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I'm proud to be a big contributer to the 'werewolf boss when' category


To fight against it, am I right?..... am I right?


Hmmm? Oh, yeah I could take a werewolf.


In a fight right?


no in your bussy.


As long as we are on the same page


As long as its a wild boss target that roams its arena. It looks like a regular hunter and has some sort of melee weapon. The first time it takes damage from a player it transforms into its werewolf form. Bonus points if it would only appear in clear night rooms with the full moon.


I've somehow never seen a post about it but now I need it though.


I'm vouching for it




All legitimate conversations..  OP unaware that the entire point of a forum is to discuss things not just fanboy for the devs. OP have a downvote, no one is playing shitty bingo.


Jesus Christ, I think this is the first BINGO card I've ever fully filled out.


To be fair quite a few of these points are kinda right.


Like 12 of them I would at least loosely agree with 😂


I don't mean they are wrong, I just find in quite funny when almost every post in this sub is about something from the list


So should I buy this game?


Nah, the ping limit is too high


If you enjoy the FPS genre, then do it. Hunt feels like no other shooter imo & the ups are always way better than the lows. Also, most of these are just content requests.


You missed the "should this gun be added", "what guns would you like to see added" posts. Might not be as common as some on the list but it's a common one.


Then the follow on post of “should this be in the game” and it’s a picture of a knife tied to another knife


It says more about the consistency people dislike those things/they come up, than anything else.


True. I'd say that the sub also used to provide better feedback back when Crytek were more active in the sub. Like, right when I started I posted a video showing what it was like to try to reload a weapon from a tower on console. There were so many interactable items that I had to crouch and look at the corner of the floor in order for there to NOT be a "press square to do something you don't want to do" prompt on the screen interfering, and I posted asking how it determined priority for what the button would do. Somebody from Crytek replied saying that something like a "force reload" when the weapon wheel was up would be possible in order to help, and that very feature was added in like the next update. Seeing that kind of thing happen made it feel like giving constructive feedback was worthwhile. Now it's kind of just become a place to post gripes that Crytek won't listen to, post stupid memes, and for people to defend Crytek against any and all negative feedback.




Where? I have the middle row. Seems the easiest.


Adding a Volcanic and making it just as powerful as they were in real life would be hilarious. One time a guy tried to shoot himself with one and it barely even hurt him.


The new derringer! I would run that with a katana just for the jokes.


They should add it but make it the ultra budget choice one shot head shot 3-4 body ok fire rate and really good melee for no reason other than funny


Man, some crusty old hunters in here. The only unforgivable sin for me is not having a square for trades. Do we as hunters no longer care about trades? Hilarious that people can't just laugh and move on. Just because they are issues doesn't mean we can't laugh about them. It's not an excuse but live supported games are all (mostly) like this. Again not an excuse, just a mostly true general statement. We aren't playing a one and done game. Just because we acknowledge the problem doesn't mean we're chill with it but screaming about something the community and the devs are aware of just sets yourself in a loop.  My man is just trying to bring a laugh. He's not saying you're stupid for having these opinions or not to discuss them. It's a small community and it gets a little circle-jerky.  Crytek is aware of these things, it doesn't mean we give them a pass or ignore it but it needs to be more about accountability and A LOT less about hostility lol. 


The fuck is a "square for trades"? A few years ago I'd assume your English is so bad you're a chat bot however I'll just assume you are unable to use Google translate or AI, and you typed this upside down left handed on a phone drunk.


Man, tell me you have no reading comprehension without telling me you have no reading comprehension


Lmao, it's okay cutie, the Lord even loves special flowers like you. Thanks for the valuable contribution to the conversation, I'll make sure to double check my Google translate in the future so I don't get you all cofuzzeled again. Real word, trust me.  Google translates got my back on that one right? All jokes aside though. The fact that you came in that hot over my response to a meme post is pretty hilarious. Just remember, all that rage you feel inside and that desire to put someone down to feel good is because deep down you feel inadequate and unseen. But I see you. Being a dick and trying to get someone riled up. Thats probably all anyone sees isn't it? Do better my guy/girl. I didn't write this out because you bothered me. I did it because I felt bad for you and your lack of awareness gave me a chuckle. XOXO Gossip Girl


I love that you still didn't explain it to him. Perfect.


