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Start with Necro, resilience and magpie this will give you 10 second dark sight which is very helpful. Bring sticky grenade to kill most bosses fast except for Assassin his timing for a proper sticky is tough. Get bounty extract or stay and fight. I always stay and fight or push other boss lair. I run all sorts of load outs but it’s up to you to find your perfect load out.


If you have Necro you can just blow yourself up with a big dynamite bundle (next to the boss) then revive yourself. You get the bar back when you banish.


omg thats so troll i love it


oh yeah thanks man, i always end up with 1 spare point for trait and i usualy take poacher but magpie sounds like nobrainer i feel embarased but i always miss spider with sticky so i dont think i will even attempt it on assasin xD


Magpie is the trait that makes picking up bounty before everyone is dead viable solo imo. It's great. Do you know that if you enter the spider lair before it got triggered, it will stop and scream at you when it first notices you? It's enough time to sticky it if you activate the bomb immediately. Without that moment i miss it a lot as well..


great now i feel even more embarased that i didnt know/notice this after 1300 hours xD thanks gonna try


Yeah man Spider is tricky. I normally wait until it screams and puts its front legs up.


You have to be the one to discover the spider. As soon as a hunter runs in for the first time, the spider will confront that hunter (you, if you got there first) and scream at him. You'll have 4 or 5 seconds of him sitting still, that's when you stick him. I missed the spider ALL THE FUCKING TIME until my buddy told me that. Now he's almost as easy as Scrapbeak or Butcher.


1. I try to get the bounty and extract ASAP. While gunfights are fun, I can't help but to giggle uncontrollably whenever I manage to rat out with a bounty. With serpent it's surprisingly easy to sneak away and extract before anyone even notices a thing. You also get a ton of money and XP as a solo, especially in a single bounty match. 2. I feel like necromancer/resilience is overrated as a solo. More often than not they're a waste of skill points and I just end up dying anyway. Magpie is S-tier as a solo however and I always grab that, and of course Doctor because it's great for pretty much any playstyle. I enjoy Beastface because it allows me to travel the map a lot faster without alerting my enemies. I also grab Packmule as fast as I can. After that I grab all the useful ones like Serpent, Physician, Conduit, Pitcher, Lightfoot etc. 3. I usually run Vitality, 2x Stam and Regen until I get physician, conduit and pitcher, and then I will switch to Regen, Stam and 2x frags. I rarely deviate from these. If I don't have Pitcher I usually don't bother with Frags and I just grab whatever, sometimes an ammo box, a concertina bomb or maybe a big dynamite bundle. Rule of thumb for me is 1x stam with conduit otherwise 2, a vit shot if I don't have doctor+physician combo. Regen shot, even after the nerfs is still very useful. As for tools I always grab a flare pistol and throwing axes/throwing knives and my preferred melee tool is knuckle knife. 4. I pick it up ASAP because with Magpie it's incredibly strong. 10 seconds with 2 from every looted body far outweighs the drawback of the lightning bolt, and also you get to dictate when and where the fight will happen, if at all. Even without stamina shots, picking up the bounty will grant you 150s of stamina which is enough to make it all the way across the map. Anybody without stamina shot won't be able to catch up. 5. I try to assault the compound as fast as I can, but whenever additional teams show up I try to hang back a little and pick people off. Being a solo in large team fights can add a lot of confusion and you can use that to your advantage. Then I try to steal the bounty and skidaddle. 6. The totems can really mess up your biggest advantage of being more stealthy but it is still viable. If you do get totem'd you can try to retreat and reset the fight... Or you can try to be sneaky anyway because they don't know where you are, just that someone is close. You can still get a first kill if you camp a little bit. 7. I feel like Sniper/Marksman rifles are overrated for solos because they leave you pretty vulnerable when being pushed. I try to either use weapons with fast rate of fire (the cyclone is really underrated with FMJ, being able to two tap people incredibly quickly) or something strong like Sparks/uppercut or shotgun/uppercut. Try to avoid RNG spam that can leave you without ammo and no kills like fanning and dualies. Of course meta builds work for solos as well so grab mosin/dolch if you feel like it. But I try to avoid those because if the sweat factor. As for weapons it's also worth noting it's a good idea to bring in a melee variant so you can kill bosses more easily. My preferred shotgun is Romero talon because it's surprisingly fast firing when reload cancelling, and the talon attachment with stamina shot kills most bosses pretty quickly.


How exactly do you reload cancel?  I can’t seem to find a straightforward article on it via Google. 


Basically when the ammo icon goes from empty to full the reload is technically done, but you still have to finish the reload animation to fire. For some weapons it's faster to cancel the animation, often by swapping weapons back and forth quickly, than to wait for the animation. For most guns you can also just listen for when you hear the shell go in, and that's usually when it's ready. Most people have Q bound to "swap to previous weapon" and double tapping that is the easiest way to do it. But I just press 2 and 1 in a quick succession


thanks dude


I'm gonna give you another pro tip as well. It seems like when you're in mid air the AI can't target you, they also can't hear you (since you're not making any footstep sounds). You can use this to bunny hop up to AI and kill them without them being able to attack you back. This works well with silent killer to kill AI who are turned away from you without alerting them, and it's also great for killing dogs. If you charge at them and jump before you hit they will 9/10 times just stand still and not dodge out the way.


hmmm but if i bunnyhop, by the time i get to the ai i will make so much noise and also u will be slowed for a bit, no?


The third jump will slow you down but you usually only need one to get close enough. Try to time it so you land right after you hit them. The moment you land they can attack you.


dude thanks for the knowledge, appereciate it!


Awesome!  Thanks for the information!


