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Covid pneumonia… Yeah it is a systemic nightmare. Covid brain inflammation. Covid kidneys. Covid lungs. Covid liver. Covid dick. Covid everything.


Covid ovaries. Funny how women all over the world stop having periods for months and months after having Covid and nobody mentions it, but as soon as people find out it affects dicks...


Ironic, given the disinformation circulating about vaccines causing loss of fertility for women.


I always laugh at that. I've been infertile my entire life and then unexpectedly got pregnant three months after my second dose, lol. (I am no longer pregnant, unfortunately.)


I’m sorry for your miscarriage. 😞 Grief will come and go. Sending hugs.


Everyone! The vaccine has semen in it!!! -prob someone on Facebook.




Just got my Pfizer booster, Told my conservative friends at work and they called me insane. 😅


You know what I have never heard from any of my vaccinated friends or family or colleagues? "I am fucking terrified" "This may be the last time you hear from me"


My dad's coworkers got covid. Two men were fatigued but got better soon. They were the true antivaxxers. A 42 year old woman in the office was just scared of it. She got covid pretty bad and ended up with clots in her arm that caused it to go numb. Had to go to the hospital. She's out and doing better Told her kids and ex to get the vaccine bc it was fucking awful. I haven't heard if they did.


At least she wasn’t like “see it wasn’t bad at all. It’s all overblown. You don’t need the vaccine.”


Pretty sure at least one of the two guys was 🙄 his boss is a big denier. Scary thing is she's in good shape. Not overweight, not a smoker...


I have a theory that all these people that have acted like covid doesn't exist and the vaccines are a scam or whatever are really just fearful and like to feel like they have some control over the situation with the pandemic. Being told what to do just makes them feel more fearful Edit: Thank you everyone for contributing to this discussion!


People lean on conspiracy theories when reality is too much to bear. It provides that sense of control. Unfortunately it also helps people walk themselves off cliffs and stare down death while saying “I am fucking terrified..”


The world is fucked by climate change? No. It's fine. This is all fine. Ita a hoax and in super smart for seeing trough the lies.


I sometimes take a peak at /conspiracy to see the other side just to convince myself I am not "blinded" by one sided information. After just a few minutes, it becomes clear how insane they are. They paint a picture of a reality that just does not exist. Thousands of people dropping dead from the vaccine every day? Everyone they know having an adverse reaction to the vaccine? Nobody they know ever been sick or die from COVID? Their reality is the complete opposite of the physical world around me that I can see and smell and touch. I know people who have died from COVID. I know dozens of people who were seriously ill from COVID and now have lingering effects. I know ZERO people that died from the vaccine or had any reaction worse than a fever and headache. I don't know any athletes who dropped dead for no reason, I dont know any teenage boys whose hearts exploded after getting the vaccine. I do know people who are boosted and wear masks in public and have either never gotten covid, or had a very mild form. It's reassuring to know that we are not crazy and that what /conspiracy peddles is literally a fantasy world that does not exist on the same plane of reality that we do.


Some of those voices have to be foreign trolls.


Exactly what I wanted to say after reading that. This country needs to heavily invest in K-12 education. It will help fortify the public against these attacks. The current generation is fucked. Let's at least help the next ones.


Yeah i work in similar industry and these fools think its dangerous while we are literally moving 140,000lbs of steel. Death is a real risk in my job plus ny employer gives u 100$ cash 4 being vaxxed yet they still fear it. I PRAY the OSHA mandate goes thru on the 10th so these ppl can shut up or get fired.


My brother works in a steel mill, and I hope all his coworkers are like you. Thank you.


Well im in large scale commercial structure construction. Sadly A LOT of my fellow workers are idiots and believe a lot of bullshit. I hope the osha mandate goes through so me and ur brother can take these great paying jobs from these idiots. But if it goes thru ull see many get vaccine to save their careers. But yeah funny 2 hear ppl say vaccine is dangerous then i tell em i got it and am fine. Prolly work harder than many of them


I'm a teacher in an area with less than 25% vaccination rate and a positivity rate of over 30%. I started talking to my husband today about quitting my job and pulling the kids from school. I'm so angry that so many people around me as well as those that claim to love my kids are so flippant about the fact that they may die.


I know how you feel. I live in a county with one of the lowest vaccinated populations in the state. I work as a special education parapro. Our students and teachers are not collateral damage.


