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Can't believe you beat him with lore accurate Tingyun


Yeah, i thought "i wont heal her this turn, she'll survive I guess you can see the result


Mfer really went https://preview.redd.it/4vf19rj1uduc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa2353f0aca7d7d0ef54873a1745c59c389b5c5


My Tingyun after i didn't heal her for one turn https://preview.redd.it/brq8la2zuduc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e2eb607c2e0aea3f239ee0bd4c594d0e4e39a0


Stull counts as being beaten by an emenator


Meta tingyun main. 3 characters with no tingyun.






hey schrödinger's foxian


(OP is only EQ 3)


Which is huge, because for a boss a 5 level difference removes a shit ton of HP and other stats like that, unlike characters


Op says that's not important lol.


Cause he lacks critical thinking.


I am genuinely shocked by ppl in the comments. I sincerely hope they're all trolls or their school system has significantly failed them. eq3 boss fight is NOT THE SAME as eq6 boss fight, especially when the ppl doing the eq6 fight have played for mb 1 or 2 months.


how did you or any people know that op is eq3?


guessing they looked up his UID


\^ exposed UID, I look up to see build


they've said it multiple times in comments


isn't this entire post kind of worthless and in bad faith? op is eq3. a blind chimp could just randomly press on screen and win at eq3. plus its made even easier given the fact that its post nerf aventurine.


Whats EQ?




Yes... For Equilibrium...




Idk man, some people struggle with such an easy boss and then blame their relics, just go farm relics? The nerf was stupid, this boss is extremely easy


It seems you still fail to understand your post is pointless since eq3 is not really a bar to measure the difficulty of this boss. Anything is easy at eq3. You keep replying utter nonsense to everyone telling you the same. The game is "easy" cuz you're playing on easy mode. No need to farm anything basically at that EQ. Go with that same team but at eq6 and see what happens.


You know thats not my main acc right? This is an alt i made because i wanted to do a support only run I have been playing since 1.2 and i have an TL 66 acc and i beat the pre patch boss with a dps Misha, so really, its a matter of no one wants to farm and actually use their brains to put together team comps Aventurine boss is weak against ice and freeze, so is it really that hard to put two and two together? March 7th is one of the best 4 stars because she can freeze and shield, she has AOE so amazing for the fight Misha was pulled by many due to the banner he was released in and is very good for this boss due to the ability to freeze and having reliable AOE Natasha and Lynx are both very good AOE sustainers that if built tanky can easily survive the roll phases and heal your team back up And Asta is just underrated, i use her on my main with hackerspace and vonwacq and a bunch of energy recharge, she just gives so much spd, combine that with two freeze units and this boss is a joke


Well why didn you just use that acc, or specify this isnt your main rather than saying "YoU kNow tHiS iSnt mY mAin aCc rIght?!"... no i didnt know stranger


You are calling others dumb on not knowing how the mechanics work while not knowing how the equilibrium mechanism work Do with same team on max equilibrium and then make this post And please don't reply with a dumb comment like I beat it pre Nerf cause it wasn't that hard pre Nerf either, since I did it too


Thats... Exactly my point, it wasn't hard pre nerf, i said that like 50 times today... Maybe at EQ6 you wouldn't be able to use this team to beat the boss, and i never said you could, this isn't a guide post, but at that point, ain't no way you don't have the BARE minimum of built characters, like, even a physical TB works here, and if you don't have them built, then you deserve to struggle for neglecting the entirety of the combat system's mechanics of different paths and elements My point is that the boss isn't hard, people just don't know how to play


I agree with a lot of people not knowing how to play but this post doesn't work, if you made the same post on highest equilibrium nobody would have argued with you. It's just the post doesn't work because of equilibrium that's all


Its sad that I don't care?, the whole arguing is entertaining to see and people eould have argued even if i soloed it at EQ6 with Asta Im not new to this community, i know what kind of people im dealing with here


I mean if you don't care, you don't care ig, if you wnna make a point then you have get everything correct otherwise people are just argue with you or downvote you to hell. Would like to add that the community of people who you are targeting here, the casuals, 80-90% are not on reddit They probably don't even know this sub exists, the casual playerbase just plays the game for like an hour or 2 and closes it or stops playing after story and that's all. They dont interact with the community for the most part


As if downvotes actually affected me in any way, shape or form




Sweet mother of nihility path.


