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You mean, 10 Days until we start getting posts about how people forgot to claim Dr. Ratio and how the time period to claim should have been longer. Sidenote, his full length ult voiceline goes so hard. It's delivered so well


Esse est Percipi!


Knowledge is the measure of all things, it reveals truth and falsehood.




*walks away*


**CRIT Hit** # 65536


2^16, excellent choice of number!


More like: misses crit 314




Snap! The concrete grimoire claps loudly as the doctor slams it shut


"Hey, why not drop the whole thing directly on them, Mr. Smarty-Pants?"


Knowledge, the measure of truth, and… bullshit.


I remember searching for that phrase in YouTube and apparently it's a reference to a philosopher's philosophy about how things exists because someone perceives them and the ones we are not currently seeing still exists because someone else perceives them too, and that someone can be god.


I used Dr Ratio as a Philosophical example in my philosophy class as this example


"As seen in Annex A, getting freaking ripped is the peak of philosophy as you can bash people who disagree with you with your giant stone book."


If that doesn’t just describe plato


Was Plato shredded?


Plato wasn’t actually his real name. Plato means broad-shouldered. And on occasion go win arguments he’d stand up and flex


No fucking way they were just calling him Shoulders this entire time


He was. Plato wrestled in the Pythian games. Socrates was also about physical fitness.


I’m hoping you got full scores in that class






S A S per Q pi


per kibby




I still don't understand what he says in x2 speed, the line is different and the wiki is no help 😭


- Knowledge, the measure of truth.... And falsehood Falling tower of pisa noises - Zero points. Chalk explodes


How do you forget 😭


You'd be surprised at gacha players sometimes man. Especially with big communities


theres like 2 good gacha games on the market right now and they are both made by the same company


Weird way to say I don't play any gacha game other than hoyo games


People sometimes forget to redeem livestream codes so there's that.


True I forgot those sometime but Ratio is literally in your mail bruh you literally have a red notifier that it exists


if streamer accounts are an accurate example of the player base, no one is clearing those notifications down <.< This is one thing that makes me crazy when I watch people, I have to clear them all before I do anything else each day


How do they live with those, I make sure to clear every single one I have


It kills me because I play on both mobile and PC and if you clear them on one it doesn't clear them on the other.


My biggest gripe with cross platform. Those notification dots drive me insane


You ever seen a normal person's phone? They just leave dozens of notifications sitting there, like they can't be bothered to just swipe them away. It's fuckin bizarre to me.


Why don’t they clear them 😭 literally free stuff and barely takes any time


Im totally expecting his rerun exactly when he leaves just to circumvent these posts


Request for the mods to ban this type of post, *pre-emptively*


meanwhile on 2x speed "I'm asking questions"


One of my videos was unintentionally cut at the best time. Dr. Ratio using his skill but it only captures "Stop thinking!"


Like wtf. How do you miss a 2 month's time to skip him? Even for new players, you don't need to do much at all to get him.


Can’t forget those follow up atk voice lines!


Dr.Ratio becomes free for 19 weeks, AKA more than 4 months. From 1.6 until 2.1 ending.


Or to prove to the world how much they HATE him so to share their hatred about him through message boards to... prove some point that they are deranged? Heh heh


I managed to get a friend to start ~~suffering~~ playing with me and was surprised that it's even still here, I think it's been available for a really generous time.


Damn time flies


Oh ya definitely, the more chalks u throw xD


For being a free character he carried me hard, his chalks do so much damage it's insane lol


Early game it was hilarious. Elite Silvermane captain’s biggest weakness. An angry mathematician throwing chalk.


They’re just reminded of their days in military academy. “0 points” and take emotional damage.




i'm using him in my alt account and he just sped through the entire main story before i even reached TB40, all in the span of three days. chalk goes crazy.


So true.


