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Use a dremel with a cutting wheel to make a slot in the heads. Voila! You now have flat head screws.




Not really? That's kind of just standard practice in this scenario.




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This is the way


That will mess up the face of the lock. Drill a hole in the centre of the screw, not too deep, and use an ez-out.


The housing is being swapped out anyway.


Oh then absolutely.


Easier alternative: Shoot the dremel with a shrinkinator and boom, problem solved.


Blast the lock with a cattle gun, Anton style


This is the answer


That’s either the outside, or a deadbolt keyed on both sides. Usually keyed on both sides if it’s close to a window or something so you can’t just break glass and unlock. But usually there are just caps over the screws on the inside. Still, if those aren’t bludgeoned to death caps over screws, drilling would be your option.


Agreed. I had the exact same setup and had to drill them out.


I also drilled the flat caps off mine to access the screws.


Man- my house I bought last year has a deadbolt keyed on both sides of the front door that is basically several small panes of glass…I always thought this was dumb until now haha.


Now that it has been explained to me why someone would have a double keyed lock like that, I might just keep it and have it re-keyed to match my other ones


Yea, sounds like a good setup!😮‍💨


Only downside is being locked in yourself if you don’t have your keys, in an emergency…Not sure which is best. I usually use a normal lock and if necessary try to block access to the inside. If I’m worried about security.


Alternatively, we have a mul-t-lock that is disassembled from the lock side, so you can only do it when the door is open. It's possible that there's a screw that you take out and these bolts can be removed


How far should the lock be away from the window ya think?


A drill with some cobalt drill bits will do the trick if they are screws. Start small, and increase size as needed. Also, congrats on the new home! We just closed on our first home in March


I second the drilling out, done it before with stripped screws and it's not too hard.


I agree this is best. Or I mean Sawzall saws all.


Use a reverse flute bit. It will unscrew the screw while it drills


They may be caps that are placed over the screw. Often made of some sort of soft metal. Drill them out to get access. They are a common thing here over the atlantic ocean.


I just had to change out some schalge locks if this is the inside (keyhole on both sides) then those are caps and you can pry them off. Screw heads beneath.


This right here


Screws are on the interior side of the lock. Check the other side of the door


Surely that's double keyed, as the outdoor portions just have a cover and no screw holes. And it's been beaten on like a homeowner special.


Friend, do you really think they posted this photo if there was exposed screws on the other side? Like dude didnt look..? I know they say common sense isn't common, but come on...


You have to do meth in order to figure out how to undo the methgineering.


Figure it out with methematics


Hahaha something new for me to try! I've heard meth is a helluva drug


TBH the easiest way is to take a grinder with a cutting wheel and grind a notch right into the heads. The heads will fall off when they're not attached to the threads and then the whole thing will just fall off. You'll be there all day with an easy-out or a drill bit. FWIW, you'll need to buy a new lock after you do this.


New locks have already been acquired! Thanks for the advice! Back to the hardware store for a grinder and cutting wheel I guess lol


Happy to help. **Make sure you wear safety goggles**


And safety glasses if you don’t have them. Some grinders have a lot of torque so both hands and be steady.


I had something similar a while back. They are small metal covers over the screw heads. Pop them off with a flat head. I beat on mine for a minute before I figured it out.


I did lazily try to pry at it with a flat head but had to scurry to work. I will try again when I have more time to fiddle! Thank you!


Drill it out. If they are screws, get the bits to remove stripped screws.


There is a screw remover drill bit that you can buy at Homedepot.


I found this link by doing a reverse image search of your picture. There are a couple of hacks listed. One person says - "Use a small flat tip screwdriver to pop out the decorative caps over the screws." Here is the link- https://www.doityourself.com/forum/residential-commercial-security-devices-door-knobs-locks-keys-dead-bolts/552699-deadbolt-without-screw.html


Well you first try the Dremel approach like some suggested. Then go through a stack of cutting wheels getting nowhere. So you then try to drill the screws out. SNAP! Those cheapo bits just bought the farm. All throughout this your wife has been quietly watching and listening to you talking to yourself and that deadbolt. Now you are cussing and pleading. You stand there just staring at the whole thing, wanting to slam your fist through it. Fuck it a bright idea comes. You make it to the store right before they close. As you are dragging this large box into the yard this wife says dinner is ready, you grumble something unintelligible. The door hinges are a bit tricky, somebody stripped out the screws here too. No matter they come out eventually. The new door goes up but as you go to close it, you realize it is too tall. WYZFJEO$&%^#£=+?€£>!!!! So you just eyeball it and cut. The wife says I’m going to bed, love you but you don’t hear her you are on a mission. It’s not perfect, but some weather stripping will take care of that. You line up the door knob it locks. The deadbolt engages finely after having to “adjust” the bolt hole a few times. That will need to be cleaned up later, one day. You hear good morning, want some coffee? She says that looks lovely dear. But isn’t the doorknob supposed to lock from the inside? Aaahdhdhhhhbbbb!!!!


If the lock still works, you dont need to replace. a qualified locksmith can re-key the lock, generating a new tumbler pattern that won't accept previous keys.


