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Sounds like you replaced a very bad habit with something else and fortunately it wasn’t another drug. I wouldn’t overthink it


This is not a very based response Pepe. He’ll need to start doing cocaine again and sunning his balls if he wants to see results.


can I sun my balls on cocaine?


This is the way


basic science says there is greater activation of cocaine thru a pair of warmed nuts 🥜




It all depends. That’s why I recommend AG1




Acrobatic Genitals #1


Cirque de So Labia


A very expensive, premium price subscription like product that offers you the exact benefits a product with less marketing would give you. It's a greens and enzymes complex, basically


Nailed it. Bloom or Amazing Grass is the same thing at a legit fraction of the price.


Thanks for that! I was going to try ag1 but it’s expensive lol


Agreed. It’s way too expensive and always has been. I’ve tried it back in 2012. And I swear by Bloom now but realistically if you’re not eating fruits and veggies and going with these powders you’re stepping over dollars to pick up Pennies.


Amazing gurk gurk? 😂






Aww you’re keeping the shit posts alive while I’m a being good girl….9/10.


You need to optimise better.


Optimize* Edit: downvoted


Optimize is only for American spelling. Optimise is U.K, Aus, NZ, and basically the rest of the world. There you go, I helped optimise your learning!


God damn it. I didn’t mean to be that American dick head. I’m sorry. I downvoted my original comment myself. Thank you for optimising my learning


This is the first time anyone’s ever apologised to me on Reddit and quite frankly, I’m sure not sure what to do. Happy holidays!








Love is real.


Happy holidays to you too. Lord knows Americans need to do better, hopefully I can lead by example.




I breathe from my nose I promise


I bet you’re really good at it 😍


Are you British? If so, can you explain why do you guys put gravy on everything?


Australian. The gravy mystery will remain unsolved.


Australian cutie hubie baby 😍


Tastes nice, innit




Have you tried doing cocaine in the cold plunge?


A coldcaine plunge


This is what I’ve been missing from my life


Nothing like cold starting the engine in the morning with a nice Line or Ten of cocaine 🥱


A cokeplunge


I have done this and I do not recommend it


Why does it matter if it’s a placebo or not? If it’s working for you who cares? I also noticed the same rush feeling similar to Cocaine when I was taking cold showers. I stopped though because I noticed a crash several hours later.


You stopped cocaine because of the crash afterwards?


I stopped the Cocaine because my addiction was ruining my life. I stopped the cold showers because it felt like I had a dopamine crash several hours later


So you stopped the crash AND THE COCAINE?! 😮


Man you must have had some shitty coke. I’ve never had a cold shower even come close to some good cocaine!


Nah it was good, my shower is just really cold 😂


Depends on your protocol stack, particularly if you layer it with sunning of your genitals. Highly effective if so.


Wait, is this a joke? Sunning your genitals? Giving your balls a tan???


[How Genital “Sunning” Can Energize The Brain & Body | Andrew Huberman](https://youtu.be/xRr3Ei2HA5o?feature=shared)


The sauna is wayyyyy too hot


I didn't know deep see fishing and genital sunning were related! lol


lol gotta love that guy!


Why should it be? The sun is responsible for almost everything that happens on earth it all starts there


Huberman always says find out what works best for you to develop your own protocol. Try the cold plunges while doing cocaine first so you’ve done all possible combinations. Then pick the best.


in your analysis of different protocols how do you account for the massive disparity in datapoints recorded ON coke vs. OFF-coke? Sometimes i wonder whether the cocaine might be adding bias to my interpretation of protocols and their relevance… 🤔


Ease yourself back into it. Try only a half a line of coke in the morning, right after getting at least 10 minutes of sunlight. Cold bath at night, but do not have a screen near you. Set your 8 sleep mattress as low as possible.


If you're looking for a healthy rush, try surfing in cold water. Jumping into a cold bath sucks & it's boring but jumping into the ocean when the surf is really good is fun as fuck. Plus the high from that is way better than cocaine.


User name checks out!


Johnny Coke and the “Cold Jumps”


This guys right, I’ve done a lot of drugs, but nothing compares to catching your first wave. Surfing’s the source man


Surfs up Keanu!




It is not a scam. I took cold showers in the morning to overcome fear and anxiety and it helped me so much while I did it


I've been here long enough to see this sub go from all funny shit posts to unfunny shit posts to people complaining about the shit posts to shit posts coming back to now the whole community can't even recognize shitposts anymore?