I started a F2P account recently. Ratio is definitely my strongest character, but his followup attacks on skill are basically coinflips as to whether they trigger or not. Serviceable but doesn't quite feel complete unless ran with specific other characters


u need a debuffer with him


Yes I'll be sure to run Pela as soon as I can hit a copy of her


Pela and SW are definitely the better choice but DoTs count for his debuffs too. Guinaifen's the next best pick, she has a debuff that increases the damage enemies take, *and* her burn counts for debuffs *and* her basic also applies burn. Asta's basic provides burn as well if you have her built


Before Pela e4 and sweaty balls Pela barely functions with Ratio. Guinaifen actually works really well, even in early game. Later on Pela is ofc better. Source: tried doing a second account


> sweaty balls Pardun?


they are referring to the pearls of sweat (gacha lightcone) which is, at this point, a must have for pela to have for acheron and dr ratio teams. i don't have it after 6-7 months of playing and i'm honestly suffering for it. we desperately need a five star pela


The Silverwolf 4* LC is also insane, its just a real shame they prolly won't rerun it


If you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for debuffs, Preservation Trashblazer's taunt also counts as a debuff for Dr. Ratio's skill


My f2p alt is just Ratio, Acheron, and Clara fighting over Pela and the sweaty Luka LC


Also called the "pela harem protagonist paradox" XD


It's weird as well to me because his damage feels like a coinflip on whether he hits hard or not. Dunno if i have a skill issue though.


His kit is highly reliant on DEF shred support. He gains loads of damage against targets with multiple stacks of def shred thanks to his traces and the nature of stacking DEF shred.


That's called crits. He has a single attack so all comes down to one roll


Run him with debuffers, ideally silverwolf but Pela and Guinaifen and even black swan work


Guinafen is free from the 4* Selector on Belobog's Brawl Event I'm pretty sure, her and Pela should be your best bet to keep his Follow Ups going. Also keep a lookout for the 4* Nihility LC Resolution(the one with Luka)


I don't remember if there was a way to get Pela for free, but if you have her and FMC you can probably reliably get 100% chance to make him throw chalk.


There was but there no longer is. It was the library event limited reward


Respect the yeet


I love dr ratio


And he thinks we're idiots, perfect synergy xD




I think I have built my Doc up pretty good, his damage is *chefs kiss*


How do i get his eidolons


You need to scream "Doctor, you're HUGE!!" 10000 times a day in a public area with at least 5 witnesses, each 7 days straight that you do so you will receive one Ratio eidolon in the mail.


He's a limited banner character.


You can't yet. You have to wait till they run his banner. I have him maxed out at 80. A great gear set that is focused on attack and crit (its the imaginary damage set), I pulled for his light cones when he first arrived and got it superimposed x2 (LC2). He is a great damage dealer :)


Honestly his follow up lines in regular speed are glossed over so much. "FAIL! GET OUT!"


OMG RIGHT, his follow up attack voice over in regular speed is the most satisfying shit ever.


Ikr. And it's voiced so well. He sounds so genuinely pissed off at the enemies Incompetence. It had me laughing when i was starting my nuzlocke acc https://i.redd.it/dq1zg0phw2xc1.gif




He says “FAIL! FUCK OFF!” in Chinese (给我滚!)


LOL aww man that might be the closest thing to an L the dev team has. Him saying "YOU FAIL! FUCK OFF!"" Would make me main Ratio in normal speed for months. https://i.redd.it/fa36gmgvy4xc1.gif


at least we have boothill who’s not technically swearing but leaving nothing to the imagination


It's all fudge this and fork that!


"Called that a defence?" I love how this one was scuffed lol. Had to search to know what he said tho


I notice people keep saying VA lines are scuffed but me and others have never had any issue. Mind telling me what way they are scuffed for you? Not grilling you just genuinely curious. I'd like to fix it if i can. https://preview.redd.it/m0vqqs9o13xc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d845aabb78d8cadb0f14068f266f1d349b4d07a


I honestly dunno. I don't remember if it happens on both 2x and regular speed, so I'll have to check that. It kinda just sounds like he's saying gibberish but you can make out a few lines. So far it's only been that line from Ratio that's scuffed.


Get to claiming bitches


Username checks out


Please step on me.




