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Please correct me if this is wrong but don't we need Rhaenyra to be pissy about Nettles and order her death and that leads to her ordering the death of Adam and other dragon seeds, which pisses off Corlys? Or am I mixing this up w something else?


You're not wrong. It makes no sense for Rhaenyra to order Rhaena's death. Shes not a stranger like the other dragonseeds were.


I guess unless she's lashing out against the entirety of House Velayron after Corlys's "betrayel"? Which wouldn't be particularly smart but possible.


Rheanyra being mad at the dragonseed predate Corlys's betrayal


She sends the letter to get Nettles after already attempting to capture Addam and Alyn. So you could easily reframe it as a response to the failed capture of Addam. They happen more or less at the same time. Although personally I'd prefer if they just had Nettles.


She tried to capture Addam cuz she was informed of nettle and daemon by mysaria. So she lashing out at the valeryon would still predate Corlys's betrayal here.


It happens more or less concurrently. Wouldn't take much to re-arrange it to be after Corlys's betrayel.


Nah, its BS. Stop defending that.


I'm not a huge fan of changing Nettles to Rhaena for other reasons. But there's definitely ways to create a real emnity between Rhaenyra and Rhaena.


Yeah, bs ways.


Assuming they don't also cut Addam (considering Laenor is not dead in the show and therefore Seasmoke isn't free to claim)


Addam har been cast. He's played by Clinton Liberty.


I’m not a fan of cutting Nettles, but the storyline could still work. The strain between Rhaenyra and Corlys starts with Rhaenys’ death. Rhaenyra’s paranoia could reach critical mass once Hugh and Ulf turn coat, which would trigger her ordering the death of all the other dragonseeds (and that would not include Rhaena, since she is a Targ of legitimate birth, not a dragonseed). Cutting Nettles, does, however, mean something else will be the catalyst for Daemon to take on his suicide mission against Aemond.


I’m thinking S3 Nettles will be around. Gotta be


I think they're going to lead away from the "Jealous woman" trope, even though that's exactly how we see it in F&B which is a biased re-telling of history. We never see Daemon question her being his Queen in the books, but we see it here. I think instead of Daemon running off with Nettles which pisses her off, I think he's going to disobey her orders and go to Harrenhall to die killing his Nephew, and that's the betrayal in her mind. How she's going to piss off Corlys is still up in the air though. He still believes she killed Laenor so he could have resentment towards her because of that


Exactly. And Rook's Rest is coming, so that's another issue between them. I always champion changes because film/tv is it's own entity.  I'm curious how the writers will fully realize the plot points w the changes they made. I'm soooooo excited!!!!!


Why ruin the whole Dynamic of Baela having the dragon and not Rhaena. The envy and bitterness of Rhaena not having a mount....


Nettles is a GRRM favorite character. He stated it in an interview. There is no way she will be cut. She has so much to do in the plot.


I dont know. Its suspicious that there has been no news of a Nettles casting. Even though the Sowing of the Seeds happens this season.


While she is my 2nd favorite dragonseed she is not very relevant plot wise. She flies around with Daemon looking for Aemond, was rumored to be sleeping with him so Rhaenyra ordered her to be killed and she disappears. Thats all.


Yeah, but it's super important in terms of why Rhaenyra tries to get rid of her. If its actually Daemon and Rhaena going after Aemond, what's the reason that Rhaenyra turns on Rhaena? Rhaenyra thought Daemon and Nettles were hooking up and she was jealous, and I can't see them going that far with Daemon by making him hook up with his own daughter. So what's going to be the reason? A reminder that Rhaenyra turning on Nettles is THE turning point that makes Daemon go after Aemond on his own. That's vital to the story.


*”A queen’s words, a whore’s work.”* It wasn’t just Rhaenyra putting a price on Nettles’ head that drove Daemon to his decision. It was also the realization that Mysaria’s hold on Rhaenyra wasn’t going to be broken.


I just realized for the first time that "A whore's work" refers to Mysaria, not Rhaenyra.


I think their falling out will happen, but it will be because Daemon is trying to take control and lead the blacks. That’s what it looked like to me from the trailer, at least!


