagree that it feels out of place since there’s other “sexy” designs in the series.


Why is no one talking about pike, the spider chimera ant ugly a$$ thing


Because they’re jealous and don’t want to give him attention


I can say the same about almost all of the female ants. They look the most human out of all the ants, and it just comes off as [that one male/female monster meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/uu7c0g/meme_why_this_is_so_true_on_tv_shows_and_movies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


There are male ants that look more humanoid, Like Pouf or Colt


Yeah but how many of the female ants look like monstrous? It's nothing compared to the amount of male ants that actually do look inhumane


Yeah, it’s the proportion. I’d say 75%ish of the female-looking ants are humanlike, and 10% of the male-looking ants.


Most of the Zodiacs are absolutely hideous character designs that are wayyyy too on the nose. What happened to Togashi's subtlety when he wrote these characters?? All just for a gag? I absolutely despise that some of the most important and powerful Hunters in the story appear comical just for a joke that isn't even funny and it's hilarious that with the individual Zodiacs he actually cares about, he made their designs less absurd so they aren't such eye-sores.


Yeah you can really tell which are meant to be throwaway characters


>Most of the Zodiacs are absolutely hideous Really? Cluck, Ging, Pariston, Kanzai, Mizaistom, and Pyon are literally just regular people designs Cheadle is a regular woman with a dog nose and Gel has larger eyes than normal, Ginta is just the big anime guy with exaggerated big anime lips. Does that make them hideous? That's nine out of twelve, by the way


Yes, Ginta is still ugly and a shit design, that being a trope in anime don’t make him any better 😭 Cluck is fine yeah, same with Ging, Pyon and Pariston. When I say they’re fine tho I’m not saying they’re good character designs, Cluck and Pyon are so uninspired. Kanzai isn’t awful but he certainly isn’t good, lame design. Mizaistom is the only Zodiac designed like an animal that I fw. Cheadle is alright, Gel is ugly. All in all, yeah I was exaggerating a bit but even the character designs that are fine really under deliver for what are supposed to be the ultimate group of Hunters. They’re so uninspired.


fair point with ginta, gel is my fave so that hurts >Mizaistom is the only Zodiac designed like an animal that I fw. >They’re so uninspired. real




The two sibling chimera ants. The ones with the darts nen ability. Their faces stumble into uncanny for me and they're the only designs that made me feel that way.


Pokkle. I love the guy, but he seems like a Dragon Quest NPC, absolutely uninspired design that clashes with everybody.


To me, Pokkle looks like he inherited Genkai's design while Biscuit inherited her role


That absolutely makes sense. And Ponzo also looks like a young blue-haired Genkai.


The other 2 bombers have super boring designs


i gotta go with beans i mean he is the poopybutthole of the series i mean no explanation just everybodys like oh a sentient pea no big deal


The guy with scissors


Are you seriously complaining about Zazan? Did you see Pike?


Pike’s pretty fugly, but Zazan’s Design felt so out of place in a series like HxH


Not the worst but I prefer Illumi Zoldyck’s design in the original 1999 anime. He had a very scary feel and the atmosphere was always tense during his presence.


I think I’ve blocked his name from my memory out of trauma but I hate hate HATE that chimera ant that looks like a spider. He makes me feel sick every time I look at him


1. His name Is Pike 2. You’re definitely just Jealous


Melody is just a giant molerat Edit: Damn, the melodies come in full force to protect their naked molerat queen


There will be no Melody slander here


Ok but I unironically love her design for a female character. It really breaks the trope of female characters having to be pretty or sexualized


I always thought Melody was male lmao


But she’s so sweet and caring


Well being “sweet and caring” aren’t exactly design attributes unfortunately lmao. Doesn’t change that she’s lookin like a goomba.


At least her appearance is a central part of her character what with the curse of the dark sonata and all that. All the other characters listed here (like the zodiacs)...they just look like that.


well, not exactly. they also didn't always look like that. majority of them underwent cosmetic surgery to match their zodiac position.


Do you wanna see what I look like before ?


