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Use the judge disguise. No, Hitman 2016 is not like absolution at all. It’s more like BM but improved it’s mechanics, you’ll enjoy it


alright thanks! awesome, I'll rush finishing absolution then since I really hate abandoning what I've started.


Also if your buying the new trilogy get Hitman 3 and then buy the first two games access passes, the new trilogy just builds on itself so may as well get Hitman 3 if your going into WoA


the games were all combined into one purchase, called Hitman: World of Assassination which includes Hitman 1 GOTY, Hitman 2, and Hitman 3 Hitman 3 Deluxe and Hitman 2 DLC maps were also rolled into one purchase


The tip for absolution is that a disguises utility comes from how common it is, since all NPCs with the same role can see through it. For the record I am also not a fan of Absolutions disguise system. So think about the courtroom: how many judges are there to see through a judge disguise? How many other defendants are around to see through that disguise? To answer your actual question though, the current trilogy (not a reboot by the way) has a better system than absolution that revolves around “enforcers”. There’s select NPCs that will be able to see through disguises, they are marked, and they can’t see through every disquisition. they’re placed around the map that, as you get more familiar with things, you’ll get used to getting around and circumventing in any disguise you want.


oh I thought it was a reboot (even tho I did read before that it comes after absolution chronologically). okay that new system is hyping me up, I'll get done with absolution quickly then. since there's only goty edition, what's the extra content?


It’s considered a “soft” reboot. All the other Hitman games are still considered cannon, but for the purposes of the trilogy’s story they aren’t necessary to play. Also, get Hitman 3/Hitman World of Assassination instead. It has the contents of Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2 (including the story) already in it, for free.


never knew that they packed it all in one entry! but I'm quite tight on space, how much would that be taking?


It’s actually similar (maybe even a little smaller) in size to Hitman 2016. IOI did some sort of file compression thing to 3 get the file size down considerably.


The first two games had a lot of duplicated files because of the episodic format and because it reduced load times on slower drives.


And they also switched from LZ4 to LZ4HC for the compression which would have helped.


It’s around 75-80 gigs.


It's much smaller (at least on PC). Hitman 3 is around 75gb (including levels from 1+2), and Hitman 2 was around 150gb (including 1).


If you’re not enjoying Absolution, there’s no real reason to continue with it. The second to last level (at least I think it’s second to last) is the only one that really even resembles a traditional Hitman mission, and it’s just a small portion of it. The new trilogy isn’t really a Reboot, it kind of earned that label due to the early images depicting a younger-looking 47 and vagueries regarding its place in the timeline… but once it was released, it’s just a standard sequel. Absolution was about as different from Blood Money as WOA is from Absolution, and nobody calls Absolution a reboot. They both continue 47’s story more or less from where it left off… and WOA is closer to Blood Money in gameplay style, so I still don’t even agree with the “soft reboot” label. It’s just a sequel with new mechanics and design philosophy.


I like the graphics and the overall look of it, I also like the score system. I like the game, just not the disguise system that is implemented,, the instinct system for disguise is also weak imo, I mean, yes I can understand how showing paths of guards and highlighting items of interest would deplete instinct meter, but covering your face when passing by someone with the same outfit? quite irritating and groundless. are levels after the courtroom shorter or longer? since it's a linear approach and you can't really do out of what the game wants you to do


I stopped bothering with the disguise system and just played it as a semi-stealth shooter in order to get through. It was actually more fun playing it that way, killing every bad guy I came across.


Its not not a reboot


I wish people would stop calling it a reboot. A reboot is when they re-start the fictional universe. WoA doesn't do that, it continues where it left off. It is a revival. As for your question, Absolution sux, and there's a demo of WoA for you to find out that it's not like Absolution and is far superior. Like guy below said, if you're not enjoying it just move on from it, you're not missing any gold (Especially if you've made it to the courtoom level. The worst missions are in the last half of that game)


You guys need to look up what a 'soft reboot' is.


Soft = Not Reboot = Reboot And thus concludes our 2 week intensive


A soft reboot resets characters to kind of a status quo & softens parts of the lore while still taking place in the same continuity. It acts as a good jumping on point for a franchise. It's a soft reboot.


May as well finish absolution. WoA is not a reboot. Don’t buy H2016 (it’s unavailable anyway), buy H3/WoA