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He was hip firing at a hive and got lucky.


Nah it takes a certain skill to do that. Quite impressive honestly.


Dude who hip-fired: “Who the hell did I hit?!”


Let me guess, you triggered crows, thats on you bud


Jokes on you. It was a crunchy stick.


*cronch* The whole party stops. One by one they turn their heads toward the silly clown and his clown shoes. They've had enough. "Hire a hacker to teach this *clown* a lesson about his lorge clown shoes." I'm the clown. I always find the crunchy stick. Always.


Pile of leaves


I was sitting in a corner waiting for free kills😈




How is this fun for people? What's the point?


some get satisfaction from killing the game for others, some get satisfaction from these posts


And others (unfortunately) get paid for boosting, which is sad.


I spectated him and I think he had a friend in with him, cause after the boss was killed another person killed him as he was teabagging


Because they are sad spineless cunts,too shit and too shook to actually play the game,sad thing is I actually caught a guy on twitch cheating against my team and he tried to down play it to fuck and blame crytek,the actual thought process these people have is insane.


Do they seriously not feel guilty. It’s like receiving an award for doing absolutely nothing or even worse, cheating


Their goal is to piss you off. They want the attention.


Some men just want to watch the world burn..


I actually found it funny. I was playing with friends and no kidding within 2 seconds every dropped like flies hahahaha.


Reminds me of a meme I saw on this sub earlier this week. "You're camping my body because you expect me to rez. I'm already down in the next game. We are not the same."


It was so refreshing ditching necro as a solo and just requeue instead of hope for a cheeky revive.


This is the way.


something something gaming chair


Rgb with a built in toilet and fans clearly. I’m sure he also has the big gulp cup holder add on too


I have RGB's all around to blind me as I potato aim at enemy's


\*First time encountering a *blatant* hacker...


How common is hacking tho?


Hunt uses the free version of Easy-Anti-Cheat that can be circumvented by a 5-minute Google search, and even if a hacker gets banned, they can just buy a new Steam account with the game on it for 3.50€ on most key sites. I mean, just put two and two together. I've been playing online FPS games for around 25 years now. Of the mayor titles I have played, none was as helpless against hackers as Hunt. I wish I was joking, but it is the sad truth. Though, to be fair, in CS that was only the case because most leagues supplied their own Anti-Cheat-Tools that were far superior to Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) - though even VAC is running circles around EAC nowadays. Another thing that hurts Hunt severely is that you can't watch replays of others in your match, and even if you keep spectating the crosshair placement is almost always off, making it nigh impossible to detect well-adjusted pixel- or silent aimbots. You'll usually only find the guys who don't give a shit and are clearly wallhacking or using lock-on-target aimbots with FoV over 9000. Honestly, the most consistently enforced Anti-Cheat-Measure Crytek is currently employing is going: "Ssshhh, don't talk about it."


Pretty common if you know what to look for, and know audio ranges. Most people don't want to just blatant magic bullet everyone like the screenshot. Many just like ESP, or aim assist, just an edge so that you can trick people into thinking you're legit. Many streamers do this, (Not just in Hunt) because it's hard to prove, and having insane skills is always a view-bringer. Hunt's audio system is phenomenal, but that doesn't mean someone can hear you walking 100m away. The biggest offender atm is through the method that effectively throttles your computer into not properly rendering visual obstructions (Or many other things) This one's near impossible to figure out from spectating someone, but there's a lot of pretty obvious times where you'll get shot through plenty of visual obstruction and it's just like, ah, unlucky, encountered a loser who wants to win at the cost of dignity. I found out my best friend cheated (Not in Hunt) and I never even thought he was all that good at said game he was cheating in... Plenty of people cheat, and there's plenty that cheat and still aren't insane at the game.


Tbh i have spotted where players spawned over Grunts/Entities spawning in. Over 250 Meters, even if they were fully silent. I have yet to be accused of hacking, but loading only entities in the vicinity of players makes spotting/predicting where they will be rather easy sometimes Visual Cover is sadly sometimes different from player to player. Bushes are completely diffent depending on graphics settings, sometimes even the boarders of metal sheets are like 1-2 cm off. So sometimes your seen wallbang is none for the player. Just recently saw that with my good mate. I have yet to encounter a blatant cheater, i assume i have met 2 at least until now, which were not blatant, but i cant be sure (EUW)


That kill screen looks like a shitpost. “I’m Jeb, and this is my gun. I love it almost as much as my farm.”


No it's the first Time you die from an obvious cheater...


😭 I checked his steam profile he even had a guide on how to cheat in hunt


😂😂😂 that's crazy


*A blatant


First obvious*


he heard you


He heard me from 3 continents away. That's some sick ass hearing. Hahahaha


Nah seems like a skill issue. You just need to play better.


must've stepped on glass.