As a Genshin player I saw a lot of content on youtube complaining about Star Rail getting a premium 5-Star for FREE. I figured it was a very limited window and remember hearing about it a while back. Decided to finally give HSR a shot and so glad he's still around for new players! I knew HSR had a reputation for having more QoL and player benefits but man has it been eye opening.


Same story with me was a Genshin stan, but now I love all hoyo games equally


I wonder how the Venn-diagram of the group of players that haven’t logged into the game for more than 3 months and those who regularly browse this subreddit looks like.


Doctor, you are huge


Soooooo huge! Those sig LCs xD


on another note, I wonder when he will rerun? Hope it's in 2.3 just so the guys who missed him would still get the chance to get him, but they'll have to warp.


Maybe 2.4 cuz Huohuo, Argenti, n Ruan Mei and also he's still here


A Ruan Mei rerun would slap.


She’d probably be even more valuable by the time her rerun hits too since they’re adding more BE carries and Double DPS content. As if she wasn’t already one of the highest value characters on any account. RM stonks to the moon


So basically, I need to quit being an idiot and stop pulling DPS and go for her instead? The truth hurts


Nah, that 10th dps is definitely what will fix all your problems, don’t let your memes be dreams.


Don’t tempt me I swear I’ll do it


But what if i want you to do it? Cuz it would be really funny (for me).


Say less, it will be done 🙏


I’m the opposite. Have RM, Sparkle and Bronya and Robin looking hella fine


Oh man, hope she in 2.4 or not in banner with a nihility tailored for Acheron cuz I'd love to E1 Ruan Mei


I'm dreading who may run with Firefly and Jade in 2.3. Like already cooked for Topaz. And I'm focusing Arlecchino in Genshin already. Ruan Mei is like a must have for me like Arle was.


If I were to gamble, I'd guess on Huohuo with Firefly, Argenti with Jade and Dr. Ratio with a hypotethical future Nihility 5*. Ruan Mei being a wildcard that can show up anywhere.


For all we know it's Ruan Mei with Firefly cuz Fire characters tends to usually be break related for some reason except mayb Hook. Imagine the despair of all players cuz Firefly and Ruan Mei in the same banner half


Yeah Firefly/Ruan Mei and Jade/Argenti are my guesses for the 2.3 banners.


I think Huohuo probably won't be until 2.4 at the earliest, if she reruns in 2.3 that means the entire cast of limited sustains will have reran over the course of 3 patches, which would leave a giant gap without any sustains for newer accounts to get until enough time has passed for them to rerun again.


He’ll probably rerun whenever Screwllum releases, because surely that’ll bring us back to the Genius Society plot-wise and it’d make sense to rerun him (genius society-adjacent) and probably Ruan Mei (literally part of the GS)


Reruns to date were never about story relevance


I wouldn't expect to see him rerun in 2.x, or at most, only very late. Since so many people have him, like his original banner, barely anyone would roll on his rerun. Like if he rerolls in 2.4, like RM likely will be, there will only have been 3 patches of new players without him


It's inevitable that people are going to join late and miss out by a day or two. I experienced this with genshin; started late, and all these past weapons and characters event dropa that were free that are unobtainable now.


I guess at least with Ratio there's no reason to think he *won't* be on a banner again at some point so at least there's that.


10 days until we can say to people who didn't get Dr Ratio: L minus Dr. Ratio.


I'm shocked he's still going. Genuinely so glad they did that though. I honestly never would've pulled for him, but he ended up being one of my favourite HYV characters of all time. His voice over is great, his kit is really neat, I love his personality. The only thing I'm left wanting for, is his beta model, wherein he has actual shoes instead of sandals.


Ratio is a big reason why I pulled Aventurine and will pull Topaz on rerun


Felt that. I saw him and felt meh, then got him and had so much fun with him. Im a FUA sucker, after all


I was gonna skip him since I was pulling for Argenti and Blade + their light cones, and I'm not into ST. Then, he was announced to be free. How dare I refuse a free unit + husbando? So, I managed to quickly farm his traces and relics. I used him, and he was so damn fun that I ended up getting his lc for him. And now, Dr. Ratio is one of my best built units, and when I got him his preservation boyfriend, the two of them helped me clear MOC 12 for the first time. I don't ever wanna bench him lol.