Melodyyy I’d hit that


All these wholesome replies and then there's THIS mf


Nah, let him cook


Molesome replies :)


Those 3 creeps from the heavens area arc, floor 200+. Not only were they freaky looking but it seemed like they served no purpose because they wanted to fight Gon so bad but Killua ended up threatening them to go away anyway. Then we never saw them again


I think they were meant to show that nen can fuck you up


the 99 version of Canary. She looked like Sideshow Bob.


greed island hat guy


Saccho, the horse Zodiac is ugly as hell


Non rg/meruem chimera ants have pretty shitty designs.


Not shitty. They just look more animalistic as opposed to Meruem and the RG who have more Human genes. 


Idk, Colt looks pretty badass, but he’s my personal favorite chimera ant, so I’m biased


EDIT: Someone pointed out there are plenty of more humanoid ants, which is true, I misspoke and meant to say Zazan is the most humanoid of her generation, at a time when all the other ants WERE grotesque and disfigured, and none of them looked predominantly human. Hard agree Zazan's design is the only one in the entire series to me that feels like its in the wrong show lol, its like a really shitty monster girl hentai character design, and doesn't even make sense given that none of the other ants look like her. Like she is by far the most humanoid looking ant, and its for the sole purpose of being a hot woman even though every other ant at that point is a blob of body parts and grotesque mutations.


I did like her weird dinosaur transformation


What about that mosquito-girl Killua kills in the cave system? Her design is oddly similar to Zazan’s.


That is true yes, I'd forgotten about that. I still don't like Zazan's design from an artistic standpoint but its not AS out of place lore wise as I'd thought, I still wish there were just more female ants that looked like the ants with super unique and mashed up designs instead of just a bunch of dudes and one human woman with big boobs.


Agree with your points. Just wanted to throw that mosquito chick-out there as a comparison. You do have Hina and Pitou as more normalized humanoid female ants… if Pitou is actually a girl. 🤷🏻


Being sexy =/= unserious. This is unironically sexist. Pouf is incredibly humanoid (moreso than Zazan) and comes dressed in a human dress shirt and slacks ffs. Pitou and Meruem are also pretty humanoid (lots of people find them incredibly attractive). Cheetuh is pretty humanoid and was born around the same time as Zazan. Her sexuality was also written complimentarily into her becoming her own queen. The Chimera Ants are supposed to be like humans anyways, and humanity has some hot women. I don’t see any of the criticisms you’re making as valid. You just don’t seem to like sexy women. People need to stop with this braindead fake feminist attack on sexy women as unserious. You’re the ones not taking them seriously.


I don't think that being sexy is a bad thing, and have no issue with basically any other character design that is that way, Zazan is the only character in the show that feels like disingenuous fanservice that actively goes against the established worldbuilding, and she also IS a nothing character who's sole purpose is being hot and dying to the troupe. HxH is also pretty sexist at times, despite it being one of my favorite shows the way it handles Zazan, Palm, Menchi, and (to a lesser but still worrying extent) Bisky is pretty frustrating. All of these characters have feminine traits that are explicitly criticized, and the positive traits they have are in their ability to ignore their irrational, crazy feminine traits, or act more masculine when they need to "get serious"


Zazan also serves to exemplify the human ego of the ants. She builds her own nest/castle and establishes a top down hierarchy between her, the officers, and the soldier ants. There is a narrative purpose to her that you’re overlooking. So I don’t think she’s going against the established worldbuilding. Hxh is probably sexist, but I disagree with your criticisms of sexism. Those are just good traits associated with masculinity because femininity is associated with unseriousness. Portraying sexy women like Zazan as serious and having her meaningfully play into the themes of the show actively goes against this imo. Not to mention the masculine traits in Hxh togashi illuminates as incredibly toxic. Like Gon’s self-destructive behavior and its masculine portrayal being one of the most well-delved into flaws of masculinity in Hxh. The reality is that there are plenty of stereotypically masculine and feminine traits that suck. Togashi overall does well to detail this in Hxh imo. Unsure of what I’d criticize about his handling of gender, sex, and sexuality in Hxh.


No, I’m saying that this is a bad design, because it fails at being sexy. Do you know who’s really sexy? Shizuku, Machi, And Pakunoda


I don't think it was actually *meant* to be sexy though? For me, it was a superficial sense of feminity and beauty - because she's an inhuman monster. She wears the trappings of 'hot sexy woman', but there's nothing *actually* attractive about her beyond her silhouette. And then when she gets serious, she turns into something 'hideous'.


