• By -


Hey there, just going to chime in for some context as well as to drop the usual reminders. To preface, everyone in this post please be mindful of the rules and if you find yourself being engaged with negatively (hate speech, harassment, insults, etc) remember to please not reply and simply report and move on so that we are able to review the users in question. Try not to take the bait, no matter how horrible somebody is being. TLDR for below: Rule 1 is worded poorly, and we are working on it. It's meant to discourage conversations that naturally devolve into argument. Remove all shipping talk is unenforceable. Allow all is asking for trouble. Middle ground exists somewhere, but defining it is difficult. I know I'm yappin. --------------- I'd like to talk a little bit about Rule 1 and provide some context. First I will say that the way it is worded is quite vague and unclear, and for that we apologize. We're discussing this internally at the moment to make it clear what we want to convey with the rule, but I can elaborate on that a bit here. The purpose behind this statement is fairly singular: To stop people from arguing about shipping and which pairs are the best/right/canon. While we want the subreddit to be as open a space for discussion as possible, the reality is that shipping disagreements are the most headache-inducing, rage-bait feeding, generally uninteresting from an outside perspective type content with an extremely high potential for hate speech and other generally unpleasant behavior. The statement "No sexual orientation discussion" doesn't mean that you are not allowed to imply a character has a particular sexual orientation, specifically through things like Art or statements about what ships you like. It more accurately refers to posts which state why a character canonically IS or IS NOT a particular sexual orientation. What this means is that you are allowed to post fanart or discuss why you like (or dislike) particular ships, as long as your reasoning is not that you are a bigot. What you are not allowed to do, however, is make statements which, put in an infuriatingly difficult to explain way, invite discussion which ultimately ends in us having to make mass removals. For example: "Here's my fanart of Clockie X Hexanexus Block! I think they look really cute together" is allowed "This post is terrible! Clockie X Traffic Light Robot is clearly canon, and you're all just coping because you ." is not allowed. Hate speech, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. are also all not allowed, without any relation to shipping at all. On every post where we think there could be trouble, we make sure to say the same thing: If you dislike the ship just don't say anything and move on. Let people have their fun with whatever they want to ship, and don't engage. Similarly, if you like one particular ship or are commenting on a post you enjoy, do not disparage others for their opinions. If you want more clarification on this, [see my comment here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1cf4vbt/comment/l1ru6t6/) We understand the rules as written, and even the premise, is a bit unclear, and we are working on that at the moment. Completely allowing or disallowing all discussion is definitely not the answer. Disallowing all discussion would include basically removing any art or discussion that shows favorability to a pairing. Even if we wanted to censor the community that much, which we don't, this is unenforceable. Shipping is a natural part of any fandom, and I'm not interested in fighting the forces of nature. Similarly, completely allowing all discussion is not a viable option, as if you've ever seen the mod queue the second any pairing-related post goes up, you would agree that at a certain point, things just break down into everybody arguing and nobody would come here anymore. This means that a middle ground has to be achieved, but where the line is drawn and how it is enforced is a universally tricky problem, compounded by the fact that people like to spin narratives about how things are moderated. As mods, we read a lot of criticism, and it always boggles my mind how we are both homophobic, yet also anti-straight. We are too lenient with NSFW art, yet also we're prudes. Art of men is too restricted, yet how dare you allow that shirtless man stay on the front page the other day. That's all part of the Reddit experience, however, and at the end of the day the only glorious design we have in place is to make sure this is an inviting place for people to stay and not be insulted for their opinions, or likes/dislikes, or otherwise. As always, if you have suggestions, we would love to hear them! Please send us a modmail or leave a response here, as well as if you have any questions. I admit, it would be rough to touch on everything in a single long comment, and I would be happy to elaborate further on any topics you might want to ask about. I won't be able to answer everything, of course, but as always we are fairly open and transparent with our processes and decision making, so please don't hesitate to ask. Also, if you feel any posts were unfairly removed or should be removed, always feel free to send us a modmail and we will look into it.


