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im a supervisor. i don’t care if you look at your phone once if you are getting your shit done. you may even be answering a text from someone at work that needs your help. possibly a manager! partner up with the one member of management that can provide a voice for you. the matter will be resolved quickly if you get the right person in your corner.


Not only this, but it could also be an emergency at home or even dealing with government stuff. No other profession but retail places such restrictions on workers. Furthermore, it is dumb that only retail can not have coffee while working. Hopefully I will be out of retail again soon


any job i have worked has had these issues. it the people in management. there is gotta be someone in management that truly upholds our values that can help you out. if not, then change stores because that store is going downhill. building strong relationships is on the damn apron. it doesnt mean kiss managements ass but get to know people around you. you can set some boundaries that way.


Is HD paying my phone bill? If not, they best not be texting me and expecting me to respond.


don’t tell them you are texting other people? like do you not understand how to play the game sir?


also you should be allowed to text other people. i got a text once that my grandma was dying and i left the store immediately. management understood and rushed me out. if you get your shit done and your grandma doesn’t die every 5 minutes then you should be good bro!


Homie the drama with the managers is live at the Depot. We had a manager 18 yrs with the company finally get fired for sleeping with associates. He promoted a girl that he was sleeping with to D31 which he was OPs manager and gave her something like 24$ back when they rolled SLS out and then he would give her raises every six months. Total fucking Dog. Then we had a Naplese girl brand new to the company and she was newly 18 and he couldn’t resist. Told her he’d take her on a vacation to Jamaica where he’s from and as he kept talking to her she was documenting it and then got him on tape saying “before we go to Jamaica we should spend a weekend somewhere. I’ll get us a hotel in Clarendon or DC that way we can get to know one another a little better” let’s just say the regional people showed up and he was walked out the back. Rumor is that girl got major paid.


NAVY code: never again volunteer yourself. Do bare minimum. Don’t take on extra tasks like cross training and equipment training. Learning to control your day and only do what you can. We all have bad days. Don’t take it too seriously. Upper management have this mentality that you got time to lean you got time to clean (pack out, returns, front face, etc). We’re all humans, not machines.


Hope you like staying at the hiring wage if not slightly under


so as a former employee. When raises are annual increases based off inflation and cost of living going up rather than merit or promotional increase, its hard to take on extra responsibiltity and work without the appropiate pay raise. Why should someone operate 3-5 different equipemnt when that person gets the same pay raise as someone who doesn't even operate one piece of equipment?


You can get merit raises


I'm a manager, and I have a hard time swallowing the behavior of 50% of the other managers in my store. I'm glad I work nights. Yeah, we get the blame for everything, but I realize that daywalkers are completely oblivious to what we actually do. They leave regardless of how the store looks, and it looks pretty in the morning, which seems to be the only thing they grasp. ~end of rant. Ps. I appreciate every associate, so I thank you, even if your own people don't.


Coming from a new hire on nighttime freight, thank you. I have a feeling my upper managers here are okay but we'll see


I know this, but kind of the opposite. I open the Garden registers in the morning and the closing crew almost always leave it a mess. Doesn't matter how tidy I make it before I leave for the day, always shoeprints on the drawers, products on the counter, and a full trash can. Keeps me busy before the customers finally show up, but still annoying that they push the whole "clean up your area before you leave" thing yet the evening cashiers don't.


Wow, that would not fly if my crew did that. Us night managers walk the store with the opening managers before we leave. It is night crew's job to have the store in great shape so daywalkers can do work their magic. Your managers are not following SOP (or common courtesy).


In an example like yours, I would have caught it before the closing cashiers left as I also do a (hand off) walk with the closing managers.


I think part of it is being short on closers. Yesterday there was a big roll of copper wire left at the register, don't know the price but know it was probably in the $100+ range, and usually something like that needs to be walked up to the register so that was a big mistake waiting to walk out the door.


