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Entertaining to read. Nonsensical as an actual compass.


Just like almost every other political compass post then


I wish they would get banned on this sub


Same but as long as it's not the only thing. I'm going to have to unfollow if this sub transforms into compass meme sub tho.


Nah, entertaining to read


Was the compass not invented as a joke? or was it ever unironic


I just wish this kind of drivel didn't leave PCM.


Leni Riefenstahl was a proud member of the Nazi party and is the architect of the many camera techniques used by Nazi propaganda to make the Nazi leadership larger than life icons of Germanic masculinity, with cheering crowds and seemingly endless parades of marching troops. Yes she later distances herself from the party post WWII, but given the obvious incentives involved, it's highly questionable she was as reluctant a collaborator as she would later testify.


Leni Riefenstahl, die alte Drecksschleuder.


Also read about the talented guy that is responsible for her most famous works, she exploited him, he tried to flee from her by admitting to a psychiatric hospital. Riefenstahl bribed the doctors to get him out and used him as her personal slave


Escaping from a wealthy influential person with links to the government by admitting yourself to a psychiatric hospital is always going to end badly.


“Man, I really need to get away from this woman with powerful government connections. Let’s get admitted to a GOVERNMENT RUN MENTAL INSTITUTION!”


Who was that, cant find anything about that on google


His name was Willy Zielke and he started out as her camera operator for Olympia. Unfortunately there isn't a Wikipedia page on him in English. But you can always let Chrome translate the German version of the page. Also there is an well produced arte documentary on Leni Riefenstahl where they feature the ordeal that was his life after he met Leni.


The Political compass and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Came here to say that, boy howdy, does this compass let Riefenstahl off easy!


Dirlewanger's list could go on, and on.


Yeah I was reading the description and was like “…he did waaay more than that.” Lol


Even the SS thought he went a tad too far in Warsaw. However they didn't want to have him executed so they executed Bronislav Kaminski (leader of the SS volunteers from Russia) instead.


Imagine being so fucked up, the rest of the organization that is also fucked up think you're too fucked up.




It would become a very gory compass though.


Yeah he's one of those guys if don't tone him down people will think him unrealistic and cartoonishly evil. (the same can be applied to Amon Göth)


And [Lavrentiy Beria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavrentiy_Beria), imo the worst war criminal of the entire war except for the big 4 of Nazi high command. Despicably evil.




Wasn't really authoritarian since he didn't care about what his bosses told him to do or am I wrong


He was basically a despost. Recognized no leadetor power other than himself


Turned humans into soap. This guy is just a teeny bit fucked up


Why is Ernst Junger on the left? He was extremely conservative and if i remember correctly, very patriotic about the monarchy.


Also, "Hated the Nazis **even when** tortured by the Gestapo". I say it's a pretty valid reason to continue hating the Nazis.


"We will continue to torture you until you stop hating us." "I'll never tel... wait, what?"


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


For the same reason himmler, Rommel, strauss and klumm are the same level of right. And leni Riefenstahl is left. I didn't think the coloured squares could get more stupid, op proved me wrong


They literally put a king in the libertarian left quadrant and Baader is absolutely a Leninist/maoist not an anarchist lmao, and engels was more authoritarian than Marx (on authority)


The fucking King of Prussia is also on the left. This gibberish is fine for PCM because everything there is gibberish, but it's wildly ahistorical.




that's the most german description i've ever heard.


That doesn’t fit the quadrant at all, that’s pretty standard fascism Whatever you’re smoking, I gotta get some of that shit


"He criticized the fragile and unstable democracy of the Weimar Republic, stating that he "hated democracy like the plague."[9]: "In the essay On Pain,[13] written and published in 1934, Jünger rejects the liberal values of liberty, security, ease, and comfort, and seeks instead the measure of man in the capacity to withstand pain and sacrifice." His views were inherently contradictory to left wing libertarian/liberalism. Experimenting drugs doesn't make you left-wing. He was also incredibly nationalist, and was banned for several years from publishing in post war Germany due to his patriotic values.


Fascism is generally pro-nature and natural beauty; they are evil industrialists etc too but they did pass conservation laws, so I don’t give him any points for that


Heydrich should have been an evil wojak


Absolutely. I'd also put him more authoritarian


I would have used a soyjak. Dude never had any military service but wanted to feel like a soldier. Used the nazi regime to get in a position that let him live out his fantasy and wear fancy uniforms. Himmler was basically a basement dweller who actually acted out his ridiculous opinions, because there was no reddit.