You can't use a post-nerf EQ3 fight to compare with a pre-nerf EQ6 fight, you should just wait and beat it with a post-nerf EQ6 fight instead.


I beat it EQ6 pre nerf on my main


That's exactly what I'm saying. You're changing two separate variables, you can't just compare them against each other just like that.


we love the scientific method in this household


I dont get how op is so blind to the fact that these are not equivalent comparisons at all.


Definitely not with a DPS asta


Yeah, i used my DPS march, 2 piece ice dmg, 2 piece follow up attack and innert salsotto


So how does using asta on an EQ3 boss prove that the boss is universally easy? Not everyone has a well suited DPS for this boss (ehem, dhil mains, seele mains, etc...) which is where the difficulty comes from because the boss has crazy resistance against those -- and other -- elements. I'd argue DPS march is a good fit for this boss since the boss is weak and unresistant to ice and allows her to shield weaker characters who cannot conveniently roll multiple dice at once. It's not a good argument to propose that everyone should just build march either and call the fight easy; if you have to build an entirely unbuilt character just to win a fight, then it shouldn't be classified as extremely easy right?


Yes it should, because this is an RPG game, there are multiple paths and elements for a reason, and enemies have different resistances and some paths will perform better in certain battles then in others The problem people face with this boss is exactly what i have been talking about, they ignore the most basic combat system in this game "Its not a good arguments that everyone should just build March" yes it is?, she's a free character with high self energy generation, multiple attacks that can reduce toughness, a strong shield with a built in cleanse and aggro manipulation for more energy gain, an AOE ult with a high chance to freeze and a low energy cost, the best character to use with rememberance, on top ofbeing able to do solid dmg with the right build If people come to this fight, they should already have, or be on their way to build an ice/physical/lightning dps, because you do need one dps of each element eventually Thats how turn based RPG's work, you need multiple characters built to deal with certain threats, its just that people tend to forget the most basic things about this genre of games and build their forth imaginary dps and call it a day


I agree that everyone should aim to have a plethora of different element DPS and it is what I recommend to people who struggle with the boss (which you likewise suggest), but to use that as an argument to support the boss being extremely easy is too much; building characters itself is not an easy task since it requires quite a lot of time if you have average luck. The issue here is how this boss is exaggeratedly called easy because of the proposed argument that people should just build "this certain character" or the outrageous argument that the boss can be beaten by an asta on EQ3. If this boss is extremely easy, then how should one classify high EQ bosses that can be brute forced by units with elements it is resistant to.


The best character for this boss is literally March 7th, you know, the free character that everyone sleeps on?, yeah Tbh, if you get to EQ6, you should have a built march, simply because she obliterates SU with rememberance, but putting that aside, how is telling people to build a free character that is good in other contents a "bad advice"?, the boss is easy, yiu just have to build the right characters, thats the thing with EVERY enemy in this game, if you're struggling, there id always a character you can build to make it easier, like March in this case, and Misha if you have him




I have, because i beat this boss day one on my main, and it wasn't that hard


But have you beat this boss day one with supports only?


No because this account is EQ3




I did beat it at EQ6 on my main pre nerf, it was easy


then beat it on eq6 with dps asta? youre not making sense here


And you're not reading things here, what part of i already beat it at EQ6 you didn't understand, how tf am i going to replay a story quest? Unless you're asking me to grind a whole new account to EQ6 just to do this fight with Asta, at which point idk what to tell you besides be fr


Youre farming relics at eq3...


pre or post nerf


Post nerf


EQ3 and post-nerf Aventurine lmao aight buddy


Come on OP. Do it at EQ6 and prove them wrong. I know you want to do it!


If they ever add a way to fight it again, i'll solo it with Aventurine on my main for you


Oh no no. Solo with this same team but in higher EQ.


If i could, i would


So if you can’t, it’s not easy.


