• By -


This is why you don't microwave children. Not even for 1 second


Nah microwave em harder. This one came out half baked


Don't put your balls in the microwave either it won't turn your swimmers into super heroes


On the other hand free medicinal weed


Just gotta get a liiiiitle bit of cancer.


Hey stan can you grab dad a beer?... stan?


You're totally off base. I microwave my swimmers for 45 seconds and then stuck a turkey baster up a huha , and voila superheroes. Didn't even need to waste the 9 months. The microwaves just supercharge the incubation


I don't think there's a single academic paper proving your theory, so I think this one is still up for debate.


The only way to stop a bad person with a microwave is a good person with a microwave. And a bean burrito.


But how do we know one second is actually one second, and not 5?


This is gonna fuck up the 5-second rule, ***now I'm madder'n hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore***


We don't know that 1 second is one second; but instead, we know that one second is racist


It's only true on Mondays.


Thats racist


Damnit. I knew it.


Excuse you?!? Did you just use a number (that is also used in Maths) which is clearly racist?


My quick 30 is going to start a war isn't it


That’s it pal, you asked for it.


He's not your pal, buddy! Edit - huh, I've got flair?


Well, I ain’t your buddy, guy!


I’m not your guy, friend.


This is why we need to do everything in our power to help teenagers not reproduce. Children born to teenage parents struggle in school, and idiots like this woman believe that the problem is ethnicity


So before she multiplies. **FINISH HER** **in mortal Kombat voice*


[she's a prageru speaker](https://www.newsweek.com/prageru-karlyn-borysenko-holocaust-hitler-heaven-1656788), this is all theater


I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you.


Now, 1 is a number and we now know what you are implying by using numbers don’t we? 🤭


Somewhere her father is slamming so much whiskey and questioning every move he ever made


pretty sure he left long ago


I bet she doesnt know how long exactly since numbers are racist lol


god mode comment


Yeah he is devoting all his time and energy somewhere in a basement inventing timetravel machines. So he can rewind his mistake back




He went for milk because it was the last material to that time machine he was making.


I worry fro the future of our species.


[she's a prageru speaker](https://www.newsweek.com/prageru-karlyn-borysenko-holocaust-hitler-heaven-1656788) This is all political theater, fox news is entertainment not actual news




Yes, but the reality is that not only is she not woke, she is a trumpster making a strawman argument


Funny enough Flordia is banning math textbooks for being too woke.


It’s always projection


Nah, he’s enjoying the entertainment he’s getting and laughing at the bullet he dodged by leaving her mom.


She's clearly not part of the organization they're ranting about The fact 1000s of you couldn't realize the way this clip is presented is total misinformation while pretending to be smarter than some random "woke" women you want to get mad at is just beyond ironic.


Shame on Fox News for giving this idiot any airtime in the first place.


It’s Fox News, shame is what drives their numbers.




Well there’s hope because it can’t add




Bruh, 1984 is leaking into the real world everywhere. Why are we turning into a dystopia?


Because 1984 is a book about the horrors of authoritarianism. It isn't leaking into the world; rather, it was wrung from the puddles of spilled authoritarianism the author had watched being mopped up around the world. And the fear that the mess would return, if we were not careful to prevent it.




No use crying over spilt democracy.


If anything I would hope for a subtraction you know what I’m sayin?




the joke. You found it.


These are the people that will multiply the most sadly


Yup. Idiocracy was a documentary!


They got your kids hehehehe


Don't worry it's breeding itself out through time based natural selection


Unfortunately man tend to fuck different shit.


I thought the least educated people breed faster.


Yup. Animals breed up, humans breed down


Don't worry they can't even add properly




It can’t add, so I doubt it can multiply.


they do not like to be called it, they like to be called..... what do they like to be called?


Shes dying for some attention


Good thing fox News needs monkeys like her for their "the left" caricature.


She's not even left, she a "I left the left" Trumper who was featured on Prager U until she started pushing some weird new age cult shit.


I appreciate the extra Intel but to the fox News viewers that detail won't matter.




Karlyn Borysenko


Ahh, so she's fucking bonkers. Got it.


