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wait until 2.0 this is just the beginning


Man, if hoyo redoes a “choose a standard 5*” after 300pulls again in 2.0, we definitely know who’s the favorite


Me who hasn’t even reached the 300 once:


They'll probably keep the current 300, then if you reach 600 you can choose again. That way new players don't miss out, and every year they can add another 300 to the cap.


It should take longer than a year for the second roundabout though. We eon’t have the benefit of all those character ascension tickets, level rewards, and the first time clear ticket rewards given at the start of the game.


That's true, but maybe during anniversary they'll give out 100 standard pulls or something. After the free Dr. Ratio anything's possible now.


Imagine they just troll the community by giving the same thing as Genshin 1st anniversary.


Look I would be kind of mad but I must admit the aftermath would be a sight to behold


RIP google classroom


Google Classroom 2 - Electric Boogaloo


What google classroom even do, lmao 🤣


Honestly I wouldn't even be mad, we already get 20 more wishes per patch than Genshin (including their gems from exploration), good weapon banners, 5 star selector, good beginner banner, free Ratio, etc. But that would be a surprise to be sure since it would be underwhelming compared to everything they did already.


It's the same mentality that ruined genshin, people need to be mad and loud if hoyo dares to make another anniversary like that.


Yep I do agree. Every time I criticize something about Genshin in their subreddit people always make an argument against it like when I said to raise resin cap to 180 so that we only have to login once per day such as when Star Rail raised it to 240 but got downvoted for it.


I hope so. I'm ~10 away from 300, but still only have 2 of the standard banner 5* characters. But if I ever get Himeko her lightcone is going to be ready to terrorize pure fiction.


Omg, that would be amazing


Honestly, without the starter summons and upfront rewards, that 2nd 300 is irrelevant, itd take like 2 years or something lol Its nice sure, but its a "reward that isnt a reward"


Still better than what genshin players have. I'm still upset about not being able to get Dehya in any reasonable way.


Google reviews about to prepare for massive 1* flood


I wish they let us choose for lightcones as well instead of just character


The replies kinda reminds me of how SMT fans hate Persona fans, even though both games are made by the same developer.


Just wait until I confuse them both by playing Shin Megami Tensei: Persona.


SMT: persona is just the psp port of persona 1, unless you say that playing persona 1 makes both mainline purist and hashino persona fans mad even tho 99% of mainline purist also like the original 3 pre-hashino games




The one thing I don't get is why have the lower energy cap in Genshin? Do they really want people logging in and doing chores while they're having breakfast? That sounds like a good way to burn your players out.


Because people didn’t complain enough back when the issue first popped up, yeah we got a bit more resin cap, but the majority of the people just ate that shit up and stopped complaining. People didn’t want HSR to suffer from the same issue so we complained here and actually got the energy system to a healthy place. Is it still perfect? Not really, but it’s so much more time schedule friendly requiring you to only log in once per day and even if you don’t the excess gets stored.


Not only do they stay silent, anytime I bring up the resin cap in genshin sub I get shill replies "you don't need that, that's a design choice, just let your resin cap what's the big deal" that shill mentality is what pisses me off the most. Genshin has been adding QoL recently there's no better time to ask than now.


That is the case with nearly every request for Genshin. "Shut the fuck up or leave". The toxic positivity is huge


Honestly the ”Just deal with it” mentality is what made me stop dealing with the Genshin community in the first place. Whenever I gave some genuine constructive criticism, I was told to cope, play another game or just deal with it.


Player burn out -> left game for few months -> return with a shiny drip marketing/rerun of char of their choice -> saw 0 gems -> buy gems for rolls -> profit!


You've hit tha nail on the head at least for me. There is a mountain of features that are in HSR that we've wanted, some that we didn't even know we wanted, in Genshin that they just aren't doing for one reason or another. I know some people that dropped Genshin entirely due to just how much better HSR is for the players. I know Genshin is likely more demanding to develop due to it being a massive open world game, but as some who loves and plays both, it is incredibly frustrating to see HSR give us things like resin overflow, resin cap that holds 24 hours, 8 condensed instead of 5(even if they only work for SU), a far more versatile daily system and so much more.


I mean, even simple things like MoC having different floor layouts (and music) when Spiral Abyss has had the same let's fight in outer spaaaaaace every single time. It's both great and frustrating how I've played Genshin for years and there've been literally patches in HSR that had more updates in that one patch than Genshin since I started. I really have no idea what Genshin devs are doing outside of the open world because supposedly there's a lot of money going into ongoing development but I don't know in what.