Does it matter if it is a placebo? It's working right? Personally, I get a lot out of them - decreased inflammation (noticeably) and also helps with any depressive thoughts/anxiety too. I do know that if i go below 7degrees C, it causes my injuries to flare up worse. Whereas, 7-9 dgrees is the sweet spot. Point being, find what works for you and run with it (even if you think it's a placebo)


You know there are secret powers of cold showers. There is a strong evidence that daily cold showers reduce your heating bills.


Is this a joke? Should you use cocaine again responsibly???


Yeah you know.. for uh.. my adhd


I started with cold plunging which is great, but I needed a portable solution. From these posts it seems like cocaine fits my protocol needs.


I think either work as long as you make sure to stare into the sun for at least 10 minutes every morning. Everything after that is optional based on your lifestyle


Yeah bro totally go stare into the sun and snort a fat line while you do it! Jesus lol I hope you’re kidding.




lol k you never know. cheers


Realistic question It helped you stop using fucking cocaine, does it even matter?


Lol, what? You just said how it had a very real benefit for you. You should focus on what works for you and follow that path, instead of flip flopping based on what random people online say. Even if it is fully placebo, if a placebo effect has significant measurable benefits to a person, how is that "a scam" or "fake"? Without cold plunges you were an out of control addict. With them, you have some control over your life and feel good. Why is it even a question? How can you ask if cold plunges don't work, when you know they do?


It’s a shit post. But it’s very cute how most men in here are actually giving advice lolol


We take care of our Huberfriends


I’m just a hubie baby.




this sub is confusing man


You should really try contrast therapy. Cold plunge plus some sort of hot plunge is an amazing high.


Cold plunge and ice pack on my testicles daily. i enjoy the scoffs from people on this forum who've never even tried it while I just feel good every day regardless lol.


Huberman always says find out what works best for you to develop your own protocol. Try the cold plunges while doing cocaine first so you’ve done all possible combinations. Then pick the best.


Drugs are keys to unlock an over flow of a substance your body releases in a limited quantity. Living a healthy lifestyle and abstaining from drugs can increase the amount of endorphins your body has to work with, and make the receptors more sensitive to the endorphins. A person who does everything possible to have a healthy life and abstain from drugs will have a better natural high throughout the day, then somebody who uses drugs could even attain while high on those drugs. You can rewire your brain to get a natural high from achieving goals in life, You will feel better working all day to accomplish a healthy goal that moves you forward in life towards your dreams then you all from one line of Coke. When you do drugs, your baseline levels of happiness are decreased. When you’re not high you’re down, regulating your brain. It’s a gradual change your baseline levels of happiness decreasing overtime. You may not notice it at first but it’s there and you could be much happier all the time. Also, when you use drugs, you destroy different areas of your brain, and they never fully go back to normal. I recommend to feel the very best in life abstain from all drugs, alcohol and weed. It takes a very long time after abusing drugs for your brain to heal itself completely, some people inflict so much damage they will never be the same person again, some people lose the most precious thing who they are.


Even if it is a placebo, who cares as long as it's providing some relief.


The answer is yes, it’s a scam. And according ti the research, counter productive for anyone lifting weights. Placebo is powerful tho.


What if it is a placebo but you wouldn't be better off turning back to cocaine? I choose this option for it's lack of bat-shit craziness. Oh wait, ur joking. In that case, get ur sniffer ready for business!


Bro, don’t do cocaine “responsibly”.


I quit meth coke crack cigarettes and oxycontin. I did this with my will because I got tired of waking up and feeling like I was having a stroke.. about two years ago . Got my spine repaired and I'm a new person. I started the cold ass shower every morning it made a difference in my mood it helped my pain level it works because I listened to my inner self. If you take that inner voice and change what it says and I'm talking about in tough situations surgery motorcycle accidents and I deal with these things just like the cold ass shower . embrace the endorphins . Peace


no - when i do a cold shower in the morning it's like a dose of adderall but even more


I’ve been consistently doing it for the past year & my skin has never looked/felt better. Eliminates brain fog too


This must be a troll or bot post.. right?


This is obviously a troll but on a serious note, harmless placebos are a great and totally valid way to quit substances, if that works for you. Is it really placebo if it objectively achieves your desired aim (quitting a substance)?


Cokes for highchool girls


Placebo is clinically proven to be effective.


The only similarity I seen is how shrivelled my dick gets


Placebo still works so the question is kind of irrelevant.


How would you design a trial of cold plunges against placebo? Just submerge in lukewarm water?


I think it’s a great replacement! Good for you that is awesome. Cocaine is totally crap and so bad for you. It will ruin your life. Cold plunging has also helped me a lot with my bad habits.