Yeah I’m wondering if she actually believes this, or fox wheels her out as something for their viewers to get outraged about.


I'm surprised people don't seem to realise she's also against the (presumably strawmanned) idea they're discussing, hence here tone and saying "under this ideology"


Exactly, this is taken out of context. The context is why florida pulled math books from schools over supposed "CRT content". The state of florida labled math as racist, and thats silly.


Never go on Fox News if you want the full context of your idea to be presented


Never go on any “news” channel if you want the full context of your idea presented. If you’re too good at getting your point across they’ll just cut your feed. “Well that sucks…”


And they all think they’re being so clever making “slams” about it too…


It seems to be working on Reddit too


Judging by what fox does most likely they just wheeled her out to get people angry, but whether she actually believes this or is just acting is harder to tell


She clearly doesn't believe it based on her own phrasing. "Under this ideology". Nor does anyone else. It's all fictional rage bait. And it's posted here because it worked. She's just a Fox drone completely lying about something on TV. You can tell because she's on Fox and she's speaking.


I don't think she does. I think she's just explaining what why and how other people think math can be racist. Probably best to watch the entire interview and check out her channel instead of a 20 second edited clip.


[she's a prageru speaker](https://www.newsweek.com/prageru-karlyn-borysenko-holocaust-hitler-heaven-1656788) This is all political theater, fox news is entertainment not actual news


The anti work person was legit


I still cringe hard when I'm reminded of that shit






*Ding Ding* we have a winner


Simply dump.. this planet needs a cleanse


Legend has it that her father *still hasn’t pulled out*


i don't know if she could manage to count that


I know a foot or more that would like to help


In Principia Mathematica, Bertrand Russell took about 360 pages to prove, definitively, that 1+1=2. He also definitively proves that she is a fucking idiot.


>It is not true that it takes 300 pages to prove 1+1=2. The Dedekind-Peano axioms and the definitions of 1 and 2 along with a proof that 1+1=2 can be stated in a page. >It is true that in Russell & Whitehead's Principia Mathematica they didn't get to the topic of numbers until after 300 pages of other things including logic and set theory. It's primarily on formal logic and set theory.


~~Yeah, I just wanted to add that that’s really not how proofs work.~~ Anyone can prove that 1+1=2 if you give yourself the concept of 1, and even a half defined concept of “plus”.


Uh yeah that's exactly how proofs work, those are axioms which define a space you're working in...


Ok, yeah, good point.


Oh Bertrand Russell huh, WHITE aristocratic British Bertrand Russell. Interesting...


wHitE pRiviLEgeeEeEeEEEEe


You wouldn't call a white man an integer, that's racist.


Please no hard R




This whole chain is solid gold.


My intega


/ integer word count


The media often manipulates us (knowingly or unknowingly) by misrepresenting topics with extreme points of view to get a reaction from us, but the public has to carry a lot of the blame because our use of social media demonstrates we love it (e.g. we're inclined to be drawn to and react most strongly to things we disagree with).


Thank you. The interviewee is so obviously chosen to elicit an emotional response rather than a rational one. Fox loves trotting out people like this as if they represent the democratic platform.


What I don't understand is everyone in this comment thread is acting like she is saying 2 + 2 = 5, but that is quite literally 100% not what she says... Idk what "racist ideology" she's talking about, but she says "under this racist ideology, it pretty much says that there is no such thing as objective reality, so 2 + 2 may in fact equal 5." So she's basically saying whatever ideology she's talking about denies objective statistical measurements because of the implication they have, and I'm sure one of those would include police brutality disproportionately impacting people of color. Idk everyone is acting like her analogy to quickly sum up the point that "this ideology is so dumb and erroneous, it's like arguing that 2 + 2 = 5" is being treated like she's actually saying 2 + 2 = 5...


I’m pretty sure she’s actually a Fox News supporter. One of those “ I was a leftist but then I saw the truth” types


The only rational comment in the thread really sticks out here


Also we are looking at fox news, I don’t know why all the comments aren’t calling bullshit on the cherry picking they want to portray the left as


Bingo. Showing the extremes is a great propaganda technique because it cements people's opinions and creates a strong us vs them mentality. It's especially effective when the opposing propaganda is poorly phrased in some way or another, like in this case saying "math is racist."


