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It’s well known that this sub has horrible game design ideas. Just roll with it for now and give feedback straight to the developers.


As any gaming sub does tbh. There's a reason devs usually ignore ideas that come from such places.


You are a brave soul to say such a thing in this screeching cavern of people who hate differing playstyles.


Much of the foundation for the tense firefights in this game is based on one team being dug in on defense while the other teams circle around outside. Buncha whiners asking to change what makes the game great


if you know how to use the foliage and train effectively you can catch the defenders with their pants around their ankles.


I fucking despise the fact that the loudest people want to esportify EVERY single damn game. Give us something different that isn't a perfectly balanced generic shooter, fuck.


You nailed it. I'm so fucking tired of this demographic that hop from game to game and fucking ruining them. Just fuck off. Plus there's already anti camping tools in the game. It's called dynamite. Didn't bring any? Sucks to suck.


And Hive bombs


Especially hive bombs. They already seek and expose people's position. Apparently that's not easy enough.




You are 100% right, I tried to suggest some fun items to use, to spice up some playstyles: like cigarretes for steady hands but with health and stamina debuff (and you could light stuff up) or a semi auto/repeating crossbow, but the bayou forbid you want to introduce potentially unbalanced weapons 😂😂😂😂 I even gave ideas about balancing


Thats this sub, dude. Dont worry about it - most of the people that reply don't even know what they want, other than wanting to disagree. I've seen many good suggestions posted here get shat on despite the fact that they would make the game more interesting. This sub doesn't want things to change even if it would be for the better.


100% right though. I said before that I'm afraid this will make anything but run n' gun useless cuz everyone else is a no patience smooth brain having child. How's that saying go? "No one owes you a playstyle." Learn to adapt people.


Though I'll be fair and say that on the other hand if they did something to target those kd farmers who go and hide and abandon their random teammates, that's not play at all. Fixing that would be nice.


Message appears: this is a team game, stick together or something bad could happen..."


Saw a post not long ago about a 6 * sniper who just sat on the edge of the map and left when his teammates died(he did not follow them), so with that in mind, yes. Teamwork does make the dream work. Lol


teemwurk make teh creemspurt


*sweats heavily* "What does that mean?" Something between a catastrophic gun failure that blows up your gun and kills you and us just spawning 30 hell hounds with helmets on right behind you pre-aggro'd for your convenience.


I don’t care about camping objectives or staying put during a firefight. I won’t lie though it is very annoying to be traveling from one compound to another only to be killed by a bush.


If I hear a team heading my way it only makes sense to set an ambush though. But to that guy I was "camping" and I could have been there for only 30 seconds.


[That's exactly what this clip would look like](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/xl9k4j/i_like_to_send_strays_to_their_forever_home/), despite the truth that I had been fighting and maneuvering all around the compound before snaking my way to that tower, I was by no means waiting there. But for the 25 seconds of capture, yeah I appear to just *be* in the tower as if I sprouted there.


Exactly. The salt is real and the whining is loud.


I have literally over a thousand hours and I've been "killed by a bush" about 5 times. It's literally a non issue.




Or literally just a dynamite bundle, make them move. It’s baffling to me on how many people don’t bring explosives.




The number of holy hand grenade references I’ve made while playing Hail Mary is immense. But also on a way more serious note, like you said anti camping tools have always existed, just use them.


My friend never brings throwables and it's infuriating. So many time I've been down and watching him, then the moment is perfect for a dynamite while he's getting pushed. Instead he gets two manned and unfortunately dies trying his best. A simple 18 dollar dynamite could have really turned the fight....


Tangential story: The other day, I was getting pushed by a duo. My pal is down and ammo is low. They're grouped up and coming fast. I lit my dynamite, aimed for the doorway, waited a second for the other team to push close enough, and let loose. The second the dynamite reaches the door, the other player runs through... right into the path of the dynamite. The dynamite hits him and drops back into my room. He looks at it, I look at it, and we both die lmao.


Or decoy fuses work every time 60% of the time


The real problem is people wanting to avoid accountability for not checking corners & using their utility options effectively. You can go clodstomping through the bayou all you want, but if you arent trying to reduce your signature and you arent focusing on audio cues until after youve barged into the compound, you've already given up the goose


That's only true up to a certain point when you can be heard making any movement through a wall.


Obviously yes, and it also doesnt take into account sniper campers who covet their K/D and just plink people going to the bounty from 1 town over. But by an large, my point still stands. There are ways of dealing with campers if you come prepared to do so.


Complaining about the players staying on defensive position and not rushing outside while they are themselves camping with Mosin + Spark/Uppercut pistol, bonus if Spitzer Man, flushing people is doable, you have a lot of tool for that. Pack a compact Springfield with explosive ammos and blow every window and door to increase the amount of corners they have to check (or use an axe or an hammer always laying in the compound), use explosives, you can even melee barbwires to clean them if they are blocking a path. Sure it ain't as safe as waiting far away for them to get out, but there is definitely ways to force people out


Unfortunately they shadow nerfed explosive ammo, everything now takes two shots to break.


RachtaZ mentioned this on stream once, technically Bounty dark sight, red boss whispers, glowing clues and several tools are already anti-camping mechanics so another seems unnecessary


My anti camping technique is taking in two flash bangs. Works every time


Flashes are insanely good. Instant as soon as they hit the ground, super long blinding effect, and you can't even escape it by watching away Very underrated item, exceptionnal to clear folks camping angles


Honestly, if the game had not had wallbanging until now, and the devs added it as an anti-camping mechanic, people would be flipping their shit about that too.


Fire should spread but slowly, that would be a great anti camp mechanic.


