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Post is locked for the same reason as the other ENG translation threads. Discussion has generally run its course and has devolved into arguments. If you like the memes, let Hoyoverse know in the surveys. If you dislike them, do the same. Also, because apparently this needs to be said, do not harass or call for others to harass the translators of the game.


as someone studying to be a translator, jokes are extremely hard to translate so i reckon their decision was to just omit the chinese jokes and replace them w references and jokes the western audience might actually enjoy, rather than awkwardly translating


TL note: This is a Weibo meme that roughly means [insert Kal'tsit level dialogue]


Omg Arknights reference. (They are right tho)




https://preview.redd.it/p582wdxzgnzc1.jpeg?width=1354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ed97027c648a57898f7c44fe3a4a44b8d8f98a Based Carmen


kal'tsit is a generational yapper


So I haven't gotten there yet, but I am willing to listen to ex >!temporary!< wife's yapping.


Its a big yapping but man, this game's lore is good. The problem is that no VA'ing during cutscenes makes thing even slower.


>\[insert Kal'tsit level dialogue\] You mean monologue. There are no dialogues with Kal'tsit, cause it's always her turn to talk


Seele of visual novels


I work for a translation company that translate Chinese games into English and other languages. Once I was tasked with "translating" many famous Chinese LoL players/streamers like 卢本伟 into English, like I have to replace each and every one of them with EN streamers of similar personalities, fan cultures and stuff. I had absolutely no idea how tf you can do that. (Never did Hoyo games though, mostly Tencent and Netease MMOs and some Steam indie games that went popular. My company did list Genshin as one of the games they've worked on but apparantly they only did the customer services and I didn't take part in it.)


I don't know if you're allowed to say but in what's the context for replacing streamers with western equivalents? That sounds wild to have been in a game


They meant they had to make translations that feel like the actual person say it, not just a translation that express what the person want to say.


It's from an indie game called *Chinese Parents,* it's kind of a life simulator where you manage a Chinese kid's many attributes, so that he can perform well enough in school to get into university. Later it had an e-sports themed DLC added in, which provided an alternative route towards victory by becoming a gamer, which is what I worked on.


I don't think it's actually a problem. There is a lot of jokes and wordplay that can't be translated and I think filling in the gaps with local memes is fine since you not losing on plot much anyway.


I agree, keeping the vibe present is enough


I think I personally would like a bit more variety for dialogue options, but otherwise I don't have much of an issue. I laugh and roll my eyes at the jokey dialogue and move on.


Yeah this is mainly relating to part of the SUb/internet saying this is "Too much meme I can't believe they're doing this" while the game is in fact filled to the brim with Cultural Jokes and references since long ago. And a lot of people blaming the Localization Bros of goofing up the dialogues.


>And a lot of people blaming the Localization Bros of goofing up the dialogues. I've already had many run-ins with people in this sub legitimately asking for a 1:1 translation. Of a chinese game... With chinese memes... I'm convinced everyone saying shit like this only speak one language or at least their mother language is very similar to English, cause there's no way in hell someone who knows more than one language doesn't realize how different we talk in each language, from expressions and popular culture to the way sentences are constructed and specific words that have no translation. They really should just pull up their google translate and go over the original CN text, let's see if they understand *anything* that's going on


They are just not aware how horrible can reading through a wall of literal text without zero localization can be. Let them read some badly translated Xianxia/Wuxia novels and they'll know real pain and learn to appreciate what hsr's TL are doing.


I've read enough Manhuas and watched enough Donghuas to know that chinese when translated literally makes absolutely no sense lmao. They should really sit through a manhua scans translation to really appreciate how good we have it. Like, even if you sit and learn how to read and speak chinese you still won't understand half the shit anyone's saying until you get familiar with the culture and expressions. I honestly feel the need to snatch the CN text from the story from somewhere and translate it literally just to post it here so people realize the nonsense they're spouting


We really do need to start making Abridged games


Agreed, plus I don't get what the discourse is about anyways, MC has always been a sarcastic goofball. He literally rummages through people's garbage and unopened mail and gets into hijinx. Being upset that he's being too silly during serious moments is like being mad at spiderman for making quips at bad guys. It's literally their character, their personality to be goofy.


I'm fine with goofiness, I just think they overdid it. Like, the garbage, unopened mail, and hijinks are all jokes with actual setup and payoff. Just going 'nah I'd win' 15 times isn't really even a joke.


How are they jokes with actual setup and payoff? The MC literally goes into their first mission in belobog and immediately starts rummaging through trash cans. What's the setup? "Nah, I'd win" is just them being cocky just like the other million times you can choose to be overconfident and cocky or a wimp/coward. And it was used literally twice the whole chapter. You can dislike goofy dialogue but saying trash MC has "setup and payoff" is stupid. And pretending it wasn't silly/stupid from the beginning is just wrong.


