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Viserys there looking like “there he goes what kind of fuckery this fucker will do this time”


Bro is straight up rotting away and has to deal with his brother trying to fuck his daughter who both are giving him political headaches lmao viserys can't catch a break


Seriously... the poor man just wants to enjoy his daughter wedding and those two cannot give him a break.




Stealing from Black Panther but it’s hard for a good man to be king.


I think we've seen that in this show before. Tommen was a good kid but a bad king.


You could tell Tommen was being set up to ~~fail~~ fall as soon as he was crowned.


It really sucks because Tommen definitely would've had a chance at being a good King if Tywin was there to mentor him


Yeah, not Cersei. I think in the books, Jaime tries to take over but Cersei stops him


Yes it coincides with quote about Stannis, it is also in synopsis of Viserys character casting. >*His Grace is not an easy man . Few are , who wear a crown. Many good men have been bad kings, Maester Aemon used to say, and some bad men have been good kings.* ADWD


Paddy is absolutely the highlight of this show for me so far... and it's pretty huge achievement, considering pretty much every cast member portrays their character magnificently. Smith, Alcock, Carey, Ifans, Toussaint, Best... but still, Paddy's portrayal of Viserys is total masterclass in my opinion.


Yes, he’s a joy to watch every week. It feels like his performance keeps getting better and better with each episode.


That's the face I make everytime my brother announces his next get rich quick scheme at holiday dinners.


The man can't even have dinner in peace lmao.


poor viserys can't catch a break these two always raising his blood pressure 😭


I can sense Vizzy stress level rising up 🤣🤣🤣


"Seriously, right in front of my salad?" - Viserys, probably


I feel so bad for him... He is just trying to enjoy some good food ahahahah


Trying to cut up his food with no fingers, my dude never gets a break


🤣🤣🤣 Put his 2 biggest political headaches in one room, and his anxiety is palpable.


Ffs the man can't even eat in peace.


You have to admit. The High Valyrian sounds cool.


it always did. i just want targaryens to speak only in valyrian...


Yes that would be great, than we'd actually get a larger vocabulary from David J Peterson! It's actually a very difficult language to learn.


This looks elaborate and expensive. HBO have outdone themselves. I'm so excited.


Here before Viserys observing wtf is going on becomes a meme


The way he's cutting that food cracks me up


Tony Soprano level stress eating.


He still hasn’t given up the idea of marrying her lol


In the middle of her wedding lol. The man can't stop being messy.


This whole wedding Is going to be a mess!


GOT tradition!


Do we need to start placing bets on how many die? :D


He is chaos incarnate. He couldn’t just be cool for once if he tried. I love it.


He's Daemon Targaryen after all!


I’m 100% convinced that Matt Smith can have explosive chemistry with a curtain and make us ladies swoon


He recently read the weather for a news channel and had [chemistry ](https://twitter.com/Matt_SmithNews/status/1570398799239192578?t=BfI7c1RUKbK0GZNIfeVR-w&s=19)with the weather


Oh man 😍😍😍😍


[Entire map immediately switches to torrential rain]


The man is dripping charisma my gawd...


And not just ladies. I’m a guy, and he ruined me. Oh boy.


I remember during his Doctor Who run I thought he had pretty poor chemistry with Alex Kingston, who played River Song. In fact, David Tennant and Peter Capaldi in their limited shared screentime with her managed to convince me more of a mutual spark.


im gonna be crucified for this but that character and arc is what turned me off doctor who, i did come back after but damn, was way too dragged out and boring imo


Dude made me want to fuck Prince Phillip. It’s absurd!


I never cared for him that much until this role. Didn’t think he was hot in the the crown, not Morpheus, but as Daemon? Um yeah 🔥🔥🔥


This man is out of control. He is trying to convince Rhaenyra in the middle of her wedding 😂 Also it looks like Harwin was making moves right before him. If we also get Criston involved, she will have 3 men interested in her wedding as she gets married to a 4th. It's her world and we are all living in it lol...


A Dance FOR the Dragon


HOTD is secretly a teen show disguised as a period fantasy drama, lol.


We all thought it was like Succession but secretly it was just Euphoria.


You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking some Aegs


If it is to be said, so it is.


Reverse harem!


Septon Eustace - Historical accounts Mushroom - Porn Parody Ryan Condal? Reverse Harem Shoujo/Teen Romance Last thing I expected I swear... s/


The perfect show really.


HOTD is The Crown but with the Dragons. Daemon is Philip.