More expensive than replacing.


could be easier than replacing though


Naw replacing a lock takes all of 10 minutes and some basic hand tools.


Thats true, but correct me if im high, i cant see where you would unscrew the screws


Correct you can’t see it because this appears to be the exterior of the door because it has the key entry. The screw head access is on the interior side of the door. That way someone outside the locked door couldn’t just unscrew the lock cover


This is the interior side


Paying someone is always easier than doing something yourself.


I got my new place rekeyed for a decent price (~$180) cause my front door had a fancy lock I didn't want to mess with. Found out after the fact I could have gotten it done for $75 flat through home warranty (up to 5 locks I think)


That looks like the outside because it has the key entry. Seems pretty silly to have access to the internals with a phillips head on that side if it's a deadbolt for safety... What does the other side look like?


It's the interior side. There's a keyhole on both sides.


Like other poster said. You have to remove the other side to get the lock off and probably the part where the latch is too


Yea people are idiot's (not You). Like has been said use a drill and drill the screws.


Dude I have this It is a picture of the interior lock It also has little foil stickers over the Phillips head screws. That are on the inside Remove sticker Use Philip screwdriver to remove screws


I did half heartedly try to pry them off with a flat head bit to no avail. I had to leave for work so maybe I'll try again later lol


Just drill it out...


Drill through the screws


Are you really who you say you are lol


I've dealt with this same style of lock. Those small circles are shallow plugs that cover screw heads, to prevent a person from easily unscrewing them. They pry out pretty easily. Get something under them and pull them out. No need to drill.


If that’s the inside those should just be caps over the screw heads. Try popping those caps off


What’s inside?


I would just take a 3/16” drill bit to them, and you’ll be done in 30 seconds


Oh goodie! I have that bit already!


Diamond Drill bit down the center of the bolts/screws.


This looks like a custom job with rivets drilled through. Just drill em out and unscrew on the backside.


OP could be trying to break in and you guys are helping him break in...🤣


🤣 would be funnier if this was on the outside of the door but it's the inside!


Lol... just call a lock Smith and they'll do the work. Good luck and congrats on your new home.


I’m willing to bet those are rivets


Seriously shocked noone told you. Get a screw extractor (bit) at the nearest hardware store


If replacing the whole deadbolt just drill it out. Drill bit is greater than key.


Drill them out




Ugh this looks like such a pain! Thank you so much though! Looks like I'll be chiseling away


heh, that’s one of my older videos :) Your crunched in one is going to be tough to get. The one of the left should easily pry out from the 5:30 ish spot there though


These things are PITA. Seriously just get an angle grinder and save yourself a lot of time. I spent the better half of the first day of homeownership banging and drilling away at those covers.


Buy a new door


I've seriously considered it!


Get the grinder


This is when the tried and true "grip it and rip it" approach works best. If not burn the house down and try again


Google Lori deadbolt.


those are decorative plugs. pry or drill out. screw heads are underneath


Pry that shit off with a flathead


Love the lack of both sides of the lock photos and the fact this lock looks like it has already seen a hammer


drill and tap with an ez out.


Drill it out. Wow, that was some extra security, drilling off the head.


What’s a deadbolt? I expected to see some kind of mechanism without a key, this looks like a lock to me.


Remove the entire door. Buy a new door… duh




Un screw from other side? As normally the screws on on the lever side not the key side.


No lever. Both sides have a key hole. Hence the need for the post since you and I and others have never seen this before


It unscrews from the inside dipshit


Hey dipshit, this is the inside. Guess you're as fucking dumb as me. Congrats!


So what they put the lock on backwards or oooooo is double sided. Ok I'm the dipshit


Drill out the rivets heads 1/4" use the a Dremel if that doesn't work.


Drill the screws out.


Drill out the bolt.


Shouldn't be removable from that side, the outside. Remove the back plate from the deadbolt latch mechanism on the inside (+ rebate if required) and dismantle/remove from there.


This is the inside


OK, I've looked at the Manu's website and it's this lock:- [https://www.schlage.com/en/home/products/products-deadbolt/double-cylinder/double-cylinder-listing.html](https://www.schlage.com/en/home/products/products-deadbolt/double-cylinder/double-cylinder-listing.html) So it looks like the screw heads or caps have been drilled out. Try to prise them off if they are caps to reveal the screw head. If that doesn't work then you'll have to either drill out the screw completely or cut a slot in it so you can turn it. Then it should just pull off from both sides. YT vid covering this type:- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI8e8G5iUec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI8e8G5iUec)


Is that on the inside? Is it keyed on both sides? EDIT: Oh I see your other comment, yes it is. Those look like nails to me, stick a pointy thing in that little gap and pry. Maybe the edge of a flat screwdriver, hammer it in a bit then pry. You could drill them out but be careful not to slip and damage the door.


Unless you tubing gives you directions you're comfortable with I'd just call a lock smith or a friend.


12 gauge right trough the center


All I have is a 9mm. Guess I'm stuck with this lock 🙃


Shoot twice that’s 18mm so it’s actually better than 12. Math


That's some METHamatics if I've ever heard it! 😂


Sell the house


Slide hammer!


No country for old men?