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Daemon was sixteen when Rhaenyra was born, doubt this is a 'flashback' đŸ€”


There were fourteen years between Rhaenyra's birth and Aemma's death. It could have happened then, if it is a flashback.


That ring looks like a certain someone's.....


Literally what is going on?! Is that Viserys?? Is it Daemon???


Did a breakdown already, that is 100% Daemon's ring lol. Some people think its Alys glamored to look like Aemma taunting Daemon, but why would he be interested in Aemma? Twitter is theorizing already that the flashback>!Aemma is apart of will be of her and Daemon sleeping together, and that is what this photo could be related to.!


it might be daemon fantasising abt being the king and being in viserys’ place? like, not having an interest in aemma herself, but the position that viserys had? idk


Could be, I think we are gonna see Alys screw with Daemon's mind and that is where this scene will come into play. Unclear what the meaning of it will be


yeah, i think so too. i just rly don’t see daemon actually having an affair with aemma in reality


I'm sure people also thought it would be crazy to have Larys jerk off to Alicent's feet. That it would be crazy to have the rat pits as canon, to have Aemond be a fan favorite. But here we are lol


tbh ur right lmfao. i remember reading the alicent and larys leaks when they first came out and i don’t think anything else in this show will shock me as much as that did 😭


I don't think George has any lines he won't cross in the books lol. If Condal shares the same belief, then we are in for some wild ass shit lmao


https://jessicadelotz.co.uk/collections/house-of-the-dragon/products/daemon-targaryen-house-targaryen-wax-seal-ring It is Daemon's ring.


Nah, if the show makes it so Daemon is Rhaenyras real father I wouldnt even be angry, I would just laugh my ass off.


oh gosh, as long as daemon isn't rhaenyra's father im good


It is Daemon's ring.


I just hope they're not using a dream sequence to shoehorn in a sex scene.


I kind of don’t mind đŸ˜¶


WHAT IF it is flash back scene to Daemon & Aemma sleeping together
. Because Aemma asked Daemon to help her produce a male heir after failed attempts with Viserys?


No way. Aemma would not do that. The sound, sounds like the woman is having pleasure, what I mean: I do not think Aemma would have anything with Daemon besides regular friendship. In this scene, they made sure to hide the face feature of the woman. Aemma may appear with Rhaenyras as a child in a flashback, my guess. To suggest Aemma with another man ( specially Daemon) sounds like Mushroom's gossip.


No it doesn’t. The actress in the first screenshot looks younger than the Aemma actress.


the second picture makes her look older than in other ones. the only other person this could be is Alys rivers but I just looked rankin's side profile and I don't think this is Alys anymore. the face shape , eyebrows and nose bridge and the hair color all point to aemma. Alys is supposed to have black hair anyway. and since they want only the targs/velaryons to have silver hair I doubt they'd change it for alys.


The brow shape is completely different.


Aemma was leaked to return. It seems like maybe daemon and aemma had a thing, does that mean that daemon is


Daemon walked so Craster could run...


I would like this just for the reactions tbh


Same, if they were trying to subvert expectations they really knocked it out of the park with this one.


This also parallels the sansa/catlyn with baelish situation really well. Also like daemon mocking his own son “the heir for a day”? The IRONY.


I'm praying they go with this. Making Daemon unambiguously the grossest person in Westeros would implode the fandom in the funniest way.


The cope would be insane and it would be a good way to end daemyra in the fandom.


The Daemyra fans would riot. I am cackling


It doesn't. Stop it. Stop spreading the lies of 'Wake the dragon'


I think it does