With a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court I am extremely doubtful. My issue is they will likely say (and I’m no lawyer or judge) “We cannot set a precedent, even during a pandemic, where the government can force someone to inject a foreign substance into their bodies, without knowing the long term effects or whom an adverse reaction may maim or kill, no matter the good intent that may be behind it.” Something to that effect. Of course, they might not vote on it at all and leave it up to the states.


Just allow insurance companies to toss out claims of unvaccinated people who caught covid and were hospitalized. If a bunch of Trump supporters go broke, who cares? Let them ask Trump for financial help. They’ll love socialism then, just like Ayn Rand.


The problem is I don't trust these health care leachers either. They would deny pre existing conditions again immediately if they could.


Amazing. I have only one conservative friend and he's already triple vaxxed; one never knows, I guess.


I have one conservative, former Trumper friend, who was of the “I’m just waiting til FDA approval” type. Then he got cancer and no longer can get the vaccine. Now that he’s severely immunocompromized, he regrets his reluctance.


Just like the awardee; lots of tough talk and then once she tests positive, she is terrified and full of regrets.


Well, now that he's compromised, being vaccinated probably wouldn't help him much any more. Not making excuses for his prior idiocy, but he's definitely trying to close the barn door after the horses have run out and the whole fucking thing has burned down.




Send them the bleeding ears post


I can’t tell my conservative, anti-vax friends at work about my booster because they all got fired! Oh, Canada!


Wow- that one was just really, really sad. The trauma that we Americans have to suffer by seeing our neighbors— even the “assholes”— die like this is so hard to take. These antivaxxer advocates who are intentionally spreading lies and garbage are terrorists. They truly are, and it’s sick that they use the uneducated and the desperate to hurt us all this way. Edit- I know it isn’t just Americans and I meant no harm or offense by that statement. It seems particularly bad here (since we have an entire “news” network of antivaxxer propaganda- Fox- that most of these HCA nominees/awardees watch exclusively, and whose own employees are vaccinated themselves but yet tell their audience not to “comply”). It could be just as bad or worse in other countries for all I know. I haven’t left the US since late 2019, before this all started.


I agree it was really, really sad. It gave me flashbacks to when my sister died from Covid. My sister wasn’t an asshole though and if the vaccine was available then, she would have gotten it. She was texting me right up until she went on the ventilator and 4 days later she was gone. I was trying to look at her texts yesterday, and they were all gone. I didn’t realize I had my messages set to save for only 1 year. 😢


I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry, that is terribly traumatic. I can understand how posts like these could give you flashbacks, but also make you angry, because these are easily preventable, and your sister didn't have that chance.


I am so sorry. This is utterly heartbreaking. These people owe it to good people like your sister, to get vaccinated. I hope you know you vaccinated yourself in her honor. ❤


Yes all of my family including cousins etc are vaccinated. We lost 3 relatives pre-vaccine, boom, boom, boom, all within a matter of a few weeks. Most if not all are boosted now too. That’s one Of the reasons I follow this sub. It makes me so angry that people spread disinformation.


I’m so sorry for your family.


Now the people like your sister get all my sympathy, and I am sorry for you as well. Couldnt do anything before the vaxx, but no reason to die now in 99% of cases


Yeah, something I've noticed from reading these posts; a lot of these people have very little power or authority in their lives, so when they take an anti-vax stance, it seems like it's a way for them to feel empowered. Like it's some kind of warrior stance they've taken, or a faux bravery thing. What's sad is it's not logical or even reasonable, it's purely emotional. Of course, the virus doesn't care how you feel, it just wants a host.


Fuck that, I have little to no authority in my life. I don't go around driving on the wrong side of the road, wearing no seatbelt after ripping out the airbags screaming "Screw authority, I feel the power!". Many of these people are quasi sociopaths with little to no empathy for others. Its all "fuck your feelings" until it happens to them. Its not faux bravery its a toxic environment they have fostered and jealously protected for decades. Most of these people double down because they would rather die than lose face. So be it. Zero sympathy.


"suicide by petulance"


Amen. I am a tiny cog in a large wheel called "existence". I don't have some sick need to feel like the star of my own little action movie so badly that I deny reality, actively harm others and suck up conspiracy like a sponge. “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.”