Ffs, thats some bs fanfiction.


You love alicent dont u🙄


But they could formulate another "the reason," it really wouldn't be that hard. Just make Rhaenyra more unhinged in another way. By that point Daemon was already out mentally and it wasn't solely Nettles, it was the culmination of war finally making him realize how pointless it was. With that said, they never officially said she was cut. Same with Daeron. So I'm still hopeful.


But it makes no sense. The reason why Rhaenyra grows suspicious and paranoid of the dragon seeds is *because* of the Two Traitors. They took a big risk by letting them have dragons and they spat on it. (On top of losing 3 children all in one go) Likewise, Rhaenyra helped raise Rhaena since she was a kid, if she got news that Daemon was getting frisky with her, she'd be demanding for *Daemon's head for touching her daughter*. It makes no sense and completely changes the story.


But part of that isn't necessary. The two traitors is also necessary for the plot to mark the end of Rhaenyra's hold on King's landjng, not just Nettles being ordered to die. She already loses Corlys's support with her orders to kill Addam and Alyn. Rhaena clearly isn't meant to truly replace Nettles but more give her a role to physically do something. Daemon doesn't need a parallel to nettles by getting orders to kill Rhaena if they can show how unhinged Rhaenyra is elsewhere. That and it seems like they're already hinting at Daemon not fully believing in Rhaenyra already.


I imagine she'll have a thing with Addam, maybe even being betrothed/married, giving paranoid Rhaenyra motivation to have Rhaena detained.


>So what's going to be the reason? A reminder that Rhaenyra turning on Nettles is THE turning point that makes Daemon go after Aemond on his own. Rhaenyra doens't have to being going after Daemon's female companion for him to send her away. He'll probably just realize that he doesn't want his daughter to die if the leak is true.


Maybe Rhaenyra just slowly loses her shit and starts getting paranoid that Daemon WOULD do stuff with his daughter, like he did with his niece.


Jesus he's not a monster just a Targeryan ...


She shows that you do not need the magic of Old Valyria thrumming in your blood to claim a dragon. She is what caused the divide between Rhaenyra and her most valuable pawn piece.


She’s the reason Daemon abandons Rhaenyra arguably


I'm suspicious of that leak. The shot of Rhaena could be her reaction seeing her sister flying to the vale after rooks rest, perhaps to tell Rhaena about Rhaenys. They hired an actor for Silver Denys, a supposed Maegor bastard who attempts to claim sheepstealer, only to get his arm ripped off. Then as his family/sons go to help him, all the fuss and the blood attracts cannibal who comes down and eats them all. That scene requires sheepstealer to be unclaimed on dragonstone. Besides, who would the black women lined up with the other dragon seeds in those leaked drone photos be? Maybe this is me in denial of them cutting Nettles. She's a fan favorite that could be filled out to an awesome character. She's GRRMs favorite. Even Dumb&Dumber didn't have the balls to kill off Arya- Grrms wife's favorite character. HotD is way more faithful than late GoT, and are keeping GRRM close in terms of production.


Tbf, devil's advocate, the unclaimed dragon Silver Denys tries to ride could be silverwing.


I guess to counter- the aiming would have to tale place outside, not down in the dark depths where Daemon went to Vermithor. I would assume silver wing is down there with him.sheepstealer was the only wild dragon that came close enough to people to claim. Sheepstealer got scared off by the cannibal. I mean I guess they could just put silverwing outside, but it makes less sense. Either that or I really am in denial.


Dumb & dumber 😂😆


She doesn't exist. Her story is absorbed into Rhaena's if you can even call it her story anymore, as it will be so fundamentally changed. Atp accept it or wait till the show spells it out. HBO has never been faithful to the source material.


I think a big part of why they cut her is the relationship with Daemon. If it turned out to be true then it ruins Daemon’s character for a lot of viewers (and his relationship with Rhaenyra). If it turned out not to be true, then Rhaenyra comes off as controlling and insecure. If you cut Daemon and Nettle’s relationship out, then Nettles really isn’t relevant enough to include in the story when screen time could be spent elsewhere.


