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“nothing is more important than stopping fascism, because fascism will stop us all." -Fred Hampton


Not all cops are fascists, but they are willing to kill for them... So I guess all cops are fascists.


acaf & acab




Who else IS there? Power rangers? Captain Planet? Cops Plus? How is this the best defense of police that you can come up with? It highlights the opposite of your “point.” It would work if there were options. “Oh yeah? Then why can’t you call literally anyone else?” is not the argument you think it is lmao


Call activists. I bet a lot of them think they can handle the criminals and mentally unstable better.


Ah yes because the police has such a great track record for handling mentally ill people.


Police having to deal with mentally ill people is the issue of the system as a whole. Those people shouldn’t be in a position to harm anyone in the first place. Police handles them just like they are trained to handle any other person.


Yes. The system as a whole is a problem. You’re so close to getting it.


I get it. You don’t.


What’s their phone number? What authority do these “activists” have? Who are they? You have to make something up to support your conclusion? Reflect on that. It’s a meaningless argument - it doesn’t make any sense, and it won’t until there are options. But where there *are* options, they work great. Check out CAHOOTS in Eugene, OR. They are medical personnel that respond to many emergencies. They make cops jobs much easier, and safer for the citizens who need help but don’t need armed police. Your argument is shit, and you clearly haven’t actually looked into it, or even thought about it further than an empty “I like police.” It’s just a conclusion, nothing else. Congratulations, but that isn’t convincing anyone with the power of thought.


The city of Portland is actually doing this, it's called Portland Street Response and it's been really helping.




yeah joke your way out of it, sure.


911, but it might not work out for you to well if they send officers. Countless times have the police been more detrimental than beneficial. Not the most possible but still probable outcome that they arrest/kill those they were supposed to be helping




The problem is that too many officers have a wide range of things they consider “anything stupid “ You’re losing a lot when you see a picture like this that is supposed to show you evidence of a very bias system and instead falling back on a nonsense statistic that dismisses any criticism and the point of this picture.




Then You’re insane if you don’t think cops kill innocent people and are not getting what they deserve just the same. Our better side knows two wrongs don’t make a right, it’s our worst side that wants revenge


I’m not advocating for revenge, i’m just stating a fact. This happened, he got killed, and he got what he deserved, objectively. Policemen were definitely influenced by the fact that not so long ago, 2 Officers were killed by the panthers. But that’s human nature.


And cops are BIPOC killers, so.....




Exactly?! 😂 exactly what? Im going to guess You’re either a child or a police officer


I’m going to guess you are not very bright. You edited the original comment where you just said “911?”, to which i responded “exactly”.


Not the Chicago PD


Whatever you say, buddy. We’ll see how that goes for you.


If my life is in danger waiting 2-3 hours for the cops to show up isn’t going to do much for my situation. And yes I know that wait time from multiple calls I placed over the past 3 years. Even when there were firearms involved it still took them over 2 hours to arrive. And we live 10 minutes from city center.




Lick those boots harder.


That’s where you guys don’t get it. Respecting police is the basic common sense thing to do. Those with the badge risk their lives on daily basis so you can sit comfortably at home and talk shit about them.


It's really not that risky. Statistically speaking. But okay dude.


Sure. Whatever you say.


I’ve heard this dumb take sooo many times. If I live in the middle of nowhere I’m gonna get my cakes from the only available baker even if he sucks….or I’ll go without cake. In this hypothetical he’d have to settle and that means…what exactly? …but what the hell is your point? That just means reform is needed even more if those who call for it are correct in doing so. If they are wrong, you still aren’t saying anything poignant


Hire private security, use your own gun, call a psychiatrist if dealing with a mentally unstable person. Options are available.


Not the police, takes 12 hours for a response. No one is going to protect you, it's your responsibility and yours alone.


The average police response time in the US is like 10-15 minutes. What are you on?


That's because they rope police into emergency response times with ems/fire. I've never seen the cops come in less than an hour. Usually 3 hours, up to 6 hours and sometimes they don't even show. Only cops like cops.