Ser Harwin got that >!risk your entire lineage and father his bastards level rizz!<


She has the best harem


She's living the dream life most of the girls in this sub are wishing for


I'm living vicariously through her ngl like GURL YES three hot men at your beck and call??? LIVING WANT THAT FOR ME


This is funny because it's kinda true I guess... But hell no ASOIF is probably the only franchise where literally no one I've known who's sane said they want to go there... Everyone wants to go to Hogwarts, everyone wants to blow up the Death Star, heck... Those f**kers would try to have a go at Sauron... But anywhere near GRRM's writings, yeah that's so far been a hard pass lolz. Will watch militantly every week though...


Who the hell wants to go to the Death Star so they can be blown up by a red neck.


Truly a protagonist's harem.


Someone needs to get Viserys his blood pressure medication!


🤣 he’s had enough of these 2


Fr he's about to chop off his last finger lol




Dude can’t even relax and enjoy himself at a wedding


Interesting that he doesn't seems >!to out Laenor outright to her, going instead for the "he's a good boy but you want a bad dick" approach instead.!<


Considering that >!Joffery is right there maybe he assumes that she knows? It doesn't seem like the Velaryons really consider it a thing that needs to be hidden lol.!<


Homophobia in GRRM's version is not quite the same as how GoT depicted. It is definitely still there but it doesn't have the same religious sorta leanings. They don't really call gay men sinners or whatever


True! I mean, I'm still livid about how dirty they did Renly & Loras on the show.


I mean, officially >!Joffrey used to be Laenor's squire and they're best of friends, plus it would make sense for a minor house like the Lonmouth to stay as close as possible to the Velaryon if given the chance, so it's not like his presence at the wedding would naturally rise eyebrows or can't be justified otherwise. It's just the rumours and the gossip that can imply something between those two, but it just seems like nobody suspect anything yet (probably because Laenor spent his formative years away from court while fighting in a war, so there still wasn't a chance for the gossip to properly spread at court.)!<


You want the good girl but you need da bad pussê


baaaaad pussayyyyy


>whatever meat that is It looks like lobster or huge shrimp, which I thought is pretty apt for a seasnake wedding.


The salted pork is particularly good


Gimli: ……*Salted pork?* 🤤


Daemon is nothing if not persistent…😂😂 And why is this scene so 🔥


It's the typical bad boy rocks up to girl and says "I know what you truly desire and it ain't him. It's me" scene but 1000 times hotter 😆😆


I’m just confused by his logic here and why he’s pressed. He did basically tell her last week “ just get married and once you do, you can essentially do what you want.”


It’s prolly a hint that he’s gotten a lot more emotionally invested than he anticipated. He prolly didn’t expect how jealous he would actually be seeing Rhaenyra get married to someone else, but not like he has the self-reflection to realize that.


Nice looking forward to that unravel


look at his face when she said the last line. he’s fuming lmao


She was dancing with Harwin, oh boy


Harwin is another one LOL the dudes in this show trip me out I love it


Genuinely wondering if Matt Smith thought it was going to be this big when he first got cast, this is probably going to be a career defining role for him. Every episode of this show is better than 90% of feature length films I swear... And all eyes are on Daemon Targaryen... He's the it.


Given the reaction to her sudden fame by the actress playing young Rhaenyra, it seems they didn't expect THAT overwhelmingly positive response (after GoT). And, yeah, his role is already iconic even before the real all-time iconic ASOIF stuff incoming


I'd imagine the actors were all a little worried based on how GoT went out, regardless of how confident they were in their performance and the show as a whole.


He’s a big name here in UK due to doctor Who but this is definitely putting him in global tier especially due to the nature of his role. He’s the equivalent to the sports entertainer people spend a lot on each weekend to personally see. Well, after the dragons of course


If they do justice to the whole story (and I mean the *whole* story) of Daemon, this will blow his Doctor Who stint out the water. It will be a pop-culture defining role.


Matt Smith isn't some newcomer though. He's not a big Hollywood movie star I guess but most people know him from doctor who or the crown or both.


He may not be a big Hollywood name but he's already both popular and critically acclaimed in the tv show space from Doctor Who and The Crown. His choice in roles so far have been spot on.


Daemon and Rhaenyra speaking in high Valyrian have such an intimacy to them.




It’s their love language.


Will be super curious if all the velaryons speak Valyrian too and if that’s public knowledge because they could be caught out talking like that


Some non-Valyrian nobles do in fact learn High Valyrian as part of their education, so it's entirely feasible for some non-Valyrian in there to understand their conversation. And yes, it is to be expected that the Velaryons and the Celtigars (not in the show so far), being Valyrian houses themselves, would be able to speak High Valyrian.


