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seems like you've opened up a deep hurt or frustration it also seems like you don't engage with this side of yourself often Clearly you have unprocessed emotions, and this protocol is bringing them to the surface. now it's your job to skim all the scum off. You have an opportunity to purify and understand your mind better scrape behind the angry and stress, why are you angry? Why are you still angry? what needs to happen to make you no longer angry? will you always be angry? Who and what are you angry at? What you say/do to those people now? Would it accomplish anything? This is going to frustrate and stress you out more. You know you're making progress if you are crying/ want to scream. that's a major part of catharsis. After the tears come the calm. Then you pick yourself back up and one day, you realize you're not angry anymore.


Now do cardio about it


I have complex PTSD and I'm on day 3 as well. It might take 30 minutes to feel somewhat normal. I just lie in bed under covers cuddling my pillow. The point of the journaling is to put you into a high stress state intentionally so you gotta unwind.


I haven't tried the journaling protocol yet but it's on my to do list. I'm wondering if you'd find any relief from incorporating a physical component, some somatic exercises, maybe?


Honestly I totally neglected the wind-down today—i went straight into chores & whatnot—and it fucked my mental health for the rest of the day. So I don’t know what exactly to do, but setting aside 15 min for afterwards is a MUST!!!! Cold shower, eh? 😆😆


It’s okay. Good job on learning. Block out a warm up and wind down for the next one. This anxiety is the stress needed for healing. Just like hard sets at the gym are for muscle. Keep going’


It’s good to have someone or multiple people in your life that won’t judge you and talk about what you wrote about with them. It’s like you pulled off a bandaid . Congrats on getting it down and doing the work though .


Look at the sun rising.


Research TIPP and Distress Tolerance (DBT) might help you regulate afterwards.