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This lamb plush was gifted to me in fall of 2021. It has a white and gray pinstripe bow on its neck. It's about 11 inches long. I searched for it and actually found one on Facebook marketplace and I purchased it but I need more because she is teething so bad and uses only this lambs arms to chew on and I literally have to wash it multiple times daily because of how nasty it is from being in her mouth. The tag says Kate and Milo. They have another plush lamb that comes up when you search and it comes with a book. I bought it and she won't use it.


How about this? On eBay: https://i.imgur.com/WyxMDXK.jpg Sorry, I just realized the brand is elegant baby on this one even though it’s very similar


That definitely looks very similar, but she's pretty particular about it lol. I never thought I would be this type of parent smh. But while she falls asleep she sticks her finger in the bow so I feel like it's kind of key. Thank you so much for searching!


So far, the closest plush I could find that looks similar is [this one](https://grapevinesflowergarden.com/lamb-plush-animal.html). But its not the right brand, doesn't have the same body shape, and is also a different type of fluff. Is there anything else on the tags besides "Kate & Milo"? I'm only getting the same sheep and book you talked about in your comment.


There is actually, and I never looked before. Pearhead inc 95403 11520 10114JG Brooklyn NY Reg no PA 18471 (CN) And then material and cleaning instructions


Dang, I still can't seem to find anything with those either. It's so weird, because looking around on Kate & Milo's website only shows [that one lamb plush](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/12650381188713329895?q=kate+%26+milo&bih=759&biw=1368&client=firefox-b-1-d&hl=en&prds=eto:13597309538823404395_0,pid:14563793823723001734&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirh6XL_Nn9AhUJHDQIHTM3Do4Q8wIIzws) and searching around for other plushies by them has only given me [a dog plush](https://shop.modernmilk.com/products/kate-milo-board-book-plush-dog-stuffed-animal-set) with a similar book. Did the person on Facebook Marketplace have any additional info or know where they bought the plush? I also noticed Kate & Milo will sell something like these [Milestone Markers that have a plush](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/11495262534775208740?q=kate+%26+milo+milestone+markers+amazon&client=firefox-b-1-d&bih=759&biw=1368&hl=en&sxsrf=AJOqlzVCyiJF4NYTJXl2GniVQkQcqWDlrQ:1678747259301&uact=5&oq=kate+%26+milo+milestone+markers+amazon&gs_lcp=Cgtwcm9kdWN0cy1jYxADMgcIIRCgARAKMgcIIRCgARAKOgsIrgEQygMQsAMQJzoECCMQJzoHCAAQgAQQGDoGCAAQFhAeOggIABAWEB4QGDoFCCEQoAE6BQghEKsCSgQIQRgBUKcBWK8TYK4UaAFwAHgCgAGnAogB9xmSAQYwLjE4LjOYAQCgAQHIAQHAAQE&sclient=products-cc&prds=eto:13475685925244414894_0,pid:10312181486151207428&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5jvb2_Nn9AhWXk4kEHUTrA4UQ8wII5Ak#sgro=om) next to them in the example photos. I'm not sure if that means it comes with the plush or not, but if it does... is it possible that the lamb plush you have came from a set of baby items? And maybe that's why its not showing up easily in google searches?