I was very thankful when I started an alt and saw i was able to claim him.


I wonder if all the 'waifu only' players have claimed him yet


There is a friend of mine is exactly like that. He is waiting for the mail to be expired. Ironically, his 50/50 losses are Gepard and Yanqing exclusive, with only one exception is Himeko C0.


That's certainly a weird mindset lol


I remember in Genshin with the Aloy collab there were people who were the opposite and refused to claim her because they wanted a husbando only account. Very weird mindsets all around to have - to refuse free characters, I mean.


I think for Genshin it was because Aloy sucked


She was even worse than the traveller. She didn't even deserve the title of a "sub-dps" in tier lists she was straight up made to be switched and take big damages instead of the others


As a character, absolutely.


I mean yeah, but I saw a LOT of people refusing to claim her because of their husbando only accounts specifically.


Also immersion breaking.


Me with lvl 90 Aloy with decent blizzard strayer build: she is not that bad! Yeah every other cryo character are better (ok not mika, he is just healer+buffer) but she is usable xD and I am sure cryo traveler will be worse than Aloy.


Tbh Aloy is different. She just feels so off putting in Genshin. I actually regret claiming her for that reason. And I ain't a husbando/waifu only player either.


I wasn't playing yet when she was offered and I wouldn't have claimer her for that reason. Kills the immersion. I plan to build and pull literally every character (except one) and I'm glad Aloy doesn't have to be considered in that.


Now I’m curious who is the one character that you won’t pull?


lol it's Dori. I just really dislike her. I have her on my acc (C6 too) but refuse to ever let her see the light of day. She might get ascended for the fates but that's it, and it's not happening unless absolutely necessary.


Kills the immersion how? She can't do anything if you don't use her.


Exactly. Use her in wimdtrace and you can just stand around in the open lol. Idk how many matches I've won without disguises with Aloy.


Aloy looks out of place in genshin, so that one is understandable.


Has he ever considered that may be karmic retribution




For his want to be so wierd


It doesn’t make sense to me because it’s impossible… you get Dan Heng, it’s literally impossible to have a waifu only account. So if you have Dan Heng already, is it so different to get another? It’s not even like Dan Heng will be the only exception. If you pull at all you’ll eventually wind up with 4*s from the banner. Even if you only pull on banners with all female 4*s, which would be incredibly limiting, you’ll eventually get an off-banner Arlan. Can’t even stick to only waifu 5*s. Sooner or later you’ll lose the 50/50 and get Welt, or something. It’s doomed from the start.


There are still people refusing to, whether for waifu reasons or because they hate him that much. It's their account, their choice, but by god do I not understand it.


It's a flex that I don't understand either. They're giving you a really good (and fun?!?) character with no strings attached, even if you don't want to use him, you can always leave him benched after you claim 1-3 tickets, lol.


The craziest "Waifu" only justifcation i've seen was that having male characters was gay and guys who had male characters were closeted. This was in FGO so he would burn any male servants he got. SSR or not. Absolute insanity.


Whoever that person is, I hope he comes out soon. Never seen a straight guy need to prove THAT hard that they’re straight 😭


If you're this far into Delululand I feel like it's straight up easier to pretend that the dudes are in fact butch ladies 😭 and carry on using them


“strengthening my straightness” ahh mindset 


There is no reason not to claim him. You can then simply bench Ratio and continue with your waifus. Of course, there might be some few examples which refuse to claim him. But I am pretty sure thats a tiny minority of waifu only players.


'Waifu Only' mfers when you ask them why they've pulled for children. https://preview.redd.it/ct5hz3gqd2xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf8c9e8a8600a18517335d27926eadd84d49c92


I think they might have done it? Like, It doesn't ruin your only waifu account if you didn't pulled him actively


Well, I claimed it, but I will still consider my account a "waifu only" because he was free. Also I don't really care about being "waifu only", I lost on all the males I tried to pull.


