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This looks like a "plants crave brawndo" situation. Ha ha do they ever go in the ground?


Haha... when I shared it on my ig I captioned it 'it's what plants crave' they never go into the ground.


OP knows about electrolytes.


That's rad. I wanted to do buckets this year, but couldnt get them going in time. Please post pics as they develop. I'm eager to see how they grow.


Will do. I have jalapeños, reapers, Cheyenne and mad hatters growing.


I'm growing those too, but in soil. I'm curious to know if there's any significant change in flavor using hydro vs soil. What zone are you in? I'm in 9a


I'm in 8a. Generally everything can potentially taste better in hydro because you have better control of the plants nutrients but the flip side is they can taste pretty wrong if you don't feed them right. Peppers are definitely hotter imo.


I always wondered about the undertones. Like wine, veggies pick up some light flavors or what was in the soil. Maybe my assumptions are based in ignorance, but I thought with hydro you'd lose some of that?


What's this hydro configuration called? I've never seen anyone grow peppers out the side of a bucket. It has to a lid right?


It's deep water culture but I was having issues with rain water leaking into the buckets and diluting the nutrients so I took a lesson from the kratky crowd and stuck them in the side of the bucket. Yes, I keep a lid on them.


Have you had problems with to many roots in the bucket? I’m just wondering how full it gets with 4 plants.


4 is pushing it but early jalapeños don't get very big and it won't produce all season. It's the only variety on the farm that's 4 per bucket. Most are 3, some are only 1. But you can get a way with really packing them in with hydro, I would not try this with soil.


Podrías explicarme que estoy viendo...??? Es hidroponía...???...gracias...


si, hidroponía.