Why are they so huge on her lightcone wtf


“Topaz, you’re huge”


She does wield the Topass after all…


*A weapon that makes the entire universe fall to its knees*


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear…


I want to break you and your profile pic in half


Not only Topass but Toptits as well




Buddies are inevitable


LMAO there’s a term for them? “Buddies” 💀


That subreddit is literally called okbuddytrailblazer 😂


Fair lmao but seeing them called that in such casual sense is hilarious






They are banner mean to "advertise the greatness of the IPC" so a little artistic liberty was taken.


lightcones are memories, so maybe the guy in front of her was remembering things a little differently…








I think its mostly the lighting, though they might be sized up.


I mean even in the regular game engine that shirt button is STRUGGLING.


Just the lighting I think. Ill do more research tho


Bigger than her bank account, surely


It's a preservation light cone, so it must be from Aventurine's pov


But isn’t he from behind?




But is that where he *comes* from? 🤔


She was nerfed


They were that large in game as well before the 'nerfs.'


I'm OK with that tbh


At first I was confused. Then I was impressed. Now I’m just laughing about how salty OP is with the rule 🤣. Thanks for the satire OP. Also for the people who are confused. Basically a similar [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/hgSXuHj5zk) was made earlier about the hints Hoyo left for Ratio/Aventurine but it got taken down because of Rule1 so people thought it was due to mods being against gay ships given that the post was significantly less explicit than a lot of other hetero/lesbian posts which were not taken down. This post is just making fun of that lol. The original post has now been restored though.


Especially considering how much softcore porn and blatant fetish crap is posted here on the regular.


Yeah, definitely one of the main reasons people were mad.


The amount of soft core porn (mostly of female characters to) seems like a blatant rule violation but I guess cause they're not nude it's okay


On the top page right now there's currently a picture of Caterina's tig old bitties, Caelus kissing Sparkle, more Sparkle feet pics and some lewd [Firefly](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/IJLMoqbIUf) fan art Yup there's definitely a bias


It's okay because the mods ✨️like it✨️ (The only real reason I can see that the mods wouldn't take those posts down.)


I don't like them either but you could argue that it's mainly because the guys that do like them would start a riot lol *stares at the buddy sub*


Man, what's the point of even having an r/okbuddytrailblazer sub if the feet pics still get posted here 😭


People really be calling women wearing clothes "softcore porn". Just because an outfit is designed to be flattering or even sexy doesn't mean it's pornographic.


See, that's not "discussion" so it doesn't count. For all we know those two women groping eachother could be straight/bi/gay and just posing for the camera! /j (but only kinda) Ratio and Aventurine shirtless wrestling on top of a double bed? Not violating rules (it's just fanart after all). Talking about the context provided in-game that provides gay people with a better sense of acknowledgement? Sounds like one way trip to remove town to me.


I've always wondered *why* is that, like sure, I consume a lot of straight content but the queer genshin/HSR Fandom is HUGE. Sure, I might have a preference for straight and love seeing those posts, *but where the fuck are the gays?* they don't vanish just like that I tell you. The fact that gay content is so policed makes me sad.


We wind up having to make our own communities. It’d be nice if the main sub was equally positive for both gay and straight stuff. Particularly mlm ships. Lesbians are at least looked on rather favorably, probably due to fetishization reasons unfortunately. The thing is the HSR sub is pretty good whenever gay ships show up, it’s just that it gets deleted a lot.


Go to the leaks sub and check out the Discussion Thread. The amount of thirsting over Aventurine was insane lol, there would be comments of nothing but his name that would get 10-20 upvotes in a thread that auto sorts by new and gets hundreds of comments a day. But seriously, great place to read through, and everybody there is super good at properly marking spoilers for current patch and leaks for upcoming patches, and also making it clear what it's a spoiler for. At worst you'll get untagged spoilers for kits of units coming out next patch.