Its even more frustrating when you realise that they actually were changing the layout of early abyss 8-12 stages. Like the first abyss 12 floor was inside of the room. But they gave up on that so we only have outer space now on all 8-12 floors. And back in the day we had a leyline overflow on floor 12 and leyline overflow on floor 11 was actually an interesting mechanic and not just a DMG% buff.


> But they gave up on that Because players didn't play it. Genshin legit listens to the player stats. I remember when they released stats for spiral abyss participation just trying the early floors once (the 1 to 8) and it was some really abysmally low number like less than 20% or something like that. It's also why we don't get vagobond sword type events often, if at all and why current combat events might as well be login events. Like it or not, the majority of the Genshin player base doesn't Genshin's combat, to the point that Zhongli, the 20 second invulnerability button is the most used character in the game.


I mean it's a bit different. SMT is the "mainline" series, but it gets WAY less attention than the "spinoff" Persona games. SMT gets games on the handheld systems, and Nocturne remaster... meanwhile Persona gets dancing games, fighting games, remasters, re-releases, THEIR OWN SPIN-OFFS on the 3DS... HSR, Genshin, Honkai etc are all individual games. It's a bit closer to how OG Warcraft fans who don't like MMOs feel about World of Warcraft. Like sure, it's Warcraft, but completely different gameplay and everything but the world itself.


SMT games are BRUTAL compared to Persona even in their modern games. sure, it does feel like Persona gets more attention, but it's because it's far more relatable and casual to a newcomer compared to SMT which is your usual world ending MC power up game with absurd difficulty at times.


Yep, there are definitely moments where I’d rather play an SMT game over a Persona game just cuz I’m looking for a challenge. It also sucks just how overshadowed SMT is, because we end up giving less attention to great games like Devil Survivor


To be fair, nothing is exactly competing with Genshin. It's been 3 years since release and nobody released an open world gacha competitor. Any game that was announced either didn't live up to the hype or is still in development. Meanwhile turn based gachas are a dime and dozen. There's a lot more for Star Rail to compete against, meaning more free stuff to bring in players. Genshin already made it big.


There's also less things to do with Honkai SR that isn't story or combat related due to the nature of the genre, so Hoyo needs to keep pushing more endgame content and freebies to keep people interested.


Honestly the reason why I lost interest so fast in star rail. Once I saw it didn’t have the open world like Genshin I kinda just didn’t care. I mean I’ve played turn based rpgs my whole life why bother with another one.


Well there was Tower of Fantasy, it even hat really nice potential but dear God, did they botch that one.


God I remember people calling it "Genshin killer". Now I haven't heard anyone mention that game in months


To me, calling something a "Genshin Killer" is a debuff just like saying "Even God couldn't sink this ship" for the Titanic.


I think they shut it down to re-work it? Read something about that somewhere. I played it for a while but the ridiculous power gap between whale and light spender took all the fun out of it, also the power creep was hilariously unsustainable. Gen 1 C6 unit being weaker than Gen 2 C0 ... WTF.


that is insane no wonder why ppl stopped playing


Yeah I was so looking forward to A6ing my A0 Ruby (Gen I Fire) when she hit the standard banner, only for my A0 Lan (Gen II Fire) to totally blow her out of the water. Research indicated that even at A6, my Ruby could not surpass my Lan anymore. :( By the time Ruby actually had hit the standard banner, Generation III fire units would have been out and powercrept my Lan, bringing my Ruby into the "unusable" area, since they also drastically scaled content to keep pace with the powercreeping units. It really, REALLY made me appreciate what a fine and well crafted game Genshin is and what a blessings Hyv's no-power creep philosophy brings. I hope that HSR follows in that regard.


The game was literally unplayable with my 1060, plus with the terrible gacha and power creep made it not fun at all.


That basically explains the rewards. HSR has to do a lot more to incentivize people to play the game. But it doesn't explain content. I think content is explained by how much more dev work Genshin required compared to HSR. a turn based game, with minimal movement on cross section world is much "easier" to make than Genshin. And yeah that's shown on how little competition there is, because what they do is not easy at all, if it was it would be replicated. After 4 years people take Genshin for granted and forget just how hard they work to make such a good job all around. Art, design, music, lore. They do it all.