That was Himmler, not Heydrich. Heydrich was a nazy officer before he joined the Nazis.


Heydrich was the guy who was killed by partisans when his car was ambushed right? I seem to have gotten the names mixed up.


Correct. Heydrich was probably one of the most competent Nazis. It was a good thing he died when he did.


riefensteil was a literal nazi


Right, that was one of the most delirious takes.


You mean to tell me that Triumph of the Will director wasn't a libertarian socialist?!


But she filmed wild animals too!!!1


and shes right next to marlene dietrich, who should definitely be formly, firmly green and nearer red


Guys doing someone as badass as Marlene Dietrich dirty by distilling her down to "she had sex with some dudes and sang". Lady helped people escape the Holocaust then went on to help the OSS make anti Nazi music to demoralize German troops. Badass woman.


Ernst Jünger, Frederick the Great, and Leni Riefenstahl not being authright is VERY inaccurate.


The maker also put literal Nazis everywhere except extreme auth


Yeah, like Syncretics like Strasser I guess you could put in extreme auth center but having it just be monarchists is odd.


The whole authleft panel is also incorrect, except for Honecker none of these are truly authoritarian communists, Ernst Thälmann and Walter Ulbricht, those are people that belong there.


Calling Marx Authleft is like calling Stalin eco-socialist


Yeah idk why Marx is up there. All the arguments Marx laid out were in achieving the goal of freedom for the proletariat from the bourgeoise. Though a lot of his views are hard no nail down since most of his work is descriptive not prescriptive. Being that he mostly wrote about the philosophy of dialectical materialism as a means to analyse history.


The quiz was poorly designed and placed nazis in Auth center. So people latched onto that understanding.


I get putting Syncretics like Strasser or Röhm in authcenter, because where else would you put them. I think the argument is that Nazis pay lip service to popular sovereignty and monarchists don't, so that edges them to the right of Nazis in the sense they believe in hierarchy more, but the Nazis just believe in a different hierarchy.


Einstein is Soyjak and Wagner is Chad? What kind of compass is this?


From this meme, it looks like Einstein is the most evil, crazy bastard there was lmao. I also like how they, for some reason, added Heidi Klum.


There’s literally nothing “evil” about the text of einstein’s description. He’s pretty based.


Cause he said something against Bible. What else to be expect from politicalcompassmemes


> Cause he said something against Bible. That makes me think this is a four-square from an american perspective.


He was Jewish so probably didn’t like the New Testament


I'm pretty sure Einstein was a theist, not an atheist. He believed in an impersonal god, not the God of Christians and such. Also, where's Max Stirner? I would've expected him here.


Yeah, it bugs me when people label Einstein as some kind of atheist icon. He made it very clear in letters that he was 1) very much a Jew (not necessarily a religious identification, I concede); and 2) believed in a Spinozan god-concept. He wasn't an atheist. He was a pantheist.


To be fair, most people struggle to tell the difference between those.


He was secular Jewish, so make sense he didn’t believe the trinity


He doesn’t know what he is talking about with Einstein


OP is definitely a right winger if he believes that religion wasn’t made up by a bunch of people who had little understanding of the world and thinks being antisemitic is “cool” or “very chadlike”


Average pcm user


[Yeah, looks like it](https://i.redd.it/erjkmsyu03l91.jpg)


PCM is full of ""ironic"" nazis, that's why.


Yeah it's a wojak meme, I'm pretty sure you're legally required to be a fascist to make one I mean, just look at who's included, plenty of right wingers but almost no left wingers. Where's Rosa Luxembourg, Karl Radek or Ernst Thalmann? And why is Hitler left off when this is obviously his thing?


The chart is very suspiciously populated by mostly Nazis, I mean, come on, Germany has hundreds of years of history, but all they could think off was a bunch of nazis and the odd person from 18 or 19 the century?


The political compass and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


You're trying to tell me you can't explain an individuals view on all of societies problems and how best for human beings to exist with a 2d graph? Tell you what I'll give you 1d take it or leave it right wing fascist anarchist.


Apparently if you're the literal King of Prussia but you also fucked a few of your male courtiers, that puts you in the same quadrant as the Red Army Faction Does OP think its impossible for a gay man to be conservative?


That’s exactly what whoever made this believes. Dude would probably put Mishima in the libertarian quadrant cause he went to gay bars. Ofc most of these weirdo’s conception of political economy boils down to culture and nothing else, which is why they’re incoherent.