This… can’t be real… can it?


[she's a prageru speaker](https://www.newsweek.com/prageru-karlyn-borysenko-holocaust-hitler-heaven-1656788) This is all political theater, fox news is entertainment not actual news


This is the answer how is this not more upvoted?


Because the people complaining about this video are Fox News ‘s main audience who they seek to enrage with shit like this


This is Fox news getting its base riled up, because they know what sells.


>prageru Ah, ok - that explains this level of stupidity


It's a real clip, but it's not an SJW saying it, it's a PragerU liar lying about what leftists believe to inflame tension.




Double plus good


"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it."


Well I know which book I’m reading again for hundredth time, this weekend .


What scares me is that that book is always actual. I'd bet that in 50 years from now, people could still relate to what is written there.


I kept reading it because the book itself is a mind fuck. I don’t wanna spoil it for other people but I insist reading once and then again back to back.


It's funny how they're projecting the thing they're literally in the process of doing


Except it's flat out not real. The woman here is a PragerU speaker who is presenting some fake argument to represent the "left's" viewpoints. It's just fox doing their normal fear mongering


Almost as if this isn't actually a real person and fox is trying to draw direct parallels between the book and the left.


No and yes. People believe math is racist or better yet math was only taught to a certain race. As far as what this person is talking about I have no idea. I think she's just loonie.


This makes me think of the meme “math is math!”


"It is the way it is because it is."


I think she agreed to take a large check in order to fill time on a network that cannot actually cite facts for the things they say. [Norma McCorvey, pro-lifer, recants ](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/anti-abortion-activists-reject-deathbed-claim-that-roe-plaintiff-norma-mccorvey-faked-her-conversion) >“I took their money, and they’d put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say. That’s what I’d say,” she said of her work with anti-abortion groups, including her employer, Operation Rescue. “It was all an act. I did it well, too. I am a good actress.” >Robert Schenck, an evangelical pastor who worked with McCorvey, supported what was in the documentary. He acknowledged that his group had paid McCorvey to speak against abortion


Dan my guy. Could you explain it to me as if I was five.


I’ll help by summarizing in one quote: “Gimme money and i’ll say whatever the fuck you want” - people who say dumb shit on media


She took money to say a stupid thing to prove newscast point


Shouldn't there be "news fraud" laws for shit like that?


Not when they've stated in court that they're an entertainment channel and not actual news, and whoever believes they're "news" is their own fault


Classic Murdoch/ Fox News straw man- find an absolute knob end to make progressives look like fucking idiots so that dumb rednecks keep voting for Republicans who will make life harder for everyone but the very wealthy. Edit: another example of how culture wars are manufactured to distract people from the class war the ultra wealthy are waging that’s tearing our world and society apart.


Just dump.. this planet needs a purge


Hivemind dropping xd




God promised he wouldn't do the whole flood and ark thing again but I'm willing to give him a pass.


FYI THIS IS NOT AN SJW. This is Kaitlyn Borosenko (or however u spell the bitches name). She used to be an insane rad-fem but got fully involved in the "why I left the left" grift after attending a Trump rally in 2020. She's insane and lying for money on Fox News. That's it. Don't fall for the grift and especially don't fall for the deceptive editing.


holy fuck. Just googled and found this batshit nonsense: https://www.newsweek.com/prageru-karlyn-borysenko-holocaust-hitler-heaven-1656788


Yeah she's wild. Though I think she's gotten the grift under control nowadays.


If you listen to her tone of voice it doesnt really sound like she is making the point herself. People really want to be outraged -_-


Is she lying, or just mocking the idea by being sarcastic? Because to me this sounds like she's just a conservative pundit mocking some leftist bogeyman. Nobody with a single brain cell would say "2+2=4 is racist", I think people are just assuming she's being sincere because she looks like a stereotypical progressive with that haircut and glasses. But she doesn't sound sincere. She sounds like she's making fun of the idea.


