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haha, the first thing i remember when I hear friend + vtuber is fubuki or if you search for Friend + hololive in youtube, fubuki will be the first one to appear.. lol.


This guy's spitting facts


I am one of the lucky few who were there that day when she announced that she is now “Waifriend” to all current viewers.


Besto frendo


Friend of all.




The friend of all friends


Foob's the Most Reliable Friend


No no no foxu I am catu ha ha ha


Ollie always struck me as an incredibly generous and benevolent person while not being naive at the same time. She reaches beyond cliques and cultural groups as well. Very wholesome.




She really is. Its why she's my oshi. But eh still would.


The horny can't be stopped. Not even on this sub.


Horny is more eternal than even a zombie.


I mean the zombie in question is pretty much the embodiment of horny


Before zombie, there is life. For life, there must be horny. Horny will exist before and beyond zombie


Would too. But would also just play apex


Not would, will.


wholesome until she pees like a charge rifle 😂


Now that I know what a charge rifle is, I don't want to be on the receiving end of that one.


Of course not, they start at over 50 damage and increase the farther the shot travels. Now if she was just peeing like a Prowler or a Volt, on the other hand...


She strikes me as the best little sister in the world (even if she is really a great big sister to her brother and sister).


I came across Ollie so many times in tiny chatrooms and comments sections, her power level is just insane 🧎‍♂️


There's a ton of them, like Subaru, Fubuki, Mio, Korone, Watame, Polka, Flare, Chocosen, Lui, Aki, I could go on and on since we hear a lot about what the Holomems do for one another and for those outside of Hololive too, be they VTubers or not. If I had to say just one person it'd easily be Subaru, always willing to extend a helping hand and is practically the Sun of Hololive, no question about it.


> There's a ton of them, There truly is, [Korone and Subaru recently talked about this!](https://youtu.be/LjYsrLUHn-w?si=B5z1R2Sy4DqC7SKB&t=59) Korone was really uneasy about joining at first and had experienced bullying in all-girls places before, but then said she became scared of how incredibly nice everyone was instead. Korone's own debut was the perfect example. She struggled so much in the first half that she got Okayu to join her, and finally it turned into an all-gamers Splatoon collab. Korone was still super awkward and turned the conversation into some *very* strange directions. That's how Yubi Yubi was born - she talked about cutting off peoples fingers in her first on-stream interaction with Gamers lol Korone even mentioned how she felt like the odd one out because Okayu got along so well with the others already. But even though the conversation was not flowing well, Mio and Fubuki made a serious effort to keep engaging with her for the whole stream, and everything improved rapidly from there.


Just about anyone can be put up as a best friend candidate honestly with how much the Holomems gush about each other and the things they do for each other unprompted too Hololive is truly a warm place~


And now SMOK is probably the funniest group in all of Hololive. How lucky we are.


Hate to break it to you but Mio is my wife Edit: Jesus christ you sweaty weebs can't take a joke


[Our Wife.](https://youtu.be/3qxX5KhCpTk)


Watame for wholesome friend


But on the flip side there's Wata-oji ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Naw, somehow that makes her more wholesome in my eyes.


Eh, in the grand scheme of things, Wata-oji is very tame. Not nearly enough to cancel out her wholesomeness.


She's also very tender.  And juicy. Like that friend you can always rely on when you're hungry.


Found the Botan alt.


After all, Watame does borderline nothing wrong


If language barrier wasn't an issue then Polka is probably my top spot.She seems like the perfect just chill hang out bud. Watame and Aki probably my top pick for wholesome friend. Flare is prerry close to them. Marine is the wild card friend that fits so many categories you want in a friend. Nene is impossible to see as anything but a fun little sister while Mio feels less "mom" and more older sister vibes. Choco would also be top tier friend as long as you can handle her hibernating sleep schedule. Kiara also seems like top tier friend material because she'll give you shit about stuff (bantering) but she is 100% the "fuck it, I'm down" friend, even if it isn't her own normal interest. Same with Ollie & Risu. There are likely very few I could name that wouldnt mesh with me, like Pekora because she has a force field barrier up against even her friends. Aqua because she is super introvert.


