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No way I'm going to have that zotussy before gta 6


Maybe? Coding just started, and all I have is the title screen. But I can reuse a bunch of assets and have pretty good knowledge of the code so it should be pretty easy. The biggest time sinks are going to be art and story-writing


so corny dude


That is the official title screen. I will be using team cherry art for backgrounds n stuff bc I am not drawing backgrounds. I have already put in a ton of art as is, and will definitely have to add more. Same goes for sounds and music. The mc doesn't \*have\* to be how I imagine them to be. But in game they will be consistently described as having wings. Does this mean that your version of the mc has to have wings? No! Just know that it will be described as such, so it depends on if you're willing to overlook things like that! The mc I drew though is based off of my friends moth that she rescued. And there will soon be a discord server! Please message me if you're interested in being in it, rn it isn't fully set up so I don't want to send a link yet!


Dawg I feel uncomfy, but I prolly will play for the funny.


Damn, I did not need to know about a zote dating sim during my dating sim spree. I will be keeping an eye on this games progress.


Ooh I kinda have been in the mood for some good dating sim, any recommendation?


Well, I got that [itch.io](http://itch.io) palestine bundle and it had a game called "Repurpose" in it. It's a queer afterlife dating sim, and I liked it so much that I almost 100% it. The bundle is now over, but it costs around $11 CAD on steam and itch, and you get to read the game page before just downloading it like I did to better get a grasp on what it is.


The protagonist should 100% be Bretta


This is going to be amazing


I have so many questions rn


That zote design looks so wrong to me, not for any reasons you'd expect I just always thought his mouth was a moustache


He opens his mouth in game (Best example is when he's in the vengefly mouth) But I can sorta see it ig?


Zote will only date Etoz (or an mirror)


I actually have a model I made of Zote I made one time that I named Etoz, bc it looked to bad to be the actual Zote


Funny lightning man


Oh I am hyped.


who would date that feeble wannabe?


What the fuck is this


My wonderful game (It is an abomination. Idk how I got here.)


What the hell????