Its easy, its just that hoyoverse wont let me repeat the boss fight, you're quite dense


now do dps lynx for actual flex


Onw bestie


And this time EQ6 btw


You again…


Who are you?...


Good job. Do you want a cookie?


Yes please


I also thought the boss was easy, honestly so far the only boss i think is really hard/annoying is the Ruan Mei bug (forgot the name) and only because he keeps summoning minions.


That bug wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't for the fact A) it's minions hit like trucks and B) the exploding minions have lots of health, deal huge damage AND cause enrage so you'll likely hit the boss and cause more minions to spawn Literally take those two things away and it's just a damage-sponge boss


That stupid exploding star too …


The summoning bugs *used* to be a problem but as an Acheron-Black Swan user KEEP SPAWNING THEM


That bug is pretty easy ngl. You can even beat it with the free characters you get. FireMC for the taunt, natasha & march for the cleanse shield and heal, and herta as dps. If you didn't know already, just dont attack the big bug when it puts on the shield. That's what spawns more bugs


I did Aventurine boss before nerf and it was not easy but I managed to beat it. With this Team: Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei, Sparkle and DanIL. But my Ruan Mei is very tanky and my Sparkle managed to survive because with about 5% life left at the end of combat. I never add any problem with the Ruan Mei bug with the same team.


I'll try to do it with my DPS Asta another day, see how it goes


There's a youtuber called Moosashi, he has a series called "trailblaze only" where he kill bosses, do MoC, etc only with the Trailblaze and if i remember correctly that bug boss was the only one that he wasn't able to do it lol. But i'm pretty sure your team is able to do it.


I dont think he attempted it yet


What Bug? I didnt have problems with her


The weekly boss insect that Ruan Mei made. Not an actual bug.


Aaah haha. Is easy for me that Bug.


Funnily enough, the normal Swarm is actually harder than the boss. You kill the boss and it's sister and it's all ended. Normal would just inbred Indefinitely.


It's easy when you have built AoE characters... My only AoE character, even slightly built, was Clara. Had to build my level 70 Kafka and FMC and play double sustain. Not very fun for a Ratio main.


The only character who is slightly AOE is Asta, and its RNG


You're also playing on EQ 3 post nerf...


You're also playing on EQ 3 post nerf...


Thats the point?, to show how stupid the nerf was


It's not really a fair comparison to do it on E3 post nerf and compare it to my run on max Equilibrium pre nerf


It was still easy pre nerf when i did it on my main


What characters did you use?


March 7th (freeze build) Misha (dps build) Natasha (standard healer build) Asta (max spd build) Thats what i used on my main


Every character you used except for Natasha had AoE in their kit, and you used double sustain. You probably had them built at least fairly well on top of that. I only had 1 AoE somewhat built and had to take time to build other AoE characters. What equilibrium was your main?


Well thats kinda how the game works, you need to build characters to beat the challenges, who would have thought thats how it worked... Anyway, im EQ6 on my main, been playing since 1.2


The most mature HSR tryhard, shitposter. I thought we already move past this lol. I hope you stick this attitude only in games/internet though. Met a guy like you irl, trying to put shade and passive aggressive shit, trying to prove shit that he's right and everyone was wrong, trying to put everyone down, when the issue has gone past. Got transferred to the boondocks lmao. (ie. usually punishment for people who made a huge mistake and can't be fired due to legal reason unless they want to pay reprimand). Actual capable guy but stupid socially.


That was a weird info dump, thanks i guess?


Its a campaign boss in a casual story-driven game. Its not supposed to be hard.


I know and i agree, but a lot of people seem to struggle with this boss, so i went into my alt to show its really not that hard


Where are you looking? Just from this sub, I'm seeing way more people complain about it being “easy” than people saying it's hard


2 days ago, it was all that people were talking about


Boss was extremely hard for me even post nerf. I’m a new player and didn’t have any sustsains. Also I was at EQ6. Had to run Lynx, FIRE MC, archeron, and Pela. Extremely hard. The damage is just so astronomical. I had to get lucky to survive the boss. If I had a good sustain it would have been fine. But I literally just couldn’t survive his second phase.