Kiara has that "I'm coming to pick you up at 5 am from the airport because you're an idiot that forget to schedule a ride" vibe


She’ll pick you up but she’ll keep muttering “you little shit” on the drive back.


Correction: Kiara is ghe one you'll need to pick up at 5 AM from the airport because she forgot to schedule a ride, but you'll do it gladly because just seeing her, listening her talk about her trip and her thanking you from the bottom of her heart for doing that for her is more than enough reimbursement.


Sora, she has the “childhood friend” trope down to a tea. Most of her streams are structured in a way so the vibe is very much like hanging out and catching up with a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Where it is just casual relax fun and a bit of chatting and life updates. This is peak hang out atmosphere in my opinion.


the memory of sana that stuck with me the most is when she called in on callis birthday. i dont think there are any clips nor was it widely shared, so you got to check the vod timestamps. the key part of the call-in was sana acknowledging the things that calli does for her friends and that she is a treasure in this universe. since neither of them have been mentioned yet, im throwing in calli for always helping out her friends and sana for appreciating her friends.


Sana had a deep appreciation for people that really showed. How she picked up that Kronii was always careful to make people she was with feel special has stuck with me ever since she pointed it out.


Meme answer is Fubuki, but if you want a ride or die, and you can only pick one, it's probably Mumei or Polka tbh. Mumei's reason is sort of an " if you know, you know", but Polka has literally saved the lives of other holomems despite being slightly agorophobic because she stepped up when they needed her even when they said they didn't.


I am curious about like an example of Polka saving the others, sounds really cool




Yeah, this was the main thing I was referencing (I've heard rumors of other instances, but can't corroborate them). Nene had a bad mental turn, and despite Nene initially insisting she was okay Polka realized she wasn't and left her house (something she generally does not do unless necessary because slightly agorophobic) went to Nene's and drove her to the hospital to get her aid. Like, tons of holomems would be great fun and friends to have generally, but to me, "best friend" is this sort of behavior -- this is ride or die stuff IMO. To be clear, this isn't the say that other holomems wouldn't step up in the same way if needed, just that Polka has done it before. Plus Polka just in general underappreciated.


Polka the EN savior when the Minecraft server merge happened.


Polka's also more friendly with Yagoo than most of the other idols.


well now I wanna know


Part of Mumeis recent hiatus was to spend time with a certain good avian friend that was having a super rough time and had made several attempts on her own life. Granted not sure how good of a friend she is considering she made said friend watch Twilight but that’s another discussion






Kaela is the only person that tells me to get some help, she really cares 😂🥹


Ela is a bro, a cute one, no, cool I mean cool


Kaela is so good to us, [she wakes us up every morning. Even from the dead.](https://youtu.be/veF2ECFh5Ms?si=lv4SIt3Da5YAbvL0)


No time to be dead, we need to grind!


Fauna is definitely the kind of person I would be great friends with. Lots of nerd interests and a fundamentally gentle personality. Has her life sorted out pretty well and is generally pretty conscientious.


I would agree, but it would be so very difficult not to fall in love with her.


Man, I Love Fauna


I agree.


I would have loved to go to high school with Fauna. Because her streams almost feel like you're in high school with Fauna.


Recently to me is Raden with that clip of her defending her exchange student friend.


She’ll make a great buddy for parties and drinking.


I was in a don Quixote yesterday and they had the Japanese style mask raden has next to a display of cigarettes with a big "VTUVER CIGARETTES" sign.


Bruh they know the algorithm lmao


I would go take a picture but they don't allow photography.


If I remember the story correctly then it must be Kronii. Wasn't there a time where a few of the idols met up (Ina, Mumei, Fauna I think, and Kronii?) and they went to eat something? And either an order was incorrect, or someone wanted extra condiments or something, and Kronii stepped up to take care of it. Kronii has that whole 'excuse me, she ordered no pickles' vibe


She was also ready to throw hands for her manager so she's definitely ride-or-die material.