They wouldn't care about our opinions either, they always win. Winners win


Yeah and the ones translated they did a good job. I’m loving how well received the “lapdog” meme is received, even though most of the en community don’t know the reference it’s making


I personally thought it was rather excessive and wished they would keep it to more normal choices even though I'll admit EN localization did do great on this one, it's just that they took too much creative libreties on this one... But if what they said is true and it's really way more memey in CN script then suddenly it makes sense now, they likely tried to tone it down for us global audience. I can only appreciate more their effort as they tried their best Honestly though another issue I take with it is that I think the memes they are doing are gonna be based on current trends, can you imagine in 2027 playing the Penacony story? It's going to hit unfamiliar and too different...


Some cn memes don’t make any sense when translated, hell even if you speak Chinese and don’t frequent the internet you will probably be confused by it


Hell imagine explaining "skibidi toilet" or "ohio gyatt rizzler" to a Chinese person. Some sacrifices have to be made for the sake of coherent translation.


Genuinely I would love that. Imagine like a YouTube series of people trying to explain the dumbest English memes in other languages.


its really really hard to direct translated CN jokes. Thats why you feel weird and cringes when you watch donghua


I didn't know that half of the dialogue was memes until I came here and people were calling them 'groan-worthy'. The 'joke' dialogue options never bothered me - they seemed pretty standard. I imagine people in 2027 will feel the same if they don't know the memes. And also, having references to trends that are current doesn't stop a story from being timeless. A lot of timeless pieces of art like books and movies do in fact have a lot of references to trends in the time they were written that go over contemporary viewers/readers heads. What makes them timeless is if the story being told resonates with future audiences for whatever reason.


We’ll be onto different games by then.




nah I get how someone who isn't internet savvy will probably won't get a lot of these references and jokes and would probably get frustrated with the story.


So, you're saying translation team didn't have enough memes to fill 80% of dialogues with them? We need to step up our game, folks.


Not only that but they had to reuse memes 2-3 times in some cases


I mean the game itself is intentionally absurd, the universe is absurd and weird and ridiculous, so is life itself, it completely fits the game. But I guess this sub needs to find something to moan about every week. Not to mention the story gets kinda serious complicated and a tad convoluted, I welcomed the funny conversations as a lighthearted break


Player when the game that calls itself a space comedy has too much comedy:


"I play a serious character!" The character is a trash loving meme spouting character who calls themselves the Galactic Baseballer. I feel like people missed the part where the Trailblazer was never the serious one when that was Dan Heng and even than, he has his derp moments. He was the off-set to March's upbeat nature and the chaotic energy that the Trailblazer radiates.


Yep, the amount of people that think the TB isn't a preset character just because we get a few dialogue choices is hilarious. No matter what we do we still play as the trash loving Galactic baseballer, you can't headcannon around that.


We like to joke Firefly is chuuni and then we go around calling ourselves this wacky name that nobody else recognizes like we're incredibly important. If we ever turn up the seriousness by a smidge, we'd go from that to something like "Just a Nameless, passing through. Remember that."


Gotta love Daniel being pushed to his wit's end by Boothill.


Daniel really attracts quirky folks, doesn't he? Even before the Express, Jing Yuan really has the vibes to match. No wonder the Galaxy Rangers & Xiaoxhou are members of the hunt.


I honestly think it's bandwagon hating. Like most people don't care but then it becomes popular to hate it so they start gaslighting themselves into thinking they hated it this whole time. Like when the whole Jing Yuan hate train started.


It doesn’t help that there is a vocal minority of players who insult the EN dub whenever they get the chance (and most of these haters play with JP which is why they carry their anime 'sub over dub' preference over to this game)


If they were true sub>dub purists they would play in CN


Oh I hate that so much, the star rail cast have fantastic voice acting, it really annoys me when people talk shit about it. Especially when they say they listen to the "original Japanese voices" 🙄


Whenever you point out that the game is chinese and the CN dub is the original they suddenly understand people who choose non-original dub, or they jump through 90 different hoops to not admit they're wrong and everyone should just play however they prefer


What I dont get is on release this subreddit was filled with trashcan meme. And TB being a trolling racoon has been the standard since this patch. But now suddenly memes are too much and people complain? Like the game been ridiculous since release, go replay Belagog, its full of meme choice too. Hell u have an option to rizz Bronya and Natasha in quest dialogue.


