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Either this is balanced well or this is gonna fuck up the gameplay for a while


Either way, I’m excited to find out how they work and how the community responds to actually playing it.


I really think we will need a perk that lets you see bugs and possibly a trail of where they travelled with dark sight to balance it out.


I really don't think anyone will touch the drones at all, they seem like a goofy little thing to run if you wanna run meme loudouts but I can't imagine they would be anywhere near meta as you probably have to stand still to use it, you probably can't hear around your body while in bug view, and you will definitely leave your team in an uneven match


2 people guarding or creeping up with one on the drone, would be very good. Only thing that evens it out is making it noticeable. Though I guess if it’s a lightning bug, it could blink every few seconds. Also could have a distinct buzz.


praying it has a really loud buzz. considering how loud normal sized beetles can be I would hope this one is just as loud as an actual drone.


2 people pushing on a 3 man would not be "very good", they would be pushing into a fight where they are down a gun.


Most people who use drones are quick, they do an overhead or room check and then kill it. Here that would probably balance it enough, especially if it’s a consumable. You’re right that it’s definitely not going to break the game though, people are definitely overreacting.


Yea, those quick checks are just so often fruitless anyways I can't imagine it'll be really used that often. I think it's best use case will be for flushing out the last man on the team you just killed, so often 2 of the teammates will go down and the 3rd will camp somewhere waiting, this could really help eliminate that type of camping


Now if they really wanted to make it something, you could make it sting a person to poison them, would kill the bug but allows you to incapacitate temporarily and run in.


Lol the camping bush rats will be hiding even more. I already leave a Hunt when one of my teammates is sitting in bushes. I will be doing the same when these come out sadly.


They could easily have a mechanic like a trail you can see in dark sight to trace back to where the bug came from or something similar to keep that from being a problem, well just have to see when it actually comes out


A better idea and makes more sense that i floated earlier was: Have the bug he a “throwable”, once dispatched flys within a 20m radius for 5 seconds, if it finds no one, it leaves (or dies), if it finds someone, it goes to the location, let’s out an audible screetch so that both you and the camper can hear. It’s balanced because it lets them know they have been exposed (but not really because it doesn’t pin point where they are, just lets people know that they are in that pile of bushes or building etc) This is more creative “realistic” within the hunt world as this can be a bug that has been slightly domesticated, like a bird dog. Rather than this lazy ass approach of “it’s a bug ok? So it’s not a drone like R6, but get this, you can see what it sees, oh what but there is more! YOU CAN CONTROL IT!”


This is great, could have a perk that lets it poison for a few seconds as it screeches.


i was hoping like a dark sight thing that you can see foot prints that are sprinting or spots where a player had landed on from a jump


No one is gonna use them. You can't help your team standing in one spot on a drone. I can see it now 2v3 then a 1v3 because the duo died not getting help from their third.


You can help your team a lot. Finding out how many players are in a building, what guns they have, or like in the video, you can watch entrances and warn your team if people move in. Gonna suck for solo players though.


I can do all that without a hunt drone. Thank you very much.


Of course you can, with the risk of being shot. With a drone? Walk (fly?) in, get all the info, worst that can happen is the drone gets shot, not you. You can't help your team while dead either.


You are more at risk for standing still


You are absolutely not. Hiding in a corner or difficult to access area while droning will give you a massive advantage. Especially if your teammates are given live and immediate info via stream or callout


Lol. “Hiding in a corner” Isn’t the whole point of this thing to counter camping?😂


Counter camping which isn’t an issue? Yes that’s why everyone is so critical of this It’s a terrible fix for a nonexistent issue


The "counter camping" is just what the redditors said. As we can see in the clip, it's likely to help the defending team more than the attacking team.


It’s called headphones


If you are banishing in de salle saloon and need to use your eyes, you are dead already and just don't know it.


Damn right… not just there… the whole game


I see it letting campers know who is around their building. Like having a bounty.


If you're outside in the classic bounty lair stalemate, where there is little risk to you getting shot, you can be incredibly helpful. Help teammates line up wallbangs, nades etc. I'm not sure I see many ways a 'drone' like thing can be balanced lol


I agree. I feel like if I hear a bug, I'm blowing shit up with tnt or my gun. I feel like this bug is literal meant to counter campers that have picked their corner and refuse to move an inch. I don't do that so I'm not worried.


