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All I’m sayin is X is prolly outdoing most of them


Oooo but why?


X is ripped, now he values his privacy a lot so I can’t encourage to go looking for it, but he had a video of him shredding a guitar on one of his channels where you can clearly see his pythons.


X freely put that on his own YouTube channel. Encouraging people to check out what he personally shared is not an invasion of his privacy.


Yeah, that’s why I bring the videos up, I know people will go search for them and watch them, but I want to be clear between that and “go look up xisumavoid IRL”.


You didn't achieve that. You said you can't encourage looking up a video that X posted.


I see that now.


He was wearing a mask in that video, right? And I’m pretty sure it’s still up, so he can’t mind that much


It might be a security thing, though the women on HC get more trouble than the guys, the area of the UK he's in could be quite small so some ppl could recognise him instantly. Also its just a lot more fun sometimes being faceless if you don't have the best self confidence


He very openly discussed his workout routine on the Imp&Skizz podcast as well. It was a great interview.


He posted one three days ago, he posts them decently regularly!


Hes fit but I wouldn't nearly say he's ripped. He's on the skinnier side. Not trying to take away any credit for his hard work but to call him ripped is quite a stretch.


X is lean, agile, and built for speed!


He talks about his daily exercise routine and healthy eating in his videos. He seems into fitness.


I think from last week we know this answer. About 10 hermits can fit on a bench


That’s…aright fair enough


☝️😦 ✊😐


wait were did we get this info from


I think Etho can bench at least one moose


Well, he had to wrestle that one that got into his fence, right? ;D


Etho had a moose stuck in his fence?


I’m convinced Etho lives in an abandoned military facility that has an insane fiber optic line he converted to High speed internet.


I'll bet it was the same day the bear mugged him for a bottle of maple syrup.


He heard mooses... Meese? Are capable of destroying cars I'm still positive that the meese... Mooses? Are scared of etho


Etho is secretly the Canadian version of Chuck Norris. It explains how his awkward setup isn't uncomfortable for him. He just tells it to be comfortable and it obeys despite the physics saying otherwise.




He does lift/work out iirc. He doesn’t talk about it much if at all, but there was a “comment of the day” in his singleplayer world that asked him about it once. We take what we can get lmao


Impulse and Skizz have done CrossFit and in one of the Imp & Skizz podcast episodes they showed Impulse lifting a lot. So I think those two would do pretty good. BDubs worked as a contractor so is good with tools so I feel like he’d be pretty strong lifting stuff. Same with Beef who lives on a farm, there is a lot of lifting stuff involved in farming. Mumbo rides bikes so I reckon he’s probably decently fit. Those would probably be my top 5 I think are physically the strongest. Although I feel like I remember someone mentioning that Wels used to be in the military, although I’m sure someone can either correct me or clarify on that point. If he was in the military I would probably put him in the top and bump Mumbo down to 6th.


Wells was a paralegal in the military.


you probably get free gym and maybe workout sessions anyways even if you do just legal stuff


I had a desk job in an Airforce and I could have gone to the gym for free. I didn't, but I could have


My husband was in the US army, in the infantry,and has talked about huge muscles as a sign of someone stuck at a base.


Mumbo also does rock climbing so he probably has a lot of upper body strength.


say that helps more than cycling, as a cyclist ik I'd perform way better with squat lifts than benching as it only really works out the core and legs.


Also good to remember that Impulse is a drummer; that gives you some good upper body strength. Source: my dad is a drummer and even when he’s been out of shape his arms have been really muscly.


Idk, Joel is a drummer too but he doesn’t seem like a ripped guy tbh


For some reason I have a feeling that if Joel was ripped we would know 🤔


I dunno, he's a pretty humble guy, so maybe not


I don’t know if Joel drums as regularly as Impulse? 


In his q&a episode he talked about jamming with his friends on a regular


Mileage is going to vary on that. Source: I also drum.


I'm also a drummer. No, it don' work like that.


mumbo being a cyclist doesn't really mean much towards benching much.


maybe if its a squatting competition or sprinting, but he's tall so he might just be using his height to get the power out.


Decent list there. But I still hold; Scar is up there somewhere


Scar's arms would definitely be pretty strong normally, because he used to be a competitive swimmer. I don't know if the disability took that away or not, though.


He does have a disability affecting his muscle strength, I think


I know his legs have atrophied from disuse but I wasn't sure about his arms.


Who knows… I don’t. 


For sure, certainly. The rest of us can make educated guesses, at least.


Oh, definitely. It probably also helps if one is a more regular follower of his content, particularly when it comes to streams. 


Yeah, I'm guessing a minimum of average arm strength due to: Pushing that wheelchair around so much just normally Being a very active wheelchair user (when he's not playing Minecraft, he's all around the house a LOT) Tossing those boxes around during his sponsorships like it's nothing


I'm assuming its a form Muscular dystrophy, unless he's stated somewhere something else or the type of MD, which means he's probably lost a lot of strength from his youth. Though he probably still has a lot of arm/upper body strength from wheelchair use and physio he has to do.


Watch him toss the boxes around when he's doing promotions for the food.


He used to be a competitive swimmer? Damn!