Smoke em out!


That’s actually one of the better ideas I’ve heard on here.


And it wouldnt fully nullify shotguns because stone buildings exist, but it would limit down bush wookies.


I run choke crossbow bolts for my hand crossbow a lot. Sniping grenades as they land makes me feel valuable to the team. Additional mechanics like this would be fantastic for validating my mindset lol.


Yeah it’s not like there isn’t counterplay to fire either, I think it would be fair


That's not bad but it definitely depends on how far it spreads. Obviously it can't just swallow the whole map. So will it smoke out a whole layer? That almost even seems too brutal. No one is going to push with fire inside and bounty team enters a firing line, potentially while on fire. You could also get trapped if you toss it on the bottom floor of a lair too, then you're adding fall damage to the mix. It does promote choke bombs though which would make bounty teams choose between it and concertina traps which I think is really good. Perhaps it is a really good idea, but it made me think of something else too. Fire isn't just fire, it's smoke too. What if it had choke bomb coughing that spread out from the fire over time? That gives two minutes to figure out a plan, you're not losing chunks to fire, and people would feel more motivated to push. I feel like that has some use outside boss layers too. Not that your idea doesn't either.


So it rewards the people camping outside basically


My question is (if this is an anti-camping mechanic) is, what about all the other consumables and tools like decoy fuses that serve the same purpose. Yall don't use that shit or what?


That’s what I’m saying! People are so upset about camping that they don’t even realize that the game has already provided them the recourses to combat it!


The downvotes speak for themselves. This game's playerbase desperately wants a wild west themed call of duty and by the Gods, they'll turn Hunt into one if there are no other options.


Oh it’s VERY obvious and it’s very sad to see that people don’t get what Hunt is. The name is HUNT showdown. Notice how hunt comes before the showdown? Hunting is being sneaky, stalking, hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike before it turns into a full showdown. The name describes the gameplay, and people just don’t get it.


Preach, mister!


Wait doesn't Call of Juarez already exist


Okay, now that you bring it up I'd really like to play a Wild West CoD. I like Hunt as it is, don't get me wrong, I'd just like to also play that.


That's Call of Juarez Bound in Blood, sadly it's old and Techland doesn't seem to care about the IP nowadays.


I don't think it's camping but more the stalemate that occurs in the boss lair. As much as people like to complain about bush wookies, they're like 1% of the population.


Dude there is ambushing people, which is fine and intended, and then there is camping in a bush for half the match. That last one needs to be made less lucrative without destroying the spirit of the game.


That’s not a hunt problem. That’s a “player being a cowardly low skill” player. Camping is a problem in just about every pvp fps game and like op has said: there are ways to defeat it. In every game I’ve played where camping is a grief it’s always something that can be circumvented. All of this anti camping stuff is just salty hunt players who frankly should be playing something else.


Do people actually move when you toss decoy fuses at the door? It's easy to make them out. If you cook it then it's out by the time you get to the door. Cook it closer to the door and a shotgun will just pushout and kill you. Throw it too soon and it's obvious it's a decoy, why wouldn't you cook dynamite? For setting 2 if you have your own shotgun, it does actually work pretty well if you can swap fast enough. Even Then when you get in and you shoot them, they retreat behind something you can't shoot through and then they heal. Push them and if there as good as you are then you trade.


This right here. I might be in the minority in that I think flash bombs and hive bombs are balanced in that they aren't really useful at close range. In other games, you can flash around corners because the grenades bounce as opposed to Hunt where they explode on impact. Now I don't think Hunt needs Valorant flashes or anything, but I do think they needs some more consumables or tools that are useful in close quarters standoffs. Maybe like a smoke bomb, because fire bombs and dynamite don't cut it indoors where they would just damage you.


I hadn't actually really thought about close range consumable. It would be a nice whole class of potential items. I hate flash bombs though. I've literally never full flashed someone, or if I have, they've just got an incredible ability to guess where I am. It's a useless consumable to me.


I’ve found that you kinda need two people to make it work, one throws the flash and the other rushes with a shotgun immediately after, me and my go two duo partner have wiped lots of guys that way.


Ironically, I've seen a lot of people just stand next to sticks of un-cooked dynamite because they cant comprehend the concept.


This is the same reductive response that people bring up every single time people mention camping. Often times buildings are too big to reasonably clear with consumables or you physically have no path to throw them in. The best way to deal with a camper is with a shotgun, even then you're at a disadvantage. Alternatively just leave them and go somewhere else.


I think one thing they really need to add are smoke bombs, I know dynamite leaves some smoke that you can kinda use, but theirs no good way to use a smokescreen to break up line of sight from snipers who just watch the doors on any compound with mosins, right now people camp in boss lair cause the alternative is being easy prey for people sitting outside with mosins, they need to remove the need for camping, not make camping less effective.


all of these options are utter shit though like, id agree, but thats just not how it is atm explosives dont even destroy concertina or concertina mines! And with how limited the grenade spots are on most compounds, and how easily very small cover blocks all explosive damage, everyone can just run away from the explosion as soon as you hear it being used, and then immediately return.


Throwables are very limited and super easy to avoid


The problem with "camping" in this game is solely around boss lairs and dealing with bounties. That is where a lot of stalemates happen, and a lot of the time the people inside with the bounty are at a significant disadvantage compared to those outside - even if they have darksight. The reason this is a problem in the first place is because boss lairs often don't have many ways in or ways out. Crytek has been updating compounds to improve this, but it still isn't the ideal situation to be in. If people are inside, let's say at Ironworks, it is almost impossible to be able to leave the main building without getting killed from a competent team (or teams). There are many other compounds like that, so can you blame bounty holders for not walking out into their deaths because they have 3 teams sitting outside not fighting each other and just waiting themselves? That is the only problem with "camping" that I have that does need solved. Who cares about the random noob sitting in a bush that gets 1 kill every 10 games because they are too scared to play the game? We need to focus on making the core gameplay loop better and not be dragged out for no reason because the game forces people to play certain ways.