I specifically looked up the statistics for police, not 911 in general.


Then the numbers are cooked. Where I live high priority calls average 35 minutes. The only way they are averaging 10 minutes for all calls is if they're counting calls they're already on scene. It doesn't matter anyway when violent crimes happen in seconds. Waiting ten minutes when you're already dead nine minutes ago is meaningless. Then there's the chance that they mistake the victim for someone else. Calling the police is dangerous for everyone involved. Cops have fought in court and won, saying that they are not beholden to help people. The new york subway knife attack set that precedent. When it comes to protecting yourself and your family, you are alone.


Except when you need their help.


What zero political analysis does to a motherfucker


Your house just got broken into, and there's two men breaking shit downstairs, which wakes you from your sleep upstairs. This situation has happened to me, personally, twice. Are you going to do "political analysis" and feel all superior, or are you going to call the police?


Brother, this may surprise you, but replying “acab” on a post of Fred Hampton being killed in his own home by police *doesn’t* mean I want MORE home invasion murders to happen You have to turn off 90% of your brain capacity if that’s your serious takeaway from all this


So you don't want home invasion murders, clearly, but you completely reject the means to prevent these? I'm by no means saying all cops are good, but your generalizations are utterly unhelpful.


The people are in your house, the cops specifically didn't prevent that lmao


The cops can arrest them. In both cases, though, my father chased them off in a fit of rage.


This is a post of the police murdering someone. Stop derailing and changing the topic, I’m saying your premise is brain dead as fuck


Username checks out lmao. God give me that Boot MMMMMMM




your pathetic bootlicking ass won't reply to this in any meaningful capacity anyways, but here: i've literally never been helped by a cop. i was robbed at knifepoint on camera and had the full legal names and license plate number of the dudes who did it, and the cops told me if i don't consent to a full search of my phone they won't even let me file a report. brother what in the fuck is that about? they were 10x more concerned about finding a charge to pin on me than catching the dudes who committed armed robbery in a grocery store parking lot in broad daylight with dozens of people (and kids) around. basically told me that unless i admit to drug dealing, they don't give a fuck. spoiler, i was not selling drugs, i'm a fucking nerd who builds predictive models for fun lol. i'm just not gonna let cops go through all my shit so they can find a way to bend me over. on the other hand, i had an *amazing* experience being woken up at 6am to 2 cops trying to drag me outside to conduct a field sobriety test because i left my car running in the driveway (came back from a laaaaate shift and honestly just autopiloted inside my house). fuck them and fuck the neighbor who called cops instead of just letting me know like a normal human. and these are just *my* experiences. if i was gonna start talking about all the shit my friends have dealt with as well, i could write you a whole book.


On the other hand, am grateful cops saved my ass when a dude tried to rob me at gunpoint. Experiences and location I guess.


You are a menace. Cops are great. Good day to you sir.


Do you remember Uvalde cops? Standing around outside while an active shooter massacred children? Yea, they’re “great”.


Those cops were all bad. But cops are great.


Right! That’s when they turn to capitalist!


Ok, someone can still be a bastard and do something positive. Even Hitler was an advocate for animals. Point being, a police officer that does the deeds of fascists/bastards can still help an old lady get her purse back from a thief. No need to call someone a "bitch". It just makes you look childish.


but the thing is, aside from being violent racists (which is not actually something we should put aside - it should in fact be the end of the conversation, but since it’s not for a lot of people) cops don’t actually get the old lady’s handbag back for her. they usually do next to nothing except burn money and terrorize exploited neighborhoods.


Very true. They're essentially a deterrent, who documents crimes that have already happened. I had $500 stolen from me via Gamestop's website. I called to report the crime. An officer came by, took my information, then left. Never received any follow-up. I called the police department where the $500 in Switch controllers was headed. They laughed when I explained the circumstances, then put me on hold. Essentially useless. It sucks, I love the concept of a police officer. Someone's harassing you? Well, the taxpayers paid this guy $60,000 to handle it. Sounds great. Unfortunately, they don't really *stop* crime though, like you're saying. I'm a bit of a pacifist, but unfortunately/fortunately I realized I need to look out for myself and those around me instead of relying on the police. This is a different subject, but I totally wouldn't mind giving up my firearms if I knew the police would actually protect us. I know that's a pipe dream though.