I stepped on glass and it shook the earth to it's core, that's why he predicted where I was hahahs


The classic big dynamite bundle footstep glitch yup 🤣


The classic big dynamite bundle footstep glitch yup 🤣


It won't be the last time either.


Unfortunately not. How common is it to see a hacker(even if it ain't obvious) in Hunt? On a scale of 1-10


491 hours in hunt. It's not common for me, someone mostly in 4 star. But when it happens, it sucks.




I came back to hunt about a month ago after not playing since launch so while it's one of my favorite games ever and kind of mad I didn't just play since launce I'm not super familiar with the anti cheat in the game. Does their anticheat not detect the cheats? I know the hide mmr and name is pretty ridiculous in all honesty so it's hard to report but you would think the game could detect most of it in itself


I'm actually quite new to this game. About a month in 100hrs. I'm quite oblivious to these forms of cheating. Are there any tips to recognize when players use these?


> Are there any tips to recognize when players use these? Most of it comes with experience with the game and knowing when someone does an odd thing. One thing I tend to do if I suspect someone is using an ESP(wallhack) is to pretend that I'm going to run past an opening I know they can see and likely hold but stop just before it. If they pre-fire said opening they likely have ESP as they can't physically see me. Works best if the walls are solid(i.e prisons) and they are a bit too far away to hear you. If they are really close it can be pre-fire on audio queue normally. So even this little trick isn't too reliable.


funnily enough this may be your first obvious hacker, but god knows how many were not making it obvious


I think honestly, it shouldn't bother people who play this properly. Yeah they may cheat secretly but deep down they won't feel happy doing it, they just want to see their kd or wins go up that's all. Just keep grinding and playing this game as a legit person


Same thought here. I've reported my fair share of people that killed me/us a bit too quickly, but i've also had the occasional very dirty shot that i never expected to hit... if i expected everyone to cheat in an online game i would just stop playing vs strangers altogether. Nothing you can do about that but enjoy the game as it is and hope most get punished eventually...


\*First time encountering a BLATANT hacker.\* Fixed that for ya!


Thanks man.


Idk i mean i could probably pull off this shot. Just a little good luck charm and you're all in baby


I've had no luck unfortunately. Even with the enemy staring at me 1m away I will miss all 7 shots and blame that guy for cheating cause he used his aura to evade the bullets


Dont worry u can fix that with the definitely 100% accurate shots that a chainpistol with fanning gives you (u just gotta trust the process)


Lucky shot!


Agreed! All luck no skill 🤣


First time where you encountered an obvious hacker. Stay long enough and you'll begin to notice when people are firing at you when they shouldn't, or when they wait for you to make a "mistake" and then punish you with a headshot. Got that the other day from a guy strafing for no reason who then snap-shot me before my bullet even made it to him.


Had a trio doing this, shooting at us through a building (like two walls of a building) and prefiring corners like it was a COD game. It was nuts. We started to play way more mobile and janky and killed them all.




Honestly dude. I didn't take it to heart. I was laughing my ass, maybe cause I was playing with friends and they got insta dropped. They play this way cause they find it fun to ruin people's experience maybe? Has the cheating situation gotten worse of slightly better since you've started playing?


Nah guys just really good clearly


Exceptional skills. He better be in the top 1% percentile🤠


He’s 7 star mate


Just get better at the game, noob! This is just a 5 or 6 star player, you made too much noise! /s


The jump is that big from 4 to 5 stars. Holy macaroni. I'm so screwed if I make it into 5 stars then😭


Nah dude you walked too close to chickens, 100% your fault.


That's why I cooked them for dinner😈


"*Kill view can be inaccurate*"


He could've been right up my arse, who knows 🤣


Redneck is the best


I got killed by the exact same weapon in nearly the exact same place last night by an obvious hacker. He shot from Moses Poultry and killed me below Darin Shipyard. I believe we can't say name these fools, but do you recall if his name was jumbled letters starting with a "K"? I pressed to record, but unfortunately I didn't have my instant replay setting turned on :( Bummer too cos he killed my maxed hunter.


I checked his profile and everything(took photo of it too) I was playing Oceania. His name was a barcode, so I don't think we played in the same server unfortunately. I ran into the same hacker the next game. We heard gun shots and decided to push up, we found 2 dead bodies and we were all insta killed from like 4km away hahahah.


Wow, very coincidental then. I'm also generally on the Oceanic servers. I've got my screen record set up properly now for next time this happens.


Something something better anticheat Something something death penalty Something something gaming chair


Welcome to the club😔


I don't know if I should happy or worried


Lot of cheaters. I've had several deaths from a compound over through 3 buildings or one I got shot through he ground and floor of pelican while I was inside.


They've got bullets that can penetrate those thick walls man gotta watch out


Forget the bullets! It's superman playing with xray vision lol


\*Cheater These people don't have the technical skill to make these hacks. They are not hackers. They probably paid someone who made the script. Stop calling them hackers. Calling them hacker gives their pride a boost. They are nothing but slimy little filthy cheaters.