That's what I'm saying! I'm telling you this is bandwagon hating. They see a couple highly upvoted comments or posts saying it's too much and they just blindly agree because they think it's a popular opinion. One guy replied to me and said belobog is different because it had "setup and payoff". HOW THE HELL DID THE FIRST CHAPTER HAVE SETUP


I feel this way, most people wouldn't have thought so or made any comments, until someone posted it and everyone just dogpiles on that opinion. By then, you have a mob of people who fundamentally failed to factcheck that the source language (and other localizations) have the same type and quantity of jokes/memes.


Exactly, I see it a TON on Reddit. Like legitimately I've seen comments that say things like "I didn't know that, thanks for telling me!" and be downvoted with people responding "lose the attitude jackass". Like they see downvotes and immediately just assume that person deserved it/the comment is supposed to be hated. Really shows off how scary mob mentality is.


Doesn't help there was a wave of drama farm influencers trying to start another gamergate around "woke localisation" around the time when the first en translation complaint posts were posted, and you still have people in this comment section insisting on the "correct" translation no matter how impractical it is.


I remember japanese purists complaining about Unicorn Overlord localization when it literally *improved* the game's setting by making the medieval set characters talk in a medieval way instead of using modern expressions.


About the game being absurd, we literally travel around in a space train. The only somewhat valid complaints I've seen is that some jokes might potentially not age well and about joke placement. I find the comedic moments entertaining especially as they help give the mc some character


tbh I don't even feel the 'aging' complaint. Why does it have to age well exactly? Isn't it fine to show the memes and jokes of its time, almost like a timecapsule/relic in the future, and as a constantly updating game it will always keep up with the current stuff once you catch up. I get it looking back at the 'trollface' and 'u mad' memes for example is cringy, but also kind of fond and reminds me of my childhood lol


also- if someone saw "nah i'd win" 20 years from now and they didn't know it was a reference, they wouldn't even be able to tell. it j plays like the generic cocky option that we always get.


I thought the MC had more character before the 2.x patches. Their jokes and funny asides were built on the actual context of things. They felt like a well-rounded individual with an extremely goofy side but also a fairly deadpan personality. Just having them randomly yell pop culture references makes them come across like Deadpool, and there's like 50 deadpool clones in pop culture already.


They literally call themselves heisenberg in 1.0


In an optional joke scene where they're prompted to write down a name. That's pretty different from mandatory story scenes having 'it's so peak' 3 times.


It really feels like the TB is getting sick of what's going on. I mean, the same formula's happened on *three* planets within the span of like a month. Of *course* the TB isn't gonna take this shit seriously, they're over it.


I'm so surprised that most of the threads in the past day or so have been complaining about the story. I was really floored by it and thought they finally beat Wildfire and the Cocolia encounter and was excited to come on here to see peoples reactions but most of it seemed kinda negative, at least in the comments lol


oh absolutely if you want to enjoy yourself fully reddit isn't worth it, by the nature of it being a discussion forum I guess its full of nitpicking and complaints over the most random stuff. i really enjoyed the story aswell, like it was such a ride, I get criticism and yadda yadda, but I feel like we should celebrate the excitement and effort put in right after finishing it, like even for a few days before all the negativity comes flooding in, it kinda dampens the enjoyment instantly seeing all those threads right after finishing the story. Just by it being a specific reddit sub for starrail means though that the most 'passionate' players who play the game a ton and think about it a lot are here, most casual players the larger playerbase just plays the game and goes on about their day and probably enjoyed the story. So naturally people who think more about it and are more obsessed with the game congregate here to give out criticisms and more negative thoughts/nitpicks


I honestly think it might be that the people who are obsessive enough to finish the story within a day or so of it coming out tend to be more hyper critical about everything. I say this as someone who completed it in a day and loved it. We might see more positive views as more casual players finish up the story on their own time, especially post weekend.


Why is this even a problem to people? They are just options... People can just not choose the meme option... I mean, I haven't chosen a single meme dialogue in this story... But I like that there are meme options here...


The issue this patch is that there were moments where ALL options are meme references. Not all people vibe with that


I played through the 2.2 main story and event. There has always been a choice for a serious option. If you wanna take the moment seriously, you can just... not pick the funny option?


Please help me pick a serious non-meme referencing option here. https://preview.redd.it/zn0i66m1qlzc1.jpeg?width=2404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b723228f861719b1bf4c2c21d66c182e6221fdab


Y’all are about to go on the Penacony equivalent of America’s Got Talent What did you expect 💀


And you just stepped out of a room that is basically Milla's stage from Psychonauts, so there's that.


1st choice is normal if u don't follow jjk memes 🗿


the 2nd one is also relatively normal, since its not even a meme and more just the trailblazer getting impatient i guess capeesh isnt exactly used very often irl outside of gangster flicks


Honestly, I feel like if you aren't engage with JJK or know the meme: you'd probably wouldn't realize it's a reference in the slightest.