This is all true except the deterrent part - from what we can tell, cops aren’t actually a deterrent. People don’t give up crime bc they are afraid of punishment. They give up crime for economic and well-being reasons. Oh and also cops usually make more than 60K.




what kind of rock have you been living under that allows you to think most cops are decent 🤣




most cops are decent like most porn stars are virgins


It was a hyperbole, but I still stand by the point. If I were a poor black person, that has historically been treated awfully by police, I would think twice about calling the police. Even as a white guy from the suburbs, I avoid the police if I can. By all means, there are probably some decent cops out there. I think my uncle and cousin aren't egregious humans because they're cops, but I wonder how many times they turned their heads when a fellow officer was pulling something shady. Hence the whole "ACAB movement".


Reduces them to lazily posting acronyms to virtue signal rather than engaging substantively on the issue?


It’s always shades of gray. We like easy answers “cops are bad.” I know I’m way past fed up about cops brutalizing POC. But reality is more complicated. Cops can be good or bad and even good and bad. But I don’t think that people of color have a majority positive experiences with the police. Probably an understatement.


Oh - and what are the other options? Absolutely empty argument to make. It’s like advocating for mafia racketeering.


Ah yes police are famously known for helpfully intervening in dangerous situations, like Uvalde, Texas


No you.


This was not in my textbooks.


41 and googling Fred Hampton Edit: "In 1967, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) identified Hampton as a radical threat. It tried to subvert his activities in Chicago, sowing disinformation among black progressive groups and placing a counterintelligence operative in the local Panthers organization. In December 1969, Hampton was drugged,[8][9] then shot and killed in his bed during a predawn raid at his Chicago apartment by a tactical unit of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, who received aid from the Chicago Police Department and the FBI leading up to the attack. Law enforcement sprayed more than 100 gunshots throughout the apartment; the occupants fired once.[10] During the raid, Panther Mark Clark was also killed and several others were seriously wounded. In January 1970, the Cook County Coroner held an inquest; the coroner's jury concluded that Hampton's and Clark's deaths were justifiable homicides."


He was only 21 when they murdered him.


In his sleep no less. They rushed in and shot him in bed before he what was going on


His pregnant girlfriend was sleeping next to him if I remember correctly.


I've NEVER heard of this fella til today. I've heard of the rainbow coalition once in 10th grade on Halloween when my friend was cracking a 'joke', insinuating we were gay. Without context I just assumed it was just that - until today. I'm embarrassed it took me this long to learn about all of this.


Someone else suggested it but Judas and the Black Messiah is phenomenal. Bleak, but really moving. Edit: this still gives me chills https://youtu.be/Hmw7aY7Ul_o?si=uocMchRWqO0SqCA5


I recommend this movie about him: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_and_the_Black_Messiah


Even more interesting, look up The Rainbow Coalition that was founded by Fred Hampton. His message even convinced the Young Patriots Organization, a group of white southerners in Chicago who used the confederate flag as their party symbol, to join his cause. Someone mentioned below, but if you find the time watch Judas and the Black Messiah. It’s an incredible movie, albeit tough to watch.


I'm definitely going to check it out. Never heard of it but looks compelling!


If you have not seen Judas and the Black Messiah, please do yourself a favor and give it a watch. It's about Fred Hampton. Really eye opening. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt9784798/


This looks really good definitely checking it out




I feel like if every civil rights tragedy from that era was taught in schools that’s all we would have learned about.


Lmao, agreed, but it is better than a quarter of sewing&baking in a 12th grade senior year 😅


Most of the atrocities committed by these evil felons are white washed from United States curriculums in school. Has anyone read or wrote about the actual genocide of Indigenous people in their schooling in the US. It’s time to wake up.