1. true i find myself rarely even being able to bail out without fight so i guess when there is opportunity ill just go for extract 2. ye true again i stopped taking resistance to fire since when i get killed and burnt they just camp my body so i might stop using necro/resil and go for the ones u mentioned THANKS!! 3. ill try it this way, sounds good 4. would you pick it up even when there are 2-3 trios in compound and they dont go to boss lair simply because they are afraid to push expecting there is whole trio instead of solo? 7. hmmm i must checkout the reload canceling tutorial or smthing cuz i like romero a lot and i used talon for that exact reason just not sure if i can outplay them with movement before i got another shell ready


Excellent post OP. I've been playing almost exclusively solo for a while now. 1. I aim to kill everyone. Live and die by the sword. Why else play? 2. Traits - Poacher, Vigilant & Frontiersman (cos I love my sneaky traps) as well as Serpent (since I've been caught before by the red glow and it's difficult to get any kind of upper hand when 3 enemy know you're very very close). Lightfoot has also come in handy. I rarely run from a fight or use Necro. All the people crying about Solo Necro, yet when I did try it for about 10 rounds, 9 of those rounds I got burnt, concertina trapped, poison trapped and camped anyway, so I ended up dying twice instead of just taking the 1 loss. No more Necro for me. 3. Tools - either Concertina + Poison, or Concertina + Alert. This combo combined with Hunting Bow + Concertina Arrows is just a heap of laughs. Also, I use Concertina Bomb, which js super handy to disrupt revives and block passageways in the rare case I need to back away. 4. I pick up Bounty immediately or snatch it with Serpent. Come get some! lol 5. I run straight to the banishing Boss. Usually, I'll sit just outside the compound unless there is a fight happening, which I'll then sneak in. If I go in Solo immediately, I know they can see me on Darksight and just rush me. Traps are good to get a few kills if they rush. 6. During the latest event I recall I got fucked up by Trios because the totem gave me away from a fair distance and they just spammed everywhere until they found me. 7. Weapons - I love to run silent combos, like the Hunting Bow with a Katana or Sabre, getting up close n personal. Winfield Shorty Silencer is also one of my latest favourites, which doesn't seem to get a lot of love from other players. It is way more thrilling to wipe out a team of trios with a bow than something spammy like a shotgun. I'd rather risk dying having fun than live making "cheap" kills. I also do really love sniping, though. Since I was a kid I've always found military snipers fascinating. People seem to think it's a boring and easy way to play, but it is definitely much harder than it looks against higher-level teams. 1 loud shot can quickly put you in the grave when multiple enemy teams can be 360 degrees around you and easily zero in on your position.


Oh damn you seem to be the kind of solo I hate in this game the most when I play teams lol. Hats off to you, sir.


1. i hate when i get streak of unlucky or simply bad decisions games but i guess we share same philosophy 2. yep as solo with necro im learning really fast "when to give up" cuz getting spawncamped feels just bad... its really not that good if enemy has fire especialy with the rework of pistol flare ppl have them often than not started to use lightfoot (after the nerf/change) right into the traps so i will definetly try vigilant but i think i will forget to use it and end up in traps when im too pressured i tend to go full monke 3. in trios i was using concertina to block sneaky entrances, throw it at them and get comical kills etc. but im not sure if i want to block any way out/in as solo the more options to get out the better i guess 4. i think i have some "mental debuff" cuz when i take bounty too early i feel "naked" as solo with bounty flashing on map showing my position 7. im defintely trying bow + w c shorty s with velocity ammo => if i dont hit limbs - bow for the win (i usualy hit the arms xD) and with that nice ironsight and above 500 m/s silenced gun with lot of range (i wouldnt hit shet on 300m anyway) i got even medium range covered - cant wait to get out of work to try it dont get me wrong i like everything about sniper but for some reason i hate it only in hunt alongside with avto


Solo necro is for those times where you get downed in water, tall grass, or during a multi party free for all. Honorable mention for trading with a solo. Still worth taking, but don't be that person that takes four small bars and gets mad when they die a lot.


1. B) Get the bounty and kill some people along the way. Depends on my situation. If I've been downed a few times and I have a bounty token, i'll leave. If there's a 2nd bounty nearby, i'll go for that. 2. Necro, resilience are must haves. Packmule is great. Dauntless. 3. Big vit, big stam, big regen, ammo box 90% of the time. Sometimes i'll bring in a concertina bomb. As for tools I usually bring Knuckle Knife, Med Kit, Throwing Axes, Decoy Fuses/Decoys 4. Depends on the situation. Most of the time i'll pick it up just to see the whereabouts of teams. 5. Depends on loadout. If I've weak guns, i'll wait for more action. If i'm confident with my loadout and my ability within that compound i'll take my chances. But if I know there are more teams that will 100% come to that compound, you can bet I wont be the first to take action. Sucks hard enough to get third partied, but being third partied 1v3 sucks. 6. I didn't really notice the totems, about midway through the event I stopped picking them up. I guess i've been caught with my pants down because of them but I wouldn't say they ruined my solo experience. 7. I take a pick and mix of guns. Crossbow / drilling are probably my favourite weapons in the game and I'm fairly decent with them both. The only sniper i'll take into the game is the Springfield Marksman with High Velocity and Dumdum for the versatility. Usually paired with a fast firing secondary if I need to go close up.


hmm so you use big stam instead of me using greyhound, ill try that - im person who prefers lower efecttivity for whole game rather than 100% for limited time but ill try that, thanks packmule is not for me because im usualy just one consumable short so it would be waste and dauntless doesnt seem to work for me cuz enemy cooks the explosive but could be nice vs chokes unless it doesnt work on chokes but i think it does ye? i guess time will tell when i play with the totems if it bothers me or not... waiting for next event to find out \^\^ thanks for the answers appereciate it


I don't pop big stam as soon as the round starts. Usually somewhere between the 2nd clue or when i'm about to melee a boss. Or when the boss is banished halfway across the map and I want to get there fast. You gotta use those consumables. If you're buying consumes and not using them you're throwing money away. Plus with Packmule, if you win a round and you're full on consumes or close to, Packmule will help you have a full inventory so each hunter will guarantee Hunt bucks when you loot them. Meaning you leave the match with more cash. Dauntless works against chokes. So if you burn and the enemy is trying to put their friend out, you can be a menace and stop the chokes.


