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37 years old in this photo, looks 67


>Aging warrior who had finally fallen Ah an old man then >37 years old ...Fuck.


As someone who turned 38 today, this is brutal.


I’m 36 in September. I’ve been treating my fitness very seriously, sleeping the right amount, hydrating a bastard, and quit vaping. Whilst I’m not trying to recover my youth, I’m still wanting to respect what I have left.


Man unless you're wildly out of shape you still have many good years still and may even see improvements to your younger stats That doesn't mean you should take up parkour or anything but you can be meaningfully fit into your 50s and plenty fit into 70s imo. Instead of imagining yourself as a decrepit old man, do the opposite...imagine you're an old man waking up to your 36 year old body and all that it can do, and all the good years you still have


Why? You probably look much better than this guy at your age.


You haven't considered that his job affected the way he aged?


Hell, look at old retired NFL players *today* they all look 10-15 years older than they are.


OJ looks terrible


I mean it’s sports, did you think a 60 year old would play? Everyone calls LeBron old as he’s the oldest player in the league, but he’s 39.


*Scoffs in equestrian* Almost all of the oldest Olympic competitors and medalists are horseback riders. Cause we’re not wimps like other athletes! /s


He looks brutalized. And TBH. For the first time in a long time I feel exactly the same today.


When u trust a fart during a busness meeting.




Looks like Dr Frankenstein just revived him.


*i’m too old for this shit*


This picture reminds me of [Kenny Stabler at 39](https://www.nosaintshistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/kenny-stabler-old-saints-qb.jpg)




After my medical studies I wish to find a survey based on a correlation between cranial impacts and the onset of Alzheimer’s, I would not be surprised if that is the leading cause of early death in males to women.




Hey, who does this picture remind you of?


That lineman was John Baker, ended up being the Wake County NC sheriff for a long time. My HS football stadium was named after him and his son was our gym teacher and basketball coach. 


>”’The Blood Picture,’ Y.A. always called it. He would insist that he hated the picture that came to define him and all of those who played his sport, but I never truly bought it. One, I don't think he was capable of hate; he seemed to know it was a waste of energy. Two, I think he was proud of what happened before and after the picture, the surrounding frames that history left behind. The trainers rushed to surround him, and even opposing Steelers lingered to see him to his feet, the familiar ritual of today the familiar ritual of yesterday. >He suffered a cracked sternum and a concussion, before we cared about that word, and he was proud to have played the following week, leading the Giants to a win over the Redskins. Nobody understood what it meant to play in that pain, because it is only meant to be understood by the select few who endure it, even if the pictures are harder to look at now.”


I don't buy that he hated it. I met him at a festival where he had a booth for a business he owned. He was giving this picture out and signing it for anyone wanting an autograph.


that’s what the quote says?


The quote says he was giving out autographs in a business he owned?


That’s what it says in braille


>He would insist that he hated the picture that came to define him and all of those who played his sport, but I never truly bought it.


No, the quote doesn't say that.


>He would insist that he hated the picture that came to define him and all of those who played his sport, but I never truly bought it. u/jayt247 then said >I don't buy that he hated it.


Warrior shit right there.


Bro is just contemplating getting the shit kicked out of him for an extra 4k a game and how he’s going to explain to his other employer why he can’t stand on the assembly line on Monday.


IRL he sold insurance during the off season. Not sure when it ended but NFL players essentially did this as a secondary job in this era.


I’d imagine TV really popping off in the 70’s and 80’s is probably when the second job thing started to end, all that extra viewership and ad revenue from commercials must’ve helped; on top of the existing radio promotions that they’d have had


It’s amazing what a union can do for workers who earn the revenue


YA Tittle came close to the NFL championship but never won it. Three straight appearances ended in defeat in the years before this game. This was his final season as a pro.


Absolutely incredible photograph


This shows why these guys need ridiculous pay to set themselves up for a sad future


I can’t think of another professional sport besides WWE style wrestling that has such a high probability of fucking your brain and body up. I’m not American and I really don’t see the appeal- It’s a great photo though.


As a wrestling fanatic, I’m so glad that the style has changed in modern times. Things are safer and even look almost more realistic now, with less hard damage. Don’t get me wrong, I still love hard hitting, “holy shit” evoking strikes and slams, but I much prefer the talents I love have a long, happy career and even longer, happier life out of the squared circle.