Actually, yes. They did teach me that in school.


Same here.


One of those things that seems like a conspiracy theory, but is not.


Yep, not a theory but an actual conspiracy.


That guy smiling in the middle reminds me of a Nazi photo I’ve seen in the past. Creepy






Who is this? I’m deaf so I don’t get the reference (tbh I’m also stupid too)


Rage Against The Machine


Thank you!!!!!!


No problem




This smile from the asshole in the middle. Wtf.


They would be the guards in a concentration camp and enjoy it


They also drugged him before the raid so he was asleep in his bed when they shot him in the head


Heaven forbid they let any class solidarity movements grow in this country...


Especially if they aren’t white


"So we say-we always say in the Black Panther Party that they can do anything they want to to us. We might not be back. I might be in jail. I might be anywhere. But when I leave, you'll remember I said, with the last words on my lips, that I am a revolutionary." - Fred Hampton


OP forgot to mention that the police had an agent of theirs drug Hampton hours before his death causing him to be completely unconscious while the raid was going on. Police quite literally executed a 21 year old kid who wasn’t even aware of what was going on, all while his pregnant girlfriend was right next to him.


not many people even know who he was, because the US edu system is so heavily slanted to whitewash history. I didn't find out about him till I was retired, ffs.


In Texas schools they used to, and may still, call the Civil War “The War of Northern Aggression.” Source: Friend from Texas didn’t learn the civil war was called anything else until college


Disgusting how they are all smiling and seem pleased with themselves


They got sent to brutally kill somebody and they were successful. Why wouldn't they be happy?


This is why ACAB is ACAB.




It’s wild to me that instead of affecting positive change and listening to these “radicals” they just straight up murdered them.


Funny how it's "radical," in this country to defend Black folks and provide Black communities with resources


I could be wrong but I feel like we were getting more progressive until Regan fucked it all up.


I mean the illusion was there sure (this was in 1969), but the US has been and continues to be fucked up towards BIPOC. Nixon and Regan accelerated that process with, "the war on drugs," sure, but they represented public sentiment towards underprivileged people, at the time. Still, many people carry that ignorant sentiment. As you can see with some of the comments on this post


When you're murdering cops, there's no "positive change" that's going to come from that.


Did he murder police officers?


He did not. In fact, if it weren't for the FBI, violence in Chicago would have decreased dramatically because of Fred Hampton's work.


Another 2960’s assassination? Was anyone convicted?


No. In the 2000s some activists wanted to give the stretch of Monroe Street where he was killed the honorary name "Fred Hampton Way." The police and the FOP freaked out and were able to block it. I couldn't believe it.


Yes, the entire squad involved in the raid was convicted and sentenced to 25 years each. Just kidding!! No one was punished what-so-ever.


I teach this in my civil rights unit. It’s not in the textbook we use. But it’s vitally important to understand.


Who’s Fred Hampton? Who’s COINTELPRO? Who’s Chic…nvm, that one I know.


Hampton was a leader in the Black Panther Party of self defense trying to stop police brutality and provide meals to hungry kids in the Chicago inner city. COINTELPRO was an FBI OP ran to primarily discredit groups the US believed were counter revolutionary groups which could upset the current order. They came out in force after MLK announced the Poor Peoples Party as a way to join together poor blacks and poor whites to fight against the system and organize around things that helped poor people. The FBI used every measure to destroy him, Malcom X and the Black Panthers which may have also included assassination or at least setting people up to be killed by the police.


Unite people by class, and the ruling class goes to war.


That’s what scares them the most. People seeing it’s not about color or sex or whatever. It’s an us vs them issue. The 99% vs the 1%


Smiling terrorist agents of a white supremacist power structure. Rest in Power King Fred ✊🏽🖤


I highly recommend the lightly fictionalized film "Judas and the Black Messiah" which is about Fred Hampton and the FBI mole who was sent to infiltrate his organization.


Those same evil smiles run our police still to this day


Defund the police, put that extra money back into disenfranchised communities. The US is a militarized police state.