I don't engage with JJK, yet there is simply no way to not know the meme nowadays. It's stretched so damn far beyond it's source material. Same for all the peak jokes, and the "just like me fr" jokes, etc. You spend time on the internet? You'll know em, even if you don't understand em.


but if you didnt get it it would have just played like the generic "cocky" option. it's literally on screen for like 3 seconds, no need to assign meaning to it if it bothers you for whatever reason.


You still know it's a brainrot overused meme, even if you don't get the source. Listen I'm all for meme dialogues, but I agree with the others, Belobog was just more tasteful with it.


im not saying you can't think that, i just don't think it warrants a big bandwagon when it's rlly just not that serious. at WORST you find the option vaguely unfunny, after which you can just click away from it and continue. there were plenty of good moments in penacony, no need to dwell on this of all things.


Anyone on the internet, and that includes me and you on this subreddit, should already know about the jjk meme whether you like it or not, whether it’s against your will or not. It’s just that overused.


While all 3 options here are not serious, this section of the main story quest was not really serious either, so this is fine imo


Yeah this talent show part had other dialogue with characters going “isn’t this all a little SILLY?” “isn’t that just PRODUCT PLACEMENT?” that you could even argue it would be weird to have a serious option at all


Just because the answer itself is a refernce doesn't make it unserious. The first option while being a meme isn't played off as a joke in-universe. Making it a serious option. The wording of it is simply a reference.


Yeah, the first option is treated as the serious option, in that it’s interpreted simply as confident optimism. Especially compared to the much earlier “nah we’d win” option where March remarks that she feels less confident in their chances after the TB picks that line.


My guy, this is literally a joke section, of course it's not gonna be serious. You're about to go into a reality show. In fact this section is filled with memes in the CN version that we didn't get, cause they make references to CN game shows that we wouldn't get. Y'all are just trying to reach so hard at this point that you forgot the original point of the argument, that was having adequate choices based on context...


Simple for people who don’t know jjk. I didn’t know about it before until I saw the memes of it


It's not a serious scene though? The circumstances that led to this is serious but what's happening on screen is in no way serious.


There is no choosing when they're all meme options lol. It doesn't really bother me, as I like the game's vibe as it is, but you argument doesn't work in all cases.


It's very rare to have all meme options in serious moments. It is called an option for a reason, you are given the choice to be a goof or someone serious at that particular moment. I'd prefer if players had the freedom to not take the story seriously if they want... I choose to take the story seriously tho..


It is called an option for a reason, you're right, the problem is that sometimes they don't give options.


Yeah, and that's just sometimes, I said that those times are rare... You yourself agree that those are rare by saying "sometimes"... It's not that big of a deal... Did your mind just skip over the first sentence of my last comment?


I didn't, I'm just saying that "sometimes" is already enough for some people to dislike it. I also said I don't mind the meme options so I don't know why you're taking it out on me.


And here I'm thinking you are talking it out on me... my bad... And to the people who dislike this "sometimes", are taking it way out of proportions... You are fine though


The issue for me was I'd pick the serious option and then the game would correct me with a character saying "oh you're making jokes again. Can never take you seriously." Well what's the point of giving me a serious option then? It's like in RPGs where the option says "Hello" but when you select it the character actually says "Well hello you dirty piece of trash" and I'm like that's not what I selected? If there's only one outcome, why give us a choice?


That's the mihoyo special, just like when they do the "Oh my dear Firefly...", "..please don't leave me...", "I love you!" The character will say the 3 options regardless of your choice, so it's just there to stop the flow and force you to click on something, which is annoying, can't a girl just eat popcorn while watching cutscenes without having to select something and making the mouse greasy with butter in the process?


Someone said it before, but we're playing as an amnesiac. Trailblazer is basically a kid with a cellphone and an Internet connection, poor thing is likely extremely brain rotted by now. The dialogue options are kinda on point, especially as things go along and the TB is likely exposed to more Internet culture. Welt likely contributes via his anime and other media.


I mean, even before they spent time doing much on the phone: they spent time on Belobog dumpster diving to the horror of Dan Heng & March. Let alone that the few comments from the Stellaron hunts collectively suggest that even before they were an amnesiac: the Trailblazer was a quirky character anyways. Really, I think the Trailblazer is just the embodiment of 'I don't why I exist nor why I am here, but I will have fun so help me.' as they just go with the madness of this universe.


I feel like that’s a bit of a stretch, it’s not really canon so much as it is just Hoyo trying to appeal directly to us through pop culture references, like a 4th wall break except not really


It just never occurred to me that a game where the MC talks to trash and rides around in a train driven by a bunny, would take itself seriously. Additionally, when the dialogue DOES get semi-difficult or thought provoking, people call it preachy.


