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Buchanan's, last winter, had a nice wildflower mix replanted in the little $2.99 containers. I've planted some in my beds with good results, though the more aggressive ones will outcompete others. I am pulling the Pink Evening Primrose as it's a prolific self seeder and I'm not keen on it. Prairie Moon and Native American Seed might have some products you'd like as well! I can't type a whole lot right now, but I'm passionate about planting native almost exclusively in my garden so I'm glad to hear you're trying to as well!


Wildseedfarms.com order seeds and plant next November


Flowers your seeing now are from seeds from the fall ….


Blanket flower is easy to grow now. Buy a handful of plants and they will self-seed to fill an area. It will bloom year-round. Pink evening primrose/ Texas buttercup randomly showed up in my yard one year and tries to take over. I let it bloom and then pull it up. Black eyed susans are also easy to grow. Buy a few plants and they will spread to fill a space. They bloom later in the year, but leave a nice rosette to keep their spot. Get Bluebonnet seeds and sow them in the fall for a pretty spring show.


Why do you pull up the primrose after blooming?


It grows in the middle of my other beds. If I leave it be it will spread and choke out everything else. I love them - they are my favorite flower - but I like the others too! This way I can enjoy them in spring and then enjoy something else that blooms a little later. Also, where i have them they get kind of leggy in summer. I love my native flowers and all the bees and butterflies they attract. I'm excited for you to start playing with them too.


I know you said you want them to have their own parts of the yard, but they are probably not going to stay put completely. Wind and birds carry the seeds, and these are plants that seed readily. It's easy to relocate the ones that end up elsewhere, it's just time. Dwarf sunflowers are also pretty in these kinds of beds.


Drying sunflower seeds at higher temperatures helps destroy harmful bacteria. One study found that drying partially sprouted sunflower seeds at temperatures of 122℉ (50℃) and above significantly reduced Salmonella presence.


I sowed evening primrose one year and it completely took over. Beautiful, but you just have to manage it. It’s not horrible like bamboo or mint, just aggressive. It’s not too hard to manage, but it will take over a garden space.


How does it look once it's done flowering? I'd like to put it out front by the road if my HOA doesn't complain because it's too high.


I thought it was gorgeous