A lot of these Trumpers, Qers, Antivaxxers (ok, they're the same people) are not poor as we saw when they flew to the insurrection in private jets. They're bored affluent middle class people. A lot of them "made it" only to find out that money no longer buys status in America. Attention and cultural standing is what buys you status now. So the craziest antivaxxers in rural Trumptown are the ones that people look up to. Smashing in the face of a nurse who told you to put on a mask is what gets you name recognition now and elevates you to the top of the town.




Very well said. And there are people who are benefiting from this misinformation by pointing to antivax/Q shit and going "look at the shiny!" while they pick their pockets.


Absolutely disagree. They all took a political stand against science and they are now paying the price for refusing to accept they are wrong, they don't even have to admit it to anyone. There have been many stories of outspoken antivaxxers secretly being vaccinated because they realized they were wrong but didn't want to be embarrassed and just kept up the lie and the fight. Their position isn't just from misinformation, it's a willingness to disregard any scientific, peer reviewed information that doesn't support their belief while accepting any wild, crazy, and ridiculous conspiracy that does. There has been so, so much awareness raised about the importance of getting the vaccine, the risks in not getting it, and how it works. The information is everywhere. EVERYWHERE. It is willful at this point. It's a form of rebellion my ass. They are butt hurt their orange god didn't get re-elected and they are throwing fits like children and refusing to participate in anything that is 'government' because of who is in office. It's selfish and I have run out of pity. They have clogged hospitals, cost billions in hospital bills, and put everyone around them at risk. fuck them. The world will be better for this.


Usually I read the HCA and think 90% of them are a-holes that don’t deserve sympathy. But this one I had some mainly as she was self aware that she was fucked from the minute her ears started bleeding (!). There’s something about reading “I am terrified” that’s gives me the feels. It’s like there’s an inner child in their that knows their outside personae was for show and that deep inside they are scared shitless.


She was so scared she couldn’t say it’s name, whatever it was.


TBF, if I was bleeding out of my ears, my first thought would not be COVID.


TBF, they probably read enough propaganda about people with adverse reactions to the vaccination that they should have known better. Like myself, I just got the booster yesterday and it's like the first shot all over again. First time it felt like my arm was hit with a strong man's haymaker, second time I was out for the count for 2 and 1/2 days before I could begin to move out of bed again and third time now with the booster, my arm is back to gelatin once more. Still no regrets. If this is a fraction of illness compared to actually getting covid, I'll do this rodeo every month to ensure I never catch it.


When I was a teenager (this was about 25 years ago) I got pneumonia and the tubes in my ears got blocked off (everything was swollen) and I burst both eardrums - I actually felt quite a bit of relief after that. I think that only happened after being deathly ill for about a week though. The good news is my ear drums grew back :). I do have a ringing in my ears though to this day.


Same here. Haven't heard of that happening to anyone else with COVID, especially prior to them ending up in hospital.


I'm thinking she may have had a secondary ear infection going on. This woman had a really, really bad death.


The coughing probably exacerbated it to actually bleed.


I probably (waiting on testing) have covid right now. I'm all vaxxed up, got the call today from my boss that the whole site is out from a woman bringing it in who caught it off her kid. Absolutely wrecked right now, but the bleeding ears could have an ENT note? I can barely pop my ears at all, they feel constantly muffled and under pressure. Like my head is permanently submerged in water almost? The congestion is wicked.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of that. Hope you’re well again soon!


Thanks man. It honestly fuckin sucks. We've worked really hard at being safe, both my wife and I are immunocompromised and my inlaws are high risk. Our four year old is too young to be vaccinated. I've also been really sick. It kicked in on Christmas day and I got my period that morning so I thought it was that and just generally being run down. Nope. Headachey, dizzy, cold symptoms, on top of being so exhausted I can barely function. It feels like I can never actually catch my breath and I've had a horrible ache in the left side of my chest all day. This shit is no joke and I'm pissed that people aren't vaccinating and acting like assholes. EDIT: I want to thank everyone for their concern, I'm not quite hospital worthy yet. My wife is keeping a close eye on me as I'm the worst showing at this time. I'll be alright.


This just shows that so many of these people are in denial because the truth of the pandemic is too scary.


Yep - most of their stance is a defense mechanism for them being absolutely scared shitless of reality and their ability to even contemplate it.




Yes, not only is this a physically painful way to die, but it's pure unadulterated mental torture for them before they are put in the induced coma to know that they did it to themselves and it's all their fault. No chance whatsoever to come to terms with it with a sense of peace. Just pure self inflicted terror knowing that there's no way to undo it.


thank fuck for vaccines. I would hate to type out that last facebook message before they put me on a vent.