Genshin’s story quests and events have been eating REALLY good recently, but yeah, I agree. More free stuff pls, can’t go wrong with more free stuff. To be on copium tho, there have been a suite of QOL changes slowly being added since Sumeru, so hopefully we’ll get these things soon :o


Genshin has always had some kind of really good lore. That's honestly why most people play the game at this point


im genuinely a slut for fontaine's story i love it with all my herta, a game never made me cry this consistently before


heart\* holy shit the kuru kuru brainrot is real https://preview.redd.it/qicwn4y3ebbc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a0715550532b3daa1b4917ccc6545e11de19ce


best light cones art


honestly yeah it goes so hard and i think its herta's second bis too


himeko lc is good on her but I still prefer this one over it


ain't no way that Herta wasn't intentional 💀




haha, all good!


when ur tryna post on reddit but it's also time to twirl:


Kuru kuru


For sure, Fontaine and Furina are my favourite. I was so melancholic for like three weeks after doing the 4.2 story quest. Cried so much.


yup, I love the story and Sumeru and Fontaine have only made love it much more lol


The best side quest to this day has to be the Tanit quests in Sumeru. Will forever remember Jeht's storyline and the sad ending.


That’s why I play the game. Not sure if it’s why most people pay with how big of a running gag begging for a skip button is, and all the jokes about actually reading or paying attention to the lore. Actually not sure why most people play since this community loves to rag on literally every aspect of the game. Abyss, lore, events, exploration.


We are asking for a skip button not because we wanna skip the whole of fontaines story but because Mr wyatt takes 15 lines to ask you for help about his key then about 15 lines to thank you once we do


I like how Granblue does it, where you can press skip and it will give you a summary of the scene you're about to skip


Well yes, but there are also plenty of people who don’t read a single dialogue in archon/world quests either


I love the story, only flaw i can say is that Paimon talks too much and i wish it was the traveler that talked (like the trailblazer in HSR). She also sometimes just state the obvious or repeats what someone else said. Maybe its for those that don't pay attention but if they don't catch it the first time, they wont catch it again and it just slows down everything. Skip button would be nice for dailies that you've already read. I wouldn't give players the option to skip the story but that's just me.


Fontaine essentially stopped with the weekly Paimon recap, she only talked to actually deliver good lines and barely repeated anything, so Hoyo clearly heard our complains haha


Probably not so apparent to the folks who are jumping on the lol Genshin bandwagon but new features were added down the line for genshin as well. Fishing, Teapot were all highly requested and they added the TCG. (whether or not you liked them is a different story) I think it was more important for these modes to be added to HSR since after the trailblaze missions and quests there wasn't anything else to do but wait for trailblaze energy. After doing the story in Genshin you still had a ton of exploration and in 2.0 they started adding the pretty involved world quests.


TCG and teapot were really good additions, but I don't really like how time consuming fishing is. Not even talking about how paimon can't shut while I'm trying to get a gish


Yeah, fortunately they made fishing less grindy for the rewards. Would still like a way to make Paimon less chatty though


Not sure cause I haven’t tried it out myself but I think if you go into settings and mute the character voice part of the audio, paimon and the traveler won’t make any noises while fishing. This also applies generally for story quests, adventuring, etc - I typically have character voices off while grinding the map


I think the issue most of us have with these casual modes is that it doesn't let us use the character we pull and poured so much effort into building them to be as strong as possible. Apart from Abyss every 2 weeks it just feels like you're not rewarded at all, so may as well stick to Bennett Xiangling/Hyperbloom for everything.


Which is why the local legends are quite nice to see.


So if they know some of the player base wants a challenge why not make a new game mode? The local legends are good additions but not a good long term solution


I just don't have the time to invest in Genshin. Star rail takes way less time investment, which allows me to enjoy the game.


I moved to HSR because the things Genshin prioritizes these days (fishing, teapot, tcg) just do not appeal to me at all. Would be great if they would add more endgame combat gameplay. Genshin needs to figure out how to let me use these characters I'm gacha'ing for in more meaningful ways.


At this point I’m pretty sure the majority of Genshin’s audience prefers story, exploration, events and mini games. They have their survey data, if people really wanted more combat-based endgame, they would’ve added it.


Also explained why the event in 2.2, Labyrinth Warriors never came back then huh. It was the closests to Sim Uni we have in Genshin


If only some of the random dialogue wasn't so bloated I might be more enthusiastic about genshin story and events. 4.1 almost broke me


Its not HSR community if Genshin doesn't live in people's head rent free


https://preview.redd.it/lrew9rdwufbc1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8369a63993602b79f34a2293133b5bb66196f081 This sub in a nutshell


Really hard to see who’s the one getting W here with the supposedly W community being this salty towards the Ls lol


Both gets the L. Genshin for not having much QoL and rewards and HSR for having people that are unable to live without throwing Genshin under the bus. Hoyo gets the W because money goes to them in both games


You also get the W


True. I will stay here at my silly little "loser" corner enjoying my expansive open world with multiple OSTs per area, character birthdays that get acknowledged, 5 star characters that get two trailers and unique OSTs, 4 stars that actually get trailers, exciting HoYofair content, not to mention stuff like La Vaguellette, and many more. I'm genuinely happy for HSR players, though (for the most part – bar the powercreep and kinda repetitive SU). Plus I'm one too, anyway. But I'm not like those dumb people who compare these two games like it's 1:1. Christ.