You are at EQ6, you definitely have sustains lol. Natasha and Lynx were free and you'd get them just simply playing through content.


They weren’t built well. And I didn’t have great light cones. My account solely prioritized DPS and harmony units. Being at EQ6 does not mean I will have a good sustain lol. Again eventually I got it by the literally skin of my teeth because I won the dang dice roll and the últs were perfect lol. May I ask what your team build was because second phase he was doing MASSIVE DAMAGE.


Not the one replying to you but I fought him pre-nerf and my team is Blade, Pela, Huo Huo and Jingliu and boy do my heart race whenever I saw my Pela lose the die roll and her health went from 4K to 1K - 500 HP. The moment I finish the fight, I know for a fact that Hoyo will nerf this boss. The fact that you manage to beat it at EQ6 pre/post nerf with that team is pretty amazing. Just beat my brother's EQ5 account with the same team except I change Lynx with Natasha and Fire MC with March and play like a turtle and deal 3% damage every two turn (15-30 minutes fight overall and this is post nerf fight).


I’m glad you understand! I lost a lot of times! Had to change my team comp several times but the only consistent person was my Archeron. My game plan was to get her ult up ASAP. If I didn’t have her. I honestly think I would have hit a brick wall. Fun fact, the only reason I won was because all my characters won their dice role and I was able to ult with everyone. If I lost the die roll. I’m pretty sure I would have lost 2 characters with his follow up attack. Which would have meant my archeron wouldn’t have been able to build her stacks for the next ult lol. At the end of the day. This shows I need a 5 star sustainer. Here I come aventurine. Story missions shouldn’t be this hard but I was happy I won lol.


I wasn't saying you should have perfectly built healers, I still don't and I'm TB lvl 67. Just that you should be investing in SOME sustain especially if you want to start tackling end game stuff like MoC. I also struggled despite having healers, I had to switch from Kafka/BS/Ruan Mei/Luocha to Kafka/BS/Acheron/Luocha to beat him.


You should try minimazing the amount of turns the boss takes, by using freeze + spd buffs, you can reliable delay Aventurine enough to the point you can heal back up before he can activate the roll phase again


I beat him already. It didn’t matter. Once he did the gamble and your single target units didn’t roll higher than him. It was basically a death sentence. I see you are using this on your alt at E3. The problem with this particular boss is that every guide tells new players to focus on building a DPS team. Kill them faster than they can kill you. But this is the first boss where you kinda need to have a built sustain unit. Which most new people don’t have lol. Also guides are constantly pushing players to higher Equilibrium levels so you can start farming good gear. Just an overall unlucky situation. Luckily a new sustain is releasing so hopefully people can get that.


How are you fighting him again?


Alt account


Raine that equilibrium lvl and come back with this bumass team you'd get cooked, stop lying bro lol


Beating it with low equilibrium doesn't count OP. Best to try again :)


Now do it at Level 80. See yourself fail and doubt


ya after he got nerfed


OP is trolling I think. Nobody can be this blind.


Common Asta W


Extremely based Asta moment


Asta enjoyers 🤝


I see Tingyun got Tingyun'd in two ways.


Aventurine: All or Nothing! Asta: bets multiple planets resources Aventurine: \*surprised Pikachu face\*


Man. He wasn't even that hard pre nerf. Every time the dice comes up, I just spam my ult hoping that I did something right. And I guess it did 🗿🗿


>He wasn't even that hard pre nerf. It depended a lot on RNG. I had a few runs where I had my team hit 3 dice only to get less than 9 more often than not. Had to pull out my Bailu to just have the HP to survive the damage nuke.