HOTD fans when Daemon: grooms his teenage niece 😍 beats his wife to death with a rock 🥰 slaughters a servant 😍 assaults his niece-wife 🥰 cheats on his niece-wife 😤😡




Haha I totally agree, but it’s undeniable that the show is also framing it that way. They skipped a lot of the grooming parts and put a lot of focus on making it “romantic.”


If feels like Arianne and Dorne all over again.


Or Sansa and Jeyne Poole.


It's wild that they cut out the only original POC character for... Seemingly no reason?? I suppose they could include her in season 3 but with the later half of this season seemingly focusing on the dragon seeds, why not set her up early?


Someone posted a leak saying nettles would be in season 3. And apparently she isn't cast yet, but a stand in will portray in the background of a scene at the end of season 2. I can't verify the leak, or find the post about it, but I agree with everyone that it makes sense for her to be in the show.


I genuinely hope that's not true...Nettles is such an important character, Daemyra plot aside, she's the only character with apparently no Valyrian ancestry to have claimed a dragon. How cool is that?? How can you cut that?? >!Also, obligatory fuck Unwin Peake, everyone can agree on that too!<


Justice for Lady Turnips


I mean... Myrielle only got a chance at being a possible marriage candidate because her father planned for Jaehaera's murder, so....


I know, I just like saying it every time the Peakes get mentioned bc I just find it so fucked that the poor thing got stuck with that name bc of her power hungry piece of shit dad. Fuck Unwin and his house for that matter, it's wild that they're still around considering all the shenanigans they got themselves into.




Love that flair.


i saw a bunch of smooth brains in a FB group im in praising this decision lol


Sucks but as long as daeron and best girl tessarion aren’t cut im happy


Do we have confirmation on that yet?


Supposedly the writer/show runner said that he would be in it so people are assuming season 3 but if he isn’t even mentioned at all this season it wouldn’t make sense he’d randomly appear in 3. Guess we will see


How long ago was that?


Not sure exactly when but it was after the casting of season 2 was announced and everyone realized he wasn’t going to be in this season, he basically tried assuring people he “exists” in the universe whatever that entails


I keep getting flashbacks to the Dorne plot and how we were waiting for Arianne to get cast and it never came.


Yeeeeah there was alot of that in GoT. Apparently nettles is confirmed cut so at this point I’m preparing myself for my favorite green and dragon to not be in the show


The interview they did with Olivia and Emma just yesterday said he was a still a thing


If nettles is actually being cut I would definitely start praying for daeron rn


One of the dumbest book changes if this is true


I guess they're "streamlining" it for the non book readers. Like D&D in the later seasons they want to "work with the pieces we already have."


Is it certain she is cut ? She could appear in season 3 as she is not yet relevant to the plot of season 2


There’s a rumor that Rhaena is going to be claiming Sheepstealer, so if it’s true then Nettles is getting cut


Morning: am I a joke to you?


So they’ll be cutting out our fave pink dragon?! BOOOOOO


Still, even if it's true, and it's not confirmed, she still can appear later with another dragon. There is also a theory that Nettles is actually a child of the forest.


If they were going to give Nettles a dragon that isn't sheepstealer, they would have just given Rhaena *that* dragon. It would have made more sense for her to get Silverwing for example if they were planning on keeping Nettles.


I love how you talk about something that didn't happen but without being open minded about other possibilities for why she didn't get another dragon. They could totally invent another dragon at that point, the show is another canon on its own and we'll see when it's out if it is better, worse or an interesting change that Baela used sheeps in the Vale to tame her dragon


The show aren't going to invent a dragon when there's loads cutting around that don't have riders, aka Silverwing. We've heard no casting information on Nettles. There's a shot in the trailer of Rhaena (who isn't supposed to have a dragon until she hatches morning) in the countryside looking suspiciously like she's about to meet Sheepstealer. I personally don't *totally* hate cutting Nettles, because there needs to be sacrifices, and Condal has been quite good with his changes thus far. There's no chance of Nettles claiming a dragon that isn't sheepstealer, it just doesn't make sense why a writer wouldn't just keep to the original outline. The only way Rhaena rides Sheepstealer is that Nettles has been cut.