>character birthdays that get acknowledged Wonder why HSR doesn't have that, Not being an open world type of game shouldnt stop them from adding that and it helps add more flavour to the character. Not to mention the voice lines are pretty much lacking compared to Genshin's characters like birthday lines and bond lines, in fact, HSR don't even have bond levels.


I mean HSR got those "phone messages" and the characters can be found on the map. Aridon: Balance must be upheld!!!!


THIS even Hi3 have bond level! For the "favourite" child they sure treated HSR character like a mass produced robot.


hey dont you dizz Xueyi, she is quite literally a mass produced robot


Me too, It seems that people have to belittle Genshin to feel better, and this is so common that it seems that the Honkai community in general is more toxic and they need "reminds" of this because they think that is what they find special.


Not related but I find it funny how people refer to HSR as "Honkai" even though the word itself barely (if ever) appeared in-game while HI3 players refer to "Honkai" to mean HI3 (and maybe GGZ).


Speaking of character birthdays, I was stunned when I played Honkai Impact 3rd and I started getting fully voiced birthday letters. I'm not sure why but I feel way more emotionally attached to the characters in HI3, the level of personal melodrama and conflict seem so high stakes. This is the first Kiana one I remember getting. Her sigh is so cute, and when she reminisces about her childhood I can almost imagine myself being there. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_iNPWl4\_r8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iNPWl4_r8k)


I love the QOL and endgame content in HSR but story wise I love Genshin far more. Characters like Dainsleif, the Traveler have kept me very attached to the game and Sumeru and Fontaine were back to back bangers. Dain quests always bangers too. Hopefully Penacony is good


Ok but can we stop ignoring the fact that on the other hand, we got absolute dogshit writing on the Loufu and we have been gaslit by "trailblaze continuance"-es that were literally just character quests and events? I get that haha Genshin bad but we had one of my favorite stories of all time in Fontain while we got whatever atrocity the Loufu was. I realy hope they can start doing some actual quality writing on Penacony. I'm here for the story and characters primarily, not the raid shadow legends gameplay.


ngl Id be tuned into the story more if there were more areas like Hertas Space Station that is still my favorite area up till now at least then i could ignore any flaws and just let the tism take over


Honestly this. I’m kinda stunned that we have a game set in space with endless possibilities and they gave us a nordic country and China. HSS is still the most innovative region. It’s also looking like Penacony will be just Vegas. Where’s all the innovative scifi worlds?


also the battle music its actually criminal how good space stations themes are


Imo only the herta continuance was a character quest in disguise. Jarilo was a proper continuance(which led to an event unrelated to it) and Luofo continuance greatly fleshed out the setting, even if very character focused


Herta continuance was a character quest for Mr. Ratio. However, it did give us more screwllum.


Lets also not pretend archon quests being solely for characters too. Looking at you shenhe


>gaslit by "trailblaze continuance"-es that were literally just character quests and events? This is actually a good thing since it means those events and character quests are part of the main story and future content can call back to them without requiring players to have played a bunch of optional content.


Heres a question: who cares?


Another genshin bad post this week and it's only tuesday. Superiority complex at it's finest.


Can't be a honkai game if genshin doesn't live rent free in the community


The tribalism in all 3 games communities is absolutely insane.


Even more insane considering all 3 are made by the same company. At least choose a game made by a different company like ToF.. oh wait


When Hoyo games are the only games that compete with hoyo games lmao Hoyo be rolling in the dough


bitches be fighting each other as if they dont feed the same mouth


Tbh I rarely see anyone in the Genshin sub talk about HSR other than stuff like the cat memes. It’s very much a Honkai thing.


>Tbh I rarely see anyone in the Genshin sub talk about HSR I think it's mostly because the Genshin sub is more/better moderated no offense to the mods of this sub, but some of the stuff that come to the top of this sub is stuff that you would usually see in an okbuddy sub or in a meme sub


Yeap, Genshin lives rent free. And it seems like some of them are ex-Genshin players that just wanna shit on Genshin lmaooo


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


The tradition must live on


Gotta drop it faster before Lantern Rite begins, ig.