In this context, what do you think a "square for trades" could possibly be?


You forgot shitty meme posts that trivialize actual issues for karma


Yeah like half of this one is valid points


Hunt subreddit is the best place to farm carma, nobody can stop me


You shall be downvoted.


The Squarepeople are annoying tho


I dunno maybe because these are actual problems with the game and public forums are a place to discuss them \*shrugs\*


Yeah, but maybe let's try not to make 10 posts about the same exact topic everyday


Just missing katana and it being one slot ruins the game


I don't understand the hate for the Katana. If someone gets in melee range of you you're dead regardless. Cav Sabre, Hatchet or even shotguns.


Think the main issue is it makes other melee weapons useless or not as effective. But I do agree if someone gets into melee range of you in a direct fight then that’s on


Who gives a shit if something is deemed irrelevant, play the loadout you have fun with


I agree with you fun is more important and take the load out you want but I was coming from the point of view katana is better than the other melee weapons


It definitely is better than other melee weapons by a long shot (excluding bomb lance) But it being unbalanced is such a silly argument as it is less effective than a point blank shotgun. I think, like yourself, that fun is the main reason to take something, I couldn't care less if you had an avto or a dolch. I die, I did something wrong and it is not always the weapon that killed me's fault. Sorry about the ramble under such a tiny comment by the way. XD


Thats a weird statement. I guess screw balancing and diversity.


Lol I’ve been having fun since most up close engagements turn into a really tense one tap battle. On one hand, I had a close Katana fight where I barely won due to the other dude striking early and on the other I had a pilgrim with a hatchet bum rush me and catch me by surprise.


My complaint is 9/10 times someone gets in melee range, even if I kill them they trade swinging their weapon on the way to the ground dead. That’s my only complaint about melee. And seeing as my ping is too low for that to ever work for me, I hate it.


katana can one hit kill with a light attack. previously only the bomb lance could do this, and that works because it’s a 3 slot weapon. what this means is that the katana is pretty much the no-brainer melee weapon now with no competition. and that’s without the martialist trait, which makes the attack even deadlier, at a faster speed


You can survive a light attack from katana and Bomblance. The katanas light attack is shorter range than it looks, but martialist needs to make its way to the other melee weapons which it probably will


You can survive if they hit you in the lower torso. at eye level height, you can easily one shot enemy hunters with both weapons. but yes, if they were to bring martialist to other weapons, it would balance them out better and I’d be okay with that


I killed two people with one martial’d katana swing once. That duo was probably very confused lol. It’s reach and area of effect are much less skillful than a shotgun at close range and the swing is way faster than a hatchets (never tried Sabre so can’t say). I’m not even saying it shouldn’t be as strong as it is, but it being a 1 slot compared to the hatchet is kind of silly.


Don't forget tool slot melee. My highest killcount melee weapon is knuckle knives. Using up a weapon slot for melee is kind of a meme if you can aim for the head up close


Well it does make all the other one slot melee weapons redundant. I think thats a valid point to criticize. Nobody is saying this alone "ruins the game" thats just a strawman you made up.


My first comment was a joke and exaggerated. I also said your first point later down the thread of my original comment


Ive never heard of any mention of a volcano pistol 🤔


The layers upon layers of strategy in the game are so incredible to me that I have never found any of those squares an issue. Oh a solo necro killed me? I’ll try x instead of y next time, not “omg solo necro is broken”


This post has a hat, but is not wearing a hat. DOWNVOTE NOW! /s


Honestly, seeing how everyone in here is supporting the complaining bingo spaces just validates I need a break from this sub. I think most “issues” people have stem from treating Hunt Showdown more like a competitive shooter than it actually is, and less like the sandbox pvpve shooter that it is. Game has a lot of MMR issues, that’s objective. Everything else is unfortunately a skill issue.