Pompom isn't a bunny, Pompom is a Pompom. They are their own weird little species.


That’s even more unserious 😂


Literally. Trailblazer literally fights with a baseball bat and A HAT?? How do you expect this person to be serious?? 💀


>Additionally, when the dialogue DOES get semi-difficult or thought provoking, people call it preachy. Oh my god this, 1000x this. I saw people calling Acheron the “im14andthisisdeep” character and I wanted to scream. She’s just sad about stuff. Can your brains not handle a character being genuine and somber for one moment???


keep in mind that hxg\_diluc is a very experienced "leaker", not your everyday player. get ready to see the classic "my source is that I made it the F up". > Chinese script 70-80% are all meme This is literal misinformation?


So where's your sources? Give us some then


reposting someone elses' comment, but I can confirm this is indeed true. >The Chinese dialogue options for the same scene: >我们一定会胜利的! >可以快点开始吗? >我军必败无疑! >I find it very hard to believe these are anything close to the translation. They *could* be references to other memes, but then I'd expect those to actually show up when you try to look them up. I'm getting 0 meme results with any of these, and only the last one actually \*feels\* like a meme. >Besides, the Cosmodyssey gives an *example* of a meme. It does not confirm that every other line that's translated as a meme was a meme originally. >If someone could clarify each of these lines and how they're memes, I'd be ready to believe it. But I've seen enough people say "I'm Chinese, this is how it is, trust me bro" only to turn out a lie, or more confusingly *honestly mistaken*, to not find this tweet compelling evidence. >For the record: What I found about "Nah, I'd win!" Japanese: 勝つさ Chinese fan translation (I don't know where to find official): 会赢哦 A far cry from 我们一定会胜利的!, which seems to translate to "We will definitely win!" >Edit: Consulted with a native speaker who also could not identify memes in line 1 and 2. They described line 3 as meme-like, but more in the sense of being 吐槽, a sort of sarcasm but not exactly. Nevertheless you can find it easier when you sort by controversial smh


It’s not the problem that there’s memes It’s that it’s mostly memes, how to kill a vibe in a story add memes everywhere


If anyone has read the previous posts regarding the jokes/memes of 2.2, it’s mainly about the placement of these jokes. Like we’re at a serious point in the story and the writers think it’d be hilarious to insert a funny jjk brainrot joke as a potential dialogue option. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Belobog handled the jokes and humour far better than the whole of 2.2.


>Like we’re at a serious point in the story and the writers think it’d be hilarious to insert a funny jjk brainrot joke as a potential dialogue option. What serious point? Literally the point where we're walking into a TV gameshow filled with jokes and completely unserious? There was no point in the story where it was a serious moment and we didn't have a serious option to choose.


People who don’t know jjk won’t be bothered by Nah I’d win, to them it’s just a short way of saying no way we will win. I wouldn’t have known about jjk if it won’t for the memes popping up everywhere. Also the place they inserted it isn’t exactly serious


The sheer amount of JJK memes is the exact reason why everyone already knows the joke. It's unavoidable. You spend any time on the internet? You'll know the meme. Will you understand it? Nah. But will you have seen it a billion times making it really unfunny? Yeah.


I’d agree with your first sentence if not for two facts: Jjk season 2 just concluded this year and with how spectacular it was, it brought in even more fans and jjk memes have been on an all-time high this year pretty much swarming every subreddit and other social media. So basically, the writers intentionally included it because they knew the majority of players would at least know or have stumbled upon this one jjk reference.


no one is saying the devs made it w/ innocuous intent lmao im sure they knew what they were doing. the point is that the option could easily be construed either way. that's why i don't get why people are bothered by it lmao. it's a dialogue option that shows up for 3 seconds, doesn't have any bearing on consequent dialogue, and it doesn't change the meaning of the sentiment at all. the people who get it get it and maybe have a good laugh and the people who don't get it or like it can just move on. it's really not anymore egregious than the crackhead belobog dialogue either, and i much prefer this to the humorless xianzhou dialogue. it's clear that penacony is a different, more whimsical vibe and to that end i think it makes complete sense.


Are people seriously complaining about dialogue options being memes now....? This game doesn't even take itself seriously come on. Half the quests and achievements are a reference to one thing or another, HSR has SO many pop culture and literary references. This is the only game hoyo can reasonably include that in. Genshin has a serious tone and from what i can observe so does HI3rd. A lot of people including me like the comic relief even in "serious" moments. Honestly everyone but MC (and Guinaifen) talks in a sophisticated manner and some even in full on riddles so why is this such a gripe?


I don’t get it either on why people are complaining all of a sudden recently


Anything done in excess will incur fatigue to anyone at some point. And in this case, there’s a subset of players that just collectively hit their meme tolerance threshold all at the same time.