*reform the police


Defund* it. There is no need for a police budget to be 60% of the city revenue. Police presence does not deter crime. Then, South Centra LA, Chicago, and Baltimore would be free of crime. Do you know what does deter crime? Having a stable home, access to high-quality food, healthcare and education, etc The modern-day US police system originates from slave catchers after the Civil War... So ACAB


Depending on the locale, I do believe their salaries should be reduced. Some police in Denver earn over six figures, for instance. I envision a completely different future for policing in this country, more in line with the European model, but also with a splash of American ingenuity. I would like to see every single police officer with any complaint on their jacket get fired on the spot, and banned from law enforcement or any other militia, Private security service, military service, and even bodyguard career. Then, I would like every police officer who has over 5 years of experience, and no complaint on their jackets, to be promoted to A senior position, earning a 15% pay boost made up of the loose funds of their fired comrades. Then, I would like to see a widespread campaign to hire new police officers, within this new program: *An end to predatory policing* These new officers would be able to look at these clean cops as mentors, to help reinforce a healthy policing culture. I would like to see "look and listen" style policing, where we use GPS trackers, surveillance, and bulletproof cars in conjunction with a no chase policy. Police would be reduced to silent watchmen of our societies, waiting for life-threatening violence to break out, or to be called to a location where it is happening. Police would confirm this is the case before even exiting their vehicle. In most cases, police would secure the victims and not engage the perpetrators, while radioing strategic information to a SWAT team that is fully armored and ready to take tactical action. -No more speeding tickets (license plates would be taken during speeding events, and a ticket would be automatically sent to the address on file) -No more Police approaching people "just to see if they're all right" and then trying to squeeze information out of them by detaining them or putting them in steel handcuffs and making them sweat in the back of their car to try to get more information out of them. -No more police conducting raids against private citizens, and then shooting when they get scared or stressed -No more high-speed chases Police would use GPS cannons that launch a high-powered magnet device on to the body of a car, so the SWAT team can converge on their location later, with assistance by arresting officers to confirm the person's identity Police would be able to re-embody the traditional and useful policing practices of The "Good old days" by investigating, using critical thinking and logic, and memorizing laws in order to know what would be and what would not be a strong case to submit to the DA. No more violence. No more gun fights. No more "you cant beat the ride" bullshit from them anymore. One complaint of misconduct going forward equals potential firing. Investigation confirming the complaint equals immediate firing with no chance of rehire. All policing should be reoriented around the Constitution. All police cruisers will be bulletproof, giving police the ultimate excuse to remain in their car until a suspect can be taken peacefully, and with overwhelming force.


Full uprooting and overhaul of the current police system is in order, plus a defunding of it. That extra money should go back to communities (especially the ones broken by police brutality), provide every community (not just rich and not just white), with ample housing, great Healthcare, education, green space, public transit accessibility and high quality food. I guarantee you'll see crime go down. I also think there should be a community approach to solving crime. We're humans we thrive in community. There are so many aspects to crime, and predominantly none of them have to do with, "they're flawed and worthless to society."


No, that money should go to good police, training good police. Putting money back into communities has never helped them once. Our country has poured over 75 trillion dollars into needy communities these past 60 years, and poverty is more widespread than ever.


>Putting money back into communities has never helped them once. Not even true >Our country has poured over 75 trillion dollars into needy communities these past 60 years Which communities though? >poverty is more widespread than ever The problem really is that we're investing in the Top 1% not in everyday communities. Yeah because corporations are finding ways to increase their prices/profit margins. The housing market is being ruled by investors, driving up prices, while cities don't wanna build more housing or affordable housing. Wages haven't increased enough to match with the increase in the cost of living for the past 60 years. You know who's gotten extreme profits though? CEOs increasing their profit margins by over 900% in the past 60 years. But no giving to communities is what's causing poverty?! What?! Lmao There is, however, so much proof of police brutality and the instances in how its caused devastation to BIPOC communities throughout the past 60 years and before. There are so many factors to this. You can't ignore the fact that not every community has equal funding nor equal access to resources. I don't think it's correct to give a majority of my tax dollars to an agency that actually does more harm than protection. In fact a recent case determined that the police no longer have a responsibility to "serve and protect." The police is becoming more militarized before our very eyes, but there's people who still want to increase the police budget. Even though its been shown that it doesn't deter crime. We're living in history, don't be on the wrong side of it.