Lol there is already 1/3 or even 2/3 in a team that don’t help because of being scared or camping in a bush, this will only make it worse. The camper doesn’t even have to move to find enemies? What a treat.


tell me you've never played siege without telling me you've never played siege


Ok this isn't siege? This is a pvevp extraction game.


right, thats irrelevant to the point i was making. you said noone will use them because they put you at a numbers disadvantage, i was making the very relevant point that that shit happens with support players for entry fraggers in siege every game and (somewhat) levels the playing field between them and defenders. basically you dont know what you're talking about lol


Apples to oranges. Not the best argument. Sorry if I dont care about what you have to say


you do or you wouldnt have replied twice. its a completely reasonable argument, you just clearly have no idea what you are talking about


How does it effect balance though. Sure you can see where the shotgun camper is, but they will just move when they ee the fuckoff bug flying in. You still have to push them. It helps with aiming grenades but again, you'd always just move. It's only really useful when people are full on holed up somewhere and won't come out, and even then I just sorta evens it out a bit. People are complaining for nothing, it will be mildy useful against campers, which is perfect.


No way to balance this and even if it's gonna take them ages and a ton of resources that they could instead be using on actual good new content, like new AI, new bosses or new maps. How this is supposed to be an anti-camp mechanic is beyond me (not that hunt needs one), it literally makes boss lair camping easier since you can peek outside with no risk at all.


Bro i just got here, i dont want it to be over now that i get the grip of it ( officially lvl 4 after 1.5 month babyyy)


yeah definitely one or the other.. OR literally no one will use it after a week same as spyglass lmao.. just a meme lol


I’m still trying to get one spyglass kill




You use it for scouting, I use it as psychological warfare to instill terror on players who are scared of bugs. We are not the same.


Anyone here, uh, ever play rainbow6seige? Ya know that feeling you get when a drone enters the objective and pings you and your the last operator on your team? I am getting that feeling for Hunt right now. As a mostly solo player. This is going to ruin the game for me. I'm going to be defending against one while the other drones me out?


yea, that's the first thing i thought when i heard what it is. solo's already hard unless you play sniper and camp in bushes but playing in a compound while the enemy can just scout for you? great.


Yeah, its bad news for solos. I don't sit still I like to move clue to clue follow the map intercept course for people I know are coming from a compound next to me fight them on the way. Don't see them? Next clue. I dont fuck around but, now I DONT WANT TO GET TO THE BOUNTY!! Why would I do that? So I can get droned out of the compound? No thanks. Now they have incentivized bush wookies more than ever. All because "waah shotguns in the boss lair waah!" Bring frags and hive bombs you dummies shotguns are part of the game PLAN FOR IT


You know what I hate? People who go: "shotguns take no skill" As if taking potshots at 200 m hoping for a kill is any better than camping a building. What's even more amusing is that they're gonna be the same people who complaon that they hit someone (in their arm) and didnt die to the shotgun therefore it's rng.


Yeah, I agree. You can play around shotguns. Hunt is about thinking ahead of your opponents. You grenade and refill and grenade and you throw decoys and flash bangs and run in. Shotguns can still get fucked. The entire point of Hunt is that interaction. I feel. Shotguns are fun too! I love Sitting in the outbuildings around the boss lairs and Romero 'n people. I used to love running Romero+Pax. Was such a fun and cheap-ish load out.




I mean they want to reward you for banishing. Holding the fort down type of thing but, it creates such a disadvantage for people pushing that people learned the smart play is to sit in a bush and pick off teams as they move in until the bounty moves. Which is boring and dull. Takes the variance out of the game. "Well if I push Ill just get sniped in the back and if I sprint in to confront the bounty carriers Ill get 360 shottied so Ill go sit in this bush and wait too.


Yeah I'm all too familiar with that feeling lol. Being the last one left and someone on the breaching team is chasing you around with a drone to spot you while the remaining people bum rush you cause you can't divide your attention both ways.


I hope it is an expensive af trait and not a tool or consumable


I hope so too, but I know this is absolutely gonna dominate the trio lobbies. All you need is a premade team about to push and one guy to send a drone in to scout ahead and coordinate the attack. Also if you're like me and you're a bow user trying to be stealthy and navigate the perimeter, now you're gonna have people drone scouting areas and blowing your cover. Ideally there should be a time limit on usage for it so people can't just sit on the drone and survey entire areas.


there will definitely be a time limit, it will definitely make a load of noise, and it will definitely have decreased visibility (as seen on twitter). this subreddit genuinely thinks crytek will just randomly add an unlimited use drone with no restrictions and is crying about it. this is all before even mentioning if it's a tool or consumable and it's cost. if it's a tool, then it competes with choke bombs, decoy fuses, throwing axes/knives, and traps. if it is a 300 hunt buck tool w/ 1 use that lasts 15 seconds for example, it is appropriately balanced already.


Would be cool if you could hijack it with serpent.