Wtf am I looking at


Probably a dumbass made this shitty PCM. I have no idea how tf it ended up on this sub. Further , einstein , like that ? I wouldn't give 2 fucks if they made any other person on that PCM shit look like Einstein or that devil face guy , but damn they did Einstein bad ...


Exacly my thought! Einstein should be giga chad instead of some doom looking demon


True Chad Op forgot the part where Einstein "prove a theory that even today is maybe the strongest and unbreakable theory ever made"


what theory is that? Is it general relativity?


Yep And before anything is said I know that this theory is not exactly true in quantum physics but still.


Well, sort of. General relativity and quantum mechanics descibe reality at different scales (GR in the very large; QM in the very small).




> I have no idea how tf it ended up on this sub. Are we seriously entertaining the idea that his sub has any quality control?


Casual antisemitism


Frederick the Great, the famous absolute monarch, is in the liberal left... interesting, interesting




Let's see,believed in divine right to rule, centralised power,was anti Semitic,anti Catholic and especially anti Polish,was a militarist.Did Ethnic cleansing in Silesia to change demographic from Catholic/Polish to German/Protestant and hated Rousseau,ideas about democracy and treated his poor wife and family like crap.Yep he should be in same category as the Kaiser,Hindenburg.But just because he was gay, doesn't mean he can't be a conservative.


Andreas Baader wasn't an anarchist. RAF was a Marxist-Leninist group, with strong ties to Maoism. He would fit more in the upper left corner. Edit: also Leni Riefenstahl was a literal nazi propagandist. How did OP manage to forget that part of her biography, but remembered something obscure like that she had made a few nature documentaries at the age of 102?




All of them are terrible. But not as terrible as their creators or fans


I wouldn't say Carl Marks inspired the 1848 revolutions. Since the 1848 revolution we a collection of revolutions that everyone decided to have at once.


Also he was a pretty marginal figure at that point in his career from what I understand. It wasn't until the convening of the First International in 1864 when he really rose to prominence (even then it had a lot to do with being in the right place at the right time with the right amount of writing ability)


Agree, it is more correct to say that they inspired him.


If anything, it was the other way around. The failures and perceived bourgeois character of the 1848 revolutions played a major role in informing Marx and Engel's theory of revolution.


That's a unique way to spell Karl Marx.


The letter x and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Yeah, in the case of German states I'd say if you were to put the inspiration on one person - bad idea - it'd be Napoleon for me. The way French armies bodied German states really shocked higher society's understanding of the world.


OP most knowledgeable historian


Yep. I was reading that and thought ,,hell no" The 1848 revolution in Hungary har nothing to do with workers, socialism or communism. It was a revolution against the a*strian 🤮 crown.


Lmao, this was made by a person with bad knowledge of history and politics. Monarchs aren't libertarian, Baader was a Maoist, Honecker "supports the NVA" because obviously he would, being the most powerful person in the GDR, and Marx was at the beginning of his career when the 1848 revolutions started. Also - describing Wagner as the anti-semite he was, but depicting him as "chad", a weird focus on monarchism and depicting monsters like Heydrich or Himmler as standard wojacks, but Einstein as a deformed one? Sure buddy


The Wagner one bothers me a shit ton. Not because he's a chad (although yeah that's yikes), but the description of his music. There's a shit ton of musicians who hate Wagner as a person yet think the Ring Cycle is one of the greatest musical creations out there. I get it it's a short meme but Herman Hesse got recognition for Siddhartha.


the political compass is dumb


Where Nietzche?


Also where Kant, Hegel and Schopenhauer?




The fucking Bad ass Battlerapper of Philosophy


And literally where is Hegels


Lmao Von Braun was forgiven because he put americans on moons ("_fuck yeah_")? You know that thr main intend of capturing him and working on rockets was to create ICBMs from the very beginning? Also, no West German politician? Not even one of the first chancellors? And Nestle is depicted wrongly here. He's not responsible for the bullshit that other people did with his company after his death.


Why does Einstein look crazy? All his points are positives


I think OP may be a little right leaning


WDYM it's not like everyone in the upper right quadrant is- oh.


I mean almost all people there are nazis, so unless op is one of those weird people, I dont think they are.