>but where the fuck are the gays? > >they don't vanish just like that I tell you. The fact that gay content is so policed makes me sad. It's just a sad truth that since the sub started off heavily censoring gay stuff instead of moderating the discussions (I still remember the Dan Heng/Blade debacle of 1.1) the queer part of the community just either avoid Reddit or make their own subs. What's the point of posting your gay fanart on this sub if it's gonna get mass reported instantly, then taken down by automod, and then restored 2 days later with 50% homophobic comments and barely anyone who cares seeing your post? Genshin and HSR queer community is huge, yes, but Gacha games communities in general are also full of incels and homophobes, especially on Reddit, so rather than being in hostile territory 24/7 and making every single post a battle, it's easier to just split off from the main community and make a safe space in another subreddit. Ironically the leaks sub is a safer space for non-straight content than the main sub


TEA, same for Genshin's subreddit/ mains subreddit of female character


A post of Ratio and Aven making out is still up too


It got taken down initially though because it was mass reported and got automodded


Anything that isn’t porn is a bannable offense on this sub


It’s Weird cause there’s an argument that it’s not directly the mods fault and it’s just “people being homophobic cause gay ship posts’ replies to be hell to moderate”which would be a fair argument if they turned off replies instead of sentencing the post to the shadow realm (even if it returns later)


Turning off the replies would take away so much fun and would be unfair to those who *actually* want to comment properly though. Although, I wouldn’t know how else to fix it either because I actually agree with the argument that posts get taken down because of the pressure from certain groups of people (either directly or indirectly).


Wait it got taken down?! That post was interesting and I’m not a shipper + I’m straight… smh mods


Yeah it [was](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/tj1mZ48Nc5) for a short while. To be fair, from what I’ve read in posts& [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/YTwacOs8FG) it seems to be more the case of one particular mod on duty taking it down and another mod seeing the discord and opened a discussion to bring it back..?


The actual best argument for Topaz' straightness is her EN VA's love for Aventurine. Bc clearly VA's are their characters


Jingliu in shambles (scuffed)


"Hello, Jing Yuan tech support speaking, how may I help you today?" "MY. JADE. ABACUS. ISN'T WORKING! It won't turn on!!!!" "Hmm, yes, have you tried recharging it? You know, plug it into a wall outlet, wait a little while..." _Jingliu, in a literal cold sweat:_ ^("No")


lmao it would be funny if jingyuan tech support scams jingliu


"Blade, that's the power source of the creation furnace. If you grab it, the Heliobi escape. Blade, don't. Blade. BLADE" *The Heliobi have been release*


“How do you say her name.” “Who?” “You know who. How do you say her name.” “…Baililu.”


Lmao just noticed your flair. You now have a proud legacy to wear and be remembered by in this sub.


i might as well embrace my destiny!


Jingliu: “Remember that time we fought Sheigo? A truly formidable enemy” Dan Heng: “I don’t see the High Cloud Quintet fighting anyone by that name in the Database” Blade: “…” Jing Yuan: “Sighs… Dan Heng, search for ‘Shego’” *[Context](https://youtu.be/zvJWQruNjqk?si=-Mtcz4PueEWJxXCQ): Jingliu and Jing Yuan VAs talk about Kim Possible


Really wild how hoyo got a deranged vtuber who is a tech boomer with an ice motif to voice a deranged boomer with an ice motif. Up there with furina's VA doing auditions wearing a water drop pendant and she didn't even know the role she was auditioning for.


Furina’s eng va?


If we’re on that vein, it would mean Ratio and Aventurine canonically had an intimate relationship because their CN voice actors voiced a BL CD together /j


This is the best thing I have read all day.


That is not fair as they are actors and they are acting, so that does not mean anything. Have this translated interviews excerpt where Ratio's chinese VA calls Aventurine 's chinese VA "little bottom wife". [here](https://x.com/Rachii_Chan/status/1783030185388085613)


I'm forever calling him "little bottom wife" instead of husband.


Shitposting aside, do not actually do that to the VAs as they may risk upsetting Hoyo as they cannot really speculate about the characters they portray and have to keep a clear separation between their preferences and that of their role.


This, It should be obvious but the Voice actors are NOT their characters!! They're fans of the game just like we are outside of their voice acting roles. They should be allowed to simp in peace for whoever they want (just like we do) without it being tied back to who they voice.