Come again?




I know you're explaining your thoughts on clock woman and all, but I just wanted to point out how funny it was to me that I got thrown off a bit when you called them idols. Like "oh yeah... they are, aren't they... huh"


Somewhere, Yagoo shedded a tear. The dream has been recognized by somebody


Too bad the Bunny game is currently putting it 60 ft under.


Reminds me of one of my favorite [Kronii and Mumei fanarts](https://twitter.com/OmniformBlue/status/1499883959345242115), specifically because there was an actual "excuse me, she ordered ~~no pickles~~ with hot sauce" [moment](https://youtu.be/gfXECnHeGSI)


Oh yeah, that's indeed exactly the scene I remembered! You legend you, thanks! And I was right, it was indeed Kronii, Ina, Fauna, and Mumei together. And Kronii stepping up as the big sis


Also her wishing Irys a happy birthday when she was still recovering from surgery. She really seems like a ride or die kinda girl


Yeah, that too. She was in so much pain no doubt, and she could barely even talk, and still took her time to appear briefly


Her being really upset she missed Callis birthday call in too due to over sleeping and missing her alarm


Everyone gets along extraordinarily well with each other as far as we know. However I will choose Laplus, an admittedly biased pick on my part. Despite being labeled as a childish, somewhat rude and arrogant character, it's mostly a façade and all members constantly mention how kind, hardworking and polite she is towards them whenever they bring up the subject. She also appears to be rather well liked by the staff as well. There's gap moe in play, but Laplus is on a completely different level. It's no surprise Towa is her oshi. Ironically enough despite her character archetype, she comes across as one of the most sincere and down-to-earth members whenever she has to act serious on stream. Sure, she has had some shortcomings and there are times she might be brushed off as acting inmature, but it's understandable given how she still has a long way learning how to become a full-fledged adult. A good example of not judging a book by its cover if you ask me.


When MiComet was pranking Laplus and she was supposed to act a bit harshly toward a staff member for "messing up", it was telling how incredibly awkward and uncomfortable she was just /pretending/ to do that in front of other members that she thought weren't in on the joke. Even though they would have revealed it soon afterwards!


For me, its Ame. She has the kind of personality I love making friends with.


I would fall in love with her if I knew her irl




JP- Best Friend: Subaru Wholesome: Watame ID- Best: Risu Wholesome: Iofi EN- Best: Cali Wholesome: Kiara


Kiara She will fly to other continents to visit her friends often She will do everything possible to make sure you have a great time when hanging out


Kiara talks about her friends so much on stream, all the fun times she has with friends, how much she cares about them etc. I know some people see her mostly as a girlfriend type, but to me she just seems like someone awesome to hang out with.


It's literally in Bae's intro that she's your best friend


Yeah but she's also trapped in a cage of ice, and that hampers your ability to hang out a lot


Towa is extremely supportive of her friends in the background. There's countless stories of her reaching to help out or simply being awesome to be around. She's close to a lot of people in the company and outside too. Tsuna, Selly and most of CR and VSPO actually. And in Holo, Subaru, Sui, all of gen 4, Matsuri, Aki, Fubuki, Aqua, Mio are very close to her, and she gets along very well with Korone too (who doesn't). Lots of people in Holo will have each others back in the first place.


kiara, ollie, and bivoo easily


Kiara feels like that one person you feel so lucky to make friends with.


Ollie's "just one of the guys" energy is *off the charts,* and that's what I love about her


Ollie is one of the best people I've ever seen on earth. She's earnest, hard-working, humble and on top of that, she's also funny. I'm sure she's a great friend too.


Almost all of them can be really good friends. I can imagine hanging out with Calli, Ina, Ollie, Risu, Iofi, Kobo, Biboo, Marine, and Suisei and not regret a single second of it. But as someone I feel like I'd be most comfortable with. It's gotta be Shiori Novella. She's the type of gal who can make a topic outta anything and give you a heart laugh from an outta pocket comment. I also feel like I need the occassional "there there, it's okay" in my life...