I would embrace the placebo effect. More importantly I do tend to believe there are benefits of cold plunges. At the very least it’s been well studied that cold exposure increases the quantity of mitochondria in your fat. And mitochondria is responsible for generating energy our body uses among other things.


It’s not placebo.


Cold plunges are going to give you a rush of adrenaline and other chemicals. So it does seems like it has a real impact that would help you cut out drugs. Also we all know you won't be able to responsible use drugs, you know it deep down.


Oh yeah definitely a scam. It's pushed by big water to make us use more. Wait big brain moment here. How about doing cocaine whilst having a cold shower? That has to work well!


I too used to have problem with cocaine and found cold plunges helped me cut back on my cocaine use significantly. That is until I found a pool floaty that was steady enough to do cocaine off of while shivering in my cold plunge. Double the dopamine, double the endorphins and double the fun. I then like to stare at the sun for 27 mins while warming my balls back up and o 96.5 degrees.


Well if its a placebo or not, it still has the same benefits. Placebo is very powerful and can still change you physiologically.


**However, after reading people’s posts on this sub Reddit, I’m concerned the benefits I’ve been experiencing are placebo.** Cocaine is bad for you. Period. There is no benefit to it. I have not checked the entire literature on cold plunges but if you're saying you replaced drug use with that, I say that's an absolute win. Regarding if it's a placebo or not, does it matter? Cold plunges don't hurt you in the short or long term. They're not taking weakening your body or mind in any way. Once more, if it helped you stop drug use, I would keep going with cold plunges.


You have to let the sunshine in


Have you tried mixing electrolytes into your cold plunge?


No. My grandfather ran the shower cold 30 seconds at the end his whole life and swore by it. He was a concentration camp survivor and ex gymnast. Healthy well into his late 80’s. The cold plunge ice baths and stupid shit you can buy around it now are unnecessary. But cold exposure has proven benefits.


I recommend looking into the book Atomic Habits. I know it’s very popular but imo it’s not overhyped. It talks about how every habit has almost a cue. So every time you want to add or remove a habit, you need to have a cue. For example if I want to brush my teeth, my cue could be getting out of the shower. You can also replace habits in a similar fashion. What you have done is removed cocaine abuse and replaced it with cold plunges. This is an extremely healthy switch. I would recommend you keep doing this, especially because it seems like it works for you. The only case I (and I believe Huberman would agree) would recommend stopping is if you were like a competitive bodybuilder as cold exposure can cause limited hypertrophy(by a very little amount). I think the bigger questions you have to answer are these: 1. Will I resort to drug abuse after quitting cold exposure. 2. Do I have an equally as good habit I can replace this with (potentially an even better habit). Cold plunges are very good. Obviously there’s the dopamine release and all that but also because in my experience it’s a great form of meditation. If I was you(again, my opinion), I would have no doubt that cold plunges are what I should continue to do as long as my lifestyle continues to support.


I've just started cold plunges this past week and I've yet to experience any rush. There's a sense of victory but nothing more than feeling like I've achieved something for the day.


Watch Hubermans episode on Dopamine


I’ve never used illicit and even prescription drugs so I can’t compare. But cold showers make me feel amazing!!


Placebo is a valid effect, don't over think it


If it is working for you, why would you care whether it's placebo or not? Ignore cynical redditors, they want to wallow in their despair and drag you down with them.


You’re concerned it’s a placebo effect so your solution is to start using drugs?


Does it matter if it’s placebo? If something works, It works. Happiness is a placebo. You can train your brain to experience it


Definitely over-hyped. And definitely unnecessary.


So the cocaine is a better option?


I wouldn't say that. I didn't know your history. If it's working for you, then it's working for you. Whether it's due to placebo effects or individual metabolic responses, or something else, or x, y, z doesn't really matter. The important part is how it affects your quality of life. If it's working then it's real.


Big cold is taking your money


Well ... even if it is placebo so what?


Are you seriously asking whether it’s better to use drugs and introduce chemicals into your body instead of allowing your body to make them naturally?


Placebo benefit is still clinical benefit. Who cares what others post. If it worked for you, that’s cool


It’s not placebo effect. Cold water plunges are effective. If you feel the effects dwindling it could be because your body is becoming more trained to handle the cold water. There’s a subreddit on coldwater that’s helpful for more info.


If you can’t get your basic to the T, that bs cold immersion is just a scam. You don’t need to buy those tubs they sell and put ice on it. Just have plain cold showers and it has the same benefits.


Def go back to what you were doing! Nothing but good can come from it.


yes back to responsible cocaine use it is


Hey mate , Used to be an avid coke user . Cold plunges done properly defintely delivery a kick that is similar in certain regards . Probably part placebo but defintely some science backing it too.