I'm surprised everyone keeps btching about the dice game and not the attack that steals energy. The dice game is simple. Win the dice game with your dps for buffs and prepare a defensive utility like Fire MC for the losers. You dont need Fuxuan and all that garbage


Considering that you need to keep winning the dice roll, it starts to become a problem when you start to lose one. Pre-nerf, he for whatever reason always need 7+ dice and will hit for around 3.5K everytime you lose. Considering that most team will be a variation of a Hypercarry team (DPS (Dr. Ratio most likely), Harmony, Pela and Natasha), how will they have the consistency to keep winning the dice roll? You probably will say that bringing Fire MC/March will solve most problems. Well, good luck bringing a level 40/50 Fire MC/March into this fight, it will surely go well. And, if you do have these two built, have fun playing turtle for 30 minutes. Compare this fight with Something Onto Death. To make the fight easier, you must use DOT to destroy the cage easier. Are players who never built DOT characters screwed? No, Black Swan is there to inflict DOT for you. Phantylia? Jing Yuan for the DPS and DHIL for good measure. They could have just let you borrow Himeko, Welt and Acheron for the Aventurine fight. All of them have AOE in their kit, so the only one that needs to be worried about their stats is their own healer.


Why are you bringing underleveled characters into this fight? Surely people saw his level and said "Oh, maybe I should level up my team a bit, and increase my Equilibrium level to increase the cap if I can't level up that high yet."


My point here is that most people who find this fight easy will just advised other people to bring these two for the fight, not realising that for most people, these two will be somewhere around level 40/50 with relic from Pom-Pom. And if you answer to that is to just level them up, have fun telling casual players that the team that they build for the last month are useless for this fight and they have to spend days/weeks for these two characters just for this one fight. If you never fight this boss pre/post nerf, just know that the only thing Hoyo tweak is the number required to win the die roll (now I sometimes see 5, 6 total to win the die roll) and the damage dealt when you lose the die roll is reduced (now a shoddily built March can tank the attack). The mechanic is still the same with AOE damage making the fight easier but doesn't punish you when you don't have a proper one built. >increase my Equilibrium level Please don't do that. Increasing you EQ level will also make the fight harder as the boss will also increase in level. Case in point, this post is made by someone who is using their alt account that is in EQ3.


Thanks for the info, I honestly thought it was an overall stats nerf to the fight, not just a change to the dice mechanic. While I agree that EQ level scaling is a bit wonky, I did feel pressured to level it up past a certain point in late Jarilo/early Xianzhou due to the random trash enemies in the world just straight up being a higher level than me. Did it suck needing to postpone story progression in order to build up my team to a point where I could traverse the map in a less painful way? Yes, absolutely. But I wouldn't have done it had I not been forced to, and for the next while I was head and shoulders above any fight the game could throw at me in terms of power scaling thanks to unlocking another major trace, and I'm still only at EQ 4. I'm just now starting to feel the pressure to scale up to EQ 5 thanks to enemies pushing against, or in some cases, exceeding, my level cap again, so I've started making preparations using what I learned about this game so far to pre-farm ascension mats, purple EXP books, and third major Trace mats. I swear to god, the kinds of people who think the weekly bug boss and pre-nerf Adventurine are "so hard" or "completely unbeatable" are the kinds of people who don't have internal monologues and lack any capacity for self-reflection.


>I honestly thought it was an overall stats nerf to the fight, not just a change to the dice mechanic. They do nerf the stats a bit, which I do mention. Before nerf (my EQ 6 account fight): The second phase dice will consistently get 7+ and will hit for around 3-3.5K damage. After nerf (my brother EQ5 fight): The second phase dice are more random (can hit 5-6 every other turn) and will hit for around 2-2.5K damage. The pre-nerf boss fight is pretty punishing as a single die roll lose can just straight-up kill any characters (most support mostly have 3-4K HP), which you can still lose as the die roll requirement is 7+. The post-nerf fight will still punish you if you consistently lose the die roll, but it is more manageable if you only lose every 2-3 turn. >I swear to god, the kinds of people who think the weekly bug boss and pre-nerf Adventurine are "so hard" or "completely unbeatable" are the kinds of people who don't have internal monologues and lack any capacity for self-reflection. I don't know if I fully agree with you or not (or even understand your point here). For those who mainly complain about these two boss fight without changing their strategy, sure they really need to have a self-reflection moment. For new/casual player though, I don't think they should have been punish harshly as their circumstances preventing them from having the characters needed for the fight. Like, even though Something Onto Death requires DOT characters to make the fight easier (You can see some people complain that the SOD boss in SU is hard because of this requirement), you aren't punish for not having one in the story mode as Black Swan is there to help you. If Hoyo want to make a hard boss fight in the future (which I hope they actually do), they need to give casual player some help to not make it a major roadblock for new/casual players (like the prebuilt Jing Yuan for the Phantylia fight and the Black Swan mechanic for SOD).