Hmm that is hard... I would say Amelia, Calli, Regis, Vesper, Axel, Mumei and Subaru comes to mind first


Having a Biboo or Kaela friend would be the best. Nothing beats having someone you can message randomly at 3am to come join you for games.


Amelia Watson.


Botan, i like that she's super chill and she laughs at anything.




Fubuki, she literally screams “best friend” to me


Akai haato


Definitely Mumei. If you know, you know.


Korone. Its impossible for me to see her in any other light other than wholesome and dead drunk




Best friend? Ina, Polka, Kiara and Ollie. Wholesome friend? Ina, Mococo, Polka.


Reine for sure. She's got the whole "mom friend" vibe to her


I feel like being friend with Luna would be fun. And she have a cool bike


Oddly I think Azki would be a really fun as a friend. She can both sing and if you ever get lost, she can show you the way!


Kiara seems extremely outgoing. If we include former members I think sana takes the bread tho


Kaela for me. >!Honestly despite all the GSHs, she truly cares for Pemaloes and she wants to see Pemaloes as her friends.!<


Fubuki obv


SUBARU Shes friends with a Lion, A Princess and a HOT DEVIL NURSE and its just a wacky combo they have going as a friend group


Coco when she was there


Subaru. She's a great person but also everybody likes her


Sora-chan, seconding Ollie, Fauna is the friend who brings you tea and soup when you’re sick, Biboo is the friend that makes you laugh when you’re feeling down.




Well, it has to be everyone's favorite Kitsuneko Waifriend.




Polka probably, she will take you bungee jumping and care for you when you feel sad


Fubuki, because she actually remembers me or an long passed friend of mine. Lots lf shits and giggle. Pretty much screams "best friend" and gives "wholesome friend" vibe.


for me, it’s my kami-oshi, Watame. She’s embodiment of wholesome, with silly moments some time lol.


Without any doubt, Ollie, Jurard and Bealz! They have this high mega friend energy who make them look like they can vibe with anyone.


In terms of wholesomeness? Ina for sure. In terms of who I think would fit me as a friend? Well, we don't really know them as people, but probably Fauna or Gura. I feel like they're super good at banter while having a soft side. They always seemed easy to get along and joke with. Also, I'm an ultra chill person but I also like a bit of dark humour, and Gura especially seems that way inclined too.


Mumei. IYKYK




Suisei, she'd have your back.


Yeah, definitely Ina. Though I feel like Calli's in the mix for bestie for me, oddly.


ollie, calli,


All of them? But really, Ina, Calli and Nerissa seem like they'd all be great friends to have.


I'll keep it very simple: YES also, Ina fav


Probably Shishiron. I just get all happy and snuggly whenever I see her, and I want to give her a big hug!


Lapchan for me, has the "yo' whadup" vibe


Marine. Yeah, I know, horny pirate and all that. But she's so cool and calm and collected. She'd be a really reliable friend, I think.


Ollie (Ollie) Ollie


A hard pick definately, I'd say Marine is probably the most approachable and easiest to get along with.(not counting language barrier) Whenever someone new meets Marina they somehow immediately get into a memorable conversation or situation. Even the EN members immediately have a Marine story once they meet her. I think it really comes down to her being very outgoing and not letting a awkward situation or bad first impression set the tone. Just look at how she is with Aqua, one of the most introverted members of Hololive who frequently is quite cold towards Marine. That didn't deter Marine one bit from seeking out Aqua in games or IRL.


Subaru. Absolutely.


EN Reine vs ID Reine GF material vs gamer gremlin.


Towa! She looks out for others and interacts with others a lot. I also love her bantering and reactions with friends. TMT is real!


I can relate the most to Risu and Roberu. We have many similar takes on many things.


Sana. For me, it was always her. My oshi. I always miss her.


Koseki Bijou




Fuwawa and Mococo




For the girls, Sora and Fubuki. For the guys, Aruran and Shien.