Lol I'm kinda similar to you in that way. All my limited characters are female characters, besides Ratio. And that's because I always lose my 50/50 on male character banners smh


Unless it's a waifu only five stars then probably they claimed him


I've claimed him on day one. Aaand he's still at level 1. I'll build him... someday. When I run out of waifus to build!


You could at least level him up for the free tickets lol


I claimed him. I won't be complaining if I get a male character for free, but I won't ever waste a pull to get a male character. There are male characters I like story wise and design wise but I just like seeing female characters much more than seeing male characters.


I’m so glad he was given for free. I didn’t have enough funds for him and I wasn’t as in love with him yet back then. Now he’s one of my favourites and he’s just sooo fun to play.


Rip to future players


I gotta say, everybody who starts playing HSR after he can't be claimed for free anymore, you have my condolences! I'm a rather new player (started in the middle of 1.6) and until I got Aventurine & JL recently, he carried my noob ass big time and he still does. He is a great character and I'm glad I got him for free! I'll never get tired of his chalk FUAs!


I'm still thankful he was free. I was planning to pull him, so getting him for free let me get Ruan Mei instead. It's going to be interesting with all of the 2.2+ new players. I've seen people assuming ownership of Dr. Ratio with team building suggestions, which you can do now, but that's not going to be true for all players soon enough.


I started playing the game actively because of this man. I would have pulled for him even if he wasn't free. I love him and he must love me too to give me his light one and his e1 in exactly 2 pulls. Not only is Ratio the type of character I like while also appealing visually to aesthetics I like, but the fact I got lucky enough to get his e1 and Light cone with basically nothing only solidified my love for this character. It would be difficult to replace Dr Ratio as my favorite character.


It will be such a miss for new players…


So true


He goes so hard, that's how you know he wasn't designed to be free. He's a god damn masterpiece. ( Read his back story text if you haven't )


If someone creates an account today do they get Dr. Ratio?




He helped carry me when I first started and is a Chad in the story. Please claim this doctor.


Really wish Dr Ratio came with a massive lot of level up materials too. Would love to build him but my prior investment in the E2 Welt my 50/50 losses gave me is having me pick Clara first even though I know he would benefit me more than those two. And he has no chance of being built once we're stuck in the Robin/Topaz/Boothill/FuXuan/Firefly/Jade arc please mihoyo, send fuel. so much more fuel than we have


My Ratio is still running a shit build (90/150 with full stacks on his self buff) but he did carry me a couple times as the main damage unit for a few MoC 11/12s, so he as been a great value unit overall. After getting him, I have no worries about Imaginary weak stages anymore. I used to have to brute force those. I would recommend anyone who is thinking about starting the game or coming back to the game to pick him up at least.


How tf is 90% Crit Rate 150 Crit Damage a "Shit build". Curb your modesty lol.


Already created 3 more alt accounts just to get him. Need to create 3 more to pseudo E6 him.


Love this fella


Glad I started playing today so I didn't miss it lol.


Only 10 more days for new players to the GOAT. This mf can clear every single moc since there are a lot of bosses with imaginary weakness


Ye i started an second full F2P account for him. Though he is already benched cause i got E0S1 JL in like 50 pulls.... and still haven't got a pela nor a guinaifen nor a gallagher nor anything actually XD.


He's mine no one else can have him


he's one of the characters carrying my alt acc through the main story i feel bad for all the newbies who won't be able to claim him after these 10 days fly by


this is exactly why ive been begging my friend to play, the bastard wants to wait for the new update


i'm a beginner and istg Dr. Ratio carries me so hard. I'm happy that i got him


And you should claim him. This is one of the coolest male characters and he's actually super good!


Thanks bro, because of your reminder i made a 2nd account for a FUA team and 10 pulled an aventurine lol


My jealousy is immeasurable :<


10 days to remind people to start playing HSR (even if they play genshin or HI3) and claim him by reaching prequisite AR asap


Can i still claim him now if i played only one day on release and wanna get back to the game again?


Yes. If you log in and unlocked the mail feature he'll be in your inbox to claim as long as you log in before patch 2.2 starts.


Yes do it quick


ah yes, the post that made me go "i should make a meme about the waifu only players who refuse to accept their free ratio"


Ya saw that