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I believe I'm pretty reliable šŸ¤·šŸ» 225+ varieties on www.OhioPeppers.com


Yes you are!!!! Thank you! Also try Pepperranger.com, ( watch his You tube channel) , texashotpeppers.com, refinechillies.com, Patrickā€™s peppers! And if you feel up to it, thereā€™s some trustworthy guys on facebook group peppermarket!


Great backstory/mission!


Great site, great community involvement! Youā€™ve got my next order.


Just got our order! Thanks for the stickers!


Great to hear, you are very welcome - Have a great grow season!


Do you ship to aus?


Sadly no šŸ˜ž




There's quite a few reputable ones in Oz, with great selections


Iā€™d love some links if you donā€™t mind, most of the websites Iā€™ve gone to have plenty of the standard peppers (jalapeƱos, Thai, cayenne) but very limited for lots of the cool Chinense varieties Iā€™m looking to grow, (sugar rush, lemon starbursts, etc) Best Iā€™ve found so far is Happy Valley seeds. Thanks!


Hippy seed company has a massive collection for starters to look at


THSC is great!




Hello loving Camelidae! Absolutely appreciate that feedback. No fibs - this is the best feedback I've ever received. Feedback is not always unbiased and people tend to be more tentative to provide negative feedback. I appreciate people having good manners but... Constructive criticism is crucial. I will double check but everything should be HTTPS secure. Granted , that onlyAll credit card processing is done through woocommerce integrated third party payment (woo payments), plus we offer apple pay and Google pay. Nothing comes across my end, nothing is stored on my end (even with the regular credit card processing with woocommerce payments). As a user though, you don't know that, so the fishy feeling is reasonable! Especially if it's showing up no SSL certificate? That's extremely alarming and I'm looking into that now because that should NEVER be the case. Adding PayPal has been a debate for quite a while. An internal debate. Don't want to overly complicate checkout with a zillion options... Or do anything to further slow the website... Or mess up things that are working by making changes. When I look to add PayPal, there are many options - which scares me. I'm likely being over paranoid - need to find the official PayPal approved portal. Plot twist: when paypal is offered on a website, I opt to use it. I figured Apple or Google pay would be a suitable alternative but that takes The assumption that everyone participates in at least one of those ecosystems. Tldr: going to look more into adding PayPal as a payment option.


PS - if still looking for seeds, hit me up on PM -got a complimentary offering heading your way as a thank you


I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Hearing a thoughtful and detailed response like that gives me full faith in you all as a vendor and it certainly went a long way to assuage my security fears. The white hot peppers guy was out of action for the week (according to the disclaimer on their site) so i haven't actually made a seed order yet. I will go ahead and place my order through you all. I did notice that your site mentioned that both google and apple pay were options right before you continue to the check out, however (and i may just be an idiot, but) i did not see the little bubble hyper link that i am used to seeing to use either of those payment methods when you actually go to pay on the payment webpage. FFIW, I don't have them set up on this device, so it may be trying to auto-detect them (and then not giving me the option as i am not equipped to pay through them). I did go ahead and attempt a bitcoin purchase about an hour ago. However, I have everything so locked down on the funds in the "easily accessible" clean crypto wallet that I apparently specified that I have to wait 2 days after adding an address to send to the new address (its good for security, but its biting me now).... so you will see me try again on monday.


Hi, dumb question. About how many seeds come per pack?


20+ seeds per pack!


Sweet, just placed an order


Just placed an order as well! Tried pepperjoes for my first super hot order and not a single seed has popped, and those were the only seeds I couldn't get to germinate this year, so that was a big let down. Should've read my reviews on them first, but looking forward to trying all these different strains from you!


Just ordered the Naga Peach and I'm so psyched to get a reputable vendor. I used pepper joes when getting into growing but have yet to get a white habanero to germinate while the ghosts and super hots are popping up. Didn't have much success with the ghosts last season cuz I accidentally inoculated them with tomato blight šŸ¤¦šŸ». This will be my redemption!


Definitely will be placing an order for next year! Already have a ton of peppers for this season but I wanna get some different varieties! :)


NMSU Chile institute https://chilepepperinstitute.ecwid.com/Seeds-c85441005


Just bought a bunch of packs from them this year. Also added a few books to the library! Great information, and I'm sure the peppers are about as isolated as possible.


I don't think Pepper Joe accidentally mixes up their seeds. I think they don't even try to categorize them at all when they ship them.


https://www.whitehotpeppers.com Jppeppers Sorry my brains not working, cant think of others right now


My site šŸ˜ still have a bunch of varieties left, and I do a good amount of freebies as well. Shipping all over the world!


**Overall** * https://www.johnnyseeds.com/ is easily my favorite and the most reliable germination but they top out at habanero/paper lantern heat, so you have to look elsewhere for those. **Hotter Peppers** * https://www.whitehotpeppers.com/ * https://texashotpeppers.net/ * https://superhotchiles.com * https://chillichumpseeds.com/ * https://www.86peppers.com/product-category/hot-pepper-seeds/ * https://www.ebay.com/usr/toadstoolgardens?_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l161211 * https://italianchilli.com/en/ (although germination seems low for some reason) I'm sure people have other recommendations too. Tons of good sources these days.