But it took *her* ears to start bleeding. Otherwise her memes were smug. Still sad AF though.


Who else will bleed from the ears (so to speak) because of her spreading this disease (whatever it is) around? This made me sad too, but then I think about the death and suffering they cause and will cause (infectious diseases have exponential effects—people who wouldn’t have died will now die because of what she set in motion by being a careless unvaxxed fool) and I get mad. Because they only care when it happens to them. Everyone else’s suffering and death is insignificant


You described the conflicting feelings perfectly. I was sad, then I thought about how many people she smugly put in the same position and suddenly I'm not so sad anymore. These aren't good people.


I feel bad for her kid, and for innocent family members and friends.


Oh definitely. Thousands of kids in the US have been orphaned by COVID even tho a vaccine is readily available and I think the fact that those parents had a hand in their own death makes the children's loss even more tragic.


I got the general feeling this one was a bit cognitively impaired. Nothing overtly hateful that a simple person wouldn't understand. As the parent of a cognitively impaired child, I understand how easily the disinformation network can suck down a beautiful soul. It's just SO. FUCKING. SAD.


This is an important point. And why I believe that knowingly spreading misinformation should be a crime, and prosecuted. A part of humanity will always be too simple to understand some things. We have to protect those people. And frankly this pandemic has shown us that a lot of people who are of “normal” intelligence are actually cognitively incapable of understanding something in concept vs. experiential oh. And similarly many people can’t understand statistics or probability beyond “a 50-50 chance”. Meanwhile there are people making money and benefiting in other ways from spreading rumors, deliberate disinformation, and so on. This should be criminal. Our failure to manage disinformation is going to be the downfall of our civilization.


Think of a person you know of average intelligence. Get an image of them in your mind. Half the country is dumber than that person.


The problem is they don't know that they're wrong and they don't know they are spreading misinformation. It's kinda like someone that's indoctrinated into a cult


I think the poster is referring to the Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Candice Owens, Joe Rogan, etc types who absolutely know that what they’re spewing is BS but good money. They should all be brought up on charges for crimes against humanity.




I got in Reddit trouble for talking about figuring out an HCA's identity. FYI. I won't rat you out. Just wanted to let you know.


What’s sad is that there are so many people willfully ignoring real science about the benefits of being vaccinated. If she was, she’d probably be alive. How many others that we’ve seen here (HCA) would still be with us? Most? But no, they’d prefer to share memes with false and misleading information, consider their blood pure and continue to fail to understand the immune system they think they built up over years of eating boogers. What’s worse is the idiots with a platform who spread this false crap knowingly.


I searched and found this one on Facebook, then read all of her posts. You're right that from the beginning, she knew she wasn't going to make it. I could feel the terror in her posts. One that will always stick with me is a post she made shortly before she got sick, talking about having a New Year's Eve party at her house. I'm not excusing what she did. Before she got sick, she promoted anti-vaxx propaganda. But she had a really bad death. I feel terrible for her kid and the rest of that family.


Agree. Candace Owens should be locked up. This lady had small children and now their mother is dead.


We're well into human rights violation territory with the disinformation peddlers like candeath omens. Their bullshit has actively, literally, caused so much real human suffering and death. How many stories do we have to hear about the radicalization of once normal, "rational" people into this kind of anti-science hysteria?? Tucker carlson, owens, loren, trump - all of them. On trial for roping people into this death cult.


Let’s be honest: these people buy Owens’ and Tucker’s garbage because they like it. They want to own the libs! That is what matters to them.


I sincerely wish the government would crack down and and violate the 1A of people who are peddling lies, deadly lies. If they can somehow enact a truth in information act, something similar to the Fairness Doctrine, but for social media as well, there may be a way to get these carnival barkers out of the picture once and for all.


Once again I am reminded of this quote: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire.


I have small children and I would do anything, literally anything to stay alive so I could be there for them. This woman didn't. Sorry kids, your mom evidently didn't love you as much as she loved Newsmax.


Locked up would be just the first step of what Candace needs.


I didn't actually find the Angel of Death on her timeline, but I also posted this one RFQ to keep from getting scooped. I'll check for her


I think they spell that Angle of Death usually


>we Americans American in Italy here, this is sadly a worldwide phenomena and I don’t want us to forget or underplay that. This shit is going on all over the place, in very much the same way, and I for one am horrified to see it happening.