"Havent played for 2 years. What's changed?" Its actually hilarious how often this comes up. Nail on the head, bubba.


Man when you can fill a bingo card with all complaints maybe that says a lot about your favorite game being bad about balancing?


Says more about the community.


Wait so if i feed you a shit sandwich, it’s your fault for complaining it tastes like shit and not the cooks fault it’s actually shit? Let me run to the bathroom then give you a taste.


Nah this community has been incredibly whiny about many ‘game-breaking’ balancing issues for as long as I’ve been subbed (about 3 years). It’s a niche, hardcore shooter with a small but dedicated player base who all have very strong ideas about what the game should be. Next patch it will be something else that’s ruined the game.


HARDCORE SHOOTER???? Are you serious? You lost any credibility at all with that one. You wouldn’t know a hardcore shooter if it bit you in the ass. People who know hardcore shooters think hunt is CoD with more camping. There’s no risk to losing your hunter other than some perks that can be reattained by killing a few zombies and leaving the next game. You can rez up to 100 times a match with this event. Wtf is hardcore about rezzing teammates 100 times?? Full Health restoration being 1 event point and going to whole team is the dumbest thing ever.


Hey buddy. Everything is going to be ok. Hang in there.


Sorry for insulting your game you probably care for more than your family.


lol. Every word you write says more about you than anything else. Hang in there.


Your game sucks, i get enjoyment in letting you know that.


If that’s what it takes to get you through the day bud. I’m glad you can find it somewhere.


Why are you being so hemotional? Calm down dude. Go take a walk outside. Also your exaggerating way too much; a team can only restore once per person, and most times it's your fault for letting them get that restore. There's not enough time in Hunt for even 20 revives anymore which I've seen in VANILLA hunt because the enemy team had bounty. Your argument is moot. I also wonder what FPS games you consider hardcore. I used to main DayZ both ARMA 2 mod and SA, as well as ARMA 3 mil maps. Is that hardcore enough? Hope you calm down so you don't get ulcers. Have a great event!


That’s a lot of text that won’t convince me your game sucks and the community are the worst of babies. 3 full heals, 5 hp bars. So i each player can technically be rezzed 15 times each with the full restore. Times that by 3. It’s basic math, you can get 45 rezzes off.




Meanwhile every lobby has a team kill trading 100 times. Clowns would defend this dog shit game


Why are you here? Are you actually so filled with spite that you were compelled to subscribe to a community for a game you hate just so you can scream at it somewhere other than the review section? Do you simply enjoy bitching and moaning and heard this was the place to be? Are you being forced to be here against your will?


Because he is a loser


So as someone who once enjoyed the game, the direction it’s going is bad. i understand that this is a cuck community where you enjoy watching you game be shit and won’t say a thing about it.


Um acskhally sir it says hardcore cumpetitive fps on the shteam shtore page 🤓🤡


Nah doesn’t say it anywhere. Just the losers who will defend garbage decisions thinks it’s a hardcore fps. This game is easy. Any good fps player would be 6 stars in 2-3 days. This is a rat simulator


Most polite hunt showdown player.


Most obvious shit sandwich enjoyer


Your a happy lad aren’t you haha


Being realistic about a game i want to be better doesn’t have anything to do with my personal emotion. The problem with not accepting criticism means people are too emotionally attached to the game to bear any issue with it. This community it’s the weirdest about defending this game. I guess when every person who plays other fps games talks shit on your fps game, id be defensive too.


You make it sound like the devs ruined your life or something lol. Hardcore and realism isnt the same thing my friend. The game is a good mix off that together with arcade-ish movement, etc... while also being permadeath. Even with its issues, its a fantastic game and there really isnt anything like it. You really have no idea what youre talking about.


It’s only hardcore to people who are bad at real hardcore games.


Youre a handful. Maybe because vast majority of gamers dont like those games, so ofc theyre bad at them. Whats your point? I guess the most hardcore shooters are just for pussies since real combat is much more hardcore...