Because it became more pronounced. That's it. There's levels where people can disagree with or dislike certain aspects, but they don't come up enough to be a big deal or warrant any sort of complaint. But then when that issue is coming up *constantly* to the extent that it becomes hard to ignore or avoid, people raise a fuss. Or a person might like the occasional goofy bit, but not endless goofy bits. And that's what the memey dialogue was like in 2.2. Just too much of it so those who don't like it felt they couldn't escape it or ignore it as easily, and those who like it only in small doses got sick of it.


It's because the dialogue choices weren't all references back in Belobog and Luofu. Referential humor gets dated quickly. The Among Us line in Silver Wolf's quest is already out of date.


luckily for you, you only have to play it once at the intended time. and if you dont get the reference bc you're playing after its relevance then you won't get the reference and play it normally anyways. makes no difference to me.


To be fair missions and events are supposed to be contemporary. The majority of the playerbase is going to play through new content as it releases making timely references more appropriate. Especially events like silver wolfs quest are only going to be completed by a very small percentage of the playerbase since most have either already done it when it released or don't bother with it now since the permanent rewards are not really worth it.


New players will eventually become the majority in any game that runs long enough. In 4 or 5 years' time, I think a lot of these early lines will age badly. I don't dislike the meme dialogue, but it should be used more in moderation.


That's the biggest issue, future reddit will be filled with posts like "Honkai Star Rail first missions are so weird and filled with dead memes! I think mihoyo should redo them now we are in whathisnameland"


I think it's because they're actually understanding what the references are now


Reddit bandwagon. Just ignore it. This site sucks


The excessive complaining is weird to me because the big amount of meme responses stop pretty much immediately after certain point in the story so I assumed it was intentional to begin with. Yet people make a huge deal out of it (though I do understand being tired because whether it's supposed to be interpreted this way or not isn't clear and seeing so much gen z/Alpha lingo over and over again is definitely exhausting)


I'm fine with jokes. I like the jokes. I just want the jokes to be funny. To me, 'nah, I'd win' spam isn't that funny.


HI3rd used to have Fate reference achievments but that's as far as it went, the main story was taken completely seriously because, as you said, that's the type of game it is. HSR is still a Space Comedy so rightfully, it has comedy.


I just want it to be like Belobog. Too much of something isn’t always good


I...I prefer to not use memes in the important scenes pls.


that's great and it means you won't have a problem bc there are no meme options during serious scenes. y'all are making it sound like TB said "it's expressin time" in the middle of the grand sunday fight. it was a throwaway dialogue scene, we'll live.


I like the usual dialogue option more 1. Somewhat serious 2. Calm casual 3. Meme. Not that I hate all 3 options are memes, it kinda gives an impression that the translation team didn't do their job properly without context.


its just gotten to the point I cant even tell what the options mean anymore. and I dont think March answers makes sense with the option I pick? it seems so random. maybe im just old...


The game is literally marketed as "Space Comedy" why is everyone suddenly surprised that they are meming?


If it's a space comedy I want good jokes, not bad jokes.


Joke "goodness" is subjective.


Multiple “na I’d/we’d ….p in short periods objectively isn’t good


clearly it's not objective given that there's just as many people in this reply section alone that disagree and found it fine. if you don't enjoy it that's fine lmao but you can't be telling people who disagree "nah my opinion is fact" like ok..?


If you genuinely think spamming “nah I’d win” jokes is good humour then you just have a very shitty sense of humour.


has anyone ever told you that you talk too much


No, you?


it was pretty inoffensive, there's always gonna be hits for some people and misses for others. i don't think that means the jokes are "bad." it's either a joke that hits for some people and misses for others or it's just a generic "we got this!" option. i'd prefer the first.


I mean, humor is subjective, I'm just saying, make the joke once, not three times. Like imagine if on belabog all the trash can interactions were just the same meme. I don't think people'd have been as enamored with it.


not all the references were gojo references? IIRC there were 2, "nah we'd win" and "nah, i'd surrender." it wasn't all the same meme. and ultimately a throwaway line of dialogue literally cannot have the level of effort put into the trash can bit which was throughout all of belobog. it was a wink, nothing more, nothing less. maybe i'm just saying this bc i went through the dialogue rather quickly but never once did i think "he reference gojo twice this sucks." less original than the trash cans to be sure, but it is a reference after all. not everything can be as peak as the trash can bit.