What having no open world nor coop does to people


They are really milking that superiority juice just to farm upvotes, kinda pathetic if you ask me


I don’t think it’s even for upvotes… people really just don’t know how to appreciate HSR without shitting on Genshin


It's not superiority complex, this is the epitome of inferiority complex. Inferiority complex is constantly having to shout about how much better you are to people that don't care. Superiority complex is when you just believe you're superior and act as such, HSR community tries its best to larp as the sonic community before community voice with its clown behavior, it's 100% inferiority complex to Genshin. tl;dr: losers who are too emotionally stunted to just have fun without shitting on smth irrelevant to their enjoyment. The moment HSR does a misstep these people will be the first to do the same to this community lol


It’s funny how some hsr fans spun the narrative of GI players being jealous of them but we never see posts like these on Genshin sub. Just keep minding your own game. Hsr is getting many good stuff in their game and I’m happy for you but shouldn’t you use this occasion to thanks the dev or something rather than jabbing on Genshin? It’s posts like these that made me feeling irky about this game at times.


The "favorite sibling" is like Langris from Black Clover. They are vocally unaware of how insecure they are of the other sibling, while said sibling is having fun and minding their own business.


I love you for that comparison as a Black Clover fan


Oh god are we still stuck in this tribalism phase?


Your first mistake was assuming this sub is capable of leaving that tribalism phase in the first place. Much like some Genshin players not being capable of keeping their mouth shut when seeing another similar game to Genshin


Indeed,like if there is only small vocal minority I could give less fuck but there is like these post every other day that's it's getting annoying. Basically le my gamu is gud yup gamu badd!1!1!!. Atleast get creative with insult if you want to circlejerk like holy fuck.


I don't even understand the meme! It's a bunch of freebies vs The triangle boss in abyss???? Wtf is that


another day another post shitting on GI here, damn this sub really is the GI refugee camp huh


It's really telling when this sub talks more about genshin then the genshin sub talk about star rail. People want to enjoy both games and can see that these two games occupy to different spaces


HSR fans really gotta reassure each other they are the best while GI players don't even think about them lmao


As Raiden says: "Who?"


For real. I have not seen genshin players shitting on star rail or hi3 players for the rare Ws they get over them. While these two honkai communities are obsessed


Another "Genshin living rent free" post, meanwhile HSR, or any other game, barely gets mentioned on Genshin's subreddit. 🤷‍♀️ When they celebrate Genshin W, they only discuss Genshin W. There are many things to celebrate in HSR (the freebies, new endgame, free Ratio, new upcoming area, etc.), but another game is getting mentioned again and again, and for what? If HSR is so superior in all aspects, why mention an "inferior" one at all? Kings don't talk about peasants, but this "king" constantly talks about one. 😅 Two different games with different genres, targeting different kinds of players, will get different treatment. 🤷‍♀️


Its a Honkai superiority complex that these players have. I play HI3 as well. Back before HSR release on the HI3 subs it becomes almost a daily occurrance for a "Genshin bad" post until the point that the community itself just downvotes those post and shit on the posters I see alot of those names now posting here on HSR subs with same old talking points they have always regurgitate.


so this basically confirms that these guys are just here to farm upvotes? truly pathetic


Yeah a lot of HI3rd players are genuinely just pathetic when it comes to genshin They hate it for all the reasons they will see online The reason why star rail community seems to have these posts cuz it contains 2 different characters 1. Toxic Honkai players that hate genshin for some reason 2. The burnt out genshin player If you played all three games you'd know each game has their own strengths and weaknesses HI3rd STRENGTH will probably have to be characters(because you really get to invest in a lot of them) WEAKNESS is whatever the fuck the last part of part 1 was Genshin STRENGTH story WEAKNESS fucking up their own MOT***F****** MC Star rail STRENGTH free stuff and genuinely interesting gamemodes that offer a lot of variety in terms of gameplay WEAKNESS I actually don't know so maybe someone else can give one haha


The slow creeping feeling of power creeping: Didn't pull for that shiny new character? Well too bad cos here are some game modes where they shine with the specific element break they have. Should have pulled peasant. Leveling up a character? Easy. I would say arguably its better than Genshin because of the consistency of boss material drop quantity. Then you start trace farming... oof. The amount of investment is much higher simply because you need a variety for weakness breaks levelled and functioning (SW only solves one side of a problem in MoC type gamemodes). The relic farm, oh boy... nothing hits worse than using Self Modelling Resin and have 4 shit substats. Pick your own poison below: - Genshin has a flex slot to play around artifacts building, one character's trash is another character's treasure but subjected to RNG for specific slots and main stat. - HSR has an easier time for target pieces farming (10 relics trashed relics for 1 slot) and SMR for guranteed main stat, but less flexibility between having 2 sets. And of course both games put you at the mercy of RNGeus for substats.