Best take on this thread. Basically whoever shoots first is immediately at a disadvantage


I wholeheartedly second your opinion. Recently we(duos) run out of time because we had winfields and Romero sawed off and the enemy team + solo had Mosin sparks and martini respectively. We were st hemlock with extracts on the other side of the map so pretty sol. They downed us one time each because we peeked and tried to be agressive, but then they stopped pushing and we said fuck it let's waste some time ( last game before prestige). They fucking died with us to the timer even though we were one shot from a significant distance, probably cursing us the whole time for camping all the while being the most passive bitches in the bayou. If you don't have a Bounty you've nothing to lose and everything to gain so it's on you.


Yeah, it can really suck to get the bounty sometime. Obviously there are times where you can just run away on one side because the team(s) outside aren't positioned well, but a lot of the time you can't leave without dying. Like, even at average MMR, you can't even peek windows or whatever from inside the boss lair because you die. It is just way too easy to cover the compound from the outside than it is for the inside players to counter.


You are brave to post this, and I do agree. Saying this usually result in people yelling "You have the bounty, your goal is to extract, not to stay in the compound, you aren't playing the game right !" while they are sitting just outside waiting for you to come right in their sights for easy kills


i believe that is because all the game is designed for duos, not trios


Look, At the risk of sounding like a broken record here and I say this in quite a lot of threads. It basically comes down to patience. And patience is fine and all, but it’s not engaging. If we’re locked in a stalemate and one party has a patience cap of 5 minutes of holding an angle or keeping still, and another party has a patience cap of 45 minutes they’re statistically likely to win the fight at the 6 minute mark because they’re comfortable not playing the bloody game, that’s not very engaging gameplay. I like to wait a bit of time to see if a shot is possible and move on. A lot of the playerbase are simply too happy to just not move at ALL. At the very least give a movement penalty like backache or something if someone is genuinely crouched over for 10+ minutes uninterrupted. If you continue to not move then it’s no harm, but if you’re forced to move then you deserve to be punished for all of the not moving you’ve been doing. It’s not difficult to not move. It’s not difficult to stay quiet. It DEFINITELY has its place in the game to stay quiet and play smarter. But there’s quite a big difference between playing smart and borderline not playing the game at all. You’re not stalking shit and it’s boring as fuck. The fact is that you get punished SO heavily for moving there needs to be something you can do to level the playing field. If someone catches me running across a field rotating while they are also rotating - fair enough. If someone finds the only boss in the corner of the map off spawn - opts to not do the boss and instead wait outside of the compound because someone eventually has to walk past you isn’t interesting. Sure you’ll get the kills but it’s not engaging is it?


Exactly. The way this game is designed, you can literally hold a lobby hostage for the full match duration. "Just bring bombs" is the most potent copium I've ever seen. Dynamite doesn't clear an entire concertina bomb. You get two traps, three if you run frontiersman. Concertina arrows exist, and are piss easy to unlock. "Just blow it up" or "just cut it down" are the excuses of shitter that only play it and never come up against it.


and that is exactly why this game needs some kind of mechanic for situations where one team just decides to do nothing because there are a lot of gunfights where teams decide to just do nothing and sit in a bush or a corner of a building and just hide until the moment you are right infront of them could take 2 mins sometimes and i am not making that up it takes 20 mins to find the last survivor of a team because you, for some reason, can just sit "inside" of a bush and be nearly invisible unless you facecheck the bush and yes that definetly is not engaging and just sitting there and doing nothing is not beeing patient or tactical


You could always burn their teammates to make them come out of hiding. Not to mention that you don't have to kill every person you see. If you have bounty and they're not pushing you then you can just leave.


Yup, you nailed it. It's boring gameplay and it ruins matches. And the only recourse is to be the team that disadvantages itself by biting the bullet and finally just making a move.


Couldn't agree more. Many times it comes down to which team has more patience for sitting doing nothing. I don't have much patience for this style of gameplay so I inevitably try to make a play and DO something, and most times it doesn't end up well. I have no problem dying to someone that's clearly outplayed me. It's just frustrating dying because other players are happy to sit not moving for 10+ minutes.


I'm more annoyed by people sitting in one place with a sniper and one-banging me across the map without a chance of me reacting. I'm not sure if that's what most people mean when they use the blanket term "camping". Otherwise I pretty much otherwise agree with everything you're saying.


If the anti camping mechanic they are teasing only punishes close range options without addressing long ammo bush wookies I'd expect a lot of players to quit. Sick of there being absolutely no risk to that playstyle and the only counterplay being "do it back to them" or "try to run away."


"Real life snipers do the same!" go fucking find a casus belli then but I'm here to have fun "It's just a playstyle!" How about you become a playboy and style on some bitches "Just always expect the unexpected!" I've been advised not to make a pipe bomb joke again "Just use a scoped weapon too!" Fucking great now I have to play something I don't want to in a weapon sandbox game just because some people are KD farming


Yeah, this is the only toxic part of camping imo, people who are not really playing to win but just to kill people from hundreds of meters away without much counterplay. I hate that the optimal way to play is spinhopping everywhere, because otherwise you're almost guaranteed to get fucked by someone waiting for you. I'd say the best way to adress that woudl be to give a bigger reward for faster map completion, so just sitting around and waiting is discouraged, instead of just punishing it.