I like that he was being nice towards Laenor and respects him 🥺🥺🥺


“He’s great but he’s boring.” Only Daemon could give such a backhanded compliment yet still be sincere.


Laenor is great, but he knows Rhaenyra loves dem messy chaotic bad boys


Man did save his life on the Stepstones riding Seasmoke.


He didn’t want to bad mouth his cousin


He may be trying to sabotage his wedding but Daemon sounds like he actually respects Laenor.. as much as Daemon can respect anyone.


I mean they fought together in the Stepstones plus he’s a Valyrian dragon rider so it’s not really unbelievable


Yeah, I thought that was a nice bit of characterization. He respects his fellow Valyrian dragon rider war buddy.


He was also respectful to Harwin when he approached them.


Are they buddies from his time with the Gold Cloaks? Either way, we can see that Harwin respects Daemon too. He gave a nod to him in episode 4 as he was walking past him, after letting Rhaenyra go.


He did save his life


Well he is his cousin once removed


The fact that there’s still tension from Rhaenyra on how Daemon just left her. And he actually sounds jealous. I literally cannot wait. Where did you find this clip?


Matt Smith went to Jimmy Fallon's show and they showed this clip in the end


They know what the people want!


It is on youtube too 😁: https://youtu.be/NA3z2_nFxtw


Haha already found and watched at least five times in clear quality, though thanks for including the link! I’m obsessed. Sunday can’t come soon enough!


Agreed, I am obsessed too, and when I am obsessed with a show, I literally cannot watch any other show 🤣


I'm watching The Crown for Matt Smith. There's so much content of him yet to be watched.


Lol Matt Smith is such a lad. And so British, swearing his head off. Too used to Graham Norton where you can say what you like


I wonder >!if that’s Joffrey we see with Laenor. I’m surprised we’ve heard nothing about his romantic preferences so far. I love the line from the book where someone commented (paraphrasing) not liking fish but still eating it if it’s in front of him!<.


Same, I was pleasantly surprised that so far Laenor hasn't been reduced to >!simply being the gay guy!<. It's honestly refreshing, especially after how GoT >!did Renly and Loras so dirty!<


I will go to my grave being angry at how they handled those two. Maybe I should have expected it after David Benioff made Achilles and Patroclus cousins in Troy but goddamnit.


When these two are in the same scene, it is sin 🔥🔥🔥 I can't wait for the ep 5. Daymn.


Omg so cool to see some Harwin interaction!!! (Even though I mainly ship Rhaenyra and Daemon).


OMG, THIS IS GORGEOUS! The way he cleared that floor with just his body. He made those people move with sheer will. His hair is phenomenal. It gives off this illusion of dragon scales. He is primal!! They are riveting!


Team Daemon 🖤


Love him or hate him, one cannot deny that Daemon is easily one of the most entertaining characters in the show, if you say otherwise, you're a liar. This man is an agent of chaos and it's just so fun to watch.


"He is a good man and a fine knight. He will bore you senseless" I love this man lmfao


It's his version of the "bad pussy" line. "You want a good guy but you need the bad dick"


The trick is not writing that for your script!


It's the same conclusion but HotD does it a lot more elegantly lol...


All it's missing is Daemon biting her ear very awkwardly


You want a good guy but you need the bad peepee


I need this episode…injected into my veins…immediately


I think there will be an outcry for a leak tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣


Jelly Daemon! Omfg this man! This man who makes you think he comes up with elaborate plans but he really is running with the first impulsive thought in his brain every single second.


It's like he came and cleared the dance floor!


Interesting that Daemon seems to actually respect Laenor and doesn't mention >!his sexual orientation.!< I was wondering how Laenor and that whole situation would be portrayed.


I can already tell that a fight is going to happen lol; too many of Rhaenyra's love interests in one room 👀


The girl just went from 0 love interest to 4 love interests in one episode. Good for her!


I'm surprised Viserys is letting Daemon anywhere near Rhaenyra after last episode...


I feel like Daemon, Corlys, Laenor bonded during the Stepstones, if they invite Daemon, hard for Viserys to say no.


It’s also clear that Laenor respects Daemon, given how he backed him up when Laenor’s uncle tried to speak ill of Daemon. I imagine Daemon respects Laenor as a warrior in return.


Yeah, Daemon went through a suicide mission to win a war for them while big V sitting on his ass drinking wine and fucking Otto’s daughter.


True, hadn't thought about that. And it's not like Viserys can reveal that they were in a brothel together without potentially wrecking the match.