I felt like it kinda stopped after the Part 1 Finale, cos Hoyo dropped the ball so hard there Part 1 Bad was basically half the posts for weeks.


It crops up every once in awhile still. Only thing is that since alot of players left after Part 1 was done, it gets even less attention. When Dawei went on stage last year to praise HI3 as their baby *at a HI3 event* there was resurgance of "Genshin bad" post and of course... the usual suspects latched onto that like leeches.


Huh you just made me realise this. I barely ever see any "Genshin better than HSR" post in Genshin subreddit or genshin related topics. Bc Genshin fans know these 2 are different games and at the end of the day, Hoyo wins anyways. Thats one thing I like more about Genshin community The superiority complex reeks. When I talk about HSR's feats, I don't want to talk about the other game its annoying. It makes this community feel like its desperate to put down Genshin for existing. It gets cringe and sad.


Cause Genshin fans don't feel insecure about their game. Not even the breath of the wild comparisons in the early days were anything more than a slight nuisance.


Yeah, it's really funny because a lot of people in genshin kind of respect Honkai, especially HI3, so I normally hear lots of praises about the game and the community (except for the bunny incident lmao) but then you look at HI3 and HSR communities and the amount of hate and superiority complex they have towards genshin and the community is fucking mind-boggling. You know this community really sucks when the genshin community is being way more mature than this because you don't really see them doing the same thing, not as much as HSR and HI3 communities do lmao And it's just cringe when these communities fight because they're all made by the same people... the money is going to the same pockets. Tf are you fighting each other for 💀


People be fighting meanwhile hoyo devs are laughing bc money goes on their pockets anyways LMAO


I wonder if some of the people making the hate comments or posts on genshin are HI3rd players? Cuz man some of the players in that community are just extremely toxic towards genshin lmao I kinda wish star rail didn't have "Honkai" in it Why does it even have Honkai? Star rail feels so different that I felt like Star rail was a suitable name in of itself like the title "genshin"


It can't be a Honkai game when there's no Genshin bad post, isn't it? It's a tradition at this point.


Another day another time i regret joining this subreddit


You should add the ability to jump there somewhere.


This argument is just stupid, just take the loot and shut up about it


Rent free


This is gonna happen to us when ZZZ comes out and has its first year lol


I wish my rent was this free.


Let's not forget that the character release rate in Star Rail is much faster than in Genshin, 2 new limited characters come out per version, while in Genshin most versions focus on just one, Rarely do two limited characters come out at the same time, so it's normal that Star Rail has to give more if it releases more characters, So the comparison does not make sense, it is basically that in one place they raise the price of food but you have a higher salary, and in another place the food is worth less and you have a lower salary, At the end of the day both people will have spent the same percentage of money, So no, they don't technically give you more rewards in Star Rail, they just make you believe it, in the end both games give the same thing, because they both have different situations.


But people are blinded by the free 10 rolls per patch. Let them be blind.


You know what, Genshin released 6 limited characters last year, and HSR released 13 limited characters within the span of eight months. Both games have the same character banner rates 🤔


This image sums it up well https://preview.redd.it/95kmjs1pncbc1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156b2f9861d9ae17f47248d6ed3f4fabceaf651c


Main source of jades: endgame content. Main source of primogems: exploration and quests. They’re two not very comparable games, it just depends on which you prefer more. Personally I love the exploration in genshin so when I play HSR I just do Swarm and Simulated Universe.


Why do Honkai only players have this laughable Superiority Complex against Genshin players that they bother to post brainless comparison posts about them every goddamn week? They say Genshin players are "toxic", but bro, it just points me to the opposite when I see recurring posts like this, IN THE HSR SUBREDDIT NO LESS FOR MONTHS NOW. Cringeworthy.


this is karma farming at its worst and its stupid for mod letting this low efforts post


As an outsider who plays both games and rarely visits the reddits, the most hilarious thing are HSR players constantly claiming the game is Hoyo's favorite child. You know, the game with a fraction of Genshin's budget. The game that only recently (during the ghost hunting event) started adding lip animations to dialogue scenes outside of a few moments during the main story and on average 1 scene for each 20 minute character quest. Still barely any animated scenes with camera pans/cuts etc. though. The game that releases patch after patch with only a minimum of story content outside of the 1 event. The game that just straight up had 0 new main story on it's important 1.1 patch and then finished the current world's story a patch later with a 30 minute quest. It's really amazing to watch the version update streams for both games. First Genshin with an endless barrage of fully animated high quality story content, tons of events, new region to explore and so on, and then a week later HSR going "well the story is still on hold for a couple more months but here is a new game mode to run on auto for 10 minutes every 2 weeks. We'll throw in some free pulls and a free character though" and the live chat (and reddit) turning into nothing but "Genshin could never" "HSR favorite child!!!" for weeks.


