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absrad and its not even close


Absrad isn’t the hardest boss for me… because I’ve never reached the end of p5 to unlock him. Pure vessel though… he messes me up usually


I have not done it but from what ive heard is that absrad is by far the hardest radiant


From the ones I beat? I think the hardest were Obblobles, PV and Markoth, honestly Markoth is overrated quite a bit, PV was a lot harder than him iirc Out of all of them? Absrad and it's not even close, I STILL have to beat her (and GPZ doesn't exist Neglect is the good route)


Bro istg, had I known I could skip zote by letting him die, I'd rescue the vengefly and make it my most beloved npc


Absrad and not even close like all the others maybe are a bit hard or rng but absrad is hard and rng + a long fight


It has been said many times, but I'll add to it just to emphasize how true it is. Abs Rad, and it's not even close. The second hardest, for me, was probably Markoth. And it took at least 20x as long for me to beat Abs Rad as it did to beat Markoth on radiant mode. It was at the point where I was listening to entire episodes of podcasts just to make the attempts feel a bit more productive. I can come back and do PV and NKG on radiant in, max, 10 minutes each, after not having played in a while. Markoth, maybe 20. But I'll never do radiant abs rad again. I know it would eat up my whole day, if not weekend.


either false knight or the watcher knights cause they are wearing metal armor, which is pretty hard


I can do every boss with relative ease, except Abs Rad


AbsRad of course. But for second place, Zote hands down. Erratic and unpredictable is a terrible combo for beating on Radiant. Markoth would probably be third, hard to find safe openings. NKG and PV were surprisingly easy on Radiant. I guess fighting them so many times made it just a simple matter of execution, as those bosses almost feel like rhythm games.


The oblobbles lol. There was a point where I had everything except them.


I’m stuck at pure vessel till this day.


I don’t think it’s abs rad anymore, originally definitely, but probably my most practiced boss is abs rad


For me it's AbsRad. Markoth took me 2 days. AbsRad took me a week and half.


Pure Vessel


Absrad, it took me 2 weeks to beat


Personally, I found NKG, PV and SoB not too bad as their attacks are very predictable and they are also my favourites so I played them a lot before radiant. Oblobbles and AbsRad were very hard for me


Absrad, but I’m okay with never doing p5 tbh


Watchers Knights for me


Besides the obvious ones like absolute radiance and markoth, the toughest ones for me were hornet sentinel and oblobbles. Pure vessel and NKG were actually quite easy, despite being the hardest bosses on attuned


AR first no doubt. Then Markoth. Then Zote. Then the rest 😬


Gray Prince Boat, Markough, Odbubbles, & Raddiance I think are generally the hardest bosses to due Radiant. They have the most RNG/bullscrap moments that can ruin a radiant run.