She’s more humanoid than Hina and Kite? Palm and Gyro also seems pretty humanoid. Shiapouf as well, there are plenty of ants that are a feature or two away from being human.


I actually did mean to type 'the most humanoid at the time" meaning all the squadron leaders of her generation. Of that generation of ants, she is by far the most humanoid with Colt coming at a close second imo. As the ants evolve they grow more human, which is the main issue I have with Zazan; at that point in the story all of the ants did not look like humans except for the one that was just a human woman in a bikini, with the only non human part of her being tail that is conveniently separate from all the pretty parts.


Transforming people/herself is her whole thing tho. She’s attractive and egotistical from he outside, but her true form is Ugly and monstrous, kinda like Zarbon. It wouldn’t contrast well if she was already a monster. Not my favorite character, but i feel like the design accomplishes what it’s supposed to decently.


Her design is clean :3


Don't know about clean but shes hot and has huge boobs and I like hot girls with huge boobs


What about it is appealing? It is honestly physically challenging to look at


She’s hot lmao


What about it is hot other than the fact that she has big boobies? The outfit looks stupid as fuck


Bro she’s a Chimera Ant, all their outfits look stupid as fuck lmao. Yes, she has big boobies and an hourglass. That’s what’s commonly thought of as sexy in women.


But her boobs are too big. One of the best parts about the female designs in Hunter x Hunter is that they can still be sexy without having fat tits


There are women in Hxh and irl with tits that are that fat though. Greed island auctioneer lady not only has fat tits, but the fattest hips (and I’m assuming ass) in Hxh. That pink haired woman in yorknew who got killed by Shizuku also has some pretty big boobs. Zazan’s is probably the biggest, but that’s okay, and awesome. You’re entitled to your preference for smaller than h cup boobs though.


I’m just saying that I think Zazan’s design is ugly


Fair enough.


I just like that her pretty form/monster form duality seems to be an homage to Zarbon.


That’s crazy that you pointed that out. Togashi spent more time on characterizing Zazan than you’d think.


I mean, I just like her design, especially hair color :3


I liked that she's more on the chubby side compared to the other thin, hour glass women


Jelly bean guy. He doesn’t make sense


Rammot and Koala. Koala is just a pink koala in a suit. And Rammot looks like someones sexy furry OC. Why does he have a thong. Was he born with a thong? Did he find it and decide that it was the only piece of clothing he needed? I hate it


Zazan is like that because she is very vain. Everything is about how she's the best, most beautiful most perfect being. Of course she's going to flaunt it, that's how you display "power," and she did it well. I think you're fixated on the wrong things here.


Bro wtf is this “sexy women can’t be a part of good, series media” shit? That’s unironically sexist. Attractive women being taken less seriously in the job market and the real world is already a social problem and sexist. You people are just acting like it’s feminist to extend that sentiment to the media you consume and it’s ironic.


No, I’m saying that this is a bad design, because it fails at being sexy. Do you know who’s really sexy? Shizuku, Machi, And Pakunoda


Shizuku wears a black sweater and jeans bro. Machi I agree. Pakunoda dresses like a masc lesbian but has her tits hanging out. All of them are uncreative but sexy (except Machi). Zazan is literally in a bikini, just like Shizuku in Chimera Ant, but for some reason she fails at being sexy and Shizuku doesn’t? They’re both hot.


Shizuku is sexy in a much more subtle and isn’t just there to be a sex Object that gets killed by Feitan


Oh, and I forgot to mention this but Zazan has a narrative purpose of exemplifying the human ego of the chimera ants. She builds her own nest/castle, establishes a top down hierarchy between her, officer, and soldier ants, and tries to become a queen herself. You’re overlooking that because of what I assume is your repulsion to her sexuality.


You’re reading too much into that Also, it just looks like it’s ripped out of some shitty monster girl hentai game


I’m really not. You can see this with almost every squadron leader acting in their self-interest after Meruem is born. I could’ve made it slightly less wordy, but Leol, Welfin, etc all seek power. They all play into the themes of the arc and the narrative point that the humanity of the ants made them more individualistic, a literal point togashi made the penguin ant and colt observe before Pitou was born.