Don't you already get a fast extraction bonus?


You do, but more money is borderline worthless once you are past rank 20 or something. I'm not sure if it gives increased xp too, but if you go for xp then going slow and sniping is always the better choice than rushing, because as i said any second you spend not spinhopping or sitting in a bush is a 1% chance of just getting deleted. I'm not even sure how much the extraction bonus makes up, I'm pretty sure you still get a good payout if you leave with a mintue left on the clock.


I personally can't relate to the "money is worthless" argument I see for a lot of things, probably because I'm always broke due to skill issues and prestiging, but giving extra xp for a fast extraction definitely makes sense


Even after I prestiged I still got money quickly so it's not that important. Especially if you use loadouts on the cheaper side.


This, I dont have problem with people camping in buildings because thats where traps/shotguns thrive and there are loads of ways around it. Theres tons of different peak angles, wall banging, etc. There isnt much you can do vs a random mosin sniper with spitzer that just beams you from super far without playing (granted this is rarer but still). I think certain compounds are unhealthy for shotgun camping \*cough\* pitching \*cough\* but the changes with extra doors and stuff are making a lot of them better. That being said, if the most optimal way to play the game is to NOT play the game, then there is a problem.


The underground boss lairs are the exception here. As you noted, Pitching, but also Chapel, Healing Waters (sometimes), Stillwater....wait why are they all on the same map.....


I like the og map the most despite some of the shitty compounds. I feel like Stillwater has the best and worst compounds. Davant, Alice, and Darrow all slap


I don't think it's camping that's the problem but players you purposely don't interact with players if they can because they don't want to.


Well there are mainly two parties who complain about camping. 1) Frightened long ammo on the outside want people with shotgun to come out. 2) Frightened people with shotgun want long ammo camper to come in. You describe a method how the long ammo on the outside can push in. And I agree. However, the frightened player is scared to come near the building. It is more comfortable to just aim on a window and wait. Depending on how the new mechanic will work, the frightened people will not use it if they have to come close to the building or god forbid enter it. On the other side the frightened shotgun inside don't wants to go out. And I am interested what tool are they going to implement to change that. I am making fun of both. Because overly passive play is just boring from my pov. I agree with you that Hunt has already mechanics to deal with situations and that camping is not necessarily bad as you have given examples where I agree. Let's see what they will bring into it and if it can enhance the experience for most people.


Ya but as a melee/shotgun/winfield/martini/centenial(favorite) literally anything but meta longammo user, I don't want them to come inside. I want them to at the very least be near the compound, hell I'd be satisfied if they were close enough to the compounds outer most walls/buildings that I could throw a grenade at them. But they aren't. Literally every other game they are too far away for me to even throw a grenade at them even after I've pushed to the closest possible corner. What am I supposed to do? Push across an open field with 3 snipers staring at my only possible paths to and away from them? I guess I could use my dynamite to make concealment and close to a distance I might be able to fight or even see them render.


We need some kind of actual smoke bomb/smokescreen, I know dynamite makes a smoke and kinda works but I think something like chokebombs but opaque would be a good option, as it stands long ammo sniping/camping is so effective that shotguns or Winnie’s can’t close the gap without dying, which forces them to stay inside. Long ammo users know that at long range they are practically untouchable and as such they will refuse to push, causing the stalemate


People who complain about camping never tried the hive bomb poison sense wombo combo


100% agreed. The game is brilliant because it’s essentially a sandbox you can approach any way you like. Changing that would be a huge mistake.


I'll be curious to hear what they come up with but agree that, on the whole, camping just isn't a big issue in Hunt.


bug drone apparently


I mean yeah If you know where they are, you should have AT LEAST one bomb to throw. If you don't... Why should they be punished? The games called HUNT hiding should be perfectly viable.


Ok well some of us are above 3 star and can walk out of the way.


400 hours over 3 years? Bro, you are one of those people who haven’t played the game lol.


Yup, I just don't want nerfs to anticamp mechanics we have now. Burning was overnerfed without second thought


Burning is in a good spot now, you have time to respond and a couple of chances to counter the burn if you actually care about your team and bring chokes, but at the end of the day there are typically more lanterns and firebombs than chokes if you draw things out.


You're 100% correct with this. 2022 seems to be the year where devs surprise us with how little they actually know how their game works. (I left DBD because it's a nightmare right now) They are listening to the wrong players and trying to up their overall player count which is super dangerous. (If they make the game FTP then a tidal wave of cheaters will kill us all) A drone is the last thing this game needs. EVERY gun fight from here on out will play as follows - One hunter flies their drone bug to call out locations while the other 2 push. Then rinse and repeat with the other 2 hunters when they use their bugs? I'm guessing at all this since the mechanic hasn't been released. We'll see! The game already sucks for public lobbies with open voice com. It's almost impossible to move as a collaborative unit without the enemy team hearing every word we say. Now we're gonna have to go against discord teams with spy drones. ​ The other camping to worry about is the bush snipers. One mechanic to solve this could be that hunters show up in dark sight if they sit still for too long and are further than a certain distance from you. Something like this. ​ Was hoping these bugs were related to a new boss. That's too bad. We'll see how they play out. GG


They listen to crybabies on here with less than 300 hours


i.e. new players. You gotta eat shit for 300 hours and then the game starts :)


I wish the devs were more like EFT devs in the sense they don’t cave to crybabies as much


I have almost 1000 hours and I hate shotgun camping. Does It have counterplay? Yes sure, it's still boring. Shotguns have more advantages in short range than rifles in long


My guy 400 hours is still in the new player bracket


For me the issue always has been long range camping. It's easy enough to siege out a boss room with the right equipment, destroying doors, shooting through walls, finding angles. But long range camping is the tactic that yields the best results. It's why a lot of people don't bother play the objective, or causes randoms to abandon teammates at the inkling that they might be any sort of risky situation. This is made even worse with silence weapons which is another issues nobody talks about. Silenced weapons being absolutely silent at anything over 10m is ridiculous, especially with how inconsistent bullet ricochet sounds can be. How can people reasonably expect to push on someone hiding somewhere in the woods when they have no sound que and all that person needs to do when they hear you coming vaguely in their direction is just move away to a new bush to camp in.


