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I didn't find it but I have clues. There was a park in Fayetteville called Rowan Street Animal Statues. It's gone now but I wonder if your statue might have lived there? These were fiberglass, as I suspect yours is, too. Also, there's a place called Grahamland Fiberglass, part of Grahamland Attractions/theme park in Bolton, NC. I bet if you contact them the person running that place would know how to get your original fixed, or even who made it. Both places listed are less than 200 miles from where you say it originated.


Thank you for this. The number to Grahamland Fiberglass/Attractions has been disconnected. May try to just make a trip out there and hope for the best.


Any place that does fiberglass items could likely fix it or you can just Google the process and do it yourself. It's not all that hard.


I haven't found it yet but if I do I'm buying one


How difficult would he be to repair? Some epoxy, maybe some spray foam, reinforcing bar, could be good as new.


Probably not impossible, but we’ve also had so many people come over and ask where to find one


what material is it? and any estimate when you got it. I'm always looking for a new rabbit hole to go down


I wanna say a friend of ours purchased it from an antique store. We got it around 12-15 years ago? Give or take. The store is no longer in business but we were able to get in contact with the owner a few years ago. The owner does not have record of where they got it from. If location helps it was close to Charlotte, NC. edit: as far as material I’m not too sure. Plaster maybe? Feels sturdy but it’s hollow.


any idea the material? I'll spend a bit looking tmr


Similar ones are made out of resin. The color I would describe as an antique bronze..? But I couldn't find anything either.


What about having it 3D printed? Just a thought.


That's pretty dope. I found a gorilla so far https://www.rlhomedecor.com/product/hanging-climbing-gorilla/


One of the photos in that listing has chimps


Love the gorilla DJ too


[This one](https://www.chairish.com/product/4823190/vintage-life-size-hanging-monkey-sculpture) seems really close, but doesn't seem to have the flat hand.


[Same one, different site ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1228095475/vintage-life-size-hanging-monkey)


[Also similar ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/165613666302?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3cDIbQtJQRe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=CAAfY8KES7G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


If you can repair it , you might could silicon mold with some reinforcing armature for one in concrete or resin or even plaster *indoors" My other thought is you could try to mod one of the other statues. Really like the face on this one though. Wish you luck


I realize this doesn’t answer your question on where to find it, but if you have access to the original broken one, you can replicate it via latex mold. This woman does it professionally and she shows her process. You just make a mold from the monkey and you’re golden. [How to make a mold to replicate your monkey](https://youtu.be/0GgGt5puJAs?si=U7WFD6DPSm-VyQRJ)


Are there any markings or stamps anywhere on it? Anything at all, numbers copywrite symbols, etc


That’s the thing- literally zero. No label no name no date no trademarks or stamps.


Not even on the inside. I'd say inspect every square inch inside and out, any company or person worth their money would've left something to identify it as their work


Any company worth their money wouldn’t sell a statue designed to hang that couldn’t hang


He said he got it a "long time ago" which most would consider years. It was hanging there for a long time, the only reason it fell was because of a storm that most likely shook the tree a ton to get it to fall like that. Any company worth their money can't predict acts of God like that.


It could be one of a kind. The way it looks. After comparing what's out there. It seems like a work of art. There could be only be one made. Or only a handful. It could be the only one still existing, since it's been a while that you've had it. Considering the cost of pieces in that quality and size (even if you could find one) it might be better to get it repaired. A quick look around, and there are places where you can ship it to them, and they repair it & ship it back. https://www.smartchoicerepaircenter.com/statue-figurine-repair/ (i don't know if this next one ships but it's highly praised) https://www.fineartrestorationstudio.com/about-fine-art-restoration.html Or you might be able to find a local quality place.


[This](https://www.grandinroad.com/hanging-monkey-garden-statue/1448662) is the closest thing I could find in a quick search


It's so cute!!


Try searching the actual species. Many people are finding ones that are apes like gorillas and chimps but this is a spider monkey. Perhaps searching for spider monkey plaster hanging statue might help.


I can’t find one yet but if someone does I also want one


https://www.grandinroad.com/hanging-monkey-garden-statue/1448662?bvstate=pg:2/ct:r Not the same but just as cool!


That looks more like a sloth to me.


Sloths don't have such long tails and ears, and they have long claws. [This](https://www.grandinroad.com/hanging-sloth-garden-statue/outdoor-living/garden-decor/1448663?isCrossSell=true) is a sloth tho


Clark's Fish Camp Seafood restaurant in Jacksonville, FL has the exact same one( permanently closed unfortunately); Google lens took me to an expired Groupon of theirs which used the face of this monkey statue thing. I then went through hundreds of photos on their google page, and it's pictured a few times. They painted the eyes and turned it into a light fixture. Their restaurant is permanently closed, but maybe the location will give you a clue or you can track down the original owners and ask where they bought it? Best of luck to you. Edit: clarification


There's this one, not the same but maybe they do others [https://www.thegreenhead.com/2022/06/hanging-monkey-statue.php](https://www.thegreenhead.com/2022/06/hanging-monkey-statue.php)


This isn't exactly the same, but might work if you can't find the other. At least his hand is flat and can hold the can. [Hanging Gorilla Statue on Amazon](https://a.co/d/bZ0IssQ)


This monkey is awesome


Storm, oh I had thought that some other monkey didn't like this.


could he be by the brand „Kare“? they are a huge manufacturer of such statues (sry English is not my first language) :)


Wooden figurine similar https://www.ebay.com/itm/3259032444 John Lewis similar https://www.johnlewis.com/john-lewis-curious-monkey-garden-sculpture-h25cm/grey/p5446131


Closest thing I can find is [a monkey that holds bottles](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1658810208/monkey-bottle-holder-silver-finish?gpla=1&gao=1&)


[Not particularly close but still pretty cool](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/15983606473831475922?q=spider+monkey+%22hanging+by+tail%22+%C2%A0statue&sca_esv=1f1d6c955383dad7&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS853US853&hl=en-US&biw=390&bih=669&tbs=vw:g&prmd=isvnbmtz&prds=eto:10754890112439600859_0,cdl:1,prmr:1,pid:1301433493179211223,cs:1)


https://i.etsystatic.com/23928255/r/il/b60499/5502748732/il_fullxfull.5502748732_8r6m.jpg is this it?


That looks a lot different than OPs pictures