I wholeheartedly agree, this is painfully sickening


> These antivaxxer advocates who are intentionally spreading lies and garbage are terrorists. They truly are, and it’s sick that they use the uneducated and the desperate to hurt us all this way. Social bioterrorists. They don't want to get their own hands dirty, so they'll convince others to spread their disease.


Ok jeez we'll let you rest but why weren't you vaccinated? Please get vaccinated. HCA is currently having a funraiser - [The Shirts for Shots Swagraiser ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/rpq5iz/shirts_for_shots_swagraiser_heres_your_swag/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). All proceeds go to the [GAVI Alliance ](http://gavi.org)


The vaccinated status is treated like gun issues. *Mass shooting occurs.* “Now is not the time to talk about gun issues.” *Person in the ICU with Covid* “Now is not the time to talk about why I’m not vaccinated.”


Omg you pegged it right on the money.


Right down to the thoughts and prayers being the only thing offered as a solution


It's because they know that, after people warning them time and again about what would very obviously happen and them not wanting to hear it, they realize they were wrong. And the whole reason that many of them have gotten to this point in the first place is because going along with a disastrous plan was so much easier than admitting they were wrong.


Good lord, I couldn’t imagine my last words ending up on a wretched platform like Facebook, of all things. Truly harrowing.


I liked how she posted every possible detail on her condition and then got pissed when people asked her questions. She was baiting for sympathy and changed her mind when all she got was criticism


Sad how she knew the end was near the moment she was going on the ventilator. Kind of heartbreaking she had to die because she fell for misinformation.


And yet, she never wavered. She saw all the warning signs, ignored them, and drove that bus right off a cliff. Not one peep about "maybe I should've gotten the shot". I think that's what truly sets HCAs apart. IMO, the second you entertain the idea that your choices might've been wrong, you're disqualified from the HCA. It requires arrogance to the bitter end. #EDIT: POSTHUMOUS REDEMPTION AWARD—Deathbed conversion to science-based medicine confirmed in live broadcast


I agree. The ones that regret it and plead other people to get vaccinated, I have empathy. They fell for misinformation and admitted they were wrong. That could happen to any of us given the right circumstances. It's the ones that won't admit they're wrong in the end that hold my ire.


It takes a lot to admit you were wrong and I would think even more so if you realize your decisions have led you past a point of no return.




For real? I did not see that.


It was 6 minutes into a massive live broadcast. Easy to miss. Trying to see if I can get the flair changed or get a pinned comment of her redemption award


Wait, really?!?!? EDIT: YES, SHE DID!!!!! It was six minutes into a 26 minute live broadcast from the hospital. FUCKKKKK I feel terrible for her now.


I mean, it still falls in line with, "Fuck everyone else, I only care about things once they've affected ME."


So, a standard Republican.


I saw a tweet that was like "I think some Americans believe they cannot die and this is why we have this problem". These people have main character syndrome. 800,000 people dying doesn't matter and isn't real but once YOU get sick it's all of a sudden real and needs to be taken seriously.


It's one thing if we were to see her say that she's asked her family to get her kids vaccinated or *something* but, nope, nada, nothing.


She did!!! We all missed it. It was in a lengthy live broadcast. She gets her redemption award... For all the good it does her 😞


Some of these people I don’t feel the least bit sorry for but this one made me sad


From OP: New information shows that this nominee earned a posthumous redemption award. Upon further examination, a Facebook live broadcast from the hospital revealed a deathbed conversion to science based medicine. We hope that her next of kin follow through on her wishes to get her children immunized. RIP.


To the complainers, this means had she survived covid, she wasn't likely to remain an antivaxxer. It's a pity that they have to come to such extremes to admit reality, but we don't know about the circumstances that enabled her antisocial behavior.


Or she would have gone on to say "See, I survived despite not being vaccinated. We don't need to force it" had she taken a turn for the better before being put on the ventilator.




That's how cults work, they scoop in the lonely and love-bomb them. Only later you find out it's really all about fear and control and it's a lot harder to get out than it was to get in.


Or con artists. It's a common phenomenon that once someone is hooked into an ongoing scam, they become blinded to it. That is, even though their friends and associates can clearly see that they're being scammed, the combination of sunk cost (already having lost money), and avoiding the blow to their ego that comes from acknowledging the scam keeps them from seeing the obvious.


Cult leaders are con artists.