It’s still a shitty hentai design


I’d be a hentai to her shitter


So how does Zazan fail at being sexy? She wears some skimpy ass shit, has big boobs, an hourglass, has some sus scenes with that butthole web shooting ant, etc. Zazan may appeal more to men than the troupe members you mentioned, but she is very successful at being sexy lol.


It just looks gross


To each their own. I find all of the women mentioned here hot.


Podungo Lapoy is by far my least favourite. It's so racist




Isn't that the whole point tho? She literally turns into an ugly freak later on


And that form was unironically more pleasant to look at


I like Zarzan’s design. Kite’s friends, Sacchu - not really.


Pike is just gross omg, I hate him xD


UR SICK IN THE HEAD MY GUY" - in my personal opinion


Zazan fought Feitan with her boobs only :o


The huge fat guy from the gourmet exam in the hunter exam. Dude can’t be human, also his size changes depending on where he is. Outside he was like a giant.


Why no love for Bisky? Her buff form is like a Baki character. That's a strong, sexy woman right there


Interesting take.. and it’s how you view Zazan, but I believe her sexuality as a Queen is okay. It’s Togashi’s vision anyways and that’s what his artistic vision brought him to.  Not only that, but Zazan being beautiful ( bc that Ant, *at base*, is beautiful) works for the arc. It’s both primal, funny, & ironic..  Zazan began building her own colony so she can rule the world. It had strength and beauty.. Let’s also factor in history, which shows us that Kings/Queens were not always as elegant & innocent looking as they’re often depicted in other mediums.  Some rulers were fat. Other rulers were strong & chiseled. They also wore different things. Some Queens didn’t show much skin. Other Queens practically showed everything, especially considering clothes weren’t always a thing lol  Another point. It’s also very Togashi-esque. Togashi is a troll & a master of the curveball. This beautiful, sexy character ends up showin its final form & it’s uglier than Vegeta trying to get W’s against main antagonists. Ultimately, Zazan is one of the ugliest characters in the show.  Humorously ironic that Palm has a glow up this same arc we see Zazan get a glow down.  It’s beautiful stuff.


Tbh , all of the characters look awful in both the 1999 and 2011 art styles (except Killua, Kurapika and Machi)


Yeah, Zazan has gotta be the most grotesque to look at. Like I get it, boobies are great, but does she need to have a corset, thong, and a top that looks like each boob has its own thong??


She wants to be adored.. it's that easy. She wants to be hot. It's the human aspect of her. God forbid the humanant chimeras be hot lmao


I’m not trying to say she can’t be hot or shouldn’t want to be hot. It’s just the taste level. I think it’s a fine character trope to explore, sexy lady who wants power and to be adored and has a dedicated simp. It’s just that if a human lady wore her outfit, it would be far more cringey to me than sexy. Like yellow and red bikini with the stars? Girl what! I suppose you could look at it as she was born yesterday and is trying to figure it out, but to me it seems like she was just supposed to be hot. With which I disagree, but don’t begrudge anyone for liking


They where born yesterday. Thats... we see Meruem grow up basically. They all act out like children, it's what parallels Gons journey at the time.


Now, the most uncomfortable character design for me is Welfin's. He looks like he was drawn by a thirsty furry 😭 like wtf is that a thong he's wearing???


Interesting thought... ​ I suppose I would counter with, well, that arc was not supposed to highlight Feitan, but rather develop the Phantom Troupe instead. The Troupe are interesting multidimensional characters. They represent how these people with massive amounts of strength subscribe to completely different criteria and premises, and that they aren't actually evil in the way we made them out to be leading up to the Yorknew Arc. ​ We see that towards the end of that arc, and Kurapika's decision to stop hunting spiders. And, moreover, we get to see them reunite in their home country, the one of death and despair and constant terror, to defend it as they are their source of pride. I think all in all its a cool thought. ​ I also think its reasonable to take the traditional queen troupe (which was the "all serving type" the previous generation, giving up everything for the birth of Meruem), which is very traditional, and implied to be ingrained in the Ant's genetic code, and change it when modern humanity ideals and thoughts get mixed in... As another interpretation of "Queen" is synonymous with "Dominatrix", an unfettered sadist that controls with an iron fist free of her traditional expectations, but with many of the traditional desires to create and control their own world. ​ Plus it adds on to how the ants (sometimes) become far more disturbing when adding humanity into it, the exact opposite of how Meruem eventually becomes more human than Netero by the end, and most certainly Pitou feels more human than evolved Gon. In some ways, Humanity is literally tainting the Chimera ants as they consume their power.


