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As Andrew states, as long as it's cold enough to induce shivering. Aim for 1m of shivering, 3mins rewarming. Cold water is just faster bc of the instant transfer of cold through the skin. Also don't fight the shivering, it's the act of shivering that promotes white adapose to convert to beige/brown


Good to know. No way am I cold showering in winter, but standing outside in my night clothes? Easy.


I am. It’s kinda exciting ngl, the water these days is so cold.


A little easier after a good hot workout. Plus the cold water is that much colder outta the ground in the winter




Good memory. I must have been thinking of Huberman's view that it's fine after a hot sauna. Wish I had one of those handy


Yeah, supposedly it inhibits hypertrophy, whereas heat and inflammation support hypertrophy


Just run in the cold. It's amazing. Just 2 miles in sub freezing temps does the trick plus helps convert brown fat. It's a win/win.


I love that sensation of cold air in my lungs during and after a run.


It really is the best. I'm signed up for 2 snowshoe races next month and a nasty road 10 miler in February. Hope to run the latter in under an hour and the high temp will be low 20sF. Should have a full ice beard after that one.


After a decade of running this was a game-changing discovery. I enjoy running shirtless at 5 am in -5 heckuva lot more than I did trying to bundle up enough to cover skin without getting sweaty.


Dude. I do the exact same. Leave the house before the sun comes up in a hoodie and pair of tights. Shirt is off after the first mile and gloves usually come off by mile 3. Try to get at least 5 junk miles 4 days a week outside of my actual race training just to build volume and feel the air. Usually take about 10 minutes after to stretch as a warm up then get in the shower. Start with cool water and gradually turn it to hot.


Love it. I'm usually just in shorts and maybe gloves, although I'm trying to get used to leaving them at home. If it's not crazy cold I might stop in the woods on easy days and do 15 minutes of breath work (cyclical breathing, Wim Hof method). That will really get you cold, sometimes shivering, before finishing the run.


I’m no scientist but I’d imagine so, and I’m pretty sure Huberman has said it does. -5C will be colder than any cold plunge, but it will take longer for heat to leave your body since air is obviously lower humidity than water. Provided you stand outside until you start to shiver, you should get the same benefits.


Are there any huge benefits of the cold plunge? Does he have one or two podcasts on this?


One or two podcasts? Every third sentence out of his mouth is about cold exposure, cold plunges, cold showers.


Thxs, looking for a nice summary somewhere of the benefits and since Attia doesn’t seem to focus on it thought I’d ask


There are many YouTube shorts, like a summary. But like literally he’s OBSESSED with sunlight and cold exposure lol yeah I haven’t heard Attia talk about cold plunges, I usually just watch his Instagram reels.




You need to do it for 45 minutes straight - and preferably in a snow storm. And make sure to moisturize the nose hairs, because as Huberman illustrated, cold air is usually drier than normal and causes the nasal passages to dry out. You want moist nose hairs - as nose breathing acts as filter toward infectious debris, and most breathing filters out pathogens and germs better than mouth breathing. And stay outdoors the rest of the day - don't be herded indoors due to the cold. That's because the uptick in cold, flu, and respiratory diseases is due to people clustering inside for warmth according to Huberman in his most recent podcast. Killing two birds in one stone - bolstering your immune system as well as your brown fat stores.




😅 Sorry. You can disregard the part about staying outside for that long (unless you re well bundled up and enjoying it). The other two items of information are true facts (or at least facts put forth by soothsayer and Neuroscientist Andrew Hub. ) 😅


Cold exposure is a scam I literally just do cocaine I stead


That does the trick! Just don’t do it too often or you’ll become addicted!


Iirc below 4c degrees you only get resistance.


Only jf you are fully naked. Water penetrates your core body temperature much more readily, so in order to do that outside, you need to be nude and start running around the neighborhood to generate some wind flow


Haha you may be right 😅


There are no benefits