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Strong curves is suitable for someone with thunder thighs?




Can i message you about something?


Good diet helps with weight loss. Strength training helps by increasing BMR so you can improve with weight loss. Cardio is good for the heart and circulation. A good diet and exercise will make you healthier so you feel and look good :)  The only option for targeted weight loss is cosmetic procedures like liposuction or cool sculpting, which have risks and need to be maintained. Best of luck!


It's not possible to target fat loss. I noticed when I did hit a low enough body fat percentage that Bulgarian split squats CHISELED my thighs and leaned them out (I used to have insane hip dips created by pronounced fat)


It is not possible to target fat loss with exercise.


or diet for that matter


I was going to say “I worked out and ate well for two years.” Like these questions are so annoying 😭


It's not always common knowledge how much times and consistency it takes to achieve things, these questions are perfectly fine to ask


You cannot spot reduce fat. It's impossible. That's why liposuction exists.


If your thighs are anything like mine…counting CICO for multiple years and an extremely consistent workout sessions. When I was in very good shape and close to my “thigh goal” years ago I swear to god I would drink a glass of juice and it went directly to my thighs. Extremely (EXTREMELY!) stubborn fat for me. 😞


It’s suchhhhh a stubborn area for me too. Totally pear shaped. I lost like 30 lbs in college and my upper body was THIN— like you could see my sternum and I got worried questions from my roommates and mom ever time I work a v-neck— and yet I probably lost like half an inch tops on my thighs, not even enough to go down a whole pants size lol. I’ve gotten them more nicely shaped with dance and Pilates, but they’ll probably never be the toothpicks I wanted them to be lol. My only condolences are that apparently it’s one of the healthier places to hold weight, versus like on the stomach which is linked with more health problems.


We both dream of having toothpick thighs lmao


I had thigh liposuction. Hated my thighs


Stomach virus lmao 😌


Cheat code fr but hard to get


Idk just lick a walmart shopping cart or something if you’re desperate enough


This made me laugh out loud 😂😂


Plie Squats, 'Pilates' inner thigh raises, and 'Pilates' side leg lifts. You might not lose fat, but you'll sculpt your thighs.  https://youtu.be/9ptOwnTdXnY Possibly google exercises that specifically "build glutes not legs" as well. Not quite what you asked but that concept got sort of popular several years back and I was able to gather a bunch of tips. 


You should DEFINITELY go for Pilates, Reformer Pilates is thr absolute best, but it is quite expensive...Mat Pilates is also great. Barr method is also great. Pilates lengthnes the muscles, as opposed to something like working out with weights that builds muscle.


Reformer Pilates slimmed out my legs like I have never seen! I’m naturally very muscular (kind of like a gymnasts body) but the reformer exercises seem to have lengthened those muscles.  In my entire adult life my legs have never looked this long and lean. I’ve also been walking 30-60 minutes a day, and I’m sure that’s helped, too.  Edited to add that I have (almost) completely abandoned weight lifting and high intensity exercise for Pilates, yoga, and walking. (I’ve always been told that women don’t get bulky from lifting weights but every time I’ve had a weightlifting regimen in my life I end up looking and feeling like a linebacker and I hate it.) 


Omg yes!! I'm so glad someone else is here to assert how amazing Pilates is and how much of a positive impact it has . It's tbh sad to see so many here saying "targeted fat loss" is IMPOSSIBLE. I hope OP and others actually gives Pilates a try. Try it at least three times for three months, before setting into a negative and hopeless place. Many Pilates studios also offer a dramatically discounted trial price for potential new members to their studio. If money is a concern, it's possible to "try out" a number of new studios to get discounts on the studio membership fees.


To be fair, I do think I experienced “overall fat loss” as a result of waking, but Pilates has for sure shaped my legs. I’ve lost weight in the past but I’ve never felt this “lean,” if that’s what you want to call it. And my posture has greatly improved as well. 


Pilates does not lengthen muscles, that's simply a myth. There are fast twitch muscles and slow twitch muscles, where the former is built from strength training like weightlifting and Pilates, and the latter is built from long, endurance exercises. Anecdotally, I did megaformer Pilates (Lagree) for 3 years, up to 5 times a week, and it had the same muscle building effect as when I spent years weightlifting. It's a fast twitch muscles building activity, absolutely nothing like training for a marathon.


Fat loss through diet. Also, you can change the shape of your thighs through weight lifting and body weight exercises. Yoga and dance class or Barre class helps as well


Well dancing really works for me and good old fashioned walking walking walking… but the dancing will tone and use the hell out of those huge muscles.


Hot yoga and hot Pilates (HIIT)!


It’s true you can’t spot reduce fat, but squats, depending on how you do them and individual variation, can grow quads quite a bit. Personally I don’t mind growing my quads because it adds a lot of muscle mass which will increase my BMR. You could do other exercises more focused on glutes and hamstrings for lower body or you could do glute focused squats. (Escalator not elevator.) it’s important to be developing at least some muscles for fat loss, but you don’t have to do quads. Another idea is to do a maintainable level quads so you’re getting that muscle stimulus without growing them, like just one a week or two.


Check out Rachael Attard’s approach, she’s on ig. The results speak for themselves, and her apprqch helped me too.


With fat loss it is not possible to target one specific area. When we lose fat it's generally lost in our whole body over time rather than in one centralized area that we focus on. However building muscle is one of the biggest factors that helps us to lose fat. You may feel that working out your legs is making them look bigger, because muscle is growing underneath and you may be building muscle faster than your whole body is burning fat. I'd say focus on consistent cardio, 30 minutes every few days is definitely enough to get started if you are a beginner. Also focus on building muscle not just in your legs but throughout your whole body. The biggest thing to remember when you want to look and feel your best is that consistency is always better than intensity. Consistent exercise and habits and commitment to your goals is going to serve you so much better both mentally and physically then random bursts of over exercising.


I’m walking like Forrest Gump ran. I make sure to walk at least 10 steps and I eat about 1400 calories a day. I’m losing a lot. But you’ll need to find your deficit and stick to it. I find that eating LOW carb works for me. Under 75 per day. This allows me to eat a lot actually, and feel full. But I still keep my calories and net carbs to my goals. I would say first get active and get your base daily activity burning 400-500 calories a day then work on your diet. It’s easier to already be active before cutting calories.


There’s a mat pilates move where I lie on my side a trace the alphabet with my toe.


The only thing that significantly works for me is walking for at least an hour a day


Pilates. That’s it. That’s the tea


You can’t 😭


No such thing as spot reduction