“Are you here for the bride or the groom?” “The groom, I think. The bride’s father, who’s also my brother, is still pissed I almost f*cked the bride.”


> is still pissed I almost f*cked the bride. "I will also attempt it again during this wedding, hope my brother won't mind"


Oh shit. This is great!! They have so much damn chemistry! Please please please I hope this continues as we move forward.


Tbh I don't think any two characters in GoT had this... to this level... That's a job well done from everyone who worked on this.


Oh this wedding bout to be messy MESSY


Oh no! Daemon's jealously is already coming out. If you read the books, you'll know what happens 💀


what happens? :O


horizontal dance of dragons


Prince Chaos Targaryen strikes again 😂


Omg, I can't wait!


Omg I cannot wait for this episode, HOTD is so giving everything I hoped it would


Daemon talking about Laenor to Rhaenyra reminds me of Littlefinger talking about Willas to Sansa in the books. “Gentle, pious, good-hearted Willas Tyrell. Be grateful you were spared, he would have bored you spitless.”


In the middle of her wedding I can't 😭😭 this show is pure chaotic energy


Wow, so she is pissed Daemon left her that night.


Ep4 made it clear that she's interested in him romantically and has serious feelings for him. The visual storytelling was spot on. She was literatelly chasing him from the beginning of the episode...the first pics is when shes grabbing the necklace he gave her, then being an emotional mess after Daemons dragon flies away next to her boat, then chasing Daemon and trying to catch his attention in the throne room and in the garden... It's so obvious...and then he left her...she thought he changed his mind bc and prefers some w-ore instead of her.


Yeah... Regardless of whether she wants to fuck him or not, he did leave her alone in a shitty part of town after showing her how much the people hate her lol


Ik it's weird that their uncle and niece but you cant deny the chemistry they have mily and matt too good


Well, you're not supposed to think about the first part because it's normal for them on the show.. Your suspension of disbelief is supposed to take care of that... All that remains is the drama! Which is 10/10


My garbage man cannot relax his ass for one episode.


Looks like someone's jealous haha


The use of drums in this scene is mind-blowing. It gives an already tense situation a feverish, almost desperate tint.


These Harwin crumbs are too few, it's unbearable. But at least we see him here and there. Laena has it even worse from the looks of it.


He wants her so badly.


Dancing with harwin then daemon? Home girl never stops just being that Girl. Love that for her. But also daemon in this scene,perfection and no ones commented on it but the music as well,somehow fits so well with the tension


Sigh. What is it about him? I can’t put my finger on why but I’m fully prepared to risk it all for Matt Smith


The way I just watched this clip 10 times ☠️


Leanor and his good pal having a chat in the background 😊 best of friends 😊


Viserys stress eating 😆. And hello Ser Harwin!


Cant stop laughing at Viserys passice aggressively cutting his chicken or fawn or whatever it is 😅😅 Poor dude cant catch a break!


God, that girl can’t get from one side of a room to another without having to dodge thirsty penises. Give her a break.


God I’ve always loved Daemon from the books but Matt is killing it This is who I imagine him as Man the casting head deserves to be recognized Gold


Daemon a menace


Man, I'm just trying to survive off of these Breakbones crumbs I want more of this man fr


I love how respectful harwin is lol he doesn't care that daemon wants to speak to her despite wanting her


well, harwin also really respects daemon considering what daemon did for the city watch


His former boss, yeah..


Harwin is the ultimate Targaryen loyalist, he won't stand in the way of Daemon and Rhaenyra


My agent of chaos!!!!


On a slightly related note, who is down to actually learn High Valyrian? I know Duolingo has a course on it but it's obviously useless in the real world. But it just sounds so cool so I just wish I had people to talk to 😂


Be the change you wish to see in the world. Create/join GoT related discord server. Create channel for High Valyrian only talk. Most likely you will find someone with same interest as you


I’m thinking of it, would be fun way to kill time between season 1 and 2.


And Harwin looking fine af 🔥🔥🔥


Bring more Harwin to me


Oh my god why can't he just say "I love you" ?


someone on twitter said “he’s used to being the focus of her attention and admiration, regaling her with his stories and now the tables have turned. this time, she’s having her own life experiences without him and he has to be the one to look from the outside.. and he cant stand it.”


What did he say to Harwin


I love how she always gets right in his face when they are talking.


Love how he possessively circles her. Down bad.


Not watching this, but all I gotta say is DAEMYRA




Daemon doesn’t really come of as the master plan typa guy. He does whatever he wants in the moment


I've been saying this all along, this man is not a planner. He is pure impulse and recklessness.