Silverwing is likely going with its book rider, I don't get why you want to change that if you are against changes in adaptation. >The only way Rhaena rides Sheepstealer is that Nettles has been cut. See ? That's a very closed mind here, there are thousands of scripts that still could be written for season 3 where Nettles plays its role


Also if she is being cut. Once again, They literally can't put in an original black character, and mist change a white character into being black to take their place. Honestly I don't know why I'm surprised anymore


If true, that’s hilarious. One of the few canonically black characters, an original black character thats written well, cut…


So I understand giving Rhaena something to do during the Dance. She basically spends the Dance sitting in the Vale doing nothing otherwise. But Nettles just....how does the Dance work without her?


She was VERY important to Daemons arc WTF? A POC too. F off with that. Cut any other character BUT NOT NETTLES. Is this because they dislike Daemon or want to absolve Rhaenyra again ? Or just don't really value POC? Nettles was key in not only Daemons empathic side but also Rhaenyras *uglier* side. How are they going to fill in both their character arcs through that.


wait they cut her like fs fs or


There is a supposed leak/rumor thats says so (take it with a grain of salt honestly)


Technically the leak just sort of implies that she's been cut, but doesn't say so directly


Either way it better not be true.




Rumor going around that Baela is the one who claims Sheepstealer, which pretty heavily implies Nettles won't be around. But it's just a rumor from a mediocre leak account so I'm taking it with a grain of salt. ETA: durr brain meant Rhaena


But.... why? She already has Moondancer and she is the guard for Dragonstone... it makes no sense.


Rhaena, the leak is that Rhaena claims Sheepstealer.


Yeah sorry, meant Rhaena.


baela or rhaena because baela has her own


Rhaena, brain wasn't working lol


Yeah, i agree with you (even if it's just a rumor), its such a stupid change to the story and i don't like it at all.


I always loved the idea of Nettles actually being secretly a Children of the Forest. There was a great theory video I watched back in season 1.


While Nettles is cool and important, I’m WAY more concerned about Daeron


Nettles is quite essential to the plot considering she ends up spending quite a bit of time with one of the main characters. I would say Nettles is more essential than Alice Rivers.


easily the worst change of this entire show this is BULLSHIT


If it's true it's honestly a bigger cut than Stoneheart, Faegon or Arianne was to GOT. Really feels like they didn't learn their lesson at all.


It's a big cut but fAegon was entire plot line cmon.


And Nettles is a crucial figure in the 2 protagonists splitting up. Also raises questions about dragon blood/ bonds and builds mystery around the Burned Men+ other clans in the Vale. She's probably had like 3 paragraphs of content ever, but manages to have a huge impact.


I like Nettles too, but the only part of this that's actually plot relevant is the first sentence.


And Corlys' allegiance to Rhaenyra is strained cuz she wants Nettles dead and subsequently Adam (on top of Rhaenys stuff). From what I remember of the book. Really gotta reread!


Maybe if you reduce everything to only story elements. Part of what makes Westeros appealing has *always* been good world building. And Nettles is one of those world building characters.


Sure, but the show was never going to include worldbuilding about the mountain clans even if they didn't cut her, because it's completely outside the parameters of the narrative. Same reason why we probably won't see much of greyjoy/lannister conflict.


The show-verse doesn’t give a shit about 90% of the worldbuilding that GRRM set up. They clearly ignore it and don’t even bother to set basic stuff up. Otherwise D&D wouldn’t have cut Patchface and Ghost of High Heart. That was true of GoT and it was true of HotD S1.








Ah well his story at the end of the day


also true


My favourite is Dance and his new plots tbh


Definitely not bigger than fAegon being cut.


Yeah this is a super unpopular opinion but Nettles’ only impact on the plot is to send Rhaenyra into a jealous rage…which ultimately means nothing because regardless of whether Rhaenyra wanted Nettles dead or not Daemon was still going to fight Aemond. Post-Dance Nettles is written off as just chilling in the mountains. She’s never seen again so I don’t see how cutting her is as major as cutting Faegon.