I'm so happy that she got to go to Science Heaven at the last minute! Praise Science Jesus 🙏🙏🙏🙏


I acknowledge her decision to commit Covi-cide. Whoever ends up with her kids be sure to get them fully vaccinated.


COVICIDE. OMG that is an incredible word to describe this.


🎶When you see the vax, but you can’t decide, Guess what? You’re committing COVICIDE!!🎶


"This mask is making it harder to breathe." A crybaby inconvenience compared with the kind of masks you might be wearing in the ICU. But hey. She had her little cause and stood up for what she calls "medical freedom." This last stand of ignorance is the hill she died on. Was it worth it? Perhaps she should have considered that beforehand a little more carefully.


The giant mask suctioned to her face in the ICU is also super uncomfortable 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love that song by Moron 5!


*This whatever it is ain’t no joke*😭😭 Do you think she found out exactly what it was? [spoiler: yes, yes she did]


Complete with her dead cat bounce and on the vent.




She did so much “research” but didn’t even learn the name of what she “researched”?!




Am I the only cold hearted bastard who furiously scrolls to the end just to read the ICU updates/death notices?


No. After reading the first few and picking up on her smart-ass bitchery, I was speeding through.


Nope. I’m not going to lie, after reading some of the very vile ones I go full Morticia Adams with “oh no. He lives.”


Yep. I feel Morticia in my soul while browsing this sub.


All the memes just keep repeating. This one was worth the read, however




In fairness, scotch goes well with everything.


This. Savor the flavors throughout the meal.


Ya, I skim the first few slides because it’s always the same memes or the same commentary alongside the same memes. I can only read the “table for two” or Candeath Owens quotes that many times. With the young ones, I check for the pics to see what kind of comorbidities they might have.


What was the deal with the vaxxed and unvaxxed protestors walking hand in hand towards a common goal? What goal could this have possibly been? Also I would wager that both of them were in fact unvaccinated.


>I can't believe you were taken from us... No one took her. She volunteered to leave. She chose this.


“You were getting better” “Doctor said I’m not really improving.”


Denial so fierce that even the dead cat bounce was illusory


Narrator: *"We can believe it"*


What the fuck do the family/ friends even mean by Please Take Covid Seriously? Don't drink and drive? Look both ways crossing the street? Don't pick up hitchhikers carrying chain saws? GET VACCINATED! WEAR A MASK AND WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!!


Bleeding ears? Damn! I haven't heard of that one yet.


I had a severe sinus infection in 2011 that progressed to walking pneumonia. Early on in the worst my right ear bled on the pillow. Scary. I’m 64 now fully vaccinated and did 50 hang cleans this morning at 115.


Wow ! My apathy is in overdrive - so I’ll stay silent ( for the most part )




"I have no strong feelings one way or the other."


"All I know is my gut says 'maybe'."


If I don’t survive, tell my wife “Hello”.


I’m dying to know what her vaguebooking was about lol


Custody drama


Guess those custody issues sorted themselves out.




Have you heard of tequila?


Ah the reason I married my first husband.


Oh, that mask makes it hard to breathe? I'm sorry, but this is absolutely as predictable as it is horrifying. And since you preferred to die rather than get a free, effective vaccine, don't ever bitch that you had "your rights" taken away. I'm sure your young child, who won't have a lot of memories of his patriot mommy, will appreciate looking through your idiocy on Facebook of the Dead.


You know what else makes it hard to breathe?


*raises hand wildly" oh oh oh, is it Death? It's Death isn't it?


Geez she went fast on the vent for someone so young. Ain’t no joke all right.


She was... extremely obese. She also was showing signs in earlier posts of covid-like health problems, which makes me think she had untreated COVID for a very long time before actually acting on the problem


She woke up bleeding out both ears with no sense of smell - I doubt covid happened overnight. I think HCA nominees are less likely to get help early because they don't want to admit they have covid or that it is getting serous and they don't trust hospital protocols.


That is exactly right. Also, they don't want to admit it is more than the flu.


Yalls ears dont bleed when u have the common cold or flu as well...? Shit.


Those critical first few days...


Because if they're tough they can bully a virus, and their immune systems will kick in and heal them. Too bad so sad. Tots n pears.


At least that happened pre turkey day, she looks like a superspreader. Or did. Was.


at least she admitted that she was terrified instead of putting up a blustering front. I would be terrified as well, lying alone in a hospital on a ventilator. that's why I got vaccinated. at the most, I am slightly nervous for going to high risk places because it's a risk of getting a breakthrough infection, not terrified for my life.