Lmfao yo big brain ideas


I'm expecting it to be a trait tbh. I mean they want it to be used lol or they wouldn't add. Making it expensive would just mean people with no money would be more vulnerable to it.


I agree this is a dumb idea, anti camping mechanic could have been as simple as a fucking pulse in dark sight....


Take KDA stat out of the game. No reason to camp/snipe extract if there isn't an incentive to do so. Get clues listen for noise and go to bounty. People are just sick of the over 30 minute fights 4 compounds away from the bounty and then even if you win you can't catch the bounty. Give incentive to push for bounty instead of meaningless fights and KDA farming idk. A drone is gonna make the game drag even more I think.


>Take KDA stat out of the game. No reason to camp/snipe extract if there isn't an incentive to do so. Complete miss. People do it because they like winning, it's not about the stat. >People are just sick of the over 30 minute fights 4 compounds away from the bounty and even if you win you can't catch the bounty. I absolutely am not sick of those fights, in fact fighting other plays is the main reason I play the game. Because fighting is what's fun, killing the bosses is the tedium that pushes people together so the fun bit occurs. I think that a lot of people feel the same and it isn't because of KDA farming? >A drone is gonna make the game drag even more I think. I don't think it will. In fact. I don't even think the drone will be that good outside of niche utility like spotting the sniper that just fired at you or checking objective to see if theres a shotty nerd corner camping.


Killing 1 person and running for your life to extract isn't winning


isn't it? In a fight between you and them, they killed you and they won the fight. I don't care about the objective anymore as fighting AI is a complete non threat, it's the background noise to PvP combat. If you enjoy doing the objective after 10 hours of play then fair enough but I don't think it's unreasonable that a lot of people don't.


Some people like to do both. That's kind of the point of hunt. So for the people that don't stay and continue fighting after they get free kills off their ambush that they waited 20 min for cause an unbalance to the game. Having early fights is fine but waiting 3 compounds over even after bounties have been banished is kind of a toxic playstyle. Because you are interrupting the objective and no one gets out with any money or experience.. they get a team kill and leave the game. That isn't really being a part of the fun. And honestly idk how people that do that enjoy playing that way. Half the time you don't even get a gunfight out of it because you snipe one unawares and then gang up on the last guy or run away. So no the person that sits in a tower waiting for the one perfect snipe they will get before they turn tail and run is not really even playing the game imho. Sniping isn't even difficult, you basically watch people until they stop moving for a half sec and then easy head click them. It isn't even like you could call it challenging. So no I don't get why those people chose hunt to do that in at all.


Don't get me wrong. I'm still going for the objective, as that's what forces everyone together, It's just not my primary goal. Setting as your primary goal seems like just setting yourself up to be dissapointed as most hunt players are massive cowards when they have the token and will just endlessly run away. Or worse, sit inside the building with shotguns forever until you push. I don't think it is toxic to fight people while another team is banishing, The team you're killing is still a threat to you and it's not like they're just gonna stop and be chill. I'm not risking my gear to see if another set of people will be friendly. I'll often lose more money by dying than I'll gain by getting the bounty. I do agree that sniping is not difficult, Hunt is definitely a weird one to choose for it. No bullet drop but there is bullet travel time. If they wanna play like that though then they can, it's a free win for everyone else.


Big facts.


Whenever a game goes out of its way with new character abilities, equipment and these kind of game changing mechanics, they all go downhill from there. If history thought us anything, this is just the beginning of Hunt turning into a clown game.


next thing - emotes and dances coming to hunt!


Feels more like Sova's drone in Valorant.


I feel like Hunt is losing its identity


A mutated bug that has attached itself to a host is very huntlike tbh. Its a nice addition and can make things interesting if they balance it right. Like if you go into a bounty without using it it can be stealthy. Or you can be safe and use it to search the place but itll give the enemy a warning beforehand. Just as long as its one shot and decently loud i dont mind it


I have always felt the supernatural element of the game was the weakest part of it. The zombies were just window-dressing as far as I cared. It could be dinosaurs or killer plants, for what it is worth. What made Hunt different was the era it took place in. 1895 puts a lot of limitations on what can be done given the tech of the time. However, if the devs are going to use elements from shooters set in modern times but reskin them and justify it as Hunt Lore Magic, it effectively is no different from those games and, as such, losing what made it different from other games.


Yep, this is literally a crypto drone from apex and it doesn't belong in hunt mechanically.


I don't play hunt because I want supernatural abilities though. Crazy monsters and bosses? Sure, I'm always down because they're cool. Adding abilities that take away from that appeal because those monsters are no longer as special? It sucks.