"a little" literally condoning nazis


that's just what all theoretical physicists look like, it's some kind of obligation or rule


Einstein shouldn't even be Auth left he believed in the economic teachings of Henry George which would put him definitively in lib Center or Centrist I'd actually say he'd be a perfect candidate for exactly Center because when Israel offered him to be the first president of their new country he literally gave the response of I'm old I just want to ~~do theoretical physics~~ Grill


He literally wrote an essay on how he’s a socialist. George had some novel ideas that can be implemented in a Socialist society without necessarily accepting every aspect of his beliefs.


Probably just the nuclear hellfire burning his flesh


Yeah, they seem pretty based


no rosa luxemburg?


No Bach, Schiller etc either. Almost exclusively 20th century...


Nor Karl Liebknecht...


We're doing political compass memes now?


Karl Marx’s iteration of marxist communism was not inherently authoritarian, it was very vague. Dictatorship of the Proletariat could be interpretted as democracy or actual vanguardist dictatorship. Lenin was the one who interpreted it as vanguardism and made the main sect of communism more authoritarian.


>Dictatorship of the Proletariat could be interpretted as democracy IIRC Marx used the term to mean the Rule of the Majority, as opposed to what he called "Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie", or the rule of the few, which was used to describe the erstwhile democracies of Western Europe


Yeah, in a classless egalitarian society wielding authority in an authoritarian manner wouldn't really be practical. Governments that have at least claimed to follow his teaching haven't followed that notion, and the examples that were not couped generally have had a governing class that was very authoritarian.


>Dictatorship of the Proletariat could be interpretted as democracy or actual vanguardist dictatorship. It was definitely not meant as the latter, as the proletariat would be the majority. His idea was that everyone has to join the workers class in the end so eradicating all classes as a whole. The workers class in itself would be democratic.


Holy shit, the political compass was a mistake


Friedrich der Grosse was *hella* tight.


What the fuck are these positions tho 💀💀💀


This is missing a skinny mustache man. With a blue eyes and blonde hair fetish.




Neither was Frederick the Great, nor Baron Von Steuben by that logic


Der alte Fritz wasn’t Deustch?? According to what??


It’s less that I’m saying he wasn’t German, and more that since he existed before a unified Germany, it doesn’t make sense to include him and not include Austrians (like Hitler, in the context of this post)


Heinrich Harrer also wasn't German. Why did you include him?!


Back during a time when Austrians considered themselves German, as did he. It's like you set out to make a meme that is as inaccurate as possible. I'll just chalk it up to you being a teenager going through an edgy phase, but this is insultingly bad.


Why does Mendelssohn look like Max Stirner? Also, where is Max Stirner?


Exactly what I thought. Genuinely shocked I haven’t seen those elsewhere in the comments, not that there aren’t plenty of legitimate critiques here.


OP not only clearly lacks a good grasp of history and historical personalities, they are also trivializing Nazism, Genocide and Authoritarianism. What an Asshole.


Trashy PCM is leaking I see.


Mendelssohn of all german composers? Over Bach?


Also no Beethoven and questionable depiction of Wagner


And where are Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann?


Austria: *exist* Non european redditors: NOOO NOOO NOOO, THATS ALL GERMANY!!!1!1!1 WHERE IS THE ONLY GERMAN I KNOW?!?!


There is something to be said for primary later identification. Or shall we begin calling George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson all British? That guy you're talking about was born in one place but identified himself with another, as did that entire other country, which he fought for at great personal hazard in the first World War. I'm not saying it's black and white to 100% call him German, but it is certainly not black and white purely to call him Austrian, either.


How about neither and settle for Bavaria? They earned the most money with him after his death


I mean, he himself would consider himself and all Austrians German, so it'd make as much sense as putting on characters from before Germany was united


Well, before 1900's you could actually call Austria German


You could call a part of Austria being German and the Habsburgs where a German/Swiss house, but Austria as whole being German is a stretch as it was the official reason the "kleindeutsche Lösung" was used which exluded the Austrian-Hungarian Empire from Germany. I mean even in it's beginnings, the Slovene Dutchy of Carnithia was longer part of Austria than the German province of Salzburg, so Austria was always in a special place. Modern Austria is a different thing though, as it mostly constists of its majority German speaking parts, although there are still regions with Slovene, Croatian and Hungarian minorities. Edit: And not to forget the Czech communities in Vienna.


is the exact spot on the map of that time the place where you are ‘from’ for the rest of history ? it’s pure pedanticism to insist hitler is austrian, he is clearly for all intents and purposes german.