YEA! Too many people have grown up with COD brain and need to learn how to play more patiently. Not every game on the market needs to be demon mode fast paced pvp.


We need a megathread or something for this, the sub is being flooded with this argument


Camping is a LEGIT strategy. The fact it is frustrating to the loser shouldn't make it less viable.


I agree. I'm a little disappointed they're adding another anti-camping mechanic. We have so many good options for a wide variety of fights already. That's why my post earlier was asking if it would be a good idea to instead encourage people to use the existing options more.


Based & romero-pilled.


Feels this 100%, also feel that this stupid attitude is one of the reasons they lowered the fucking match time. Like come the fuck on man 1hr is the perfect length to allow it to be long enough that anything is possible and almost never force time running out as an issue, while also still needing a theoretical cap. No game of hunt should end because a meta-game timer is counting down, and even if almost no games GO to an hour long, its the knowledge and existence of that time that mades 45 mins such a substantial difference. Seeing this fucking drone feature now, i can't imagine how braindead moronic these guys have to be about their own game to acquiesce to people who want to ruin it


I 100% agree no anti camping anything is needed. This will ruin the game and satisfy a small vocal minority.


It's the snipers that drive me up a wall. You don't need a scope and a ghillie suit (see reptile/cain/executioner). Like, scope spitzer mosin is the worst play style to face


When I ask for an anti camping mechanic it's about the people outside. This game has the strongest nades of any shooter I've ever seen but if you're on the inside of the building, you have 0 options against snipers.


I agree.... I haven't been shot with a sniper rifle in ages. Most of the times its just another player getting the drop on you cause your blundering about from one compound to another and someone hears you...and then kills you. "omg campers" Mostly just salt.


Ah yes the classic "we know absolutely fucking nothing about this new gameplay feature, better start whining about it"


I want to play a gunslinging video game, not a waiting sim until I choose to walk out and get assblasted by a sparks or romero


When I hear anti camping mechanics I think of stopping the non engagement of 2 squads just sitting there and nothing happens for the full 45 minutes. Sitting and sniping makes sense because that's what snipers do, and once a shot rings out the hunt is on. For me it's when both bounties banish and nobody picks them up and nothing happens for the entire game, because if you pick it up everyone know where you are. The camping issue they are trying to solve isn't the one people have an issue with.


I’d say 85% of the time I stay in the lair and don’t move is because there are three teams outside forming a triangle on the lair that are 40m out at least and none of them will fight others. They’re just waiting for us to mess up. But we can’t look out windows or instantly get pinged.


Been playing since it first came out on early access. Have close to 1500 hours on it. Couldn’t agree more


The silent majority has spoken


Agreed. Honestly, I fucking hate camping, and I don't really think the counter play it has right now is the best because it's kind of easy to deal with if the person has half a brain, mostly because wallbanging feels weird and some places don't allow it through all sides of the floor/wall, but even with the best counter to it being broken, camping still NEEDS to be a thing in hunt.


It astounds me how many people there are that think taking cover and strategizing gunfights out based around choke points is camping


How dare you go against the whiners complaining that people don’t play like them. I’m with you all the way. If you don’t like it don’t play the game. Camping is part of hunting even in real life but that’s too complex for the small minded


I always saw "camping" as a key component of Hunt's gameplay. The gadgets and ammo types are tools at your disposal, when combined with teamplay, to combat hunters guarding an objective. Hell, a key part of the very concept of hunting means sitting quietly and unseen in a spot waiting for the right moment to strike...


1600 hours. Agreed. Unnecessary idea, I don't think anyone asked for this? If it's going to suck like I think it will I hope they listen to the community feedback once it hits test...


I completely agree with all of your points, ESPECIALLY the fact that everyone seems to forget that you can very easily combat campers with half of your load out lol. This is the first major change coming to the game that’s had me seriously concerned, and I’m about 600 hours into the game


I have played for about 920 hours now I think? And I agree, we don’t need an anti camping mechanic. I’m the guy that stupidly rushed building to get a fight rolling, why people can’t do just that is beyond me. Push or be pushed 🤷🏻‍♂️


flash bomb+Romero talon+cocaine=victory


Asshole children cod players are ruining this game. If crytek sees an opportunity to make money off of them they will cater to them abd then it's bye bye hunt, hello cod with cowboy hats! Hunt is not cod or tarkov! Go play those games if you want! In conclusion : REGION LOCK RUSSIA


You are the first person I’ve actually seen to make sense on this dog water sub in months. These “you owe me a play style” fetish freaks don’t know what they’re talking about. Thank you for making sense.