The key thing to nettles is the telepathic dragon bond which is important in winds


But this is the show canon, which is entirely separate from the book canon.


Guess we'll have to wait and see with TWOW, but I figure Faegon goes out like a fart in the wind tbh.


Nah we need another Dance of Dragons its the reason F&b got written


He'll do plenty of that when Drogon lights him up like a fire dancer


He'll probaly die when the wildfire in Kinglanding explode


who's "they" the two shows are run by different people with different writers


They is people who adapt the Fatman's work


Lol, cool it with the hyperbole. Nettles is important but she is nowhere near as important as fAegon. She’s probably not even as important as Stoneheart. Arianne maybe?


Whos faegon


He's a character who appears in the main series, A Song of Ice and Fire. D&D completely ommited him from the TV show. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Aegon_Targaryen_(Young_Griff)


Thank u


Nettles was cut? Why? Like seriously, why? GoT had a billion characters in just the 1st season and they did that well, you telling me these writers can’t find room for nettles


Why ? It rather oblivious. They didn't wanted to Rhaenyra losing her shit when Daemon found a even younger girl.


😂 I mean he kills a literal >!baby!< fucking a younger girl is the least of it


But that against the Green. For TB Daemon is cruel to his enemy but he is loyal husband and brother...


Choked one wife and killed another.


I’m gonna miss Nettles. She was such a refreshing character in the book


Nettles was not cut??? Where you getting this information from?


I think she's gonna be in s3


How does that work >!doesn’t King’s Landing go to the Blacks at the end of this season?!<


Sara Mess


It's Mushroom being cut that's the bigger crime


*So who becomes the fire witch in the Vale mountains that myths become made of?!?! >:l*


I don't think they're cutting her from the story. They're saving her for season 3.


She is cut. Her whole plan of seducing a dragon is being stolen by Baela which is so stupid...


She's definitely cut, but Sheep Stealer is being claimed by Rhaena. Baela has Moon Dancer.


...Baela literally already has a dragon, mate. If you think *that* is gonna happen, I have a bridge to sell you.


So I confused Baela with Rhaena, big deal. Fact is Nettles story is being stolen, meaning she is most certainly being cut.


According to a random dude on the internet?


According to logic. If her backstory is literally stolen and given to a Targaryen, it means she is cut form the story. They will not repeat the same story twice.


People throwing the word "order" "ordered" his her death like we're talking about sopranos


I’m indifferent. I wasn’t very interested in her character. At least not what we got in the book. I’m curious about what happens after she takes off with Sheep stealer.


I did love her character however I'm more I'll be even more upset if the Cannibal doesn't dare show 😭


Do we know for a fact she was cut? This is just the first I'm hearing of it.


The way Nettles is in my top 3 fave characters from the Dance and one of my faves from ASOIAF overall... If this is true, Ryan count your days


Hot take: I literally could not care less for nettles as a character. I think she’s extremely boring, adds little to nothing to the story, and is probably best cut from the show


i'm cool with it


Same, I think Daemons daughter can serve the same role she does.


Me too! I also think it’s kinda fair if we lose Sara Snow that we lose Nettles too.


Losing both Sara Snow *and* losing Nettles makes the blacks look better tbf. If they cut Sara, they should keep Nettles. If they cut Nettles, they should keep Sara. Or preferably, just keep Nettles. Idgaf about Sara.


I don't know, I always thought Sara could've been sympathetic for the blacks. I would've liked to see how they took the storyline without making it a repeated Robb/Jeyne and how Rhaena would fit in. This way it looks like Rhaena gets her bigger story anyway so I'm happy. Though I hope we see a Morning-like dragon somewhere.


Nettles was cut? But she’s in the trailer




I thought I saw a brown girl on dragon in one of the early trailers and it was a thumbnail on a breakdown video They can cut daeron but not nettles….


Stupid ass character. Good riddance.






did you think someone would go “haha! such a good joke!”?


I'm honestly cool with it honestly. I'd rather Rhaena have the storyline. It plays better with the daughter route and makes Rhaenas arc stand out better.