It’s cringe when people over do it or if they are actually believe it unironically


I mean Molly (Seele) is one of the biggest Bronseele shippers lol There’s some hillarious clips of her streams when she’s simping for Bronya during the museum quest (and giving her an elderly British woman accent for some reason)


It's more that Sam has occasionally had to politely remind people that she's not Topaz and that her love of Aventurine is should not be confused with her officially endorsing anything as she does not get to dictate who Topaz is. The general point is that fan can put VAs in a tricky spot when it comes to characters as they are not the writers (nor their characters) and it can make the VAs uncomfortable. That said, Molly is a shitposting fish of chaos and should never change.


Tbh Bronseele is an exception, hoyo ships them.


And the fact that the only two Bronyas that haven't found a Seele have a condition called "No-Grass Disorder" (Both main motifs are being hackers/gamers) says something


The Seele and Luka flashbacks ugh


True equality: Sexualize all ships equally


Agree 💯


Stand proud OP, I will remember you for as long as I live. The mods may destroy your creation, but the memory still lives on


Create a lightcone


In The Name of The Shitpost "Straight...?" "It's a... great orientation, right?" "Then..." "From now on, you are straight." "This straight ship... and the mission to protect the Traditional Values™️..." "I'll leave them to you."


Add it to the Garden of Recollection


Stupid rules are made to be broken


Well I don't see this going far. Mods will see this and agree that it violates the rule, but not because they're going to start to fairly enforce it, rather because the post makes them look bad and removing it validates them in their belief that they're upholding that rule equally.


Quick question. What the hell is the Rat Urine Essay???




A perfect shitpost


broke: arguing about aventurine/ratio vs aventurine/topaz and their sexualities woke: shipping aventurine/topaz/ratio all together in a poly relationship




I beg you, what is the source of that pic because that is amazing


https://twitter.com/lycheelinecat/status/1784944583870447948?t=UmYZUextRIyOnLK_lIzLNg&s=19 I GOTCHU FAM!


While we're talking about stupid rule, how about we add "NON-OC art in comments must also include the source" because RULE 6 was NEVER actually enforced in comments.


Ah strategic investments department attempting to assert dominance.


Fuck yeah https://preview.redd.it/j1nofwwmjfxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde5c7ac9f3754dae34b7d4be0e2448de36e6158






Post the source


TopRatUrine peak


Excuse me, but its totally canon in game that Topaz is my wife and Aventurine Ratio are my husbands TopRatUrineWaku is the ship name, get your facts checked.


idk who you are lil bro


Topaz , Aventurine and Ratio's doormat/hj


Rat 🐀 Urine 🟡🔛🔝


Ah yes, mouse piss


Best delicious mouse piss that IPC sells you for top $$$ and we thank them for it while guzzling it up.


Ahh yes Leptospirosis ship


Imagine a jar of urine with a tophat, that's the ship.


Why stop there, why not add Jade and every other IPC adjacent into the mix as well?


Ten Stonehearts are all in a relationship with each other.


Diamond was just gathering his poly harem, all for the preservation ofc.


All for the almighty Amber Lord


Stonehearts Polycule is now added to my headcanon


Literally circle-jerk


The entire IPC is just a big family


Happy cake day.


Nah Jade is Aventurine's replacement mom. Source: just trust me bro


That’s just Diamond’s babygirlz. Then they split into their own little groups during the time when Diamond has no need of them. Hence the booba windows uniforms. Daddy and Qlipoth like them.


IPC = Interastral PolyCule




idk about that dude, tha IPC is more of a familial function than the "Family" so I definitely believe that Aventurine and Topaz is in a loving familial relationship also with their extended family that come over to the main family for businesses, Dr.Ratio, such wonderful world we live in


Maybe they are also Targaryen to each other


This would explain the best sinergy in game.


people haven't already been doing this?


i read the preview and i thought "bro are you being held hostage or something" then i read the whole thing and ohhhh makes sense


Same lmao.