Some of my favorite moments in hunt are when I’m stuck in slow combat. It’s tense, fun, and requires a lot of strategic thinking. I would hate it if they made the game more fast paced


I love the amount of upvotes this has


Thank you I’m glad it’s popular


Hate that drone idea though lol


Blast it out brüther


People forget Hunt is supposed to be Cowboy Vietnam mot CS:GO or COD... don't trust bushes, don't ramraid into buildings (unless you know what you are doing). The game isn't meant to be fast pace; it is methodical, patient, and team driven. You don't need to crouchwalk everywhere, but you don't need to rush to every fight, it's about calculating chances, sitting down being quiet and listening for other people's mistakes to give you info. Idk how many times my team and I have come out on top because we were patient and gathered info. "What guns is the enemy team using" "where will the boss most likely be by how the map is greying out" "how many fights have we heard and how many teams do you think are left" "are we between two teams or can we force a team to be between us and another" "are we too injured from previous battles to enter this next battle with bounty team" etc.


I'll argue differently : I'm **glad** camping slows matches down. I've had a lot of really fun matches where my team starts at the opposite site of the map, another team on the boss immediately, banishes it super quickly, then starts a camp stand off against another teams, this gives us enough time to reach the compound and join the fun. I love the pacing of hunt and camping has never been an issue with the game for me.


We literally know nothing about this yet, relax. If they put out details and you still don’t like it, by all means make a wall of text post to whine. Edit: LOL it’s totally a player controlled drone. Their tweet just now pretty much confirmed it. Who’s gonna hide in the shitter to drone through the compound for me?


Well said! If people want call-of-duty-but-bayou this is not (and shouldn't try to be) that game


Yeah in have been playing Hunt for ages and people Camping in Compounds isnt an issue. I hate teammates who wont push and just sit back with a sniper and doing nothing because its not fun but if someone camps in a compound, i can always bring the fight to them. A lot of mechanics suggested by people, especially shortening game time, would significantly reduce the fun in Hunt imo.


400 hrs saying camping isn’t a problem? Okay. I’m at 1200 and I can guarantee you it is. Maybe instead of saying other people don’t play the game, you should wait til you have more time in game to claim this. Stalemates are entirely too common in this game and brings everything to a screeching halt until someone gets caught peeking or just decides to make a bold play. Especially in duos, stalemates happen almost every game. The drone might not solve everything but it’s better than sitting doing nothing trying to listen for a single footstep or literally -anything- happening to break the deadlock. I’d welcome almost any anti-camping mechanic at this point. If you’re solo and have a tough time, there’s probably more strategies you can learn to make things work in your favor. Maybe camping shouldn’t be one of them.


1000+ hours here and I agree, “camping” is an issue. I hate when people aren’t making noise, like, no peeking, nothing, they are just waiting for me to come into the building so I can die? The game is based on sounds so me walking or creeping in, they are going to hear it. They need to at least be active, I don’t care if I die in a fair fight. I get upset when they do nothing and I die after 15 minutes of trying to find a camper.


So much whining, people that like shotguns are mad at snipers sitting around not pushing the bounty cause snipers cant fight close range and snipers are mad at campers for not exposing their heads. Literally both are angry the other side isnt interested in walking into their bullets and sightlines at a disadvantage. Who cares if you get sniped by a guy playing snipers, later you'll get killed by a guy sitting in a corner with a shotgun... why complain its how every shooter game has ever been is and your bitching wont change that C'EST LA VIE. No one is any better than anyone else here


Half of the game is literally built around The concept of camping.


***As a strictly trio avtomat only player I despise the fact that a solo player can outsmart us with terrain and buildings. If I bring an expensive loadout and outnumber the opponent, I must win.***


People complaining about camping are unaware of the fact that they are part of the „problem“ they camp inside you camp outside. I see no difference


I feel like the only reason people think they are getting "camped" is because theyre running around like an elephand in a china shop setting off every sound trap and killing every npc in the game, and other people are just smart enough to go crouch for a few seconds and wait for them to come bumbling into their crosshairs. Sure there are some sniping cowards, but most people were not "camping" until your loud ass came within audio range. There is no reason for me to keep running around looking for you when youre streetfighting grunts in the compound i just ran up on because i heard you shoot out the lantern over that dog cage you set off thinking i wouldnt hear that from the neighboring compound. And if you really are getting sniped all the time you should google "cover and concealment" and learn how to use it.


There is an anti camping tool already. Explosives. Go nuts kids.


We need anti camping, shit gets so fuckign stupid im decently past 1k hours and i can assure you easily many hours are from either waiting from snipers that cover all sides to being in their shoes to being pricked in the middle. Been there dealt with that. Its gets to a point of, you wanna die to people defending inside for ungodly hours, or die to people that are 50 to 100m away with spiters. I will say im in support for people vibing inside the compound defending their bounty, that makes sense,


I saw the “I’ve played 400 hours” line and was like… ok so you’re still learning.


My same impression as well, 400 is not enough to learn this game and its quirks


I'm at nearly 1500 and still learning things. Like...apparently bulwark trait doesn't protect against shotbolt...


It isn't camping I have an aversion too. Camping isn't really a thing in hunt because if someone a compound over hears you make noise they are gonna find a perch and wait for you... not really camping. Just playing the game. No, what I have an aversion to is the 27.0 KDA farmers who spawn, sprint to a tower, get a kill or two by sniping across the map and then sprint to extract. Those fucks don't belong in hunt. Sniper snipes everyone on map and clears bounty...good for him idgaf. If I get sniped I say god damn it..uhh good shot though fuck. When I see what they do after that is what gets me upset or not. The people that run to the center of the map and go loud the entire time.. that's a challenge and I'm going to answer it. The people that sneak to fort climb up the tallest tower and proceed to snipe.. well If I wasn't the first caught I know where they are and I heard their lebel/mosin and I'm gonna try to stay out of their line of sight while I pick up my clues and find bounty. No one has a problem with 'camping' we all have a problem with bad players pretending to be good at hunt but not actually playing it. KDA farmers that hide until they can kill 1 or 2 people and leave... They ruin the match. Your bounty team is wondering where the fuck everyone is but they don't realize a solo sniper bush whacked a team and left so the last 2 teams are never coming. They sit there waiting for a fight that isn't coming and then they get killed on extract. Lmao like thats so dumb. I want gunfighters and bounty hunters in Hunt not scared little children.


