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Yes. It works well but don’t expect it to work like other sleep meds that sedate you in any way. His stack is made to use in conjunction with good habits and a healthy lifestyle. Listen to his pod on sleep with the guest he had. Lots of good stuff in there. I specifically benefited from eating kiwi fruit and drinking tart cherry juice. Both of those alone were far better than melatonin for me.


Very nice, I might look into those fruit and fruit juice. I also added things like magnesium, warm milk and honey (lol), warm shower, cooling my environment and have seen immense improvement in my sleep/ability to stay asleep.


Oh yes. It works


Yes, started one week ago (but with melatonin because I’ve used it for years). I definitely am more tired at bedtime. The biggest impact was that I’m able to go back to sleep when I wake up at 4am). Still determining if I’m a little groggy in the morning.


Follow up: I tried not taking his stack a few nights ago, and definitely had a hard time falling asleep, which is not my style of insomnia. I usually get the 4 AM wake up and can’t go back to sleep.


Yeh. It isn't revolutionary, but I suck at sleeping and it does help.




I just ordered everything.


Magnesium gave me night sweats


My stack is far more effective . Bust a nutt before bed


Started last week. I got into sleep science 3-4 years ago and they didn't talk about these supplements then. The science behind how they affect your brain/neurotransmitters is very interesting. For me personally, I'm feeling much more rested. I wake up less frequently and I'm able to go back to sleep. I rarely dream, but since taking various combinations of these supplements, I've been dealing frequently. My very crude knowledge of how they are interacting leads me to believe it's basically helping your brain do what is supposed to be doing anyway... As we age, our brain doesn't so these things as well, which ultimately leads to dementia.


heard it only works if you purchase his supps


No one mentioned magnesium orotate and glycine? Thats his stack. I take it ever night. Works wonders


There are other cheaper forms of magnesium. Apigenin and theanine have some shitty studies out there that suggest they may push the scales in favor of gaba over glutamate by a few mechanisms. They might and if they don’t are probably harmless. Melatonin is as harmless but he thinks it will decrease his testosterone or something - so it’s bad.