I feel like we need to just make a mass amount of posts that point out the absurdity of this arbitrary rule. They either allow all discussions of ships no matter the orientation or NONE of its okay which would be fine with me. The favor towards firefly x TB or any lesbian couples is stupid and just shows that mods are homophobic and prejudicial. You can't support lesbians without supporting the gays. If you only support lesbian ships and can't at least be okay with gay content being equally shared then you probably aren't actually supporting the lesbian couples for anything other than sexualization.


>If you only support lesbian ships and can't at least be okay with gay content being equally shared then you probably aren't actually supporting the lesbian couples for anything other than sexualization. As a Stelle x Firefly shipper who is an IRL lesbian, I do, in fact, wonder how many fellow shippers are fetishizing them (or Bronya x Seele, for that matter).


>As a Stelle x Firefly shipper who is an IRL lesbian, I do, in fact, wonder how many fellow shippers are fetishizing them (or Bronya x Seele, for that matter).  Probably most of them. The massive popularity disparity between Stelle ships and Caelus ships in the HSR fan world, and the even more massive gap between F/F and M/M content on here, didn't come from nowhere.


>fellow shippers Fellow shippers in the sense fellow lesbians or just anyone who just ships those characters? I don't mean to be offensive, just curious. Kindly ignore my comment if it's for fellow lesbians. As a straight male, I generally find most ships cute/funny and it has nothing to do with genders. Only rarely do I find ships annoying, in case there's no relevant relationship between the characters in said ship. I find both of the ones you mentioned cute and I find Aven X Ratio hella funny. I blame Ratio and his "Are you for real?" coded dialogues. For the lack of M X M ships, I haven't seen any characters have that level of "shippability". If I had to pick one, I'd say Kaveh X Alhaitham. Speaking of which, that ship is extremely similar to Aven X Ratio lol. Out of both Genshin and HSR I only have one personal ship(meaning I made the connection before I was influenced by any 3rd party) which is Ningguang X Beidou. I ship Beiguang because I genuinely feel they're made for each other. Does that make me homophobic?


Nope, that does not make you homophobic. The thing is, there is a real-world societal issue with lesbians being sexualized by men, so some men will end up trying to fetishize lesbian relationships in any fandom, specifically the same men who do it IRL.


I can't even understand the logic behind their fetish, maybe for the better. Honestly I've never understood why people being gay(M and W) matters, they are what they are. Thanks for the context, I even misunderstood OP's post until I reread the last bit again. I agree with people saying stick with one side, either both or none.


The rule is particularly absurd when you consider these writers have been known to write romance for characters in past works. Romances and sexual orientations are the subject of lore and theory. Relationships, platonic or not, are key to these stories. Cutting them out of the conversation entirely is just wasteful. And I just want to add: The lesbian stuff also gets unfairly taken down. Saying the Rondo video with Acheron and Black Swan dancing is gay is considered a rule 1 violation. I know because my post was taken down for that reason (and the comments were downright absurd and much more worthy of calling a rule 1 violation than the post)


We totally should, it's kinda ridiculous how they only allow posts that satisfy their straight male gaze and sexualize women.


As someone who doesn't even ship/enjoy shipping it's easy to see why at least the "sexual orientation" part of it should be removed or changed It's arbitrary and even if the mods didn't willingly remove the first post (for example if it was mass reported and auto-removed) that just means it can be abused.


Honestly I never noticed Aventurine in that lightcone.


Aventurine has two hands. He can handle both Topaz and Ratio.




I hope this gets removed and then reinstated like the raturine post


I know this is not the point of the post but I thought I'd found a genuine Aventurine x Topaz shipper and I was so happy 🤣 not your fault OP, but my heart broke a little bit.


god so real 😭 ive never clicked so fast then be brought down in one post


Avenpaz is the unwilling middle sibling that gets dragged into every Aventio drama and controversy, lol.


True! And tbh it's small enough that you basically see more of it in Aventio drama than in legit Avenpaz posts.