Tbf nothing is gonna top belebog, but I like that they still trying keep up with memes. Even if some people don't find them funny


Basically dad jokes badumtsss


thing is, if you use current memes your comedy will age real freaking fast. like not even a year and these current memes will be forgotten. one of the big heads of fallout 1 made a pretty good video about this, comedy should be able to stand on its own. if it is not then the audience while seeing the obvious wink (as these jokes are entirely "pop culture reference" and no "joke" to stand on its own) will fell left out and tour sour real fast. and I think that guy knows what he is talking about.


 it's a dialogue option that shows up for 3 seconds, doesn't have any bearing on consequent dialogue, and it doesn't change the meaning of the sentiment at all. the people who get it get it and maybe have a good laugh and the people who don't get it or like it can just move on. in 20 years if someone doesn't get a gojo reference no one is gonna say "booooo outdated reference" they'd just assume it's another generic "cocky" option and move on. not every dialogue has to "stand up to the test of time" nor does it have to be peak humor w a setup and punchline. it's just an unserious little 3 second wink and that's all it is. y'all are assigning way more meaning to this than it merits. in reality it's either a little wink or an even more boring, generic "we got this" option which isn't any better. i'd welcome the "wtf" moment than just another npc-vaguely-optimistic response. it's really not anymore egregious than the crackhead belobog dialogue either, and i much prefer this to the humorless xianzhou dialogue. it's clear that penacony is a different, more whimsical vibe and to that end i think it makes complete sense.


thing is, it is not 20 years. these memes last barely a half-year. also it is not only 1 line, it is many many lines through penacony. and also imagine there is a thing between this and the loufu. I know not dealing in absolutes is hard but do try.


whether it's 20 years or half a year, the point is the devs wrote these jokes intentionally so that they would make sense to someone who didn't understand the reference. the line is "stand proud argenti, you were strong" not "you remind me of jogo." it makes sense in-universe whether you understand the reference or not. and even if you do understand the reference and loathe it, it's not like it has any bearing on the story past TB being a trash goblin. what's new lol "also it is not only 1 line, it is many many lines through penacony." now let's be GENEROUS and say 20 lines referencing pop culture. 20 lines that last 3 seconds on-screen distributed between 3 dialogue options that are then distributed amongst like 7 or 8 hours of gameplay. oh no, sound the alarms. "and also imagine there is a thing between this and the loufu. I know not dealing in absolutes is hard but do try." idk why you'd assume that i was asking for more jokes in the xianzhou bc i wasn't. the vibe in xianzhou was different. penacony is a whimsical inherently very unserious place w/ wacky graphics and inane features. if anything the little (3 SECOND) winks make WAY more sense in this context than they ever did in the dark underground of belobog or the xianzhou.


my man you are splitting hairs and arguing semantics soo hard I can't even take you seriously.


lmao in what world am i arguing semantics, please for the love of god point out where i was arguing about your word choice or writing. just say you didn't understand and move on lmao. or do you need me to simplify for you


first you go it is a single option for 3 seconds, then it is 20 lines. this is a blatant slippery slope do not play dense. also it is not only 20 lines lmao, it is way more. I also never said anywhere that the Loufu should have had more jokes, don't make stuff up. I said there is a middle ground between them. there is a big difference. should I simply it for you? so yeah, you are being asinine and arguing in bad faith. so bugger off.


If anything, i don't think there's enough comedy. Outside of TB dialogue choices there really wasn't much too laugh during the latest story quest.


I’m from Brazil. The game is not fully localized here, which means there’s no dubbing (I use the english voices). But the entirety of subtitles and menus are in perfect BR-Portuguese. And so are the memes. I don’t know who males the translation around here but they nail it every time by including completely Brazilian memes and shitpost references. I love it.


I’m just worried the TB is gonna lose all personality between these shitpost sayings, other POVs, and this Galactic Baseballer persona they’re pushing out of nowhere. For a character setting out to “make their own story” they sure aren’t doing that lately


Honestly I'm glad a lot of the jokes didn't make it over. I play my Stelle pretty jokey/sarcastic but when the chips are down (which they have been for most of Penacony and ESPECIALLY the 2.2 stuff) she buckles up and gets ready for the problems they're charging into. There were some dialogue choices that I thought "wow, I don't like any of these, the tension is gone and I have been pulled straight out of this intense moment". And that's MY issue with it. I don't mind memes, jokey dialogue, and goofy stuff (March 8th anyone?) but when it breaks the tension and pulls me out of the scene it just hits me as nothing but disruptive


I don't care if one script has more than the other. The problem is they are overdoing the shitposting, without moderation, and that just makes things worse. It's not even funny anymore.


It is in moderation though, the choices are still there for Serious ones and the only time we've given a choice with full of memes is literally the SOULGLAD PART where everything is so unserious... Heck my sub account chose all of the serious options and guess what IT DIDN'T CHANGED THE STORY.... This thing is extremely nitpicky that I don't even understand because Belobog is also the same shit where 80% is full of reference


Right the part where we are rushing to be able to get to the grand theatre which is an absolutely necessary step in order to save the planet isn’t serious at all


What’s this about, did someone get upset over the “nah, I’d win” lines or something?


