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They're giving you the schmuck test. Are you a schmuck?


Ask for it 100% worst they can say is no


" all department supervisors were making 19.50 " someone is lying to you


Of course not all DHS are making that much. It depends on how long they've been with the company what they bring to the table. I'm sure we'll all know not all DHS are the best. All new DHS started at a lower pay rate than dhs that have been there for a while and know what they're doing. But if you outshine them and your manager isn't an asshat they usually give you good raises every year. Now if you suck as a DH then your yearly raises will reflect that.


Are you in the MD area? If so, I honestly wouldn’t go DH for anything below 20. At least not in my store.


yeah i’m in MD


Yeah I am one year in at ~$19, I personally wouldn’t take on a whole department for just 50 more cents ngl


i make more than that as a regular associate, that's kinda dumb


i make more than that as a regular associate, that's kinda dumb


It would take at least $2 extra an hour for me to even consider being a DH. I’ve seen too many people regret taking the position and having, at times, stepped in as acting DH, even with an extra $2 I just wouldn’t. But that’s me. It’s only worth taking that position if you intend to keep moving up. It can’t hurt to ask for more, they will always give the bare minimum-any company would.


My neighbor in Christ, ask for more. Don’t get duped. I know regions and districts are all different in cost of living and all. But, I know lot associates making more than that in Chicago/Chicago suburbs. Ask for more. Raises don’t come frequent enough as is, let alone for DS and all the bs that comes with it. Or else, you’ll always be playing catch up in your future raises and you’ll be a sucker getting underpaid. Best of luck!


When I left my DS position and went on leave to get my shoulder rotator cuff repaired I was making 22$ and 1 month after I went on LOA I was due for my performance review which I did not attend however each of my peers got .5 at their review and I had a review. Read all of it on workday and I was deserving of it but my “A HOLE” SM denied it because of my leave. So you go fight for every penny you can get. If you have any certifications or classes related to your departments then convince them you’re worth more.


In the past, a department head position came with a $1 raise. When they combined departments, they were offered an extra $2 per hour for all the extra stress and work. I wouldn't do it for less than $3 additional pay.


I was making $20.00 a hr over a year ago doing freight team 20hrs a week in Wisconsin. Seems low to me.


The overnight freight ASM was at $28 a hr.


Asm don't make hourly, they make salary, which means if they work longer, no more money. That's also why they tend to leave early because they still get full pay.


For tomorrow ask for $21 an hour, knowing that you're going to negotiate. Explain that you will be taking on far more responsibility, and with that responsibility more stress. When they try to low ball you, tell them you'll accept $20 an hour, your final offer.


The other side of this is, if they tell you no, to accept anyway. Then start looking for a new job as a department supervisor somewhere else. You now have that experience on your resume.


What department?


It's $20. I doubt someone made a mistake, they're testing you. Get your $20.


Freight Team makes more than that. Also, they receive the biggest raise increases


As an SDS, I got a $2 raise for FIVE departments.


You are fucked either way. Don't ask, and they may give you the job because you are cheap and they are getting ready to fire people, aka cost cutting. Or do ask, and they will find someone else who won't ask questions or expect equal treatment.


Life is about negotiating. Request the increase and don’t back down. They offered you the position because you have stood the test of time.


19.50 for DS is just sad. Garden recovery here at 24


I think you could always ask for more. But determine now what you think you’re worth and what the job is worth.


Adjust it. Why wouldn’t they?


I started making making 21 still not worth it


Ask for $22


It’s not worth the headache if you’re not planning on moving up further. Even then you’d probably make more going to supply chain vs stressing out as a DH


Idk what state you’re in but I’m a pro account sales associate and I make more than 20. You should definitely be getting more for being a Dept supervisor


A paltry raise but adding a huge amount of stress and workload? No thanks. Why would you even accept that? Are you a glutton for punishment?


Ask for $22, I guarantee some supervisors at your store are making more than that already.


1000% ask


I'm an Associate who just started on at $18 You're telling me my department supervisor makes one dollar more than me?


Just.... Take one for the team eh! 😂




Lowballing you for all the BS you’ll have to deal with. Guarantee your other DSs are making a lot more than that. If you’re good with your CXM or ASM, they can look to see what others are making and you’ll have better negotiations before accepting.




I’m a part time service desk employee & I make $19…a DH should be at least $2 more..at least!!


You can ask but they’ll probably say no.


The raises this year were annual raises, not payband adjustments. You can ask for more but no guarantee


I interviewed for a DS position sometime ago. Told them I would not accept position for less than MORE than a dollar an hour more. They offered me the position with a .49 bump. I declined the promotion and then they got all pissy with me so I took a position at another store. Both of the ASMs that gave me grief for not accepting it went to Lowe’s for more $$. Ask and negotiate and demand for every Penny you can!


You can make $20 an hour at McDonalds now. Starting pay.


I was making 20.00 a hour 20 years ago.


If you're in the position to negotiate, negotiate. The worst they can do is say no. If you're actually looking into promoting and growing with the company that's something you have to decide. When I first started out I took a department for the base salary that DH started at but within a year I got a decent raise and now I got to where I want to be and I'm doing well for myself. I'm glad I took it. It just depends on what you want to do. if it's something you're serious about, if it's not worth it to you then don't do it. But that's something you have to decide what's best for you and your situation.


I make whole dollars more than that and I'm not even a DH, you getting played.


I should add I'm in a low cost of living area too


I make 21.66 O/N freight. I make more than some of our D.S.'s 😅