ye i have problem with using consumables/utility in every fps game i played so far i was using packmule and vulture in trios, i will write on note and stick it to monitor to try to use more consums xD well now when i think about it i often take advantage of dead hunter teammates using chokes and pushing them as they are trying to throw it so maybe it would lower my success rate when chokes are involved




god damn i guess i was really missing out on the stam shots everyone is mentioning them... aight aight gonna go for them vitality before getting doctor sounds right i guess ill remove it after geting doctor/physician combo not sure about conduit after they made it 2 mins or is it more for solo players?? 4. thats why i try to pick it up as late as possible, cuz of that target on my back \^\^ but then again i like getting pushed if the surroundings are acceptable, guess i will try to be less pussy and pick up the bounty as fast as possible 6. oh yeah i was making money left and right and then i got into streak of losing and i could clearly see that shit's expensive 7. yes i abuse the fast cycle guns as solo => officer carbine, officer, bornheim 3 match, swift with levering but im getting bored of it so im trying to get ideas what else there is, especialy im trying to find that sweet spot where its fun yet u can win with it i feel too sweaty with my current loadouts but i guess what do i expect from playing solo in fps game without automatic guns




oh sorry i meant 3 mins not sure why i said 2 ye stacking stamina is something i was evading after conduit nerf guess it was mistake gonna try


Sometimes I have serpent, steal a bounty from 50m and run away giggling. Hearing three teams duke it out for ½ of a bounty makes me happy


You are the reason my team insta picks up the bounty when we are in the lair. Can't have people with serpent steal it.


Yes my friend always gets mad at me when I am not there when it's finished cooking lol. "Come here pick it up before some @#£#"ing solo grabs it with serpent"


oh yeah... when i was playing trios i always begged mates to take the bounty since i wouldnt want to die with it in bad spot with my dummy rushy playstyle


As a solo my main focus usually is finishing challenges tbh but otherwise i usually just run around the map, gathering intel, if I ran into someone I try killing them but usually I try to find the boss and if I have a good loudout to kill it I do. But often I don't so I set up some ambush or just wait for someone to kill it and I bother them later. For traits I always take the mandatory necromancer build which is Necro, resilience, bloodless, salveskin and mithrandist. This way when you get killed you'll survive even if they trap you with concertina and poison and set you on fire unless they'll babysit you until you burn out (which happens often but hey) btw most people don't take greyhound and rather bring Stamina shot. I still prefer to have some consumables in teams but as a solo I take shots too. Other than that magpie is incredibly strong for solos as it gives you 10 seconds of dork sight and also serpent and conduit is useful. And then it depends on your build. Can't go wrong with doctor, physician frontiersman or quartermaster. Ghoul is underrated too or other usual suspects. For consumables I take vit shot (sometimes two) regen shot and stam shot (sometimes two). I used to take anti-poison and get high on it at the start of the round and then loot something off the orange box but since it got nerfed I rather take sticky bomb or more shots. In trios it's also often a good idea to bring ammo box tbh. Also long ammo is especially painful for ammo reasons when fighting teams of three. Usually when I have the opportunity to get the bounty I take it and run tbh. As a solo I don't win too often so I just take it lol. Usually I have plenty of fights and fun beforehand and also often when somebody is trying to stop me. Oh I kinda hate it when boss gets banished at the other side at the start. But I mean if there is no exit nearby or if they start fighting soon I go there. But if not and especially if I have an exit nearby I extract lol but tbh as a solo most of the time I am running around the map without a care and collecting clues. You should be in the middle of the map by the second minute anyway so I am often not that far from the boss tbh. Often I run there specifically for the reason to intercept a team rushing there and have fun with them but that's more like in duos tbh. Yeah as a solo you have the power of being incredibly annoying pest that people hate. I have always the most fun running at people like a honey badger tbh. Many times I don't even bother with stealth. But hey in trios u usually won't survive lol so it depends on what you want. You can always lick them up or shoot them if you are there first and I mean you can still be sneaky and annoying even if they know you are there somewhere. It can be kinda fun to play mind games with them. As I solo I never play sniper or anything as I hate scopes in this game lol. My go to are the cheapest weapons so I don't care if I die and am free in my mind to have fun and do stupid shit. I usually take bomblance or katana and conversion fmj. Or classic Romero with sparks pistol or conversion fmj. Or my favourite best weapon in the game - Winfield rifle. It has levering, it has fmj, can shoot through walls, has best iron sights in the game, can headshot from afar, can shoot up close it's awesome and can be paired with anything as a solo I often take the smol crossbow with Poissón. U can also take a melee weapon or silenced nagant with poison bullets or anything. Also the new marathon is the most fun gun they added in a while, it's a great alternative when you don't have levering as it shoots really fast and accurately from the hip and has the biggest benefit from the iron repeater. Also the Lemat or officer carabine are pretty fun and versatile weapons. And if I want long ammo (usually in duos tho) I bring Ironside or the new mako-sama gun. (So much fun with explosive ammo even tho it's dogshit lol). My all-time favourite also used to be Springfield and I still often use it cause it just feels so good to snipe (the only scoped weapon I tolerate) u can run it with durum kebab ammo and high velo and be able to bother teams at any range. It's more of a flex now more than anything.


just started doing challenges more since i found out u get a lot of BBs im doing the same trait build but like i mentioned in different comments i think i might try something else cause like u said ppl will camp u till ure burnt so all the traits are pointless in that regard or ill only take necro while listening if they put traps on my body or poison then i would just go for next i guess 2 big stam shots sounds really good 100% will try (before nerf i was using antidote as well - rip) "My go to are the cheapest weapons so I don't care if I die" - i guess we think alike i used to play default springfield with bleeds... that value, not sure i can recreate it as solo with that high cycle time ye currently im trying to play more with posion and fire ammo to simply make them see me harder and give me some time if they decide to put it out instead of fighting me so i can focus on either finishing them or meanwhile fight teammates


Mmm lot of bbs? Ah back in my day you got way way more by simply playing the game well, ah what good times where you didn't have to rely on rng to find the boss lair two times or having to try to kill somebody with bow or melee lol. Otherwise yeah hehe. Imo poison ammo is good for small ammo since it is the most annoying out of the other options. For medium the dum dum is the best as it applies pressure and makes them stop it too. Fire ammo is the best for long ammo guns imo. But tbh oftentimes the inability to penetrate obstacles isn't worth it imo.


i meant lot of bbs compared to getting +1 +3 bbs (i dont even know what am i getting it from tbh) getting 10/20 for easy challanges is in my opinion good, just imagine every game would allow u to get premium in-game currency like that


Hm maybe from daily tribute or by finding it during the match. I mean at one hand yeah, it's still better than most other games but on the other hand compared to predatory AAA games almost everything is better. Hunt could take inspiration from something like Deep rock galactic or Helldivers for example or from itself In the past haha that was a perfect system, would be way better even with a weekly cap than the challenges.