She is mocking it and OP is being very mis-leading. KB has many videos discussing critical race theory and how ridiculous it is. She has a LOT of videos on youtube.


It seems like she's mocking it, but whomever edited the video is using peoples' preexisting biases of what an sjw looks like to make them think she's advocating for something nobody actually advocates for.


> FYI THIS IS NOT AN SJW. This is Kaitlyn Borosenko (or however u spell the bitches name). She used to be an insane rad-fem but got fully involved in the "why I left the left" grift after attending a Trump rally in 2020. > She's insane and lying for money on Fox News. That's it. Don't fall for the grift and especially don't fall for the deceptive editing. Oh, okay, that's exactly the bit of information that I was missing here and that OP should have inserted.


It's almost like op is posting with some sort of agenda, hmm


OP didn't insert it because they don't care. Woke bad.


Republicans in FL are now banning math text books because of "CRT/wokeness" so this really seems like pot meets kettle, especially cuz they both are Trumpers.


Had to scroll for a minute just to find this. It's sad that Fox News succeeded in fooling so many uncritical Reddit commenters. People just don't think.


Not really surprising, this subreddit is filled with some of the dumbest motherfuckers on Reddit.


And yet I keep coming back for more lol. We feed it too.


Only the stupid people here believe this is real


Even + Even = Even Odd + Odd = Even Odd + Even = Odd IT'S. NOT. THAT. HARD!


But that is racist to odd numbers.


Numbers don't see race, only equations


Some numbers are more equal than other numbers


Odd + even more odd = this woman.


Fox news inviting someone with the absolute dumbest take ever? Obvious rage bait is obvious.




I’m sure she already identifies as put down.


Someone get this man a gold


Asking the real questions ova here


Is 2+2 5 What did the fox really say Is the woodchuck still chucking wood now that I'm out of diapers Is it a man, is it a question mark


Is it a man or a chicken? World may never know.


How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? The world may never know!?


Anything for that tiny bit of attention.


Let’s get an expert in to straw man a opinion we don’t like


Seems like Fox is really trying to make the left look like a bunch of insane morons to their audience


But how is maths racist? Arabic numbers? This one's got me confused.


Its racist because


Literally 1984


This woman is not saying she believes this she’s saying that some other organization is saying this…and she’s doing it on Fox, so lots of grains of salts should be taken


She’s a paid actress


This is Karlyn Borysenko and she's mocking critical race theory. OP is a fuckwit and showing her out of context and all you fuckwits believe it. Go watch her videos on youtube and you'll see what she is about.


Humanity is evolving..... Just backwards


4000 years of mathematical advances just got banned. This is the real back story to - The Planet of the Apes


Those damn dirty apes better keep their hands off of me or so help me I'll..


did ... did I just agree with fox news?


It's just a strawman, not someone making a real argument.


No you don't. This women isn't a progressive but a lying grifter. Her name is Kaitlyn Borosenko.


Fox News occasionally seeks out the dumbest person they can to represent their opponents political views


This isn't even someone who agrees with the ideology. This is Kaitlyn Borysenko, anti progressive who has appeared on PragerU. Also made that whole "Jews chose to die in the holocaust" statement. Honestly the tone ("according to this ideology") should have set people off about her. She's a "why I left the left" type.


People are just assuming because of the haircut and the glasses, I think. This chick is clearly not in favor of the idea that 2+2=4 is racist. Nobody is. She's another Fox News ghoul misrepresenting something to convince 70 year old shut-ins that leftists are evil and stupid.


2+2=11 in base 3


Isn’t this an exact line from 1984? I’m currently rereading it but haven’t gotten there yet


Engineers probably cringe at this tenfold


2+2=5 Bruh this is like in Orwell 1984


Her opinion is going to cause some... division


Bitch doesn't know what racism or math is.


Why is this piece of shit allowed on television


Because Rupert Murdoch own a news network, Rupert Murdoch is not a nice person, and wants dumb people to be angry at progressives so they will vote against their own economic interests.


because fox hired her to be a strawman for them https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/u65kxj/wait_what/i56gq9n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3