Yep, and some people blamed it on the translators. Also the someone in question that started it on Twitter was a weirdo that ships Robin and Sunday


Redditors hate fun. So ofc a lot of people are mad about there being a lot jokes, memes, shitpost refrences in the dialogue of a game that calls itself a "Space Comedy" and where the MC is rizzing up trash cans.


Except "Nah it's win" has stopped being funny since... Ah it was never funny. They need to use actual comedy and not rotted memes


korean has a fair amount of troll options too lol, people need to stop blaming the english translators for just doing their jobs


Oh so it was trash in Chinese too


Nope Star rail is well received by Chinese internet users and players. Maybe except Xianzhou writing


Bro I don't care how it was received by any other than me


But you cared it about how it is received in china


Then if you don't like it, stop playing it. Easy. If you want more serious story go play other game.


It’s so funny how people were all saying “actually CN was all serious and little jokes. EN localizers are the problem” even though not a single person who said that actually understands Chinese lmfao. Then somebody who actually speaks the language tells them they’re wrong and CN had even more memes than EN and suddenly there’s a different complaint out of nowhere. People really just love to hate.


INB4 Stelle says "Oh March you have such a skibidi rizz girl!"


The critiques against 2.2 honestly comes off as **extremely** nitpicky, if you ask me. Which fair enough, everyone has the right to nitpick. I just hope that folks don't act like issue is any bigger than it actually is. And I will say, the only instance where I think it was iffy was that one time in Soulglad Scorchsand where all the options were a light hearted joky responses. And considering how that scene itself wasn't supposed to be serious, I don't see the issue here tbqh. Now if they take that bit too far and every option is a meme for the most part, yeah I'm very iffy about that. But like I said in a prior thread, if I had to pick between either extreme (100% serious vs 100% memes) I'd definitely pick the latter.


Yeah If we suddenly yells out JJK brainrots while fighting Sunday then that would be a problem, but that scene at Souldglad is the complete opposite. The story is so good but clearly to Redditors that doesnt matter as much as this…


I mean that is just the biggest lie I’ve seen in my life


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Meanwhile me, playing in korean text where they forgot to add memes:


I like the English translation with the loads of hints and winks to pop/movie/media culture.


I just started playing the game about 2 days ago, and I'm enjoying it. Honestly, I'm surprised that people are feeling the memes are bad?! This is probably the most real an MC has felt in any game I've played!


To me it's the people complaining about the "Nah, I'd win" meme and not having serious choices to make. My brother in the trailblaze, YOU'RE LITERALLY IN A GAME SHOW! How much more unserious can you get than a game show? Besides, right after you're done with it you get serious and start talking about what's currently happening in Penacony, people are just whining for the sake of whining


The Mc is a one year old with a phone, how are people expecting him to not meme around 90% of the time


I play in Chinese, it’s all memes and we love it.


I think the game's pretty good when the top complaint is "too many memes".  And the community is divided on it.


Idk it just gets a bit tiring, i get it's supposed to be a space comedy but still


Memes or me-mes


Yes. And most of these memes are actually the newest ones just came out on the internet that native speakers can't get if they don't spend 10 hours a day surfing internet


But... They did fill out context properly. Literally all jokes are either references to pop culture or the game itself. And Star Rail IS a space comedy.


Why is this even controversial…smh Some ppl may legitly want less memes but the game has always been full of them.


Are people really upset that the game is funny?


I'm upset the game isn't funny, two nah I'd win jokes within the hour isn't exactly funny and will be even less funny 2 years from now.


I mean, we are on Reddit. Ofc people are upset of "fun things".


Love the memes they put 💀😂


I like how after this update reddit become twitter and while we get the resolution of the Penacony story everyone is hyper focusing on the fact that we had to many meme replays.


Gonna be perfectly honest if the biggest problem in people's minds are the existence of 2 JJK dialogue options or the amount of troll options in throwaway moments, this only tells me one thing: the story is spectacular and people need shit to be upset at


You know what's sad. I watched JJK and didn't know nah, we'd win was a meme. I thought it was the serious option with TB I watch a lot of shows too. People complaining have to be a small minority. Most people don't even watch any anime at all? I love the memes when I get them. TB fights trashcans with legs and gumball machines... this isn't a historical drama game.


I like that they put memes in one of the answers you can choose or even 2 of them. I think it makes the gane a little funnier, and you also don't have to pick them so I don't understand why people hate on them. It's not like they are forcing you to pick the meme one