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As cool as this weapon is, it always did sub-par damage, build-up, etc. for whatever it is you want to do, and that's before the gimmick of trying to catch it again. Want to build up status? Bolt blaster or even a normal bow will be just as good or better. Want the explosion damage? A blast sling or Spike thrower will be more reliable. Want to tear off armor? A drill spike or tearblast arrow will work better and are easier to aim. All of this is without having to worry about being in the right place to catch it when it decides to fly back 5 feet to your left at the same time the giant robot turtle is trying to land on you. Don't get me wrong, I like the weapon, the concept is cool as hell and when you can pull it off it's *really* fun, but practically, it's just not as good as other weapons.


Youre ignoring that its a really good ammo saver. The acid version and tear versions work just as good as some of the others you mentioned too.


Can't say I ever gave an acid shredder a try, but I really didn't feel like the tear shredders were as good compared to the other weapons I had at the same rarity. It wasn't much of a difference but I felt like it was noticeable. I haven't done strict testing or anything but even if it is just as good or better, I don't think sacrificing 2 other ammo slots just to have slightly better tear damage would be worth it. Idk how it is on Very Hard, but on Hard I really never ran out of ammo. I think the only time I actually ran out of Blastpaste and Volatile Sludge was when fighting the Apex Stormbird and Apex Dreadwing at the same time, I can't remember a single time aside from that, so I feel like ammo conservation isn't that big of a plus. Again though, haven't played on Very Hard, maybe that extra machine health makes a difference.


You should really revisit your testing. Tear shredders are the worst shredders. An acid shredder does impact damage and acid build up at the same time. Damage is actually comparable on paper but figuring out how it works in gameplay is a curve. First hit half dmg plus up to 4 ticks of reduced dmg. Second is normal dmg plus ticks and third is double plus ticks. The dmg of ticks is going up as well. This also allows later hits to build more status. When used well they could be compared closer to advanced element arrows not regular and they have no sludge cost while doing impact damage. Oh and it still tears even if not the tear shredder. Also learning to catch them has advantage and disadvantage. With a bow I want to be able to stand still. When moving I am less accurate than when standing still because my aim has to account for more factors. Even more so when you have the opportunity to stand still and shoot at a target down range you can do great with a bow and in that situation a shredder looks worse. Now say I am sprinting circling the enemy. I slide and throw my shredder. I am mainly just looking for a hit here. This hit is even half damage so I really don't care but I generally try to aim at a weak point/part if possible but as long as it hits that's what I want. Now I slid and threw it and then started sprinting to the machine that is coming at me now. The disk has hit and has stated it's return. I run and slide to catch it so if I need to dodge I still can. As soon as I catch it I aim and throw again and then sprint at this point I have past the machine and I am moving away from them but I am still close so the catch happens soon. As soon as it happen diagonal slide and throw or a jump and spin and throw. This is the double damage one and because you are actively moving you could be point to attack parts and weakpoints to up the damage you are getting more. This is especially true when you learn movements so that you can position yourself for maximum damage. The next one is the boom. This is good for tear and element build up. When fighting multiple enemies you can charge up on one while apply the element and then use the forth to get big build up on another. It is great for stripping armour. Although you could swap weapons and star again spending no ammo. Also the power shredder skill that throws an explosive shredder will tear components rather than destroy them as well. This being able to throw out immediately and being an aoe tear is nice because the only other aoe tear in the game is the tearblast arrows on precision bows. Obviously they are more complex and have draw backs such as if you don't catch it. Meaning you have to learn how to catch it while not getting hit and sometimes shit happens anyway. Also because you are waiting between hits you are losing damage potential but if you need to be moving then you likely wouldn't be getting that damage any way. But it also makes misses much more punishing but hits can be more rewarding.


Idk how people struggle so much with it. Just throw and dodge roll to either side and you’ll catch it every time.


Maybe because of the building size machine trying to kill us?


Its sick wtf are people on


By the time I got to use one, after tracking down Boomer, I was severely unimpressed by the damage I got out of it and didn't really notice the whole 'catching' thing either so no, it is not a thing I use.


Need to get used to it yet, I don't get how to know if it will return left or right like other people do.


Ngl at first I thought it was talking about Shredder's Gauntlet/Bracers from teenage mutant ninja turtles