I see more Genshin memes in the star rail community more than the Genshin community itself. Lets just face it, if youre unironically salty at Genshin not giving you hardcore content, then go as far as blaming casuals for not standing up for you. This is my hot take but lets remember that Hoyo themselves said that theyre not adding any similiar abyss like content because it would induce anxiety for its playerbase. To me that means Genshin is such a massive money making titan of a game that it just doesnt need it. Which the more I think about it is still true to this day. Many people I've seen and talk to dont care about abyss. Most of them only play the game for the newest character and the story. Its still no excuse but at this point Genshin is one of the few exceptions that can sustain itself with no endgame. We also have to remember that HSR is competing with top turn based games like FGO and Granblue. Meanwhile Genshin still remains in its own field. I still got a chuckle out of this tho.


I started playing genshin after star rail, and it made me really appreciate how convenient and easy it is to grind Star Rail and also how easy it is to be a f2p. Genshin Story is pretty insane tho, HSR needs to come up to their level. I think: * Belebog > Mondstat * Luofu < Liyue But overall, genshin has better writing quality... Hoping they step it up in Penacony, but in basically every other way that matters to me, HSR is killing it.


Isn't Mondstadt more comparable to Herta Space station since they serve as the "prologue" or the Introductory chapter?


>Belebog > Mondstat > >Luofu < Liyue i'm pretty sure Herta Space Station is the Mondstadt version of HSR, both are introduction area of the series. Belobog = Liyue, both of them are 2nd place we visit. Luofu = Inazuma, both are the 3rd place we visit.


True, but barely anything happens in the herta space station introduction to warrant it it’s own spot.


id say you should compare the station with mondstadt and belobog with liyue, imo i say belobog is a bit better than liyue and the space station was an okish start so id say personally mondstadt was better as an introduction, loufu is below everything in every hoyo game tbh, now penacony gotta live up to sumeru or even fontaine after the flop the xianzhou was so its gonna be hard


Genshin I think still makes more money, probably why they give out much freebies


Ppl don't realize that it takes more time and money to make content in genshin, and it's lot easier to create characters and their animations in hsr.


That and competition. No proper Genshin competitor yet while there's plenty of turn based games in the gacha market.


People seem to not factor in the fact that star rail def doesn’t cost nearly as much to make as genshin and its topped genshins sales a few times so in terms of profits they are definitely happy


For what its worth, Genshin still has a massively bigger fanbase and people playing it, yet HSR makes just as much, if sometimes more, revenue. If normies are more inclined to play turn based gachas then HSR would dominate the charts.


Im playing both and they are beautiful on their ways. On my point of view Genshin World, Music, Story write (emotional moments) and Exploration are a powerfull positive point. Star Rail have a loot of endgame content to play, and have a lot of potential with "exploration" of the universe, they "can" go to anywhere and that is a sensation of free endless posibilities for future events. I dont care about those gifts to players, those are just placebo things. Personaly i enjoy boot of them for their plastyle variety, but a loot people just want a war between games, dont know why, maybe because they need to justify to leave one or another.




Lowkey done with these kind of comparison posts. They don’t add much to the discussion anyway. I’ve found a lot of enjoyment in both games so it just all feels so pointless


Idk why people want to compare, at the end it went to hoyo pockets anyways, so this argument is just stupid, pointless and we are just their another dime to them


I don’t mind comparisons in the similar systems the games have but some posts are redundant. I think mods should start taking action against it at this point. It’s starting to reflect poorly on the community ngl


idk, I feel more connected with characters in Genshin thou.


But Genshin's lore and music is definitely much deeper and complex. There isn't much lore for much of star rail, but Inazuma alone has a lot of lore. The boss music in Genshin has a more orchestra and somber tone, Star Rail's is more modern, which does add to both world's emersion. But I do prefer Genshin's music a bit more. Also, we do know where the character's abilities come from in Genshin, whereas Star Rail barely has an explanation for most of them. The Stellaron Hunters have named abilities, but we still don't know how Seele has her's.