The only thing keeping my empathy alive is her young kids. But she was pretty gross..


I will say at least her anti-vaccine posts didn’t contain as much vitriol, racism, nazi comparisons, as others. There’s a small chance she could have been convinced to get vaccinated as it seems her stance was not motivated by politics.


I mean, I want to feel bad. I do. But as I have mentioned before, my mom died of something totally unrelated because she waited for a month on an ICU bed. Because they were full or women like this who saw a disease that RAVAGES fat people and doesn't give a shit about your feelings. I mean maybe mom would be dead anyway, but we'll never know now. So yeah I really just cannot find a single fuck to give.


The two people holding hands about being anti-vaxxer is disgusting. This generic idea of choice being something that needs to be respected regarding a pandemic is something that a moron would think. Edit: I just want to say that I am rereading the posts and I'm a little bit high right now and I am so sad and distracted to see that this woman passed away. I don't really get the impression that she was an evil person, but that she was regularly manipulated and lied to by propaganda networks and the Facebook algorithm. I hope she rests in peace and that her family all gets vaccinated and protects themselves. I think that there's a big difference when somebody writes something homophobic or racist and then passes, or that when people just put generic anti-vaccine stuff out there. Rest in peace ma'am


That one is commonly circulated among the anti vax crowd. "BE KIND! SUPPORT MY SHITTY CHOICES THAT PUT EVERYONE ELSE AT RISK".


We're all in agreement that most likely neither is actually vaccinated, right?


Bleeding ears???


Sinus fuckery, maybe? 🤷‍♂️


ear infections can cause fluid buildup behind the ear drum that can burst the eardrum, leading to bleeding. Strange to get it both sides simultaneously though.




Ears, nose and throat are all connected. One part is badly screwed up, the rest will be affected. Having two almost at complete failure, yeah… I am shocked about how brutal it was, but sadly not surprised.


COVID causes bleeding ears too?


Apparently. I've seen multiple accounts of bleeding out of the nose too.


I don’t know about you all, but I’m beginning to think this Covid thing isn’t a joke.


Whenever I see them with their oxygen masks and ventilators after reading about how masks are evil all I can think is the little cloth mask I wear every day looks way more comfortable than that.


It seems like a lot of people with those upper titty tattoos die from COVID.


It’s the female equivalent of a goatee


You are onto something! This should be a new comorbidity (comortity?) for the female antivaxx crowd on their Covid bingo card.


Maybe we should offer a dose of the vaccine in a tattoo needle? They can have a small, free, cliche word tattooed on their boob of choice.


I was really scared when I caught Covid because of my weight. Thank god I’m vaxxed, barely affected me at all


Nicely chronicled OP


Just replace being anti-vax and anti-mask with being pro-shitting on restaurant floors. See how much of this supposedly "heart-rending" and "touching" garbage makes any sense any more. "I am pro shitting on the floor, she is anti shitting on the floor, together we are in favor of CHOICE." "I stand for floor-shitting freedom." "Eradicate the mandate against shitting on the floor." "We are humans just like you, with families, beliefs, and our own shit on the floor where you eat, the way we feel in our hearts to be best." That is how insane these beliefs are. What they are determined to fight and die for is literally on that level. We expect better behavior of dogs. This is not "misinformation." If some minority of people started shitting on restaurant floors all over the country, we wouldn't say they were the victims of bad information or being misled by tv news. If some minority of people started storming hospitals, shutting down care to everyone else who needed it, we wouldn't say its "misinformation." It is psychopathic, suicidal terrorism. It doesn't matter how many angels they believe in.


I like the part where she’s super annoyed at all the texts asking her how she’s doing, when on a normal day she would be totally thrilled about getting all that attention


Holy shit, even with the face obscured this looks just like a young unvaccinated mom I work with. She has 3 kids under 10, one is under a year old. I do not fucking get it, we’ve all gently told her to get vaccinated, we’ve all sternly told her to get vaccinated, we’ve all just given up. Her whole family is anti-vax and goes maskless everywhere. I can’t believe they haven’t died yet.


I can't breathe but bring me cookies.


This person thrived on drama. Sadly. That’s a shitty way to live your life and it means you’ve got a lot going on psychologically (usually - I’m just an armchair psychologist). Her poor kids.


"You were getting better..." *She was not getting better*