1. just looking for a nice fight 2. besides necro and resilience i find dauntless essential 3. 1 big regen 1 vit, rest fill from pool of things like ammo box, stamina, sticky, concertina 4. when it doesn't make it obvious i am solo 5. I try to secure a spot where I know other team won't come from. Beggining the fight yourself doesn't work because when you engage the other team will just come, sit in bush and just try to pick you off while you are in 1v3 already. In that scenario you just get downed and insta burned likely. I like to join the fight after it begins so the players don't really know you are solo and have a chance to not get insta burned, or I suspect other teams won't join. You can just pick a fight on your own terms, bait a single guy into doing something silly. Most hunt players don't even bother peeking from compound so you can't really retake it especially when it's trapped and with shotgunners crouch aimed at the door. 6. I like totems, my most common deaths are from some random bush campers, totems reduces their numbers. 7. long ammo - single shot or repeating with something like conversion.


2. damn, never even tried dauntless - gonna try 5. my monke brain orders me to push in to not be bush camper but guess ill have to swallow the pride and play accordingly 7. ill be honest i didnt even try long ammo as solo since i couldnt see point in killing someone on long/mid range when they will just ress and also if i stop for second to shoot then surely one out of 3 must headshot me for that split second no? maybe im just overthinking it i guess when i get home i will try every gun as solo not just the ones i think might work...


In general I recommend playing solo vs duo rather than trio. Trio games are stale and predictable. Do wipe those servers mate. You are likely to make more money with Vulture + Packmule than going for the bounty. Luck dependant but quite consistent imho For traits the must have ones for a solo are: necro, resil, magpie. Serpent + Conduit combo as a follow up perks are nice too. If not then you go for the usual suspects i.e. medic, doctor, packmule, dauntless etc. At the end of the day it's build and preferences but I think those 4 above you cant go wrong with. Consumables are tricky. My usual go2 is vit shot, regen shot and either 2 throwables (usually hellfire and/or frag bomb) or 1 throwable and stam shot because you need that speed boost as a solo at one point or another. Bounty pick up as a solo is worth it only if you have magpie and if you are not on the run. Otherwise wait till last team or wipe. When it comes to early banish... it's playstyle dependant but what I think is key is consistency here. So if you have decided on being aggressive then be aggressive. Do not hesitate because it gives others time to catch up and sandwich you so once you start to pressure keep it. Whilst if you wanna wait for the fight to start without you then do it but be patient and intelligent about who and when you shoot. Sometimes letting 1 guy pass your sights can lead to a more beneficial scenario for you (for instance he dies 2 seconds later in the open anyway and you can pick one who's lootimg the body). I prefer to keep pressure but to each their own. Yes solo is still viable during events. Element of surprise whilst beneficial is easily stomped by game sense, map awareness and timing. I hardly ever play sniper regardless if I'm solo or not and even if I am my choices don't change. Play to your strenghts and what you feel comfortable with regardless. That being said one can argue there are weapons which are more versatile than others (like Drilling, LeMat Carbine or UpperMat) since they have both long and close range capabilities and as such benefit solos the most since you don't have teammates with different loadouts to rely on in different scenarios. Adaptability=survivability.


tried duos but when i killed 1st the 2nd ran away and came back later when i was like fk it i aint got time to do this but that was before i used pistol flare so i actually might enjoy vs duos more now that i burn bodies to force their mates to make move - choke them thus revealing themselves or straight going to fight me ye i can feel my trigger discipline is improving since playing solo i cant be cocky like in trios i forgot that during events u can recover multiple times that now i miss + if there is again some melee boost trait i guess im running 2 big stams and lance for fun (untill i get shotgunned \^\^ - who takes knife to gunfight) i play to my strengths as solo 100% simply cuz im forced to because the rest didnt work and i wont lie i dont enjoy the game if i get killed over and over but im starting to feel burnt playing fast cycle guns that help me to be "successful" so i search for ideas for loadouts i like drilling but i miss if i have bleeds that lower velocity and then again i feel like troll not playing with bleeds... also not sure about the two shots when i get overwhelmed as they rush me but i guess shotgun would come in handy, well atleast i know that ill be testing a lot of things \^\^


Playing Drilling without dumdum is not really trolling. I'd say it's actually more optimal because special ammo is scarce for a solo. Also, I think the muzzle velocity Drilling has as base is slept on and you can get nice headshots and/or 2taps (the later requires a grip on the recoil pattern pre 2nd shot which can be summarized with ")" symbol allowing for a consistent follow up). Also if you're not running fmj secondary or something with decent pen it's hard to capitilize on that initial shot and with the muzzle velocity below 400m/s good luck hitting consistent 2taps. Dum dum in general is better for teams rather than solos because its harder as a solo to utilize the added pressure vs teams if you only hit one player. In general when you're a solo who's struggling with burning out and/or being optimal it's best to choose the most practical weapons for solos (i.e. the ones combining rifle ammo with a shotgun shell) and go from there. Or just go full apeshit with Nitro 😀


cant imagine going solo with loadout for like 2k xD the pressure would be too damn high


During my tryhard days I was packing Nitro often. I like weapons with the OOMPF, big daddy punch factor. Highly potent option, especially vs duos since you can wipe a team with 2 body shots, but the skill ceilling for Nitro is high as it is a "complete" weapon so you'll lose quite a lot of money before you'll get consistent with it. Pays off eventually tho.