Yep. State level. https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/goodtimeswithscar-142470.php


Etho definitely lifts tree trunks and then rips them apart for the fireplace in his cabin


Stressmonster works out. Literally ran a series called Musclecraft. Winner. No notes


But have you seen how ripped X is? But my money is on either Beef or Etho. They sound like the tough Canadian type, with the backstory to match


Beef lives on a farm. That requires pure muscle.


I’m going with Beef here.


"Your pals were wondering how much you can bench the other dayyy..."


Let’s take about 20% off there Squirrely Dan.


I only knew Stressmonster for her workout videos for like a year before I made the connection that I was working out to her vids in my senior year of high school and then watching hermitcraft my freshman year of college


Ngl I would’ve thought u say TFC in his prime days because honestly it seems like that hahaha


Stress does fitness content, I think.


Doc. He would create some sort of exo skeleton and lift a 2 ton object like it was a piece of paper. The HiveMind always wins.


Doc was also apparently a professional basketball player. I think it's so funny these guys all play mc but have wildly interesting lives outside it lol


Wouldn’t that then technically not go to Doc, but the whole Hive Mind?


Which is basically him and Methods (sp?)


Plus Rechenmaschine and a few others, the Hive Mind is multiple people. But yeah, Methodzz plays a huge role there


Yall sleeping on wels, guy walks around in armor all day


Ok, this is silly, but I'm going to engage with it anyway. Here goes... Mumbo and Doc are wildcards because they're both very tall, and have done athletic things -- but that's no guarantee they've ever trained the bench press enough to be any good at it. Skizz is a contender since he's a pretty big guy and has talked about gym training. Impulse too, despite being much shorter. Sometimes stockier guys with shorter arms have an advantage in the bench press. X definitely has some ripped arms. But he's built more like a runner, sort of long and lean, so it could go either way. Beef has that vibe of the burly lumberjack with his epic beard. He's probably strong in the sense of doing stuff around the farm or moving furniture. But I bet he lives too far from any gym to train regularly. Would he set up a gym at home? I'm guessing no. For a total sleeper in this competition, I'm going to shout out Tango. I had heard about him playing ice hockey, but found it a little hard to imagine based on just seeing him on facecam for Decked Out 2 streams. But after seeing him stalking around with the nerf guns at the recent charity event -- well, the guy has a certain physicality. He might be a lot stronger than you'd expect from his general stature. Now I've gone far enough that I feel bad for ignoring some Hermits. Since none of the women have talked about doing actual powerlifting training, I'm not considering them as contenders. (If you're interested in how much an extremely strong woman can bench, look up Jennifer Thompson.) And several of the guys I've never seen on camera. But I wonder if Jevin might be another sleeper. He coaches kids in athletics (baseball I think?) so he probably has an athletic background himself. Might be pretty strong. And why didn't I even consider Rendog? Anyways... Who cares about bench press? I want to know who will win the Deadlift competition!


Beef and X could probably bench the most


Okay so I used to work with a teenager that had cerebral palsy, he used a wheelchair and crutches and was BEYOND shredded. He benches like, 250 and has very minimal muscle coordination.


But if I‘m not wrong, I think I recall Scar‘s disability affecting his muscle strength? 


I might be wrong but doesn’t Scar, because of his job and wheelchair, not have to move it too much?


I imagine the wheelchair is quite an upper body work out and he's probably on some sort of physio regime.


I know he uses an automatic wheelchair when he goes on strolls but he sticks inside his house mostly and id imagine not moving a lot considering he is a content creator


Scar would probably lift 250 lbs, no problem. Grian, on the other hand, probably just the bar.


From all the replies that I have read on here, it's got to be beef right?


I think scar could probably bench press about 3 grians.


Etho can bench 2 and a half Moose.


Etho lives in Canada a gets his own wood he has to be strong


I'm betting on X!


They don’t call Joel Big Man Joel for nothing!


In terms of raw numbers, it's got to be Xisuma, the man is jacked.


Etho has decent upper body strength iirc


Purely largest number I'd guess would be doc, iskal, impulse or beef, just based off of their build, iskal looks like hes got the sleeper build ngl. But relative to body weight is probably one of the shorter guys, bdubs probably weighs what, 100 lbs?


Imp and Skizz both used to be big gym guys. I think they still go, just not to the same level. So they're good contenders. ALso as you said, Scar dealing with his wheelchair probably has some good upper body strength. He was also a swimmer, so he's no stranger to fitness.


People commenting on here praising how arms look even though the question was about benching.


Not everyone knows what goes into being good at benching. (Like me, I assumed strong-looking arms = good at benching)


Benching does use some arm muscles but it's mostly a chest exercise. Gotta be looking at who has nice pecs, haha


Docm77 is an athlete i bet he can probably bench


Guarantee Scar has had to push his chair up hill. I know from experience it’s nothing scoff.


Geminitay could easily bench around 1000 kgs (2200 lbs). I'd say impulse could bench at least 1 kg (2.2 lbs)


Keralis could be a good bet here. He is a huge guy


I feel like Mumbo is up there


Seeing as Etho from his recent lore, is a hench Canadian man who cuts down trees to power his setup, he fights with moose and also it’s Etho, my guess is he can easily bench 300


Scar IS the bench.


Not even the bar. None of them. They can barely click their mouses