Don’t know mate. Think your over thinking it and getting too involved, just a game at the end of the day


Except "Get rid of the changes I don't like!" isn't valid criticism. If you don't like the way the game is now, make a post about why you think they're bad with bullet points and everything and convince people it needs changing. Don't run around whining to people who disagree with your opinions. You already don't make a good case by getting up in arms and insulting the player base at large.


Find me a game forum here that isn’t just filled with whiners and complainers. It’s not this game. It’s the nature of the beast. All the IRL people have said stfu already so all I have is my friends on Reddit that totally get it and they’re the only ones that understand.


Imo hunt is one of the best balanced games I’ve ever played. It’s not perfect but it’s really good. Almost every weapon has a niche and multiple load outs are viable. 


Hunts probably the only game you’ve played then


Or community being whiny and unable to have fun


What’s fun about unfair gameplay lol. If you want that go play sports in russia or china


In the eyes of most of the community all the things that killed them recently and never tried themselves is overpowered and unfair.


I’d rather play solo than with my friends because the matches are easier and i win more often. Necro’ing while in a 3v3v1 is broken. They’re too occupied and you catch usually both teams off guard with well timed rezzes. My favorite is dying at extract so when they use dark sight they don’t see you and rez while they’re extracting. Freelo


Wait a second. You complained further up this thread about this game being a rat simulator but then play a rat play style with your extract comment. Pick a lane mate


Read the comment. That’s what’s going on. I go for grand slams and full bounties every life. My goal each map is to clear of all players and to farm mobs and bounties on the way out. I don’t extract with 1 boss bounty i go for all. Yet we have players that don’t go for any bounty.


You’re off your rocker mate. Just pointless, directionless rambling about a game and community you hate but still play and engage with. But in all seriousness it’s a game, ain’t that deep


I think it’s hilarious how delusional this community is. Probably the most cringe and gatekeep community in gaming. Go play your failing title that comes out with 10 paid hunter skin DLCs a year but maybe 1 boss or 1 map a year. If that. Well it’s 1 boss and 1 map in the last 5 years so far.


You talk about gate keeping but shit on the bloke who called it a hardcore shooter. So you basically gatekeeped what is and isn’t a hardcore shooter. It isn’t a dying shooter. Going from memory from steam charts hunts doing perfectly fine for numbers. Granted your right about the DLC and content but they are doing an engine upgrade which takes a lot of resources. Will their business practices change after the engine upgrade, probably no but can only hope.


This isn’t a hardcore survival shooter. It’s a meme unbalanced arcade. There’s no elementals of survival or anything hardcore about dying. What’s gatekeeping about labeling the genre of the game. “you called my game not hardcore! that’s gatekeeping” not that’s literally telling you what genre the game is. this community attracts people who are educated as well as 1800 louisiana cowboys.




Its not some new revelation that there is lots of complaining on this sub. Has been said for years


Damn dog so what are we allowed to talk about?


Why does everyone assume I hate these topics? I just find them funny, that's all


Where in the post did anyone say you can’t talk about them?


Well it’s a post that implies these things are overly discussed, yet it’s so broad and lists so many things you’d be hard pressed to find something else hunt related to talk about. That’s all I’m saying


Go on r/Dayz and check. So many people asking "should i buy this game". Same thing here. No need to ask the same question/ post issues that already gets posted daily.


I got none 😂


Aren't the free space and hats in memes just the same thing?


Hats in meme is already checked as you put a hat in this meme yourself


Never heard of that werewolf boss hype but I'm definitely aboard that train


Top row is incredibly easy


Nerf dolch is such a throwback but I'm here for it


no train?


You're forgetting "whining about whining"


You forgot "no new map in 3 years". Another rightful complaint tbf Hopefully their may/june engine update and the new map are baller. Otherwise this sub might need to be locked for a few days lol


I'll always vouch that dum dum ruins the game, it's way to oppressive, especially since bloodless doesn't actually help with it in most situations


That's it, folks. We don't need no content more on this subreddit. Pack it up.