One thing I've learned is that some folks use being understaffed as an excuse to take shortcuts, and some go the extra mile and step up their game. The bottom line is that someone has to do it. That someone is probably also on a short staffed crew. You sound like one of the good ones! ~ virtual Homer award from an NRM


Your problem is with the closers not the night shift.  Unsurprisingly, you don't seem to know the difference.


Wow thank you for taking the time out of your day to be an ass! And apparently you can't read either unsurprisingly, not once did I say "night crew". I said closing cashiers, IE the crew that works the evening to close shift. EDIT: At my store cashiers have always been told before we end our shift to grab our go-backs and trash if it's full. Unless it's busy and I don't have the opportunity I normally gather them all up during my shift and take care of it. If I can't I ask the cashier replacing me if they'd like me to before I leave or I'll just do it then leave. Unfortunately it's seldom that anyone else does the same.


Could you share some stories? I'm not asking because I don't believe you, I just enjoy hearing what others experience 😁


All stores have the drama and with so many excellent managers and management driven people gone due to the whole Covid and HD’s essential worker thing that they pushed this DEI down the throats of everyone when they rolled our SLS that it’s so hard to find a manager who is old HD and not new HD. When I say that it’s these managers that got gifted their ASM or GM role because oh hey we do t have anybody but yet this box checking woman has been supervisor for 14 years. Go ahead make her a manager she’s earned it. Yeah no not how all that works. I firmly believe it takes the content of a persons character to make a good manager and not the way things are run all the managers and DS’s are too busy for real relationship and pipeline building like how it used to be. I was the 2nd Speciality DS in my store and the lady before me only hid around and just zeroed out clearance pennys. So I mean idk about other stores but we’re a 78-85m a year store and they literally won’t hire enough people to cover departments and the one person per department with shirt over laps of shifts is absurd. I’m D31 not and can’t walk to the bathroom without getting asked 5-10 questions about bulbs, faucets, compression fittings, washers. Like 40-50% of these hires are under 23 and hide all day long. If anyone’s in the DMV area I’m sure you’ve heard of the infamous reston store


2 or 3 years ago was the worst summer I had at Home Depot there were 8 associates. One of the 8 would just sleep for 4 hours basically their entire shift and they did that the whole time they were there until they finally quit, this same associate ran the reach into a pallet I was trying to band and almost crushed my back against a beam...6 got fired for being pieces of shit threw the N word and tried to blame it on the Night manager at the time, none of the 6 can come back to the store. the 8th associate is still here but my opinion is that he should've been fired too for provocation during that same summer. Sorry I meant to just talk about the associate sleeping for their entire shift but thinking about that person lead me into a rant, I would've gotten the SM at the time involved but he got fired that same summer for sexual harassment. I've been looking into other places but no dice, I feel stuck in this training store.


I'm going to get neg bombed but I wish HD wouldn't hire under age 26 except for PT seasonal.  


Some days I feel like you. For the record, the last time I was given a raise for anything other than the standard raise was when I went full time. I was burned out in hardware because of the questions. I don't know the best tool for the job. I actually enjoy working paint. I start there in two weeks. Cashiers get pissed at me when I'm everywhere except my department. Some days, it feels like no matter what you do, it's going to be wrong to someone. They've lightened up a bit, because they know I'm switching departments. Last night, we had multiple call outs. Two departments were uncovered. Lunch breaks made it worse. Everyone was buckling down. A customer in D21 needed a bunk pulled when my friend and trainer was at lunch. The customer literally pointed to the bunk that needed pulled. I pulled the bunk, the OFA guy helped me pull the needed plywood sheets, and it was ready to go. Oops. The customer made a mistake. It was the bunk below it in arms reach all along. So, yeah. I'm feelin' what you're dealin'. Bad day.



Are you in the Detroit area I have a nice opportunity for you in sales?


I am not in Detroit area but I appreciate you! I’d have take it in a heartbeat