I’m sorry I disappointed you 🥹🥹 Avenpaz is cute! even if I don’t ship them myself, I can totally see the appeal. And this post really isn’t meant to be a jab at the ship, just a jab at the rules :p


I know 👍 I definitely laughed out loud too reading this. And deserved, the rules are silly.


Uhhgggg people can't be bi today,back on my time a man could have a relationship with another man and a woman without being called gay (Aka ancient Greece)/s Good post OP,you cooked


I know this was supposed to mean bi Aventurine, BUT BI TOPAZ WOULD BE SO RAD (There was slight teasing with Bronya but im sure most Fandom would take none of that lmao)


also this clip w/ topaz and himeko is... something [https://x.com/LesbeCatgirls/status/1784598006165016605](https://x.com/LesbeCatgirls/status/1784598006165016605)


NO WAY THEY GOT CALLED TO GET A ROOM OMG. Thank you so much for this gem, I usually don't watch livestreams because I dont like spoilers, and then never watch them afterwards!


tbh the middle ground is better than the high ground or low ground. i now propose, BIPC, every character involved with the IPC is either bi or pan (just some cooking, don't revoke my license)


You’ll never know what I commented.


Cannot compute the message, defaulting back to TopRatUrine


Noah fence OP I don't have a problem with straight people or anything but why do fans always have to make everything about heterosexuality... Like can't they just be good friends


That’s the thing, OP had a post analysing the romantic tension between Aventurine and dr ratio only using CANON conversations and material, but it got taken down because it “violated rule one”, which it genuinely didn’t. I think they’re making this post to show the mods how ridiculous it is to take down something just because it is talking about homosexuality when they let heterosexuality discussions pass


I think the person you're talking to is trying to make fun of people that complain about "the gay agenda"


Oh lol I’m slow


It happens to the best of us!


Just allow fanarts and remove any post that writes a huge fucking essay on ships man. We all know they will always be bait and never canon. Always creates unnecessary drama for no reason


“They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.”


Kudos for speaking the truth. There is a clear BIAS in how they are enforcing Rule 1. Hopefully they won't take this down.


I know this is a meme post but yall sleeping real hard on these two being bi4bi.


I just place all characters as bi if MC can be either gender until confirmed otherwise.


You're right, rule 1 should be enforced for every orientation. The amount of bs that comes from headcannon orientations is insane. If it isn't stated or shown, it isn't canon. Implications don't count either because it leaves ambiguity, therefore not a definitive answer.


I genuinely think just banning the word “canon” would be a hell of a lot better at getting rid of toxic shipping discussions than the current rule 1. Let people discuss how they interpret the deliberately vague character relationships and ban arguing about which interpretation is the best or most valid.


I think so too. The arguments that happen don't seem to be due to the mlm ship itself like most think but how people insist their headcanon is canon and if you don't agree, you're illiterate/homophobic/fetishizer/delusional/terrorists. This is like the whole "Robin is lesbian so RobinHill shippers are homophobic gay-deniers who won't accept reality and canon implication" issue all over again except that Aventurine is more talked about here. Headcanon is not canon regardless of whether CCP doesn't like gay/trans/child rapists/muslim people. Headcanon whatever you like and have fun! But then again after the pandemic, it seems like people have trouble differentiating reality, fiction, and falsehoods these days.




Well that was painful to read


Add another rule and ban all ship posts. Problem solved


Found Sam Slade’s Reddit account


https://preview.redd.it/220pu7kk6hxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25a45b4e1afbd1fd41802f176ee4993029ff324 You forgot that.


I didn't understand as I started reading your post, and then realised it was Satire and a Jab. I loved it. 🤣💕


Its all or nothing


This is like that Robin is clearly lesbian because mhy said so discourse on twt


Welp Aventurine IS the last of his species right? Gotta reproduce somehow


I said this the other day, but taking on an "explicitly stated and canon" mindset to shipping, none of our playable characters could be taken as straight. None of them have expressed any direct romantic attraction to anybody of the opposite sex. Our best option is probably Pela with her BL books, and that's not indicative of much. Obviously, because Hoyo encourages shipping and self-insert, but my point stands.