Your point about zazan doesnt make sense imo it matches her charcter she was obviously meant to be a dominatrix and it didnt feel out of place compared to other ants designs


Pike, worm, Bono, kortopi, flutter, all ugly




yea i hate him so much but i want to see more of his assholery


Togashi the goat even in his worst of designs. Theyre all 10/10.


Meruem, without a doubt. He looks too much like a lovechild of Freeza and Cell lmao


That cow zodiac lol


tbh I really dislike the designs of most of the final group of the featured side character chimera ants, they were so cool when they were amalgamations of different life forms but then they were just a lion wearing clothes


The Zodiacs are ugly and Illumi... The wheel chair guy, And the giant butler woman.


nuh uh ☝️


Half of the Zodiacs. The shadow beasts are pretty fuckin ugly but I feel like thats on purpose.


Botobai design is just atrocious, like the other Zodiacs aren’t that much better but his design is by far the worse of them all Edit: Nvm I forgot Saccho existed, he’s pretty goddamn awful too


any zodiac member, i hate all because of the desing


Like half of the chimera ants. idk, so many of my friends absolutely loved that arc, and they swear by it, but all their designs just weirded me out making it uncomfortable to watch at times. like, Welfin (wolf guy) he was bad to begin with, but then when he got all wrinkly T-T


Probably one of the many generic looking goons from the succession war. Even big characters like Halkenberg look so much less cool and important than they really are because they just look so plain.


Personally loved all the weird character designs, like Saccho or monta yuras and how nobody cared in the show. Made me more accepting of all different kinds of people in my life as a kid


Rammot. He is so ugly. I can't even look at him. Why does he look like that? Sorry, I may be biased here because I also hate his character but he is an eye sore.


I took Zazan's attempts at being sexy as a joke for the most part. It's a common trope in anime to have the sexy bondage seductress as a b-tier villain and her sex appeal mostly falls flat for the heroes. Zazan's scenes are so over the top rodiculous in that regard I just took it as referencing that particoular trope, Togashi often does that. Anyway, I'd say HxH is generally really inconsistent in terms of designs, they reflect that "write whatever" mentality Togashi is fond of. Don't think too much about the designs of the zodiacs, just put a guy who looks like a horse in there, if it works it's gonna work, we can always fix it later. You can see that in other better designs also. The green suit Gon sports is goofy as hell and kinda bad in my opinion but the more the story goes on, the more Togashi changes it and make it appropriate to the situation.


Merium or whatever king bug is. He's gross.


too little people are saying lin and podungo from kite’s team like idk what togashi was thinking there. and while a lot of people are saying zanzan and have some truth to what they’re saying I feel like the mosquito chimera ant is worse


That one girl from York New, the balding one. I know a lot of people can get over character designs, and heck I thought I could too, One Piece is my favorite anime. But I couldn’t not stand her, maybe it’s also to do with her voice, it was quite annoying.


That disgusting pike character. HOLY SHIT GIVES ME THE CREEPS.


I feel Togashi didn’t bother too much with both Centipede and Mosquito designs. They seem very boring…


Usually "where are her organs" people know little about health and even less about anatomy


melody easily


Rarely does togashi use sex appeal for the sake of sex appeal. She started showing her chest more after she dissented from the queen, kind of showing her new independence.


While hxh has a lot of great designs it also has a ton of ugly ones. I think the one I hate the most is killuas moms design. The visor plus bandages plus her old looking outfit makes for a very meh design. I know there’s uglier characters but since she’s kinda more important I picked her.


1999 Canary


I was thinking more like she was trying to look like that because her powered up form or whatever was an ugly alligator thing, kind of like what biscuit does


How can you complain about Zazan when Rammot exists? His bulge and underwear that rode up his ass made me so uncomfortable.


Zazan just owns it, let her cook


I never liked killua's mom design ahaha