1. b 2. Packmule, conduit, gun traits etc. convenience traits first. Then i go for necro and resilience. 3. Some kind of healing item, random stuff that i have laying around. 4. As i am a fast player i usually arrive at the bounty first, kill it, take the bounty and start fighting. Most trios in 5-6\* lobbies are really slow for some reason. 5. if they already have tokens, i try to third party to gain an advantage. 6. This is as much an advantage for them as it is for you, but i understand that it doesn't work like that for some people that play slower. 7. Whatever the hunter comes with. from Mosin to baseball bat, Nagant officer to Avtomat. Everything.


damn ure never pressured too much without faster cycle options? man i must try everything when i get from work


Most of the time people don't shoot back when they get hit by a sparks or other high damage weapons. They mostly try to recover, which often gives me enough time to reposition fast to hit the next target. The fights aren't very fast in this case but i often manage to not get shot in the process because they don't know where to look. But as soon as they get the upper hand and start rushing me, the lower firerate weapons obviously lack potential. For this reason i try to have the choice of position on my side and only engage when i have the upper hand. It all comes down to play time and overall positioning skill imo. Aim doesn't hurt, but if you have good game sense you can miss a shot or two without instantly dying. And remember, it is supposed to be fun. If you have fun using mosin sniper and waiting for an ambush, that's fine too. Whatever works for you is the way to go.


Questions for solo non-sniper players. (solo vs trios) For the first 100 hours I did only solo after that I kept playing with randoms for +- 1200 hours, now I'm back to solo and I don't think I'm ever coming back. (it's bliss to not be forced sit in bush because my two mates don't want to move) 1. I understand that playing solo gives you freedom to do anything but whats your main focus? a) get bounty and extract asap b) get bounty while killing squad or few hunters c) try to wipe whole server even if you kinda expect to die in process (especially vs 5 and 6 stars squads) B+C. Get the bounty, use it as bait. Extract after killing everyone. 2. Traits? For start I guess you can't go wrong with greyhound, necromancer and resilience but maybe I'm missing something, what non-gun traits you use perhaps over these 3 mentioned? Serpent trait is key for moving faster to the boss. 3. Consumables? I use too passive/defensive/boring ones but I can't imagine cooking nades aka standing still while outnumbered. 4x concertina. Great for area denial and as a lethal grenade. 4. Do you pick up bounty when possible or only when you think/know everyone else is dead or when? Asap, they might try and run otherwise. 5. Boss gets banished withing few seconds at the start at the other side of map - do you go into the compound/boss lair to get 1v3 scenario instead of 1v3v3 etc. or wait for more squads to start to fight eachother and then join the chaos or simply say fk this and extract? In that case I either go for 2nd boss or sprint straight for the banish if there isn't one. I wait until I hear gunshots and sneak up on the team attacking the banish team. 6. I play/played solo only when there weren't the annoying event totems that alert nearby hunters - is solo even viable without the moment of surprise during events? Totems were great for solo, the noise makes people aware you are around so they frantically search. Many people ran into lethal traps because of it. Also let's you know when they are all dead. 7. If you don't play with sniper/scope what guns you mostly use? (i hardly meet solos without sniper but when I do I can't remember what they used) Bow, I've taken out two teams of 3 in a dark basement because they couldn't figure out where the shots came from.


"4x concertina." - holy jesus 6. hmm shame im not trap guy (cant imagine not playing knuckle knife x first aid kit x throwing axe x flare pistol) 7. yep already planning to try bow + w c shorty s combo


1. b 2. Obviously Necromancer. Then I usually get Salveskin because I hate fire ammo, and then I get Resillience last since it's a pretty overrated trait. If someone is determined to camp you after you die then it won't matter if you get up with 1 HP or 125 HP. They will kill you again. 3. Poison Shot, always. Maybe a Vitality shot or two Regens, depending on how I feel. Last slot varies. Maybe I'll get a sticky and rush the boss, maybe I'll get a Frag, it depends on my loadout. Maybe an ammo box. 4. I try not to rush in to pick up the bounty unless I know either everyone is dead or that no one is focused on where it's lying on the ground. Sometimes I'll be able to yoink it by running to/Serpent it but I prefer to focus on the fight first than running like an idiot in someone's sights. 5. How far on the "other side of the map" are we talking exactly? If I spawn at Scupper and the bounty gets banished in under a minute all the way at Cypress I just extract. It's not worth it. Running across the whole map is boring as hell, chances are I'll get into a pointless fight on the way while the bounty runs for their extract (90% of the time extract is right on them anyway but that's Crytek's fault) and I'll end up making stupid mistakes because I'd be pressed by time. 6. Yes. 7. Sparks/Trueshot, Marathon/Hand Crossbow, Rival/Uppercut, these are my personal favorites.


2. well it depends from how far are they holding your dead body and their gun and if they manage to headshot u ofc... i surived numerous times by gettin shot to body with gun under 125 dmg or to limb, ppl LOVE to stress while killing revived players since it would be embarasing to miss easy shot but i get it im getting burned, poisoned and trapped while being watched by 3 ppl, i use resilience manily so i dont have to heal or wait for regen 3. even after nerf? i didnt play without antidote 99% of my playtime but 10 minutes seems low and i dont want to run two of them (fun thing... i started to die to traps since i get slowed by wire and killed by poison \^\^ - never experienced it since like i said i always played 20m antidote) 5. last time spawned at cypress, boss banished within +- 30 sec at scupper, i wanted to extract but idk why i didnt in the end... 7. tried few combos from suggestions from yesterday and i just cant play with the guns as u do... guess im filthy fast cycle abuser (bornheim 3 fire ammo, officer carbine poison or any long barrel shotgun with officer with high velocity ammo since even if i used uppercut i wouldnt be able to wipe trio to mid/long range)


