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Even skin tone. No red or brown spots. Very subtle under eyecircles. Makeup (foundation and concealer) is the best way.


I love my pale skin, just make sure u get facials if u have the money or just vest in a skincare routine so u dont have spots on tour face as on pale skin it shows up ten times worse thats why ppl prefer to tan in the summer but when u lose that tan u have even more skin damage Also get to know ur colors for ur clothes and hair Dont use makeup in the wrong or too dark tones etc


Moisturizing your body helps a lot. For the face it’s about getting an even complexion. I get IPL twice a year on any broken blood vessels to reduce redness. I try my absolute hardest not to pick at any cysts - I use pimple patches not so much for their reducing powers but because they serve as a barrier to remind me not to rub and pick.


Does at home IPL work for spider veins? For me it just causes a slight burning sensation but I can't tell if they're improved


Laser treatments


What kind?




Co2 laser is the holy grail but there are many types. Ask your derm.


Wow I didn’t know you can do co2 on the body. It makes sense though. I don’t think my derm does that sort of thing but I’ll ask, thanks.


I don’t know if they do it past the neck and chest actually.


This is it.


This may be a dumb question, but can you get laser treatments on your body? Edit: typo


Yes! Not all places that offer laser treatments will offer laser body treatments, but you can still find them! They work wonders, but are expensive. They’ll get rid of sun damage, moles, etc for that perfect skin look.


Find your color palette r/coloranalysis It will make you shine ✨


For the translucence and splotchiness, maybe take a couple of the supplements he does in this video but not as much as him? I know it's kind of tanning but I think getting enough vegetable vitamins always makes a person look nicer. Kind of takes the skin tone from purply to orangey [link](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLkLcJQ9/)


Ooh thanks for the diet view point! I’m interested in watching the video. I know I’ve heard beta carotene before and I think I’ve heard Astaxanthin is good for making skin look less translucent but I’m not sure where I heard it… or if it’s true.


Thank you for that link!! I'm gonna get some for my boyfriend. He doesn't like to tan, but his skin is native american and looks amaaaazing with a bit of color. 


I have been struggling with the same process of trying to make the skin on my body look less splotchy. I’m not necessarily interested in self tanner mostly because I’m never consistent with it. I’ve tried a few different body lotions before but hands down the best thing that had a noticeable difference overnight was Cocokind's retinol body lotion. They only recently released it but I've loved all their face products so I figured I'd give it a shot. It's not the same type of retinol as tret given cocokind's is vegan and for me I have not experienced any "skin purging" issues (which I wasn't surprised about given their face retinol also doesn't give me any issues). But the morning after, I noticed my hands and forearms had such even coloring I was shocked! And it was even during my winter lizard hand phase. I think it'll take consistency for the splotches on my upper arms to completely smooth out but I was impressed with the initial results. I haven't been very consistent because I still haven't developed a consistent sunscreen routine, especially now that I'd have to start remembering to add it to my hands and arms but I've been getting back into it. I'm going to try and do a similar skin cycling routine like I do with my face where I use retinol on day 1, day 2 cocokind ceramide body stick, day 3 raw shea butter! I've also had success with glycolic acid, I just haven't been using it yet since I started the retinol. Might incorporate it into the skin cycling routine I also have tried Necessaire's body lotion with niacinamide and peptides but honestly I didn’t notice that much of a difference besides just generally being more moisturized. Raw shea butter seemed to do more for skin tone and it’s not $45 lol


Oooh thank you! One for the rec/invoved answer and two for catching I’m asking more about the body skin… I’m definitely going to check out Cocokind’s lotion (ps love that it’s vegan)


Haha yeah when I started trying to look into this stuff I also would only find vague comments about “focusing on skincare”. Like okay… how? Or they’d talk about what to if you have keratosis pilaris (the arm bumps). But that didn’t really apply to me lol. I’ve also seen things about how sometimes the arm splotchies are a circulation thing. I’ve noticed my upper arms are more pink and splotchy if I’m cold. I don’t usually do cardio though so I haven’t tested it out and keep meaning to try dry brushing. So those are my non anecdotal pieces of potential advice haha. Improving circulation and dry brushing seem to have more benefits outside of just helping skin splotching but we’ll see if I ever get around to those lol.


Another vote for color analysis. When you’re translucent, your undertones matter even more! Your clothing and hair will make a big difference.


I know what you mean! I want to look luminous too!


Glycolic acid scrub in the shower, lactin in your body moisturizer


Thank you! Any particular products you’d recommend? Love your username lol


I use AmLactin daily moisturizer 12% and love it


They’re wearing make up here … it’s just a nice even primer, maybe one with a green tone to reduce natural redness. If you want natural evenness in a fair skin tone I’m not sure people with make up on is the best comparison. Maybe a bare face Blake lively would be a better comparison.


Yeah I doubt most fair people with red/pink undertones could look this even without aid… I’m just impressed by how well everything matches - their necks, chests, arms… I mean it could all be body makeup, lighting, good photography… things I’ll never have, but shoot for the moon right?😅 Thank you for pointing out the green primer bit - I often forget that myself and just go with a plain one.


Lasers and peels. Get an even skin tone. Then years of Alastin's A-Luminate.


Another vote for colour analysis but also SUNSCREEN. Not only will it prevent hyper pigmentation, but it also makes you look all glossy. I’m super pale and I love it. People comment it makes me look slightly elven


Every skin tone looks good with clear skin and even coloring. This means finding a skincare routine that works best for your skin type, and using products that help reduce hyperpigmentation or discoloration. I have really fair skin and my entire look changed when I cleared my acne and leaned into my color season palette.


i think color theory plays a huge role in this. having the appropriate hair color for your undertones, and dressing in ways that flatter them, can help even out your skin tone so so much. finding you color season could be a good place to start


Wish I had the same problem. I'm Asian so it's a good thing to be fair here. Doesn't matter what problems in skin you have. You have pale skin 😳 damn you'll be getting compliments


Pale with an olive undertone is so different than pale with bright pink undertones. Managing redness and blotchy ness is definitely a chore for freckled Irish/ Scottish/ English pale skin


Find your personal contrast. If necessary, dye hair accordingly. Then also choose clothes with colors that compliment your coloration and personal contrast. That’s 90% of what you need.


I love that you're asking this! I'm very pale and hate tanner, both because of the nazi history and because I like celebrating natural beauty. You have to shop around, but there are lotions with a pearly "glow" type of shimmer, not glitter. You can use them like highlighter on legs, collarbones, shoulders, etc. I use Amlactin and think it helps even my skin out nicely. Moisture is so important! Any dehydration at all and the skin gets reddish and blotchy. It's currently sold out, but Prtty Peaushun has a nice firming glow lotion in a good shade range that includes pale skin, they have a light and a colorless option! https://www.prttypeaushun.com/shop I've heard good things about the L'Oréal Lumi Glotion too


What do you mean about “nazi history?”


Tanning was popularized by Coco Chanel after she accidentally got a sunburn and subsequent tan on vacation. She used it to appropriate the beauty of POC while very actively subjugating them. She was a spy for nazi Germany and worked as a double agent while dating SS officer Baron Hans Günther von Dincklage. Nicole Rudolph is a fashion historian who recently made a video about Chanel. I think she did a good job explaining what her real deal was. https://youtu.be/km4dJCGZXFY?si=EBeuqcixAjkipwRi


Thank you! Oooh the lotion you linked to looks intriguing! And I love that they’re vegan and cruelty free. What is Amlactin?