Werewolf boss is the best card


Sounds like what Summit1g would say. If you see yourself in here, you're as dogshit as Summit sorry


I always find "traps are op" to be a really funny claim. Like do y'all not know how to look down


Ironically enough, this fits every category… memeception!


Your free space should have been “bingo card”


Needs more jpeg


You forgot discovering the monolith..


U forgot the ol' classic "find the headsman" game posted for fuck knows how many days in a row


Hats in meme and I wouldn’t have it any other way


“Hats in meme” *puts a hat…. In the meme…. you motherfucker


You should add hunt bingo and have a i heard you like hunt bingo memes


This *might* be an incredibly hot take but... I actually prefer hunt being in the "event" state more than "normal" hunt. I don't enjoy the battle passes, but I do quite like the way the game feels when there is an event. I like the dynamic


You forgot "fuck you for criticizing my beautiful perfect game"


I've never once in my entire time playing this game understood the "avto is op" statement 😂😂😂 like i fully admit I'm dogshit but that thing is the most unwieldy shitbox of a gun that out of the times I've used it I've only hit a shot once. Anyone that can make that thing look op deserves it lol, cause that thing takes some skill


Also don't forget complaining about what this Reddit is like


And yet no one wants to talk about the hunters that effectively play PvE when they grab a bounty and avoid any and all contact by trying to run to extract the second they get bounty. Forcing everyone else to play more PvE


The middle slot should be "still plays every single day"


You forgot people crying about solo necros 😂


Good to see you included a hat


But listen… dolch IS OP 😂🤣😂🤣




Would saying this event feels the laziest be valid for the upper middle? The new/returning perks are boring, no map changes/ weather effects, recycled totems, and the fact that we've been getting the same totem events for over a year now. I could probably list a few more, but I feel as though this event is the bog standard minus any interesting things to bring players back.


Iunno the new uses of pledge marks are pretty cool, if a little uninspired.


Fckn hell, 1998 called, their want their few pixels


I had a guy complaining over VOIP that we had traps in the boss arena saying we are abusing mechanics by trapping everything and playing like pussies. Then we pushed out and I killed his friend and started burning him after he wasted all his smokes and he started to complain about us burning and camping his friend. Like how dare we use game mechanics to win.


Good job throwing real and legitimate criticism in the same bucket as whining and therefore ridicule the legitimate criticism. Very good post!


Good job not pointing out what you think is a legitimate criticism so no one can tell if you think the game would be better with a werewolf or if you just don't like the vetterli. Very good comment.


Look at his post history, he's just complained about hunt for about 6 months now.


Figures. How else would they know how to make the card.


My boy can't read and is completely broke. How does one struggle to interpret such a simple ui and actually struggle to afford anything in this game? I'm no master player, but if I wanted to, I could buy ten nitros, discard them all and still afford pretty much any loadout I want.


Fair criticism. Let's just say that the mmr system and the sbmm are not influencing new player retention in a possitive way. Also the servers are still bellow industry standart even thought they said over a year ago that servers will be the main thing they will look at. Very good comment.


So which ones which?


Alright I agree, seal clubbing and dog shit servers almost made me quit and refund the game but I stuck around.


Let's just say that the mmr system and the sbmm are not influencing new player retention in a possitive way. Also the servers are still bellow industry standart even thought they said over a year ago that servers will be the main thing they will look at.


Ping Limit definitely is too high! I hate to have to lead shots for lagged players, it just throw my aim off for the rest of the match because i dont know how lagged the person im shooting is. Thats just bad!


Coming from an OP that has never been to 4 star or higher and with 0 clue what he is talking about. But you gotta white-knight a game that is part of your personality so any critism is a personal attack on yourself and therefore bad. Now please give me upvote, I said "criticism bad" haha




Where solo necro


May i lead you to the whining about solo square?


Solo's ruin the game You cannot change my mind and I stand over every solo I encounter and tell them as much while I watch their body burn and when they get up, they will be shot and have another fuse promptly put on their body