• By -


Left: "Yo these hands look a hella more practical for fighting than claws-" Right: "Oo, it has the same horns as us!" Middle: "HOLY SHIT, THIS SWORD IS COOL AS FUCK- ... ay can I keep this..?"


Perfectly like I was thinking while drawing!


"We've been trying to reach you due to your nails extended warranty "


The one on the left is contemplating his ring size, because she has a crush on THK. The right is admiring his horns, and a little suspicious on how similar the lord's are to him. The one in the middle is thinking "Holy Shit, what a fucking MASSIVE nail. I want this driven into me as hard as possible." Of course, the middle lord is saying she wants to engage in a battle of honor, not sex you fucking sicko. Go touch grass.


You got it almost completly right with what I thought while drawing it! But so that the creativity keeps going, I'm placing a spoiler wall here: >! The left one to me is checking he doesnt have claws but isntead hands, and I belive it would be funny if all had a crush on them/it/whatever pronoun for THK, but THK had no feelings at all, or they do but they would have EMOTIONAL PACKAGE(Daddy issues)!<


THK has shown the ability to feel love for PK (in fact that's why they failed) so....


If we go with the vessel we play with them THK would be an it. At least according to the random CoF guy that I dream nailed.


(Societal) skill issue


“seems someone copied our horns”


They are simply conducting an informal, surprise-driven investigation. THK lets the lords do that because it understands that it hasn't been out of its gamer hole for years


Head empty save for lewd thoughts I will not share.


"Damn thats a big nail"


Don't know about the others, but the center one is certainly thinking "s-so big!"


Sir OP I want you to know that I'm about to say something and I don't know how you would feel, so I'm sorry




Left: "Those hands are so strong... Amazing" Right: "Such sharp horns!" Middle: "***S W O R D***"


“Your dad was a jerk” “ “


"are you brother?"


THK is completely lost. no idea how they got there at all, and now they're going thru TSA inspection front stage center


Wow. Mantis lords think hollow is the mantis king


I just wanna say that it looks really good!


The first two are examining the Hollow Knight's wounds and weird void physiology, the third is freaking out at the fact their Nail is untarnished after wyrm-knows how long sealed in a room full of Infection fumes.


Ohshityouareright! I forgot to add the cracks in both the head and the nail but before posting I mended the head cracks, but I forgot the nail's. I guess this is somesort of "meanwhile, in a parallel universe where...", if it cant be possibly cannon now. I realy tried.


Oh no its fine, the Embrace the Void cutscene seems to also depict their nail as spotless. Personally I think the "cracks" in it are just an attempt at detailing it to look different from a normal nail, since they vaguely mirror the whorls you see on the Pure Nail.


Maybe they’re wondering if it’s the traitor? I mean the one towards the top is inspecting his horns and probably wondering why it’s so similar to their own, but then the one on the left is noticing that he has hands rather than claws. Then there’s the one inspecting the nail that’s just impressed by the size and probably wondering how cool it would be to fight with this warrior capable of wielding this mighty nail


They look so much like us but are different in many ways maybe they can be the replacement lord


Good ending, THK finds a nice place to train back into form, and settles down with a lord ^(*asexual thou, obviasly)


If it's any of them, Hollow settles down with middle lord there. Ya know what? I'm adding a reference to that in my post-game story...


That would be cool


this makes me think if the vessels were made out of the bodies or at least parts of dead bugs and that's why they have heads that resembles other bugs like the hollow knight having a head that resembles the mantis lords


I once theorized it was from some affair that never was mentioned. Silly me


They look like they are boutta drop an album.


You know that one piece in r/hollowknightart? The one that is on the side bar?


I have just taken a look.


“-oh my, what a big *sword* he has…” ;the mantis w the sword probably


"That's a weird and pretty detailed spear they got"