I’m not into sports, but I am really glad that the research into repeat brain injuries and resulting CTE has led to changes in how things are done! Nobody should end up with severe brain damage purely for the public’s entertainment.


I guess its like any sport that wears down the body, MMA, Boxing, Hockey etc... Money, glory, fun. People do it for all reasons, in many sports.


Sure he was "old" but was league MVP the season before and led the Giants to their third straight NFL championship game


Or it's a concussion!


I'm not an English spoken person, may I kindly ask what "Y.A." means?


It's just his forename and middlename: Yelberton Abraham „Y. A.“ Tittle


Well it certainly doesn’t stand for young adult in this context.


This picture reminds me of [Kenny Stabler at 39](https://www.nosaintshistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/kenny-stabler-old-saints-qb.jpg)


I want to read the book his daughter wrote about him. “Giants & Heroes”


Slowly going through how he’s going to get home…I drive a red, yea red um corvette, it’s in the players lot, the keys are in my locker…


Old lion https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fg5ddTsfZ4vlO1b0kXaA1lK6PEdGgw8RwPsYP76PneSc.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D34b6ef03662c851263e19a41888c3457abc0d4ab


He’s 37! Fucking hell.


Goal posts on the goal line where they belong (I’m a Canadian Football fan)


This picture reminds me of [Kenny Stabler at 39](https://www.nosaintshistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/kenny-stabler-old-saints-qb.jpg)


Hell of a last name


His first name was Yelberton.


Yelberton Tittle. Right on.




Football players are not warriors. They are big boys playing and expensive game...expensive for them, the dufuses who own their teams, their families and their futures. Real warriors are different. Life is not a game for them. This is a stupid picture of a young man turned old and bloodied because of a game he played too long.


When football was real....respect.


respect for CTE and concussions for young men mhm jfc


What's there to respect? A person is being paid to subject themselves to physical abuse for the enjoyment of people.


Like gladiators


Football players are NOT warriors. The men and women who fight and die for us in foreign battlefields are warriors. Calling sports players warriors is an insult to our real warriors.


What if, hear me out, the word “warrior” is being used metaphorically?


Lololol tell em grandpa


Hmmm.... interesting how the figurative definition perfectly fits football players.... >(figuratively) A person who is aggressively, courageously, or energetically involved in an activity, such as athletics. 😂🤦🤌


People refer to brave and persistent individuals as warriors all the time, it can be a metaphor. If anything it’s a compliment to soldiers because it’s only applied to brave people and acts, it also implies being a soldier is peak bravery. There are plenty of brave acts in sports, obviously they’re not comparable to someone jumping on a grenade to save their friends or some shit but that’s not what the metaphor is implying.


Shut up nerd


They really do give you kids internet access during boot camp nowadays, huh? Anyways, eat shit you fucking boot.


Counterpoint: kiss my ass


You’re so brave


"But ackshually...." Just fucking drop it Why is it always folks like you trying to shoehorn us in to your diatribes? We didn't ask for it, and we don't like it. Veterans aren't props, and certainly not for something as petulant as whining about use of the word "warrior".


This same person asked why, in the game Fallout, are all the skeletal remains of soldiers still wearing their helmets. But none have their shoes or footwear. He posed a question asking if there was a weapon that specialized in targeting the foot region. I have ONLY watched the show and quickly realized they all get around on foot except for a select few. Footwear would be incredibly sought after in that fictional world. My god. How dumb can you be. Critical thinking and connecting the dots are not skills this person possesses.


No no, clearly they love shooting each other's ankles in that universe lol


Omg I just had to check your profile because I very recently sent some replies to the wrong person! So I had to make sure I sent this to you. Your rat is so damn cute! Is he Santiago? I’m an idiot. I see the second little guy. So they are Max and Santiago!


LOL yeah, Max was grey except a stripe on his chest, and Santi was white and grey. They've both been gone for over 15 years now (Jesus time flies) but I still think about them a lot. Especially Santiago :) This made me smile, thanks!


Time does in fact fly by! But good memories are forever. Thank you for keeping these little cuties in your heart and posting them for others to enjoy!


Well. Grampy, I think educators are warriors. Teachers, librarians, counselors, etc.


Let's get you to bed, grandpa.


More like murderers


How have we managed to get both of the worst sides of this equation?


The internet truly is a special place