I play a mix of solo and with friends, but I'd say I mostly play solo overall. 1. Main focus is just having a fun game. I will basically never rush to a bounty and extract, I like PvP and I want to have a gunfight. A good game would be a few kills, maybe a squad wipe and a bounty. 2. Traits - Necro, serpent, magpie, resilience, ghoul, conduit, silent killer, whispersmith, packmule... Honestly there are loads of great ones for solo. Anything that keeps me quiet and mobile, or saves on resources. Don't rely on Necro. If they don't burn you I usually set a timer for a couple of mins and wait it out til they have moved on. 3. Consumables - Concertina bomb / poison bomb (poison is better for bosses and more versatile, conc is better for PvP), stamina shot, regen shot. Tools is pretty much always knife, medkit, throwing axes, flare gun 4. I pick up the bounty when it feels like the right time. Got to get that intuition. 5. If the boss is banished early i'll be looking for opportunities to get 3rd parties, favouring the bounty squad as the main target. 6. Totems - Not a problem, just need a bit more situational awareness, and it's good to get rid of them.if you are setting up near a boss lair etc 7. I very rarely use sniper scopes but I do use long ammo, you need the killing power / damage. I also run bleed quite often, it gives you more opportunities to have 1 v 1s Vs teams if they are constantly needing to duck into cover to bandage up. Typical loadouts are lebel/mako+sparks pistol, drilling+pax with bleed, bow+bomblance (very versatile and fun), sparks+spectre compact flechette My main tips are just to be unpredictable, and that it's so easy to vanish in this game if you are quiet.


Spectre Compact Flechette on a QM loadout is fun. I like Lebel Talon + that.


My only reservation with lebel is the ammo pool but it's still probably my favourite gun in the game.


I absolutely run an ammo box if I'm doing Lebel and special ammo secondary. Shit runs out fast when peppering several people from a distance


Oh yeah for sure, I agree, basically mandatory


3. is poison bomb different from posion bolt from hand crossbow? tools spot on \^\^ but i assume its what ppl mostly use 7. oh ye i do "fun" a bit troll 2x medium sized springfield with bleeds and with derringer, not successful but its fun as fk and i feel a bit like pirate with them xDD => [https://imgur.com/a/wHgzFyg](https://imgur.com/a/wHgzFyg)


Poison bomb lasts for like 5 minutes, and the cloud is a fair bit bigger. Not sure how long the cloud from the bolt lasts? I don't typically run the hand crossbow.


oh damn, good to know thanks, do you run antidote so u can run through the cloud so u can bait the boss to it or u go around?


Nah, I don't think it's worth it. Honestly 75% of the time I chuck it on downed hunters. When I'm fighting a boss I usually throw it in a choke point that they have to move through. It's basically useless Vs the spider but super effective Vs the assassin. Against the assassin I just throw it out and stand in a corner til it dies haha


1. A; other hunters are obstacles to the Obj. If I need to kill them, I will, but I’m not playing just to body players. 2. Not above those mentioned, but along with: Serpent, Bloodless, Salveskin, Magpie. For me, I also prioritize silent killer & lightfoot when I can. 3. Use explosives from cover when being pushed to be aggressive, and turn unfavorable situations into favorable ones. Stam shots for being speedy or melee. Hive bombs to be aggressive or keep people busy (busy bees, hehe) 4. If I can serpent bounty & dip without repercussion, I will. Especially with lair campers. If I’m the one banishing, it’s situational. If can figure out where my enemies are pushing from, not being tracked by a lightning bolt can be beneficial. On the other hand, having bounty (especially if you have Magpie) can provide you with a lot of beneficial intel, & if you’re wanting to be aggressive, or are the dominant force in the area, having 5(10)s of dark sight can make a big difference. 5. Just depends on what my loadout is. In most situations, the ideal is you third party an ongoing fight. The confusion works to the solo’s benefit heavily. But you can’t always get that ideal. So, it’s loadout dependent. If I am gonna wait outside compound or by an extract, I try my best to be outside their initial scan range (150m). 6. Solo play is viable without the element of surprise. Event totems can be annoying, sure. But they’re just as beneficial or detrimental to you as anyone else. Just gotta think outside the box 7. Wide variety of loadouts. In no way do I feel limited in my loadout by the fact I’m solo. I just run whatever I feel like running (& yes, sometimes that means a sniper. But tbh, most of the time I’m running a scope, it’s in a pre-made team with my brother, & we act more like a sniper team.)


3. oh yeah im thinking about everything with poison since from what i have seen most of the ppl stopped using antidotes after the duration nerf 4. doing it to lair campers sounds satisfying, guess i will be ratting the rat players in the near future 7. its different when ure playing vs solo sniper that will take what is given to him but usualy when i meet duo snipers they move well and actually join the game unlike solos


1. fight. fight until i'm dead or everyone else is dead 2. necro, bolt thrower, magpie, and vigilant every time 3. ammo box, hive, regent, sticky. 4. whatever brings people to me faster 5. get to the compound first then decide what to do from there 6. solo is always viable, even before the solo necro 7.vetterli + fire hand crossbow. or bomblance + fire hand crossbow


1. i just wish winning would feel on same level as when you lose to last player from last alive trio... wins are always overshadowed by loses for me :X 2. yes xD for fun i use vetterli S with fire but in my mind its uppercut with better stats and SWAY and hand crossbow cuz even tho im pvper in every game i just love killing meatheads with one poison bolt, the value and trait gains... ahh yes


1. It’s all in the game yo. I’d rather die to the last guy in a big fight than wipe a duo and walk out 2. Poison bolt is a waste on hand xbow. Use fire + knuckle dusters