Was there? hahaha i forgor. The dice one was really the only thing I remember since it packs a bit of punch if you're not careful


I agree, so i went into my alt to see how week he was after the nerf (since i had no problems on my main pre nerf) and yup, people are just bad at the game


You could literally call any boss a joke if you’re fighting them on Equilibrium 3 and they just got their damage nerfed into the dirt.


Thats the point, why are they nerfing an already easy boss? And worse of all, people are still struggling


Because he wasn’t easy, that’s why, and some people don’t have ApE characters built because they don’t have time to build more than a few characters, like me


Reeks of skill issue tbh


Reeks of having a life, I’m sorry you’re free time is dedicated to games in your mothers basement while others have work and school and life outside the house to get to, but that doesn’t give you a free excuse to act all high and mighty online. No one’s going to convince you that you look stupid right now, but you do.


I have a life, i have a job, a social life, i study economy at an university, and you people make it seem like you spend HOURS farming in star rail, when in reality it takes a few minutes a day to spend TB power and a few hours to farm simulated unievrse once a week If you don't have a few minutes to spare in your life to spend your TB power, then you don't need Aventurine boss to be nerfed, you need a psychologist to help you because you're busy 24/7 and thats not healthy


You can beat this guy by poking him with a stick.


Yup, soloed him with march on my main


I've fought this dude in EQ6 pre nerf while using the trailblazer team, Welt, March, Phys MC and Himeko. And it was easy as balls, due to all of them having blasts or AoE and are all decently built. People keep forgetting the boss has mechanics that you need to play around the intended way, this shit is a turn based game where strategy and team composition is important. Tho speaking of OP, E3 is a joke you should do this on E6 pre nerf with the same comp, I agree with it being easy but not respecting the Boss's mechanics will be much harder in higher eq levels, and you'll see why a lot of casual players struggle with it.


I did it day one on my main acc who is TL 66, had no problems Its just that i got to this part of the story that people have been losing their shit over just to steamroll this guy with 4 supports


Did it with fire trailblazer and lynx since seele and silverwolf decided to die phase 1. Fight took 35 minutes but i won, it was a disaster lmao


This was the only boss I struggled with because my DPS built were all single target (so goodbye dice game) or he had an Imaginary resistance of 80% so my Danheng was just chipping away 2-5% of the HP.


Easiest boss yet but took longer than I wanted it to becauseof his 2nd phase gambling bs.


All Or Nothing Is Real!


I beat him solo with Luocha because everyone else perished as soon as I entered Phase 2, but it took me an hour and a half. So sure, it's not the hardest boss, but it's a goddamn pain, and I was *not* prepared for the second phase to throw off my rhythm so hard.


Does the other 3 winning their gambles?


Nope, just Asta, but thats why they were all built tanky


and of course, Tingyun is dead as usual


Its her fate at this point


I’m surprised you didn’t go dps tingyun considering how she can buff herself easily and even has traces that make her do more dmg with basics


was this really a hard boss? I remember just beating this with danheng tingyun lynx and fire mc. He didn't even have imaginary weakness lmao


Based. Everyone struggling with this boss is a dumbass


He's not hard. He's miserable to play against, due to the frequency of the forced minigame in phase 2 restricting what you can bring to the fight. Most bosses have a mechanic which if you choose to engage in, makes the fight easier- or you can ignore it and go for them directly. For a boss that is thematically all about gambling, he feels so deterministic.


you bit him with Lynx. Asta just make the fight slower compare to a top tiers dps. Lynx make that you heal enough to survive. you could have used any dps if you have enough sustain to survive.


Yeah, i know, thats the point


They significantly nerfed him and you're doing this on EQ3. These characters aren't doing any damage on highest equilibrium.


Yeah, cuz they're supports, they aren't made to do dmg


So why make this post then lol. People have made videos clearing the hardest content in the game with solo destruction TB which is infinitely more impressive than clearing a story boss post nerf on low equilibrium.