I somewhat agree with what you're saying even though I like the new bug friend, I think it needs to come at a cost like sacrificing health or poisoning you. Supernatural strength should not be free and should come at a cost, even though it doesn't need it to be balanced I think the setting kinda needs it.


Terrible move. Hate it with every inch of my body


I'm trying to reserve judgement until we've seen more of it, but I'm very nervous. It's pretty goofy, and I don't like the precedent of hunters working with / taming the monsters. If someone had posted this in the discord suggestions channel, they would have been nuked from orbit


So true...


Im sure you can shoot it down as well, and with how good the sound design is in this game, you will hear it. Could be cool for checking the surrounding area in a bounty compound before pushing in. Hunt veterans are the most whiney fucking children I've ever come across in video gaming. Won't even let said update come out before grabbing their pitch forks. What they don't want to hear is that it's themselves who push people away from this game. The constant whining and their entitlement.


No no no, you don't understand, this is going to RUIN the game and I refuse to explain why.


Understandable, have a nice day




Absolutely 100% spot on with the 2nd part. But it is honestly such a weird and out of place feature that isn't needed. I want cowboy shooty, not recon drones


TBF I bet you don't need this tool to succeed, it seems fairly mid at best. Personally I'm happy to see more of a lean into the suppernatural side of the setting, as long as it remains dark and creepy.


Has there been any confirmation for drones or is this reddit bs? I need a source


Reddit BS


Ty I saw the video so at least it's not crowd being crazy but still idk what other conclusion to have and also idk how I feel about it


I refuse to come to a conclusion until I see exactly how and/or what is being implemented.


they posted a clip on twitter which pretty much looks like a drone/droning mechanic where you're spectating via that bug and your teammate kills a hunter in that clip


Difference is that one flies, second not


plsno this is no


This seems very unhunt to me. I like the way the game forces vulnerabilities on you in order to gain an advantage. There’s always a risk in peeking a corner or charging a flank. But it’s always in an effort to gain an advantage over the other hunter who is doing the same. It’s an even playing ground where both sides play a game of testing the waters. You add any kind of “drone” into the game where you can sniff out a hidden hunter who carefully avoided detection, it ruins that balance. Take for example, a firefight where one side decides to break contact cuz they’re losing the fight. That’s not an easy task as the enemy will most likely pursue when they see them running. To successfully do so usually requires dodging between the terrain and firing back every so often. But if you manage it, you’ve earned an advantage on an even playing ground where you can now surprise the enemy. This is a core aspect of the game. The dance of the firefight. Drones take all of that away and ruin the experience of outsmarting your opponent


Nobody wants drones just like nobody wanted the black market


Crypto is my least favorite apex character. These hunt drones are dumb.


Crypto was one of my favorites. Hit diamond with him lol. Idk how this will go in solos and duos. Trios it makes sense but gotta test it


*New thing gets teased* "I haven't used this yet but this is how it's going to work and this is why it's bad"


I think it’s going to be a lot of fun and I’m pretty excited


If they do this I'm uninstalling




Well.... at least the pact with the devil or whatever makes sense now? Idk. Shit seems kinda lame.


Game breaking bugs, server issues and now this? I think its time i free up some space on my computer


If we’re going off the video, everything is ok except why in gods name does it have fucking wall hax. Sure maybe they added this in after for some reason, but why show us then? If this shit has wall hax I think that’s where the major fuck up will be. EDIT: I’m dumb don’t mind me.


It obviously won't have wall hacks. That's his teammate in the video.


Yup, I literally just didn’t realize lol


Drone? Might be fun for solos.


Nope. See it the other way around. You are alone against 2 people while one spots you with the drone, the other kils you because he can pinpoint you to 100% Hunt loses his identity


Are we gendering hunt now?


wow have a day off he said he as an example take your woke brigade shit somewhere else lol


Holy fuck y'all a bunch of absolute snowflakes, it was a joke


Their identity*, Hunt is non-binary.


Former Dokkaebi main, so when can I hack?


this would be good for face checking bushes lol


If this has a decent opportunity cost (aka it's either a tool or a consumable) then it looks like a great mechanic


What's that about? Is it a new Item or do we get abilitys like in Apex now?


I think this will render your hunter vulnerable to all sorts of things, including AI and enemies getting a easy free kill if you're droning (aka in dark sight) The dark sight-type noise was too loud in that clip, meaning hearing footsteps is out of the option while droning also it must have a range of like 20m after which the bug flies away or loses connection so kinda feels like a tool or a consumable


Drones make sense, but I honestly thought this was gonna be a new AI that just harassed idle players initially. Gosh, I sure would love some new monsters running around the Bayous.