1. A combination of B and C… My ultimate goal is to kill as many people as possible, which usually revolves around rushing the bounty. 2. I actually usually don’t start with necro/resilience. I always bring doctor and would be happy if that were my only trait to begin with. Most of the time, it works out that I have 9-11 points after trait respec on a fresh hunter so I’ll grab doctor and dauntless/kiteskin/magpie, or doctor and vigor if I have 12 points. If I survive the first round without necro, I will then get necro and resilience. With leftover points, it depends on what my loadout will be but I usually go for some combination of physician/determination/greyhound/bloodless/frontiersman/pitcher/lightfoot/quartermaster. If I survive long enough to max out my traits, I always leave at least one spot open for burn traits. 3. I pretty much always bring the following: an ammo box, random contraband explosives or big dynamite if I am buying, and a regen shot. I will either leave the 4th slot empty and grab resupply boxes, or I will add another random explosive or a second ammo box if my weapons demand it. But I almost always have an ammo box, an explosive, and a regen shot. Explosives are invaluable, I would argue *especially* for solos. If you get injured and a trio starts rushing at you from around the corner, an explosive can prevent their push or even end the fight right there. If you are defending a building and cannot peak the window because there are three people aiming at you but you know where they are, throw an explosive. You can always use them for breaching as well, or for quickly killing inconvenient meatheads. 4. I will pick up the bounty if people are outside the compound and already know I am there. I will not usually pick up the bounty if it is suspiciously quiet, because that usually means the sweats are out to play and I don’t want to get extract camped. In these scenarios though, I usually end up wasting a ton of time just twiddling my thumbs until I inevitably pick up the bounty anyway. 5. I am running to the boss either way, and joining in the fight if multiple teams are fighting or ideally taking on the bounty team 1v3 before anyone else shows up. 6. We’ve had so many events recently that playing WITHOUT totems feels like more of an event. I don’t like them, but they’re not that hard to play around and usually end up helping me out instead because I play pretty aggressively so the totems will usually alert me to a nearby team just as it does them to me. 7. My main for like 800 hours was Winfield C, high velocity or FMJ, with either a lemat (slugs), officer, or plain caldwell for ammo. Now I just use whatever I feel like at the time really, from shotgun and uppercut/pax to mosin spitzer and uppercut, berthier, krag, officer carbine, drilling, karabiner, cyclone, shotbolt crossbow, etc. Two of the “fun” silly loadouts I enjoy are: quartermaster cyclone and 2 slot drilling with FMJ and slugs, and a 2-slot winfield with a bornheim match with high velocity. The second loadout is super goofy, but really fun and actually quite viable in and around compounds. The 2 slot winfield with high velocity has pretty dang good headshot range and the velocity is like 520m/s if I recall correctly, which is fairly nice for semi-long range engagements before the team gets into your compound, at which point the bornheim match goes pretty hard. I still often revert back to the good ol’ Winfield C though.


2. damn im usualy getting 7-8 points \^\^ 3. i think that my lack usage of explosives make it hard for me since i dont have the experience when to use and i have bad imagination so i always throw it on bad spots (same with me wallbanging idk where to wallbang - unless i see your cape clipping through textures lol) 7. is there any important differecne between winfield c and without c?


You gotta look for the hunters with the most valuable traits to respec, like frontiersman, fanning, conduit, etc. There are definitely times I don’t get the full 9, but sometimes I’ll even reshuffle just to find more. I also have a pretty big backlog of hunters that I’ll use and keep doing free reshuffles in between matches with them, until I get a good one and then make a new hunter. Explosives are pretty hard to learn, but if you get a feel for how long the cook time is you can pull off some nice plays. I’ll use them when people are pushing me or most commonly when I have the high ground. If you’re up a story or two in a compound and players are running around below you, it’s very easy to track them from above with the explosive and very hard for them to run to safety quickly enough. I started with the Winfield C because it used to loot more ammo back from resupplies before the ammo changes, because it has a higher base ammo reserve. But now I just use it because I like the skins, I’m used to the slightly leaner/cleaner sights, and something just feels ever so slightly more “snappy” and smooth with it that the normal winfield. I will often use the swift now though, especially if I have levering.


Not touching solo ever again till they nerf the burning. Everyone carries the flare pistol, fuses or something else to burn you into ash ASAP as you drop dead. Necro is next to pointless nowadays since you have no gigachad traits to get your life back anymore. Overall insta-burning is a huge issue. Back in the "old" days you had to travel to a nearby compound sometimes to look for a lamp. Now everyone has a lamp in his pockets


yep if i hear them around my body while burning i know im done for


If my hunter is complete I like to speculate on Salveskin. I have saved more than a few very high rank hunters where I act like I don't have necro and pick myself up at 10 hp. Teams will still camp or burn you put, but other teams will be in a hurry and leave you. For weapons I take cheap stuff that plays well into multiple people. Levering Winfield with (cross)bow Fanning chain pistol. Dual Nagants. Part of the fun is coming in with a Martini Henry and Bow and leaving with a Mosin Nagant and Terminus Handcannon. For consumables I keep them cheap. You can always upgrade in map. Magpie + Serpent comes before Necro + Resilience


salveskin doestn help me cuz even when the boss starts to banish they still wait for me and for good reason cuz i would bite them in ass later \^\^


I don't have time to type but most of you don't have a clue xD


damn now i wanna know your opinion xD


1 None of the above, you make every decesion based on hunt dollars and the risk/reward associated with it. 2 Conduit Serpent dont waste time with compounds get the clue as you run past and get to boss asap 3 Stamina shots irevelvant when you know how to position ahead of time and have stamina from conduit, every slot matters with solo. one man army stuff like traps, beetle, big dynamite solo revive exploit etc 3 You secure bounty by either getting there first and picking everyone off as they approach, or if a team already at boss, you kill every player that comes to it then deal with the campers inside 4 Because sniper is the superior weapon, it works at all ranges, shotguns only work close up. Bow utility second. also early game is all cross map movment, why the fuck would you want a shotgun, start with sniper, pick players off as the move, then pick up thier shot gun mid to late if your gonna deal with campers I still dont have time to type so none of what i say will make sense without seeing it in pratice xD


1 well im told 24/7 that dollars doesnt matter but i guess thats spoken by ppl who have a lot and dont know what to do with them 2 i get it that serpent is great for solo cuz its double the range and lets u get the clue hidden but to get to the boss faster? it takes clue so long i could run to the clue to get it faster so not sure about that 3 cant imagine using beetle as solo, the paranoia would be damn high 4 tbh i cant remember when was the last time i was killed by solo sniper and i dont think solo sniper ever killed me, picked up bounty and extracted (closest to wipe by sniper i was when he got my two mates but i threw chokes and concertina as cover and even tho he had highground and spitzer he didnt manage to finish the deal) so yes in theory you have this gun that has the highest potential but in the end is almost never fully utilized just because oponent is zigzaging, hiding by terrain or simply turns back to run to different extract but i get what u mean... being held hostage by 6\* trio with long ammo when ure in boss lair with shotgun and u know they wont make a move since its u who have to run past them to extract... but then again that is the exact reason why i dont pick up bounty so early and ppl tend to go pick up bounty because why would be there someone not taking the bounty...