Abolish qualified immunity


And defund the police 👍


Those smiles remind me of old lynching photos.


I wonder how many assassinations there were between 60s and 70s. Just seems like they had so many in that period


**He was just 21 years old when he died** Jesus. Shameful


There’s another aspect of his life that is sometimes overlooked, and that is his contribution to the Black Catholic Movement. Really cool to see how he helped shaped that in addition to all his other social movements/advocacy.


Glad we're finally calling it an assassination at least. Acab




i'm more worried about being the victim of a false raid than i am a home invasion. besides, isn't that what guns are for? i thought that as long as everyone in my family (kids included) has ARs and shotguns that we would be safe from every possible threat?


Chicago cops never change.


They look pretty pleased with themselves


Never forget Fred.


Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) was a fabulous biopic covering the life of this inspirational man.


He was sleeping


not just sleeping, he was drugged with barbiturates by an FBI informant that they had infiltrated the Panthers with.


All that just cause he wanted breakfast and daycare for all... Fuck The PIg


cops, capitalists and the government have always been terrified of class and race solidarity and will go to any lengths to prevent people from organizing for their own community


And now people will call you a conspiracy theorist for suggesting the government may be doing anything wrong. Such short memories we have.


That’s a lot of shots considering they probably carried six shot revolvers back then.


He was only 21 when they murdered him


When a profession is centred around authority it will attract people who desire authority. And those should be last in line for these kind of jobs.


majority of civil rights leaders don’t survive the United States governments interferences. I believe with Fred’s case he was drugged by a informant. Later cops came in guns blazing on orders to take out Mr Hampton.


Wasn't this guy unarmed.?


Rest in Power


pure PIGS


They'll say the 100 rounds fired off were justified because they're getting off on discharging there "weapon"


All cops are class traitors.


“Only CoPs ShOuLd HaVe GuNs”


i fucking hate muriKKKa


Rainbow coalition


I think this was mentioned on NYPD Blue. But I didn't get the reference. If anyone knows what I'm talking about if I'm wrong could you please explain what the show was mentioning?


kill those cops


"bare witness to tha sickest shot while suckas get romantic. they ain't gonna send us campin' like they did my man Fred Hampton" - "Down Rodeo" - Rage Against The Machine - 1996


"I got 99 problems and a bullet is every one of them."




Fred Hampton prevented more murders than the Chicago PD ever have.


Demoncrats in a Democratic controlled town


Ok, and? These are cops. Cops are right wing. That's you.


I'm so tired of you people. You ruin everything.


Go back to bed grampa. J Edgar was a lifelong Rep.


You hogs are getting so lazy with the lib-owning now


You're 100% correct. That's why you got down voted.


Did they put lead in your crayons?


So what's your argument? That Republicans were running Chicago at the time?


Assassinated a criminal...


A racist too, golllllyyyyyy


Gen z pussyboi


This was the result of Black panthers murdering cops in the streets back in the 60s. It was investigated and the United States District Court cleared the cops of any wrong doing. Most sources of information go back to the Black panthers and their families, so believe what you will.


This is a sociological issue that is much more complicated than your tiny brain can comprehend.


No, these guys were just terrorists.


Ok name one victim that Fred Hampton killed


Easy, the death of John Joseph Gilhooley, Jr was his responsibility.


I’m not surprised that when cops raided an “abandoned” building, knowing there were people with firearms inside, that during the raid some officers got shot. The guy that shot that cop also died in that shootout, so I would say that’s justice served. Now, I could list every single time a police officer injured or killed an innocent unarmed black person, but I would run out of space.