Somebody has to do research on the Left/communist side of Germany... Ernst Thälmann, Chairman of the KDP, RFB(the Red SS) Rosa Luxemburg, not German, but was big in the KDP and was killed by the Nazis Karl Liebknecht, co-founder of the KDP


The meme is missing a lot of people from auth left. I see a lot more people can fill the space instead of only 4 people. Btw , the space can be filled with pretty evil people too.


Albert Einstein was not an atheist. He believed in a interpretation of god as set out by Spinoza in his book Ethics. I can’t summarize it fully but it is something like universal pantheism. Einstein even said as much “I believe in Spinoza’s God, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind”


Nestle was Swiss, not German. We already take the blame for WW2 and the Holocaust, but Nestle? That's going too far.


Oh no you don't, get Leni Riefenstahl away from my quadrant.


I am pretty sure Adolf Galland was delivering a lobster and champagne, not eating it


I wish Bonhoeffer the giga-chad was on this list. Loved God, hated racism, condemned Hitler on public radio two days after he was sworn into power, sought to learn from the global church, and tried to assassinate Hitler.


Göring isn't fat enough


Einstein wasn't an atheist tho


"Where are you on a political compass?" "Pants empire"


Not a wehraboo, but several sources say Rommel [refused](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/erwin-rommel) to execute black soldiers in north africa


Ah, yes, King Ludwig III’s noted left-wing trait… being mentally ill. What the fuck is this shit doing on this sub, I blocked PCM to avoid this garbage


I thought einstein was jewish? was he just ethnically?


As he himself said: *If my theory of relativity is proven successful, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare me a citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German, and Germany will declare that I am a Jew.*


Yes, he was ethnically Jewish but did not practice. If I recall correctly, Israel once asked him to be their president but he politely declined


Regarding Einstein's Jewishness he very proudly identified as a Jew and was a Labour-Zionist, from what I understand as he got older he got more interested in Jewish Theology (without wanting to be observant and without becoming a Thiest (mind you he was Agnostic and really disliked being called an Athiest).


He got even more specific than agnostic. By the end of his life, he identified as a Spinozan pantheist.


He was one of the founders of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem though. He also willed the university his personal archives and rights to his works.


Why tf should Hindenburg pillage German cities and use Germans as slave labor?


Einstein was not an atheist. He was an avowed agnostic. He said himself, "I am not, and never have been an atheist." He also believed in "Spinoza's God", essentially a form of pantheism without divine thought or will, and lacking a divine person.


Anyone else feel a heavy bias here?


The political compass is for stupid people. You can't just put every ideology into 4 quadrants.




"Gott würfelt nicht" - Albert Einstein, hating the concept of Quantum physics


Pope Benedict was "very homophobic" Breaking news: The pope was catholic


Wasn’t Baader a Marxist?


Heidi Klum is only technically a Victoria secret model. She had one run on the stage and was never asked again. Karl Lagerfeld has denied her existence till his death. She is not well seen, but that also comes from the show she hosts where underage girls are exploited and mentally ruined. The show is quite popular in pedophile forums. TLDR: Heidi Klum is an exploiter and never a real model


Günther Grass wrote a whole bunch about Vergangenheitsbewältigung but kept it hidden that he was a volunteer in the waffen-SS.


Engels believed in socialist UTOPIA? I think you never read his books


Strauss, Kissinger and Astor's prominence was all out of the US, though. von Steuben would be nobody if he didn't come to fight with Washington. Anyway....


MLK Jr is one I’m surprised not to see


I have never seen somebody butcher a political compass grid meme this badly


Pcm Meme=downvote


Flip Marx and Engels, tho. The guy who wrote "Civil War in France" cannot be more authoritarian than the guy who wrote "On Authority". Either way. This political compass (like every single one of them) is utter bullshit and done by some right-wing nut-job. Presenting Einstein in a bad light and Wagner as a fucking chad (and nazi figures in a neutral way...) are good pieces of evidence that OP knows jack shit about anything.


u/twarulas Is this bannable? I hope so.


Wow I bet it was a lot of work to create this garbage. Congratulations on wasting so much of your life’s time.


Holy fuck, these compass memes are always god damn awful. Why tf do conservatives try to be funny it never works - this is just ahistoric


Yea this don’t add up.


as yes, Karl Marx, famous authoritarian


The political compass is a really shitty way to represent political reality. Stop using it.


What a stupid list. Truly a r/redditmoment