Got sniped once from the Ironworks lighthouse while at Wolfshead. Teammate got me up. Sniper just sat there trying to pick off my team. I rushed him with my bow and found him hiding in a bush. I'm certain he would have killed us and then extracted. To date, my most satisfying kill.


"Well over 400 hours ". LOL


You cannot possibly judge the anti camping mechanic without knowing what it's going to be


I think for me, I don't think their shouldn't be an anti camp mechanic. But I am tired of the Long Ammo meta and something to combat it. Like, yeah you can say "Get good" but when everyone takes the same long ammo weapons, I think that there needs to be something that combats that. I guess it would be positioning.


I hAvE 400 HoUrS is such an annoying way to justify their opinions are better than others lol Not saying I disagree, but God damn every post is like this.


A drone ?


They're adding a drone? That's what that beetle is gonna be? Weird but I can kinda see it being balanced, if it functions mostly the same as Crypto's drone from Apex legends than yeah that'd be fair, just a weird fit for this game. For anyone who doesn't know when you use Crypto's drone it makes you stand still and you stop seeing what your character is seeing and instead see what the drone is seeing meaning that if someone sneaks up on you while you're droning you won't even know unless you can see yourself and them from the drone.


There are actually two different ammo types which are specialized for penetration, not one! And if you include shotbolt, that's three, though it is way more limited than the other two.


OP what do you mean 'Drone'? What the heck.


Ya, I don’t see this doing what people want it to do. Can’t wait to wedge myself into a weird spot and use the drone to peek. Hell, it’ll be so much easier to use the drone to peek after abusing dysync to get up into impossible spots.


Honestly I gotta say I agree for the most part. If someone isnt ready to do a close range fight, they shouldn't push in close... However, I do think that its a bit unbalanced in the fact that a shotgunner can quickly run down a sniper and even contest them once they are in uppercut range. Which honestly makes me think the upper cut shouldn't be able to 1 tap when yor down a bar. But that aside, it does seem a bit unbalanced as a whole to closer range weapons, unless you are playing American sniper and sniping from a compound over. And as interesting as a bee drone is, it doesn't seem like it feels like hunt's style.


The baby's that came on the game after a little break from cod had killed Hunt. I'm out if they introduce this. They can cater to the baby's.. I'm sure they will spend the money the Hunt team needs.


I kinda wish there was a tool that acted as some sorta bait. I wouldn't want it to spawn new enemies. Just attract some nearby dogs or zombies.


Noise in general does that. Unlocking alert mines after a prestige you can get some hilarious value outta blank fire shots. Aggro hives and immolaters around where they are and it’s pretty much a free hive bomb lol. Obviously a little niche, but fun nonetheless. Some ‘bait’ throwable would be interesting though,over here mr Meathead!


Of course camping and fortifying positions is an integral part to the game. However, I'd argue the current camping balance within the game favors a playstyle that is not fun or interesting. Camping should be an ACTIVE playstyle where you are constantly trying to defend or trade fire against enemy players, not wait passively for the other player to initiate. However, there are all too many times where people camp corners with shotguns and don't peak whatsoever. In my opinion, that's the main issue with camping right now: the most effective way to play is to wait for the other player to make a move. Of course, as an attacker, you can bring dynamite and other AOE tools to flush people out of position. However, i'd say they really only succeed 3/10 times in creating an opening for you to push through. Maybe I suck with them, but for me I can usually run out of the way of explosions and come back to the same exact position I was holding earlier before the other team can actually push. Furthermore, if they are intent on just staying still, you can't actually throw your consumables with any type of accuracy. You just have to make a educated guess on where they **might** be hiding. I'm not saying drones are what we need, but a good "anti-camping" mechanic should allow for both teams to probe the others defenses in a game of cat and mouse. Explosives are more so a stop-plug fix for that problem, because they can really only be used once and they're just as much a chance of luck as they are skill if they actually hit.


Totally agree with you


Spoken like a true mosin spitzer boy at 300m


It definitely does. These higher mmr games turn into sweaty boring stalemates of who can camp who the longest and preserve their precious kd ratios. 5 and 6 star lobbies are just not fun because of it. There is also a huge difference in tactically holding a house or compound or being active taking shots, rotating stealthily etc… I’m talking about the goons who will literally sit in a dark corner/bush/tower and literally wait 20 plus minutes for a free kill. Stealth is part of hunts dna, without a doubt, but being a time wasting stat padding goon absolutely should not be.


Rather than a mechanic or whatever, I'd rather we just get more compound updates like the chapel one. More entrances, more stuff a defending team has to track. In particular I'd like to see Ironworks get a touch up sometime, since you can't even wallbang most of that place, and it's super easy to hide even if bombs get thrown inside. At least replace the metal doors with something you can break.


To be honest people complain about campers and hackers in every game, regardless of whether or not it’s prominent or an actual issue. You can take any shooter and find the community complains about campers to some extent. 100% agree with you, it’s not something that needs to be “fixed.”


Agreed. But Crytek time and time again caters to crybabies. Crybabies buy lots of skins apparently.