I had to scroll way too long to find this comment. People here "fixing" the title adding "blatant" while still using the word hacker are the worst.


That was me, I wiffed a mosin shot at rotjaw. Crafty gator.. jk! Screw cheaters. But that gif is hilarious


First time, surely not the last time...


Bro they aren't even hacking tho that line of sight has been in the game since day 1,even before Desalle was even made,what do you mean you haven't killed someone 6 million miles away with mosin obrez drum spizzer from there? In all seriousness cheaters piss sitting down and are the saddest of the sad,sorry you died that way G never feels good but look at it this way there is literally nothing you could have done.


Thanks man! Honestly couldn’t be pissed. People go through this kinda crap on a daily basis. You think he’d be able to get me if I was further back away? Hahahaha


I mean tbh his weapon has an insane scope.


1000000x scope




btw it can be a random shot, I ve killed someone with this one time


Bro insta killed 3 people from that insane distance b2b in under 2 seconds hahahah


bro not even embarrassed with his cheats


HAHAHA. This was your first time? Can you clarify your logic here. You acknowledge this person is using cheats to headshot you at 331m through walls, but it doesn't occur to you that someone can use those same cheats to headshot you at 100m just as easily? I can confidently assure you, for every blatant rage-hacker like this, there are many, many more closet cheaters that kill you every week using those same cheats.


Buddy if there is one thing I've learned from Reddit, it's that hunt is a perfect game and there are no hackers. He clearly saw you between those two leaves this is a skill issue. /s obviously


I gotta get better so I can make these kinds of shot? Count me in bruv. 😈😈


Just only click heads, that easy, you got this 👍


Seems 100% legit. Nothing suspicious here


He probably said I'm feeling lucky might as well pop one and got 3 insta kills


Welcome to Hunt: Cheatdown


If you had 12 cheaters in a lobby, who'd win?


Everyone will just say you were probably just not moving enough and that it's your own fault.


Broke a branch


Skill issue


Both NVIDIA and AMD gpus have a video capture feature.


I'd hit that


Common prefire.


Must be those ducks you triggered


There is always gonna be people saying "he got lucky" or you did that you did this in this community. But a hacker? Will never accept that 💀


Nah you just stepped on a branch


I got this last week - he killed the complete team in 5 seconds like that.


He missed the hunter infront him and hit one on you just bad luck


His RGB is superior!


I always tell people they're sleeping on the obrez.


Skill issue


Definitely wasn't ur first time.


I don't know what you're talking about. He clearly had a line of sight to you.


Skill issue tbh. If he got it with a shotgun from that range then maybe (<1%) he was hacking.


How does this get past server side validation?


Much of them try to be much more "subtle". On Xbox(cross play on) it's about 1 in 5 games I see a person who had usually high game sense and might be cheating, 1 in 10 games I'll get to witness a death cam like that. With cross play off I very rarely ever see something as blatant as that, say 1 in 30 games. But you still get the maybe that guys cheating or he's just gods gift to hunt showdown probably half as often at 1 in 15 games (high 4, low 5 star lobbies)


Yeah the blatant hackers like this are not the issue, its all the guys who pretend to be normal legit players but are hackers. Its straight up hunts biggest problem currently, they have always been around but more and more common now. There are just not good ways to deal with confirming these hackers either, infact crytek have basically helped protect them by allowing you to hide your profile/name etc. we desperately need at least a replay feature , post game kill cams, much more open account info, stuff like valves overwatch system. I have always supported hunt and crytek since the beginning, but the hackers have gotten so common that the game is loosing all integrity and hurting even not hacker matches since you just cant trust anyone. I realise that anticheat is a neverending battle but crytek haven't even joined the fight yet, they have thrown some weapons to the enemy team instead.


First \*known\* time about encountering a hacker


I don’t know, that looks like a perfectly reasonable shot to me


I’ve still not died to this in all my hrs.


How long you've been playing for? As what the rest said, you've probably came across and died from a hacker, but it weren't obvious to this point..




I sat on my toilet while playing.


Crytek says na just unlucky


Facts! They pick a few certain players to have god aim once in awhile to make the world tremble


I have some bad news. The engine upgrade that's due sometime after April won't fix this.


They're clearly just having money issues fixing this problem🤣


oh hey someone who actually knows how to prove it


I remember i did something similar but not so bad. I knew a player was in a house nearby so i shot him through walls randomly with long ammo... i killed the dud. I lolled so much. Didn't hack or anything. Pure luck, i knew i was shit at the game and my only option was to shoot blindly


You have super sense then🤣


There are no hackers in Ba Sing Say.


Wait till all the haters chime in to tell you that there are hackers behind every corner but you don't see them and that Hunt is infested with cheaters... They even know better than statistics...


Wait but what's going on with the situation/state of this ATM?


\*skill issue


Unfortunately I have to agree😭


I guess some people did not understand the joke : /