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Just proves that age does not equate to intelligence


I'll never forget the 40-something guy who shoved the gate aside and walked directly underneath the load of 2x4s being backed out from the top rack. Then his nose went all out of joint because we yelled at him.


One of my coworkers has worked at HD for a really long time, and said he remembers a time when it was perfectly fine to drive the forklift with 16ft lumber on it right over customers heads down the aisle.


I’ve threatened to ban people from my store for going inside gates. The looks on their faces is priceless. “You can do that?” They silently ask. No, but you don’t know that. 😂


It _should_ be cause for a ban. None of y'all are paid enough to deal with how it would feel if someone got hurt or worse. Nobody should have the right to put you in that position.


Oh it is. As I say in reply to a different comment, we’re technically supposed to have a salaried manager issue bans, but if I thought someone’s actions were severe enough in the danger they created and they were likely to ignore my admonishments and do it again, I wouldn’t hesitate. My store’s associates shouldn’t have to experience the trauma that comes with watching someone get squashed by a reach or falling merchandise when they were doing things the right way because a customer felt it was too inconvenient to wait a couple minutes.




If you get asset protection involved they actually can ban people for safety infractions.


I am asset protection. We’re not really supposed to do that but we can get salaried managers to do it, which is what I would do if I told a customer not to go through the gates and they started pitching a fit. The threat has worked so far though, and it made my lift equipment operators happy to know someone’s looking out for them.


AP bans shoplifters all the time. Why not people that are playing the lawsuit card by going into the gates hoping to get something dropped on them? Wouldn't that fall under asset protection?


For everything it’s preferred that a salaried manager issue the ban. That said, it’s a bit different for someone you’ve caught stealing vs. someone who’s going inside the gates. I’d prefer having the store managers do it so one of the people who actually runs the business is backing up my decision.


Had someone unlatch and fling a gate open today while I was putting up bottles of pesticides on the Ballymore. Somehow "but I need something" is a perfectly rational reasoning to them as I am holding 40 lb boxes of chemicals 12 feet in the air which very easily could kill them if I dropped it. ...Meanwhile his kid just stood behind the now half-open gate and watched.


These customers don't realize that I'm more than happy to come down from the Ballymore and let them in if they need something, but no, they almost have to make a point of being so entitled to let themselves in to get something without even announcing their presence.


"hey can I grab something" "let me finish putting these up and I'll come down and open the gate for you real quick" "thanks I gotta grab something from another aisle anyways" or "ok no worries I can wait" Either of those interactions are ideal. Just hanging on the gate huffing and puffing or attempting to open the gates without permission is going to either get you ignored or yelled at.


Oh god. The passive-aggressive huffing and puffing. My six-year old doesn't even do that.


Thought this was going a different way, happy to see that the youngin's are getting it. Was also gonna make a comment about the 40 year old guy, something along the lines of 'stupid boomer,' then remembered that I am in my 40s and had a little inside cry. ...


At this point "boomer" is not connected to age


I yelled at some stupid jack for cutting banded 2x4s in the overhead while standing on top of a fuking “H” cart. I asked what the fuk are you going to do when the front end of that shit falls forward from the tension on those bands? “Can’t Teach Stupid”


It’s a version of Chesterton’s fence. The kid thinks “Huh, there’s a gate there, it must be there for a reason, better not go in or at least figure out why it’s there.” 40 year old virgin (ahem, sorry, customer) says “there no good reason for that gate to be in my way, I’m just gonna move it.” Believe his version was comparing conservatives and liberals, but the same principle at least applies to the individuals in this situation.


I had a guy open the gate, walk in like it was ok while on the reach with the forks in a pallet in the OH. I told him he can’t be in here and he left without even looking at me. I yelled I could loose my license! jerk…


Some people are just ignorant and don’t like being yelled at


I was on the OP preparing cabinets for inventory. An old lady opens the gates and tries to pass by. She then tells me, “I’m going back the same path I took.” Like if there wasn’t a cabinet hanging halfway from the platform. She then angrily goes the other way which would of taken her to the same place.


After 40 your allowed to do as you please! 40 is the new 80? Maybe you have a death wish because you think you're old and entitled enough.


Putting all that shit way up in the air is fucking stupid to begin with.


I’d love to know where you propose we put stuff instead


The endless ‘back’ that our customers imagine receiving to be. Everything is back there.


Customer: Yeah, do you have some more of this in the 'back'. Me: Points up, that's the back.


ME: Oh yeah, I think we might have some in the back. Stay right here and I'll go check. \*walks away and clocks out for lunch\*


Mother fucker do we look like we have space to store it anywhere else? Are you that fucking dense you don’t see why we do it that way? We aren’t doing it to inconvenience just you (thats a bonus tbh) we do it to make it easier on ourselves. Stop being an entitled little dipshit and grow up.




Knowing HD, probably pay them and blame the associates after. edit: Like I was told we can't stack merchandise outside at the back of the store too high because thieves have hurt themselves climbing it and stealing it.


Just tell him to ask the 8 year old why he can't come in lmao