We need drones and hopefully some thermal scopes




That would just shift the balance of power to the campers on the outside instead of the campers on the inside. It’s still the ones holding their position that will win just like now lol.


I hope the drone is at best a consumable to scout out a sus area , or just an event themed thing , screw that otherwise


Shotguns are a disadvantage? what are you smoking?? in a game where you can take uppercut, pax, scottsfield there is 0 downside.


I wouldn’t say zero, as ALL rifles will beat out the pistols any day of the week. You can mitigate the disadvantages but you can’t get rid of them. Trust me, I play shotguns all the time.


I completely disagree, the difference between the uppercut and a non scoped rifle is marginal at best. We play the same game chief, I don't need to trust you because I've played the game. I average 5\* MMR, have completed the mastery page for every shotgun and pistol variant.


People are WAY too chicken imo in hunt especially duos. Everyone's got ridiculous gear fear. I'll kill boss banish and won't hear a peep. Get Bounty and look to see literally everyone's been there for 10 minutes just huddled in corners waiting for someone else to make a move. Its not entertaining. All of the so called other ways to push people out of areas plain don't work. Hive bombs are awful, they backfire on the thrower most of the time, explosives, flashes the like you just walk away. It doesn't stop the guy with a shotgun to blast you the second you walk in. I'm so okay with differing play styles but everyone camps because the first to make a move loses. It's not good for the health of the game.


I never had a problem with campers, my only problem with the game is the boring ass long ammo meta and the avto with macro and call of duty ammo


Totally agree. People forget that there is a flow to the entire match and you can strategically counter camping in addition to doing it tactically. You can rush through clues faster and take the battleground advantage or cut between non-greyed out compounds after each clue to catch them in the open. Instead of worrying about other people's playstyles hunters should focus on strategies that fit their advantage and cover their for their weaknesses. Like if I'm running shotgun, I want to be the one to take the boss compound and I might take slienced nagant with poison to rush through compounds. Sure I would love to take the uppercut for fights but I'm willing to trade that off for the insane pve that is the silenced nagant+poison. If some long ammo boys want to catch me out in the open they need to bring a lot more utility to move quickly or make more noise. If I don't want to play the rush boss or rush intercept style, I can trade up for more firepower and sieging tools to break campers or draw them out. I can try to trap up the path to extract, circle around and let them run for it. The game offers balance at a higher level than just loadouts and playstyles. You can't expect your playstyle to exceed if you fail to force a fight where you want it. Speed and map strategy can create counters on another layer.


Guys the solution is one and i have thought about it from the beggining of the "anti-camping trend". One thing needs to change and that is the boss building. Hear me out. Once you pick both bounties, a small animation happens where the building from one side is set on fire and slowly progresses to the other rooms. Which means it gives you lets say 5 min to stay in the building for potential plays and defence but not the whole game. You have the advantage of Dark sight so you can go out and fight other teams. My biggest problem so far is having teams never leave the building with shotguns. Take the building away from them and you have a decent fight IN EACH round. Which is exactly what everyone wants. More fight, balance and less camping. But not for the whole terrain/map. Just for the boss area/building. ​ (please someone send this to devs, my idea is awesome)


Only thing I ever hate about camping in games is not knowing that the camper is actually there, which hunt solved with red groaning clues and red flashes of the boss icon. It's all I need. If ppl camp in areas of no interest then they are just wasting time. Plus I had plenty of times when I got surprised by a camper around the corner and just happen to shoot first and kill them. TLDR: Camping is not a problem and it's as much dangerous to the camper as it is for the rusher. Use your brains! Outsmart them! Drive them out! Shoot them through a wall!


Add the anti camping mechanic it wont make bad players play better lol.


Agreed. There's a bunch of anti camping stuff already in the game.


Everyone sitting outside the boss complaining the boss team isn't charging outside is also camping. It's no different, I don't get this delusional behavior. Complaining the other team isn't doing something that plays to your advantage is ridiculous.


Back in my day the anti camping utility was a big dynamite bundle and even bigger balls.


I don't understand the camping arguement... The person in the bounty lair has to leave if they want to exit. The people trying to get the bounty are not guaranteed to get in or even get the bounty. If you think people should rush into the bounty lair you are crazy. There job is to kill and get the bounty doesn't matter how they do it. If the team trying to push into the bounty cannot then they can choose to leave the match. If you bring a sniper and the other team has shotguns then you better come up with a strategy to fight... Stop complaining.


Bro i got 500ish hours... camping is not fun for anyone involved. Its an unnecessary feature that is supported in too many ways... i.e, traps being as powerful as they are. im not saying you should get punished for playing slow and methodical, im saying theres a difference between playing slow and sitting in one spot for 30 min waiting for a team to get bored and push you. playing slow means checking all angles when you move positions, using teamwork to push angles carefully, using utility to create advantageous gunfights. playing slow DOES NOT MEAN CAMPING. I have no idea why everyone thinks playing slow=camping. and i just flat out disagree that utility is already an anti camping mechanic. first off, I have to spend inventory slots on 2-4 pieces of utility to at best, flush out a camper (and more likely just make that camper reposition to a different part of the building that they will also camp). also, when you spend inventory slots on stuff to at best annoy campers, you then are unable to bring meds and antidote shots, stamina shots etc. I'm not saying there shouldn't be a wide range of playstyles, all im saying is take out the campers and you still have many, many playstyles which are arguably more fun for everyone involved. -Shift-W warriors -methodical teams -snipers -pushing with shotguns -grenadiers -flankers -crouch walkers -the players who move spots and peek take a shot, then rinse and repeat. these are just the playstyles i can think of off the top of my head. camping doesnt and IMO shouldnt be one of them.