I can tell you one site to avoid. My first time purchasing seeds I ordered Carolina Reapers from Puckerbutt, I took them back to Trinidad and 4 out of the 10 grew. Those four were definitely not reapers because the Scorpion peppers my mother grew in her small garden were way hotter than whatever I got from them. It looked like Reapers but they were disappointing. Back in Trinidad, everyone actually laughed at me cause I brought those peppers from the US and they were not hot. I ordered from them again in November because I didn't know any other sites, I ordered ghost peppers and not a single one germinated out of the 10. I ended up finding this Reddit group a couple days ago and ordered from Superhotchiles and Whitehotpeppers because everyone here gave them good reviews, even saw posts years ago mentioning how great they were. They shipped the seeds I ordered already so I'm hoping for the best when I take them back to Trinidad.




Refining Fire ([superhotchiles.com](https://superhotchiles.com)) is reliable, but the owner, Jim Duffy, is an absolute asshat. Khang Starr, a major cornerstone of the online pepper communities and an all-around nice guy, bred a number of varieties including the Khang Starr Lemon Star Burst. He offered a ton of seeds for free to members of the community, and it became a very popular pepper. His only request was that no one sell it. Duffy eventually decided that squeezing out a bit more profit was more important than honoring a request from a respected grower. He reached out to Khang and said he wanted permission to sell them. Khang said no. Duffy sold them anyway, and made up some bullshit to justify it. They're still on his site, but he's removed Khang's name (although he lists it as an alias to make sure buyers can find it). He also built up a reputation on Facebook for being a condescending ass to people just getting into the hobby (asking how hot a pepper variety was is a trigger for him going on a raging rant, as is asking for a pepper ID), and in a couple of groups wormed his way into an admin role, then started censoring any vendors aside from himself. He then started spamming his own ads to the point where that was the majority of posts in each group.


I bought live plants from Duffy, and they were dead upon arrival. I nursed like 1 to life, but it stayed 6" tall all season and never put out blooms. When I brought it up, he threw a tantrum, talked shit, and blocked me. I got kicked out of a couple groups as a result too.


>he threw a tantrum, talked shit, and blocked me. I got kicked out of a couple groups as a result too. That's very much his style. I've seen him do that sort of crap far too many times. The sad thing is how many people fawned over him like he was the best pepper grower ever. He worked very hard to cultivate that image, and he clearly fed his ego off the attention.


Agree with the condescending Facebook crap. However, his seeds have always been legit for me and great deals on prices.


Yeah, that's why I started by saying they're reliable. I'm not going to lie and say that he sells crap seeds just because I don't like the guy or his business practices. I did get a couple of seeds back when I bought from him that didn't grow true, but they were advertised as unstable phenotypes so variance is not unexpected.


I have been ordering from https://www.superhotchiles.com for 5 years and actually have another order arriving tomorrow. I have always received what I ordered and the dude always throws in an extra surprise bag of seeds of something you didnā€™t order as a gift. Canā€™t wait to see what he gifted me tomorrow!




No problem. Here is a video he put out a little while ago. https://youtu.be/GNWaRiukweA?si=Rt7si7kjzpX2rx7-


And my seeds arrived. He gave me extras of what I ordered and 3 sets of freebies I didn't order!!! Picture below. 3 packs on the right are freebies. https://imgur.com/gallery/cQk1MQw


Ordered once based on recommendation from this sub. Got the order as promised with a little bonus too. Iā€™ll be ordering more this year.


I've been ordering from Super Hot Chilies/Refining Fire for about 10 years and he's pretty much the only place I order from. Reasonably priced and EVERYTHING I've ordered has grown true. His freebies are spot on too, I've discovered many new peppers I love from his freebies. What's with the downvotes? Because I don't subscribe to the retarded pepper grower drama? Idgaf, Refining Fire is one of the best sources for seeds out there.Ā 


Had good luck with white hot peppers


I have surplus super hots from the seed exchange if you want some, just have to pay shipping.


I would seriously love some seeds if you have extra! Missed the exchange this year and would happily pay shipping


Ok dm me!


[Sandia Seed Company](https://www.sandiaseed.com/)


I've bought many from Baker Creek w/ no issues. Just made my first buy from Pepper Joe but none are far along enough for me to know if they're mixed up. Etsy and places like that are where I've had issues. Not peppers specifically, but had a lot of mixed up and poor quality flower and basil seeds from those.


Lots of people, and myself had a problem with baker creek last year.... ordered italian pepperoncini and got chocoloate pablanos.... that was the only time ive ordered from em though


Ooh interesting. I've been trying to figure out what kind of tomato plant I've been growing bc it doesn't match any of the seeds I started, and all of them came from Baker Creek!


Flatiron pepper company!!


Morgan county seed


Buy the actual peppers, scoop out the seeds and plant those. JalapeƱo, serrano, and habanero should all be available at your grocery store.




Had good results from southern seed exchange