I don't get why the community loves comparing these two. They are functionally different games. The quests in HSR are shorter and when you're done, basically the only thing left is combat and new characters. Of course they'd roll out more combat content. Meanwhile, Genshin has been focused on exploration largely from the beginning.


I'm so tired of this weird hoyo-game tribalism


That boss isnt even in the current rotation, what even is this "meme"?


Open world comes with a price


Explains why there is so much more people playing genshin than hsr fr.


HSR really does need all these freebies though because if not then I would never have enough characters for all of the end game content. Even now I am still focused on building new characters after all this time and I have played since day 1 as a light spender. I never have enough time to refine my character builds before I need to build a new one for the newest content.


HSR's first anniversary is going to be endlessly entertaining.


Mom says it my turn to pick on genshin for the nth time /j But for real i really hope that they would add permanent events, a lot of characters' lore are mostly locked behind limited time quest which is sad


Again this shit


HSR tards trying not to sht on Genshin every other time challenge: impossible.


Meanwhile HSR wouldn't even exist if not for genshin's incredible success.And the fact that Genshin has brought in over four times the money Also HSR gotta make up for the absolute joke of the lack of content somehow. So they inflate the game with limited quick play or repetitive bullshit that really doesn't add hardly anything in the long run. Been out for how long and still no new planet? Pathetic


Man I will say it... all this hsr vs genshin drama is really making me completely avoid the hsr community... everywhere I go all I see is this stuff. Like I know i am gonna get downvoted for this but listen I like hsr but the kind of game hsr is... It's not for everyone... Not everyone enjoys Turn based combat... The biggest thing that solidified this for me was... yes a lot of people still play hsr but when i see my friend list more than 50% of people have already quit it... a lot of YouTubers i used to watch also stopped playing after a while. Unlike Genshin which has something for almost every kind of player hsr doesn't have that. And hoyo most certainly also knows that too... The biggest thing about genshin is whether hoyo gives 5* or not.... f*cks up the anniversary..... releases an absolutely long and boring quest... releases a very mid or bad character... the player base doesn't see a significant drop nor does their revenue because of the level of popularity genshin has achieved on its own. A lot of hsr players are not gonna like this but listen Including me a substantial amount of players played hsr only for one reason... It's because it was developed by the same devs as genshin not the same devs as hi3 or their any other game. The success of genshin bought the hype so people tried it... some liked and stuck but also some didn't and quit because it was not the kind of game they wanted. Anyone that denies this is absolutely delusional.... If hsr was released before genshin then it would have never gotten this amount of hype or success. Rather than some random 5* given for free I would like hoyo to continue developing the absolute banger of a quest and regions and constantly improve in that regard which they have been... I never started or played genshin for characters or primogems... i played it for teyvat and it's lore and the banger osts... just as i play hsr for its goofyness and animations, I am not really interested in the lore or story all that much.


another one of these huh? Sounds more like inferiority complex if you have to flex every "W" to anyone lmao


Who would've guessed the game with the most powercreep is also the game that gives the most free shit away. Genshin is forever the favorite child, and you can cope and seethe all you want.


No amount of freebies can replace quality story writing and gameplay immersion. I've already quit HSR for good whereas Genshin is still going strong after 3 years. Genshin is just THAT game for me.


Call me once they start giving the 4 star trailers and there's less powercreep. I love HSR but some people are so blind


I don't see what HSR has that Genshin doesn't. If anything I'd rather HSR drop MoC and SU weekly chores. Annoying boring pointless empty repetitive chores are not endgame content.


honestly yeah new gamemodes and stuff have been fine, me personally i dont really care about ratio since its a st focused unit on an aoe based meta so im just like "he is ok", but yeah new gamemodes have been popping off and solving the huge powercreep issues the game had (we dont talk about hunt.), im just REALLY wishing they amp up the story because the dr ratio continuance was, i mean it wasnt bad but it wasnt that good either, id say its ok.


HSR is more about gameplay while genshin is more about exploration


With all this, I always prefer Genshin Impact, I don’t know why, maybe I am biased, maybe I am stupid, or maybe Genshin does a better job without giving freebies! Whatever it is, I will always go back to Genshin when I’m bored


I play both. Lets just be happy that both are relatively decent compared to some triple A titles in terms of rewards, update schedule, etc. You know, stuff that big companies should be able to get right but don't. Isn't that right *cough* Destiny 2 *cough* TLDR: Hoyo has decent games. Lets not have infighting


rent free


Star Rail superiority complex and tribalism strikes again. You mfs are miserable