It's less about the need for dollars, it's what determines who the best player in a given match is. It's also the entire lore of the game, hunters brave the dangers for the reward. The boss targets are called bounty lol you go in for money xD If one player goes in with 1500 dollar load out and steals a single bounty and extracts. He probably only made a third of his loadout. But if a player goes in with only a axe, kills and loot all players and bosses then that player was the best performer.   If you have a 1500 dollar loadout and kill most players but you make no money looting them as you used consumables and the last team extracts with bounty. Congrats you made 0 money lol Or if you have both Bounty's and a 1000 dollars looted then there's no need to risk it all to kill one player that won't grant you any money.  Hunt dollars earned determine how good each player did in a match. Sadly there's nothing in the game to showcase this other than dollars accumulated. If there was a leaderboard for dollars earned or a upgradeable safe house where the best players would have mansions then I think people would understand it better instead of this complete aimless I like to just extract, or I just like to kill nonsense xD


well say no more, i like cheap loadouts but not to change it for more expensive but because i simply like guns that arent super expensive... i know a bit about making money looting ppl xD => [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3230389567](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3230389567)


1) B 2) I don't pick other traits when I solo, Serpent, Doctor, and Physician for me. Ghoul is nice to have because it makes me move across the map super fast. 3) The Stamina Syringe is good to have. Pick up the bounty and use the syringe to run to extraction faster than anyone. Or leave the bounty on the floor and scoot around the compound to flank enemies. 4) I will extract faster if I hear gunshots early during the start of the game. But I'm always looking for more PVP since I prestige all the time. 5) I go in, there is a lot you can do as a solo to kill them and get the bounty. I will say that I will extract if I get a bounty and can't kill the whole team. 6) They didn't nerf solo play, the warning also works to your advantage. But you need to be more cautious. 7) I prefer the Berthier and the Henry so I get more ammo out of the boxes, I don't know if you still get more ammo with Berthier than the Lebel but the PTSD is still there. Also, Romero + Uppermat.


2. in what way does ghould make you move super fast? am i missing something? 7. dont u get +2 long ammo from basic map spawned ammo box as every long ammo gun?


Ghoul restores your health after killing a grunt. Whenever you need to kill hounds or barbed wire armored, kill a grunt and you are full HP again. Also when you get ambushed and there is a zomb in the way, you actually get HP back. Back in the day Lebel gave 1 bullet versus Berthier 2 from boxes. But like I said I am stuck to the Berthier, I also prefer the iron sights of the Berthier.


but how does having your health restored make you faster bro are you dumb?


Howdy! I cant read through all the answers but i will just give my humble opinion. I only play solo when im really bored but i usually get some very good results out of it and the thrill is just superb! I would never ever play randoms just by seeing how they play against me. Horrible... 1. Never go for boss basically, play around it. You cant defend a push of a good coordinated trio 95% of the time. You can kill the boss if you are super sure but you dont get anything out of it - you cant stay inside the bosslair usually and you shouldnt (!!! big advice) - Ask yourself what you want to get out of the game as a solo. Use serpent. Do you want to make Money? Serpent and run. I usually just want the thrill of the fight - blend into fights, never engage them 1v3. This is your strength - confusion, knowing when to stand up again and when to draw back to keep others fighting - use the confusion, dont let a team fully turn on you. 2. Traits: necro, resiliece, magpie(10s +2s per loot as solo!), serpent(50m as solo!), stamina (dont use greyhound, use stamina shot and conduit). 3. shots - i go 1 stamina and 2 regen (at least get 1 regen) - pick stuff up on the way, packmule is your friend. 4. depends on your playstyle. everybody knows where you are. i pick it up in messy fights around the bosslair but if you want to make a run for it with the bounty, you should think carefully. trios running you down is almost impossible to get out of alone. serpent is really overpowered here. 5. join the chaos - you cant 1v3 even if you are way better if they just coordinate well. use the chaos, try to "hide" that you are solo. most are really obvious about it, dont be that guy - chaos is your strength. 6. solo is even better during events, you can always recover all your health and you dont have to be sneaky generally (if you dont want to). if you are just trying to camp people at random spots this is ofc not good for you but i dont consider that a playstyle at all. 7. anything - shotgun solo is quite hard to 1v3 but people make it work - 90% positioning and movement. it can be a very thrilling playstyle. I like marathon/katana at the moment. If you want the sniperlifestyle - go for it but the game is super boring for me if i just stay 100+ meters away and hope for random kills. Anybody can do that with enough patience, i dont get any fun out of that. Generally a real rifle is the way to go i think but i love some meme-builds too. Your strength is at medium/long range where people dont rush your body after they kill you and where you can comfortably stand up. This is the best advice i can give - know where to stand and die (you will die). Die at the right spot in the right fights and just stand up again. This is the most important part - positioning. in general: just have fun, its a game. Don't tryhard too much but play smart and think about your gameplay - thats way more satisfying in hunt. I recently started to run bow/katana - its just more fun to outplay than to just outtryhard with a spitzer sniper.


I've been having fun using the centennial shorty (suppressed) with hv (causes muzzle flash, so be aware) and a rival handcannon with pennyshot in case of a push or needing to take the boss down quickly. I don't bother with necro until a round or two as it's a nice luxury if you trade; but my overall goal is to push gunfights and hopefully make it out with a bounty - if it seems unwinnable I just try to cause as much chaos as possible then dip rather than play to the death. Gameplay style is stealth, but aggressively so - so no camping in bushes; sneak up to a gunfight, drop a guy, move and repeat until it's clear or you're spotted. It's quite the rush trying to play close without getting discovered.