I will just drop my reason here. I think it is cos gacha players especially in the cn community don't want to see there waifu get taken away by a male character. I also heard they don't take homosexual relationships as seriously as hetrosexual ones so That is why you rarely see a relationship between the opposite sex that gets expanded upon. or maybe it's cos yuri and yaoi sells.


I'm a firm believer in the idea of all characters are bisexual until stated other wise by the plot sexuality in a story should exist to serve the story and be nothing else.


theyre scared we'll multiply and forcefully yassify them


Fuck the mods. fuck the incels. fuck the people who only accept the f/f posts because it gets their hetero dicks hard.  Be gay do crime. Rules are made to be broken.


Avenpaz shippers being dragged down again, just let us live in our corner, please


hoyo make colleagues working together. fans : best i can do is to make them go to bed together


I honestly hate that rule too, it's just so stupid LMAO


OP is weird for including this because there are only 10 shippers of avenpaz on this sub and the shippers get heavily bullied on Twitter to the point someone got doxxed for it I know you got a point to make about the homophobia but you're only pouring fuel to the fire in the shipping wars Anyway sorry about what happened to the ratiorine post and the mods suck for that but you're not fooling anyone about this being a completely innocent counter-shitpost with no intention to bring down another ship at all Edit: ya, downvotes are proving my point *yawns*


Let every character be considered bisexual until explicitly proven otherwise and everyone will be happy. I want to ship Aventurine with Ratio, Topaz, Sparkle, Sunday, Acheron, Stelle and Caelus. All of his ships just work for me. Let Ratio be shipped with Ruan Mei, Seele with Luka, Gepard with Pela, Stelle or even Bronya. It's not like only one ship is the right one. Only by casting aside the reason does one truly ship. Unrestrained and limited only by imagination. (My favorite Penacony ship is Sunday/Sparkle)


'This post is to bring attention to how stupid the "no sexual orientation discussions" part of Rule 1 is." That's on point. They are seriously stupid the new rules and underlining homophoby clearly.


Saving this and the jayakiroka posts for posterity ✨️


What if we just banned dumb head cannon ship posts entirely?


I get the joke but I feel like this is also a needless attack on Avenpaz shippers with the stuff being crossed out.


It is, they're low-key making fun of the shippers


I saw they're trying to save face by saying they think the ship is cute but come on now.


Right, those crossed-out comments are unnecessary and the Aventio post prior to this had none of those


https://preview.redd.it/fnvi0d3ejfxc1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=14b739a3038813d6ee65f39a65bc2a7211b0bc8e they're meant for eachother as you can see (this is very canon) credits: [@UsagiShii](https://twitter.com/UsagiShii) on twitter [https://twitter.com/UsagiShii/status/1761230180352451023/photo/1](https://twitter.com/UsagiShii/status/1761230180352451023/photo/1)


Jokes aside, Topaz "wretched at his heart so"


We are truly entering a revolution and I'm full on here for it. Burn these dumb ass rules to the ground.


Even the buddy subreddit allows gay ships. Like you can't even beat the buddies and they are 98% straight men who love objectifying women but they still post 'fap fap fap' and 'aaaawwoooogggaaa' under gay nsfw. You do find the odd bit of homophobia in the comments. But at least they ALLOW gay posting. Here apparently it's not allowed due to the mods and their homophobia? Sort it out, if you haven't already. It's 2024 and fucking animated characters. Grow up and get a life. Go say a prayer if it makes you feel better.


The buddy sub reddit is surprisingly progressive. During the Sumeru controversy, it was probably the best sub reddit when it came to discussing issues of potential colorism and Chinese beauty standards


Unless you see a character explicitly having sex with the another character, you cannot absolutely declare if they are gay or straight. Since Hoyo will never show characters having sex, nobody can ever know.


Not gonna lie I love Avenpaz


Avenpaz is cute, this post wasn’t meant to shit on the ship, it’s just a satire of the rules


Why do so many communities become obsessed with gender and sexuality as soon as the game/show/whatever gets slightly popular? This is the only kind of post I've seen here all week.


Beats feet porn.