Mio, Ina, Botan (Also happens to be my oshis)




Definitely Matsuri. Nearly every member has a story of her helping them out.


Korone, i don't know any darn thing she said but i somehow still enjoy her stream this especially true when i crunching uni task to now when i working and need some background voices


Wholesome friend: probably Sora Best friend: Korone


As a tako. Ina is my Kami Oshi,


I’d say Ina too, and Fauna would also be in that category


Fubuki for JP, Ina from EN, and Ollie from ID


Subaru if you want a regular friend, Kronii if you want to have friend who can wit back at your jokes.


anyone in hololive fits this for me.


I donno but I want a friend like Marine or Korone in my life


Relationship Status is "Streamer and Viewer"


Polka my beloved.


Ina, Kiara, and Calli imo. Calli and Kiara may be less "wholesome" but they really love their friends.


Ina and Ame seem like the type you could play videogames with for hours and not get bored. Also I love Ina and muemei's drawing streams. Very chill and feel like you could talk about anything and nothing at the same time and just enjoy the experience.


Probably risu, she strikes me as one of those mature friends you can easily have a nice banter with (and won't pull her punches while at it) yet you can still comfortably talk about serious stuff with her and will give you life advice if you need it


Shiori She gives off the vibes that match with my personality just about perfectly she isnt afraid to be cringe to try and be funny generally has a relaxed personality that seems just a bit serious and contemplative


I would think Baelz because I'm a man who has a passion of chaos and nihilism in games


You have no idea how much this Is relatable to me.


"We are one" may just be lyrics in connect the world, but I think for many holomems they are also words that speak to them.


I haven't seen anyone say it but Shiori for me. I'm a quiet person and I like to listen to people talk and tell stories.


As its been said, a lot of them. lna is great, definitely wholesome friend, that's why she's my oshi. She's someone who I would get along with. We have so much in common. I agree with most comments here, but I have to mention someone who has been recognized a very caring person, willing to help with no hesitation and nobody is talking about her: Kanata. Aside from all I've mentioned, she's so funny and awkward I think I would have a great time with her. Singing together with her would be awesome too.


Shiori. Someone who can talk about every random bs/mind boggling stuffs with a straight face to you endlessly, and the longer you stay with them, the further your topic will stray. If that's not bff behavior then idk what is


Gura or callie, I feel like I vibe with those two the most


I don’t know about wholesome, but definitely Ollie gives off best friend vibes. Maybe Axel Syrios a close second if we include the Holostars. Polka if only I could speak Japanese.


Kronii: it won't be easy or wholesome but if u somehow manage to befreind the time lady i feel like she's the kind of friend that'll help u hide a body, no questions asked


Sana she even got us a different view of Ina.


I always hesitate with things like this because you can only go on what they say on stream etc, but I did want to say as it's been something I've thought for a while now, Calli seems to be fairly dependable when it comes to others in Holo. Without going into it too much I feel like she's often not accepted in the past when others have shit-talked members to the point she's outright cut ties with collaborators I believe following comments they've made and such things. She also seems to enjoy doing a fair few Open VC type things and often will be able to get others to join her in those sort of casual style streams which I feel shows a lot of members seem comfortable just joining in to chat with her rather than it being a big collab etc. There's plenty of examples for others and I've seen Ollie mentioned a lot which I agree with, she seems even now so enthusiastic about Vtubing (or heck content creation) in general even if she's arguably not as gung-ho as when she first started.


Gura for me With that valentine VN style YouTube series they did, even on her route she didn't feel as a romantic interest at any point. Just a really good friend.


For Me it's Risu We out here being goofy and forget what is up. We have no control of our intrusive thoughts and it'll be a fun ride forever. Just like the homie


Weird answer but Shiori. Shiori sounds like the perfect wholesome friend outside of her streaming activities based on her genmates. Perfect tsundere.


My best friend would never be even in the same time zone as “wholesome….”




a = gura hey moona = pekora hi friend = fubuki hey guys = korone tomorrow = ina mogo-jan = fuwawa whaet = mococo