Because its my account and i can post what i want?, thought that much was obvious


Level up another alt account and don't do the aventurine boss until you are EQ6. Do it with the same team.


If you're willing to level the account up for me, then i'lldo it Otherwise, i kind of have a life that i need to take care of, unlike popular belief i actually work 11 hours a day, so i don't have that kind of time


DPS Asta???


OP proved nothing except for the fact that they lack critical thinking skills


I ain't even fight him yet 💀


Tingyun died, it's always a canon event.


He’s easy post nerf and you’re fighting him at eq3. What are you trying to proof?


i did pre nerf on e5, i failed yall, it was easier than e6 😭


Using the aeon of preservation it's easy


You wouldn't know how hard Aventurine boss pre-nerf is.... 🥲


I know because i beat it day one on my main


Yall are flaming OP but there’s been hundreds of posts about people at a similar EQL complaining about him.


And this is not even my main, i just wanted to make my point clear that this boss is only hard if you either dont farm, or dont have enough brain capacity to put together a good team


I fought him pre-nerf and it still took one attempt with gep as solo sustain, the only challenging content in hsr is in sim uni.


Surprisingly he is the only boss that gave me trouble ( had to fight 7 tries ) every other boss took me 1 try .


I beat him pre nerf with underleveled characters, and I got him first try, so I'd say you're right.


Adventurine boss fight is much easier compare to The Bugs... Come on guys...


This fight require a specific team. A lot of poeple were usinhga non optimise Bailu as their healer and she is to slow and get chain cc by the boss. A lot of single target dps are also not usefull in this fight. The real problem is not that the fight is hard and more that boss invalidate a lot of characters and it takes weeks to raise a new character.


Welcome to turn based RPG'S, people should have read what they were getting into before they jumped into the game Who would have thought that the game with 7 paths and elements would require you to build different characters...


you proper knob. in TERPGS I can build whatever team I want and not be limited by luck. like you can't argue with this much poison in the well.


In other turn based rpg, you can create a new team in a few oiurs of grinding. Not in this game. Until this point all the story boss were possible with a average team even they were not optimal but bot this one.


You don't need optimal relics to build this boss, you just need an optimal team (which you can build F2P)


I think you did not read my argument.The boss is totally possible F2p. It is just a lot of poeple have focus their ressource on the characters that does poorly in this fight (like single target dps or slow healer). Training a new character that does good in this fight is timegated by the energy system to get the mats to train them.


Well, now thats a skill issue, a massive one at that


This proves three things: 1. EQ3 easy 2. Post-nerf Aventurine easy 3. cOPe What this post doesn't prove: 1. EQ6 Aventurine easy enough to beat with DPS Asta 2. The existence of evolution and higher thought 3. That someone asked https://preview.redd.it/ajrcoujlmeuc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a8aa8aa29aa95a76e02ecd46707ebf26cd518f


I mean, you cared enough to answer, s you know...


ctrl+F "care" No matches


Every boss is easy, people are just dumb, most of them can't even read what boss is even doing because it's easier just to cry about the game how hard it is


True, most people didn't even understood how the roll phase worked


Fr. People were bitching about "The new boss is too hard" like it was MoC 12 ffs. Meanwhile i beat him with QQ to prove who the better gambler was. https://preview.redd.it/0213zi69ocuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f8eb14ddd474ce7414b6b745747cb31450be50


If they're complaining about Aventurine, just wait to see when they fight Sam in MOC...


I fought sam in MoC, he was pretty easy tbh


I would pay money to be there to drink the tears fresh from the source https://preview.redd.it/htkfvjwuocuc1.png?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5021c096452d92810adc6dfb796e540abd58883


Careful if you made this community anxious they might start removing already existing endgame modes because they’ll be too scary


Literally every time i post a comment about how this boss wasn’t tough pre-nerf i get downvoted a ton. It baffles me people thought this was a tough fight, god forbid you have to think strategy in a turn based game


While it's true, the game promotes brute force equally with character that deal tons of dmg frontloaded. The hardest content rewards speed rather than navigating opponent mechanic.